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邻居刘女士这几天笑逐颜开,心情特爽,逢人就说她多年的咽炎好了,这多亏了那橘红果!原来,刘女士性情比较急,爱着急上火,有严重的咽炎,治疗多年不愈,竞长出了息肉,说话费劲,声音嘶哑。她无意中听说橘红果治疗咽炎效果不错,就买来喝了20多天。如今感觉舒服多了,说话也“透亮”了,吃东西往下咽也不那么费劲了。  相似文献   

《烹调知识》至2008年11月已经出版了292期,尚有8期就满300期了,可谓是“老字号”。“老字号”有老的特色,为了吸引读者,许多餐饮刊物都进行了变脸术,原来讲究“文图并茂”,近来却以图片为主打篇幅,花花绿绿,俨若青春少女,真是羡煞人。它的最大弊端是图片挤占了版面,文字解释的内容削减了,这样,需要文字表达的关键之处,则难以阐明。读者看了图,往往不能完全理解。  相似文献   

富人送给穷人一头牛,穷人满怀希望开始奋斗。牛要吃草,找草太耗精力,于是他把牛卖了,买了几只羊,吃了一只,剩下的用来生小羊;可小羊迟迟没出生,日子变艰难了,只能把羊卖了,买成了鸡,想让鸡下蛋赚钱,但是来钱太慢,最后他把鸡也杀了,贫穷依旧。  相似文献   

讨论了钳工在攻制内螺纹的工作中,尤其是机攻时,常出现的问题,提出了改进措施,着重介绍了丝攻的修磨。还介绍了攻丝操作中冷却润滑液改进,通过实践摸索,研制了新型的“机攻螺纹润滑液”,节约了成本,提高了工效,保证了产品的合格率,取得了较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

吃饱穿暖,是人类生存最基本的需求。如今生活好了,吃穿都不愁了,但一种食物是否真正称得上是美食,那就因人而异了。所谓“饥了香,饱了臭”,在今天看来都算不上什么美食。但当年我们把这些在今天看来再平常不过的食物都吃出了美味,吃出了好的心情,吃出了智慧。  相似文献   

犹太人不堪忍受法老的奴役和折磨,在摩西的带领下出逃埃及,历尽艰辛,风餐露宿,终于回到了故土迦南地。然而,迦南地经历了多年的战乱和旱灾,早已面目全非。村庄变成了残壁断垣,农田变成了不毛之地,河流变成了高深沟壑。  相似文献   

在纺织品印花工艺中,海藻酸钠是传统的糊料原料,因其价位高,污染重,急需开发环保、降低印花成本的新材料。已有不少厂家开发了新型印花糊料,但从降低成本,提高产品质及环保方面效果并不明显。我厂研制的科源复合印花糊料,提高了印花质量和生产效率,明显降低了生产成本,还起到了环保作用,在印花工艺中完全取代了海藻酸钠,价廉物美,具有显著的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

在纺织品印花工艺中,海藻酸钠是传统的糊料原料,因其价位高,污染重,急需开发环保、降低印花成本的新材料。已有不少厂家开发了新型印花糊料,但从降低成本,提高产品质及环保方面效果并不明显。我厂研制的科源复合印花糊料,提高了印花质量和生产效率,明显降低了生产成本,还起到了环保作用,在印花工艺中完全取代了海藻酸钠,价廉物美,具有显著的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

陈瑛 《食品与生活》2006,(11):16-16
中国是茶叶的故乡,早在四五千年前的原始社会末期,茶叶就被最早发现和利用。这就是《尔雅》中有记载的“神农尝百草,日遇七十二毒,得荼而解之”的故事。这其中的“茶”指的就是“茶”。传说神农氏生活在母系氏族社会,以采集中药材为生。有一天,他又上山采集药材,尝了一些药材之后,突然觉得头晕目眩、口干舌燥、浑身乏力,好象中了毒的感觉,就靠在一棵树下休息。正是清晨时分,树叶上面不时有露水滴落下来,碰巧有几滴落在了神农氏的13中,他下意识地把露水咽了下去。没想到咽下几口之后,竟渐渐缓过神来,慢慢地变得神清气爽了。神农氏起身爬到树上,采了不少树叶带回家中细细研看。发现这些树叶为网状脉,具有明显的主脉,并向两侧发出许多的侧脉,侧脉之间又分出几条细脉。这就是最早被发现的茶叶了。不过茶叶最早并不是作为一种饮料来泡饮,而是口嚼生食,主要是作为一种药材来被利用。到了周朝和春秋时代,人们为了能较长时间保存茶叶,开始把茶叶晒干。饮用的时候用水煮成羹,这就是茶叶的羹饮法。大约到了三国时期,开始出现了饼茶的制作。人们将采来的茶叶先做成饼,晒干或烘干,  相似文献   

小年夜母亲生日,请了一些洋朋友来吃饭,就算庆祝中国新年了。猪肉饺子是自己揉的面,煮熟了像一个个白白胖胖的娃娃,特别可爱。没有春卷皮,就买洋人超市的蛋卷(Egg Roll Wrapper),以为尺寸相同,名称不同而已,结果一包只有17张,皮子厚得像墨西哥饼似的,吃了一个就填饱了肚子。幸亏洋人不懂,只要是油里炸的,都欢天喜地。用黄酒浸的上海醉鸡,母亲尝后说味道很好,但是没有一个洋人喜欢。  相似文献   

针对当前制干红枣清洗方式存在红枣皱褶内污物清洗较为困难、耗水量大,损伤红枣、农药残留等问题,设计制作了智能控制双池超声波红枣连续清洗装置,该装置由喷淋初洗池、红枣沥水输送装置、超声精洗池等组成,将喷淋冲洗清洗较大污物的优势与超声清洗高效、高质的优势有机结合起来。对装置清洗效果进行试验,得出超声波精洗池频率为28 kHz、功率为400 W、水温为50 ℃、时间为3 min时,洗净率98.10%,破损率小于0.8%,清洗效率高、清洗质量好。基于浊度计算理论,对装置在红枣清洗过程中各池浊度值的变化进行了计算,从理论上分析了其节水性;对样机耗水进行试验,耗水量明显减少。  相似文献   

再谈异性纤维的在线检测清除   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了用好异性纤维检出设备,对提高异纤检出率的问题进行了分析,综合评定了异纤检出机的作用.认为异纤检出机的检出率一般应在80%左右,将开清棉工序异纤检出机和带异纤检出功能的电子清纱器结合使用,可有效提高异纤检出率,保证产品质量.  相似文献   

Persistent Listeria monocytogenes contamination of food industry equipment is a difficult problem to solve. Ultrasonic cleaning offers new possibilities for cleaning conveyors and other equipment that are not easy to clean. Ultrasonic cleaning was tested on three conveyor belt materials: polypropylene, acetal, and stainless steel (cold-rolled, AISI 304). Cleaning efficiency was tested at two temperatures (30 and 45 degrees C) and two cleaning times (30 and 60 s) with two cleaning detergents (KOH, and NaOH combined with KOH). Conveyor belt materials were soiled with milk-based soil and L. monocytogenes strains V1, V3, and B9, and then incubated for 72 h to attach bacteria to surfaces. Ultrasonic cleaning treatments reduced L. monocytogenes counts on stainless steel 4.61 to 5.90 log units; on acetal, 3.37 to 5.55 log units; and on polypropylene, 2.31 to 4.40 log units. The logarithmic reduction differences were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software. The logarithmic reduction was significantly greater in stainless steel than in plastic materials (P < 0.001 for polypropylene, P = 0.023 for acetal). Higher temperatures enhanced the cleaning efficiency in tested materials. No significant difference occurred between cleaning times. The logarithmic reduction was significantly higher (P = 0.013) in cleaning treatments with potassium hydroxide detergent. In this study, ultrasonic cleaning was efficient for cleaning conveyor belt materials.  相似文献   

Technical success and effectiveness of teat cleaning and the management factors associated with them were evaluated in 9 automatic milking herds. In total, 616 teats cleaned with a cleaning cup and 716 teats cleaned with rotating brushes were included. Technical success and the effectiveness of teat cleaning, including the location and nature of the dirt, were evaluated visually. On average, 79.9% of teat cleanings with a cleaning cup, and 85.0% of those cleaned with brushes succeeded technically; that is, the teat was correctly positioned in the cleaning device throughout the whole cleaning process. The difference between use of teat cups and brushes was significant. However, because technical success of teat cleaning is strongly dependent on herd characteristics, these results should be interpreted with caution. Factors associated with the technical success of teat cleaning with a cleaning cup were herd, days in milk, behavior of the cow, teat color, and teat location. For rotating brushes, behavior of the cow, teat location, udder and teat structure, and days in milk were associated with technical success. Excessive udder hair and technical failure of the automatic milking machine also caused a few technically unsuccessful teat cleanings with a cleaning cup. Teats with technically successful teat cleanings were evaluated for the effectiveness of teat cleaning. From originally dirty teats, the cleaning cup had a significant advantage over the brushes in the percentage of teats that became clean or almost clean during the cleaning process (79.8 vs. 72.9%). Teat orifices were least effectively cleaned compared with the teat barrel and apex. Bedding material (peat, sawdust, or straw) on the teat was cleaned almost completely. Factors associated with the effectiveness of teat cleaning were teat cleanliness before cleaning, herd, teat cleaning method, and teat condition. The variation among herds indicates the likelihood that herd management factors can be adjusted to improve milking hygiene. There is also a need to improve the precision and effectiveness of the teat cleaning mechanisms of automatic milking systems.  相似文献   

The relative eficiencies of acidified boiling water used twice per day (A2), acidified boiling water used once per day (A1) and cold circulation (C) cleaning as used on 24 Northern Ireland farms were compared over a nine month period divided into three cleaning periods each of three months. Overall, the A1 system gave inferior results to the A2 and C systems which gave similar results. These diflerences between the cleaning systems were the same in each of the three cleaning periods. When a comparison of cleaning periods was made, irrespective of cleaning systems, it was found that better plant hygiene occurred during the first period (January-April) than during the other two periods.
A periodic hot clean (approximately once per month) was found to be effective in reducing bacterial numbers when the C cleaning system was in operation. It was also found that a build-up of bacterial numbers occurred on plants during the last two cleaning periods when the A1 and A2 cleaning systems were in operation.
Finally, irrespective of the cleaning system employed, it was found that poor plant hygiene prevailed on many of the farms on several occasions.  相似文献   

小麦清理工艺的新变化及碾麦技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国小麦面粉质量的不断提高,近10年来小麦加工清理技术有了很大的发展,清理工艺不断改进,清理设备不断更新。简述了小麦清理工艺的发展过程,总结了当前小麦清理技术的最新进展,并重点介绍了碾麦清理技术的应用与效果.最后分析、展望了小麦清理技术的发展前景。  相似文献   

高产梳棉机提高除杂作用的研究分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
研究提高高产梳棉机除杂作用的技术措施.分析了影响梳棉机刺辊部分除杂及锡林盖板部分除杂的因素,并从工艺参数、工艺测试入手,研究了目前所采用的新技术措施的梳理和除杂作用及其对梳棉机落棉率、生条和成纱质量的影响.指出:为提高刺辊部分的梳理除杂作用,可采用梳针刺辊和梳针分梳板、刺辊下安装吸风尘刀的方法,为提高盖板部分的除杂作用,可采用锡林盖板间紧隔距、强分梳的工艺措施.  相似文献   

陶瓷膜处理巴西酸发酵液的膜化学清洗再生研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了用陶瓷膜处理巴西酸发酵液以及污染后膜的化学清洗再生,考察了各种清洗剂的单步和连续多步清洗的效果以及清洗时间对清洗效果的影响。结果表明,在28℃,0.15MPa压力下,选择0.75%NaClO和0.75%NaClO(第1步)+0.5%NaOH(第2步)+0.25%Na5P3O10(第3步)作为清洗剂清洗,10min清洗效果较好,膜通量的恢复率分别达到8792%和9434%。  相似文献   

目的 研究油茶籽粕去污除菌清洗剂的应用效果。方法 分别用人工污染鸭蛋和鲜鸭蛋为试验材料, 采用油茶籽粕鸭蛋去污除菌清洗剂(CX)、氧净洗液(YX)、自来水(SX)进行清洗处理, 比较其白度提高率、重量减轻率、除菌率和蛋新鲜度品质指标, 并以未加清洗处理作为对照(CK), 进行去污除菌效果的评价。 结果 CX清洗人工污染蛋的感官评分(88±3)分、白度提高率(18.59±0.18)%、重量减轻率(0.44±0.03)%, 菌落总数仅有(3.87±0.32) lg CFU/蛋壳(除菌率99%), 其去污除菌效果优于CK和SX清洗。CX清洗鲜鸭蛋, 其白度提高率(14.568±4.309)%, 重量减轻率(0.6112±0.0032)%, 洁蛋清洗水培养物的OD660为0.178±0.0054。清洗后的鸭蛋其保藏期内气室高度、哈夫值单位、蛋黄指数指标均优于YX、SX。结论 本研究所用的油茶籽粕鸭蛋去污除菌清洗剂清洁效果强, 保鲜力度高, 可延长鸭蛋的货架期  相似文献   

A method for evaluating cleaning effect based on Bacillus cereus spores was developed and tested in a model system designed to resemble actual farm conditions. A test rig with four removable sampling plates was mounted in a milk line. The plates were attached at the end of T-junctions protruding either 1·5 or 3-times the milk pipe diameter from the main loop to reflect different levels of cleaning difficulty. In each cleaning test, B. cereus spores were applied to the four sampling plates to simulate soil. A series of cleaning tests was conducted at 35, 45, 55 and 65°C with six commercial chlorine-free, alkaline detergents; three liquid and three powder-based products. A commercial alkaline detergent with chlorine, a sodium hydroxide solution, a sodium hydroxider/hypochlorite solution and pure water were also tested. Triplicate tests were performed with each cleaning solution, giving a total of 120 cleaning tests. The cleaning effect was evaluated by comparing the number of spores before and after cleaning. At all temperatures, the two chlorine-based cleaning solutions gave significantly greater reductions in B. cereus spores than the chlorine-free products. All six commercial chlorine-free, alkaline detergents generally gave similar cleaning effects, with no differences in the performance of powder-based and liquid forms. The mechanical spore reduction effect with water alone was greater (1·5-1·8 log-units) than the additional chemical effect of sodium hydroxide or chlorine-free detergents (0·5-1·2 log-units). The chlorine-based solutions had a considerably more powerful chemical effect (2-4 log-units depending on temperature). In general, an increase in cleaning solution temperature up to 55°C gave a greater reduction in spores. A further increase to 65°C did not improve cleaning effectiveness.  相似文献   

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