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EPS与阳离子对活性污泥沉降性能的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用超声波法和阳离子交换树脂法分别提取好氧活性污泥(SRT分别为3、15d)絮体外层的胞外聚合物(LEPS)和内层的胞外聚合物(TEPS),并用LEPS和TEPS分别絮凝污泥悬浮液,探讨了EPS的种类及投量、阳离子的价数与浓度对重新絮凝生物絮体沉降性能的影响。结果表明,4种EPS絮凝污泥悬浮液所形成生物絮体的SVI值均随EPS投量的增加而增大,增幅由小到大排序为:15dTEPS3dTEPS15dLEPS3dLEPS;Al3+较Ca2+絮凝污泥悬浮液所形成生物絮体的Zeta电位低且结构密实,更能促进重新絮凝生物絮体的压缩沉降。  相似文献   

胞外聚合物的生成特性及其对污水生物处理的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
微生物产生的胞外聚合物(EPS)是活性污泥生物絮体的主要组成部分,而且不同基质条件会对其产生不同的影响。在活性污泥中,EPS的存在对生物絮凝、沉降及脱水性能等具有重要的影响,在控制和改善污泥处理过程中起着举足轻重的作用;阐述了EPS对膜污染的贡献,及其对金属离子的络合作用。  相似文献   

活性污泥中丝状菌与絮体结构的关系研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
通过试验和观察,研究了活性污泥中丝状菌与絮体结构的关系,常见的活性污泥絮体可分为六大类型,在不同的处理工艺和运行条件下,各类型污泥比例不同,丝状菌在污泥絮体的形成过程中所起的作用也不相同。而在活性污泥膨胀时,生物相结构中的丝状菌可分为结构性的和非结构性的两大类,它们起着不同的作用,运行中必须通过不同的方法和措施加以防治。  相似文献   

胞外聚合物对生物絮凝影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用超声波法与阳离子交换树脂法分别提取好氧活性污泥絮体外层的胞外聚合物(LEPS)与内层的胞外聚合物(TEPS),用LEPS与TEPS分别絮凝污泥悬浮液,考察它们对生物絮凝的影响.研究结果表明,增加LEPS投量不利于生物絮凝,并且LEPS表面负电荷的增大与疏水性的降低会导致絮凝效果变差;而提高TEPs投量能够促进生物絮凝,当TEPS投量>60mg/gVSS时.其投量的增加对絮凝率的影响不大;泥龄为15d的TEPS较3d的TEPS具有更大的疏水性,表现出更强的絮凝性能.二价阳离子(如Ca2+)能有效降低颗粒物之间的静电斥力,促进生物絮凝;然而,三价阳离子(如Al3+)是生物絮凝中最重要的阳离子成分.  相似文献   

高浓度悬浊液架桥絮凝分形体的形态学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对85kg/m^3的黄河泥沙水进行了高浓度悬浊液架桥絮凝沉降试验,考察了架桥絮凝分形体的形态学特性,并用电镜观察了絮体构造。结果表明,絮体结构及其形成过程具有分形特征;参数“分维D”可用于定量表征分形絮凝体的形态学特性:①絮体生长机制以DLCA与RLCA模式为主,其生长模式从快速混合阶段的分枝状DLCA结构逐步向慢速絮凝阶段的密实RLCA构型演变;②粒径分布在3个区域,其曲线形状类似广义的正态分布,“分维”能定量确定絮体密实性与沉降特性达最佳时的粒径范围;③分形结构的不断演变引起絮体内部渗透性显著不同,分形絮体自由沉降规律不能用Stokes定律进行合理解释;④在一定粒径范围内,絮体有效质量密度与Stokes粒径存在双对数线性关系,絮体的孔隙率是影响其密实性的主要原因;⑤对相同含沙量的泥沙水絮凝时,Al2(SO4)3形成的无机混凝剂絮体结构与高分子架桥絮体分形结构相比,具有絮体粒径小、结构脆弱,能承受的剪切强度G值低等特点。  相似文献   

污泥回流比对絮体破碎再絮凝及沉后水水质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用铁盐污泥回流处理低浊、微污染原水,研究了不同污泥回流比对絮体破碎再絮凝特性和沉后水水质的影响。结果表明:与无污泥回流工艺相比,回流2%~10%的污泥可使絮体的絮凝指数(FI值)大幅提高,但不同回流比条件下的FI值差别不显著;污泥回流使絮体的抗破碎能力有所提高,但破碎后絮体的再絮凝能力明显下降;絮体的成长速率和强度因子随着回流比的增大而逐渐提高,而恢复因子却逐渐降低。另外,回流2%~8%的铁盐污泥能够显著提高对浊度和有机物的去除率,且浊度去除率与絮体恢复因子有较好的相关性。  相似文献   

利用原子力显微镜液池成像技术对不同微絮凝时间条件下不同铝形态分布的PACl与SiO2颗粒物所形成絮体的微观形貌结构特性进行了观测与表征,并通过光子相关光谱对絮体生长过程进行激光粒度分析,结合微絮凝过滤工艺进行试验验证。结果表明,新改进的液池成像技术能够较好地反映混凝过程中微絮体的形貌变化特征及不同的絮凝作用机理,从而实现对环境微观界面过程的原位观测与表征。  相似文献   

为了更好的研究絮凝过程中的颗粒碰撞方式与絮体成长规律,基于Matlab平台,对三维有限扩散集团凝聚(DLCA)模型进行改进,分别模拟异向絮凝和同向絮凝状态下絮体的生长过程,探讨絮凝工艺中两种絮凝作用对絮体成长的影响。结果表明絮凝前期,异向絮凝有助于颗粒之间的碰撞,生成小絮体,而在絮凝中后段,同向絮凝对大絮体的形成以及絮体结构的调整更为有利,两种絮凝方式的结合,可以提升絮凝的效果。  相似文献   

对吸附架桥机理主导下阴离子聚丙烯酰胺(APAM)的絮凝过程进行了研究,通过改变絮凝剂投加工况,对比分析常规絮凝与多级絮凝在污染物去除效果、絮体性能、絮体生长动力学与污泥调理能耗等方面的差异。结果表明,相同投药量下,两级絮凝的出水浊度低于三级絮凝和常规絮凝,两级絮凝在最少的APAM投加量(2 mg/L)下达到最低的出水浊度(19.53 NTU);与常规絮凝相比,两级絮凝的絮体成长速率、平均粒径和沉降速率分别增加12.67%、30μm、36.74%。两级絮凝在投加间隔为240 s、投配比为1∶1条件下絮凝效能最优,出水浊度为15.34 NTU,絮体沉降速率为1.1 NTU/s,絮体密度达到1.123 4 g/cm3。絮体破碎再絮凝过程中,两级絮凝与常规絮凝破碎后均能恢复至破碎前水平,但破碎后均出现不可逆的絮体结构破损,粒径在0~100μm的絮体颗粒增多,粒径>400μm的絮体减少,破碎后两级絮凝的絮体强度因子(68.15%)高于常规絮凝(41.63%),两级絮凝的絮体强度和抗破碎剪切能力更高。在剩余污泥调理方面,两级絮凝产生的污泥只需要投加40mg/L的APAM就可以达到最低的滤饼含水率(75.5%)。因此,两级絮凝可以显著提升除浊效能与絮体性能,是强化絮凝的发展方向。  相似文献   

以硫酸铝为混凝剂,采用智能光散射分析仪(IPDA)对絮体破碎与再絮凝过程进行连续在线监测,考察了pH值和硫酸铝投量对絮体形成及破碎后再絮凝的影响.结果表明:当电性中和作用占主导时(硫酸铝投量为O.12 mmol/L,以Al计),絮体破碎后能继续再絮凝,高岭土-铝体系中产生的絮体恢复因子高达117%,高岭土-腐殖酸-铝体系中产生的絮体恢复因子高达110%;当网捕卷扫作用占主导时(硫酸铝投量≥0.2 mmoL/L),絮体破碎后不能完全恢复,恢复效果不如电性中和作用下的;腐殖酸的存在明显影响絮体形成和破碎后再絮凝过程的絮凝指数.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a previously developed toxicity monitoring method for activated sludge wastewater treatment employing a bioluminescent bacterium (Shk1) was evaluated in batch experiments and a bench-scale activated sludge system exposed to heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Ni, and Cd). Influent wastewater (primary clarifier supernatant) and activated sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant were used in both batch experiments and in the bench-scale wastewater treatment system. Shk1 bioluminescence was most sensitive to Cd and Zn, followed by Cu, and then Ni in order of decreasing sensitivity. In contrast, activated sludge specific oxygen uptake rate was most sensitive to Cu, followed by Cd and Zn, and finally Ni. The same pattern of sensitivity was observed in batch and bench-scale evaluations. Batch experiments examining the effect of metal adsorption were performed. The adsorption of metals to activated sludge and reduction in bioavailability due to chelation by soluble organics or by precipitation in wastewater was found to be an important effect in mediating differences in toxicity response between bioluminescence and respirometry. Batch adsorption experiments indicated that the activated sludge adsorption capacity was highest for Cu, followed by Cd, Ni, and then Zn. A simple mathematical model for the soluble metal concentration in the aeration basin and clarifier was developed utilizing metal distribution coefficients determined from the batch adsorption experiments. Model predictions compared well with results from the bench-scale activated sludge experiments.  相似文献   

The seasonal accumulation of biological foam on the activated sludge system of the Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District Northeast (UCSD-NE) wastewater treatment plant was investigated over an 8-year period by statistical analyses including path analysis, multivariate regression, and principal component analysis. Results of these analyses suggested that variation in the activated sludge reactor temperature and the use of a stream bypassing the primary clarifier were the two main factors determining the observed temporal foam profile. Characterization of the primary clarifier influent and effluent suggested the involvement of high lipid loading rates from the bypass stream in foam accumulation. In light of these results, it is hypothesized that increasing temperatures and lipid loading rates are responsible for foam formation through the same mechanism: the foam-forming microbial population is specialized in consuming lipids, substrates classified as slowly degradable. When the temperature increases, the rate of lipid hydrolysis becomes sufficiently high for this population to become abundant, accumulate on the surfaces of the aeration basins, and cause biological foaming.  相似文献   

A model of the concentrations of suspended solids (SS) in the aeration tanks and in the effluent from these during Aeration tank settling (ATS) operation is established. The model is based on simple SS mass balances, a model of the sludge settling and a simple model of how the SS concentration in the effluent from the aeration tanks depends on the actual concentrations in the tanks and the sludge blanket depth. The model is formulated in continuous time by means of stochastic differential equations with discrete-time observations. The parameters of the model are estimated using a maximum likelihood method from data from an alternating BioDenipho waste water treatment plant (WWTP). The model is an important tool for analyzing ATS operation and for selecting the appropriate control actions during ATS, as the model can be used to predict the SS amounts in the aeration tanks as well as in the effluent from the aeration tanks.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate how including the occurrence of filamentous bulking sludge in a secondary clarifier model will affect the predicted process performance during the simulation of WWTPs. The IWA Benchmark Simulation Model No. 2 (BSM2) is hereby used as a simulation case study. Practically, the proposed approach includes a risk assessment model based on a knowledge-based decision tree to detect favourable conditions for the development of filamentous bulking sludge. Once such conditions are detected, the settling characteristics of the secondary clarifier model are automatically changed during the simulation by modifying the settling model parameters to mimic the effect of growth of filamentous bacteria. The simulation results demonstrate that including effects of filamentous bulking in the secondary clarifier model results in a more realistic plant performance. Particularly, during the periods when the conditions for the development of filamentous bulking sludge are favourable – leading to poor activated sludge compaction, low return and waste TSS concentrations and difficulties in maintaining the biomass in the aeration basins – a subsequent reduction in overall pollution removal efficiency is observed. Also, a scenario analysis is conducted to examine i) the influence of sludge retention time (SRT), the external recirculation flow rate (Qr) and the air flow rate in the bioreactor (modelled as kLa) as factors promoting bulking sludge, and ii) the effect on the model predictions when the settling properties are changed due to a possible proliferation of filamentous microorganisms. Finally, the potentially adverse effects of certain operational procedures are highlighted, since such effects are normally not considered by state-of-the-art models that do not include microbiology-related solids separation problems.  相似文献   

Stability of sludge blanket is a critical factor controlling the performance of clarifiers. A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was applied to optimize the clarifier design at the Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works, Hong Kong. Validated by field data, the CFD model evaluated the key clarifier design elements including side-water depth, centre-feed inlet, flocculation well and returned activated sludge (RAS) flow. Based on field observations and modelling results, the new design aims at eliminating the strong turbulence typical of centre-feed inlets in the clarifier, thus creating a better flocculation environment, and reducing disturbance to the sludge blanket. The modelling results also demonstrated a marked improvement in clarifier performance after the increase in clarifier depth and hence sludge storage capacity. The increased storage capacity reduces the risk of high sludge blanket levels upsetting the clarified effluent quality under high flow or solids loading conditions.  相似文献   

针对某城市污水处理厂活性污泥系统中产生的仙女虫进行防治对策研究.由于仙女虫的吞噬作用使得活性污泥的絮体结构遭到破坏,造成二沉池表面出现浮泥,出水悬浮物浓度高达116 mg/L,生物反应池内污泥浓度大幅降低,对COD、氮和磷的去除效率下降.采用排除二沉池表面的浮泥、减小污泥龄、降低曝气池中的溶解氧浓度和添加初沉池污泥等措施后,仙女虫消失,污泥浓度逐渐增加到2 252 mg/L,出水SS降低至20 mg/L以下,系统恢复正常.通过投加初沉池污泥以提高有机负荷是防治仙女虫的有效途径.  相似文献   

The separation of microbial mass in an activated sludge system depends on the formation of large settleable sludge flocs. Microbial cells agglomerate into small clumps and subsequently into sludge flocs by a natural bioflocculation process. The resulting biological mass may exist as individual cells, small aggregates, or large flocs in the aeration basin effluent. In the secondary clarifier, only large flocs are separated by sedimentation while individual cells and small aggregates are washed out as effluent suspended solids.

In the present study, the separation of sludge by sedimentation was shown to be closely related to the surface roughness of the resulting flocs. Normal sludges were observed to have relatively smooth surfaces while filamentous and zoogloeal bulking sludges were noted to have rough and diffused surfaces. The filamentous growths and the non-filamentous protuberances on the bulking sludge surface serve to increase the frictional drag between the moving solid and the liquid. This contributes to a lower settling velocity and associated dewatering rate of bulking sludges.

Conversely, the quantity of non-settleable solids was shown to be related to the quantity of extracellular biopolymers excreted by the microorganisms. The quantity of biopolymers produced decreased for higher Process Loading Intensity or lower sludge age levels thereby resulting in poor aggregation of cells into clumps and subsequently into flocs. This contributes to low clarification efficiencies of the activated sludge process.  相似文献   

污水处理中CASS工艺活性污泥培养与驯化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过重庆市大渡口污水处理厂工程,重点介绍了工程调试中活性污泥培养与驯化的情况。实践表明,采用接种法培养驯化活性污泥20d就能完成污泥培养驯化,COD、BOD、SS的去除率分别为77.8%~88.3%、88.4%~95.9%、83.1%~92.1%,各项出水水质指标达到或优于设计目标。最后对培养驯化过程中出现的泡沫、进水BOD低营养源不足、滗水后期有微弱曝气和污泥回流、排泥等问题提出了相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

AB工艺是高负荷活性污泥处理技术,作为处理高浓度城市污水的有效方法,在BOD5、 COD、SS等常规项目的去除上有着较好的效果,但对NH3-N、T-P的去除效果不大.笔者结合 青岛市海泊河污水处理厂近10年的运行实践,阐述了高负荷活性污泥法在该厂的具体应用效果 及采取的改良工艺和措施.研究了AB工艺A段、B段处理效果的影响因素,论述了间曝法作为一 种改良工艺其脱氮除磷的效果.从理论、实验、实际运行管理上研讨了AB工艺的特点.  相似文献   

A simple dynamic model of the activated sludge process including the volatile suspended solids (VSS) concentration in the aeration basin, the VSS or suspended solids (SS) concentration in the recycle flow and the SS concentration in the effluent was obtained by simplifying a comprehensive model using empirically verified assumptions. The model can be used for on-line estimation of the influent BOD-load and the effluent BOD, in combination with a recursive algorithm for oxygen uptake rate (OUR) and kLa estimation requiring only dissolved oxygen and air flow rate measurements. The estimation procedure has been implemented and tested at a real plant using a microprocessor. Control of the activated sludge process is discussed and concluded to be a hierarchical two-level problem. The upper level control actions are aimed at bringing the process to an optimal state of operation. For this purpose verbally formulated control laws are used. On the lower level the control task is to maintain the process in the optimal state.  相似文献   

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