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针对食醋中大肠菌群的国家标准检验方法与限量标准之间存在不匹配的问题,应用滤膜对大肠菌群检验初发酵步骤进行改进研究,试验表明,采用滤膜对食醋样品过滤处理后进行初发酵能够较好地解决国标法中存在的不足。  相似文献   

食醋是一种传统的酿造调味品,当前食醋掺假的问题仍时有发生,食醋掺假检验方法的研究已成为当前调味品研究的热点之一。食醋掺假形式多种多样,掺假检验方法也各不相同,有的基于食醋特有的酿造组分如挥发性风味组分、有机酸、氨基酸等进行检验,有的通过检验食醋中掺入的非酿造组分如合成乙酸等进行识别。虽然当前食醋掺假检验方法研究取得了一定进展,但其实际应用尚不理想,将多指标组合使用识别食醋掺假可能是未来食醋掺假检验的重要方向。  相似文献   

文章采用三点检验法对食醋进行了差别检验,结果表明,该方法能评定出食醋之间的差别,适合于食醋的感官差别检验.  相似文献   

以标准大肠菌群液和两种香料香精为研究对象,分别以3M高灵敏度大肠菌群测试片法和国标法(GB/T4789.3—2003)进行大肠菌群检验。经X^2分析显示两种检验方法实验结果高度一致。说明3M高灵敏度大肠菌群测试片用于检测香料香精中大肠菌群是可行的。  相似文献   

国家质检总局对食醋产品质量进行的国家监督抽查结果显示,产品实物质量抽样合格率为93.3%。抽查结果表明,此次抽查的55种获国家免检的产品,质量保持在较高水平。抽查食醋产品的总砷、黄曲霉毒素B1、大肠菌群、沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、志贺氏菌等项目单项符合率均达到100%。  相似文献   

国家食品卫生标准大肠菌群检验方法探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要对国家食品卫生微生物标准大肠菌群测定的基本原理、方法步骤、应用范围等进行分析与探讨,指出大肠菌群检验方法存在的不足,提出我国食品卫生大肠菌群检验方法和标准的修订建议。  相似文献   

文章用二-三点检验法感官检验380,852 2种食醋样品之间香气的差异,结果表明:食醋380和852之间的香气有非常显著差异,该方法能检验出380和852食醋样品之间香气的差异。  相似文献   

一、前言根据国内食品生产发展的需要,有关部门提出了用大肠菌群的检验方法代替原部颁标准规定的大肠菌值检验方法,产品的等级标准将根据大肠菌群数化分。所谓大肠菌群数系指100毫升(克)食品内允许含有大肠菌群的实际数值,而原标准使用的大肠菌值系指发现大肠菌群之最小样品限量(克或毫升)。根据轻工业部的指示精神,要求我所用两种方法检验正常生产的50批乳制品样品,以便  相似文献   

白凤翎 《酿酒》2005,32(1):68-70
对国家现行发酵酒的大肠菌群标准和检验方法进行详尽的分析 ,重点讨论 9管法与 15管法的差异 ,提出大肠菌群检验方法的修改建议  相似文献   

采用五中取二检验法感官评价食醋的滋味差别,结果表明:2种食醋的滋味之间有非常显著的差异,该方法能区分出2种食醋滋味之间的差异,适用于食醋的滋味差别检验。  相似文献   

我国水产品卫生微生物标准中存在的问题和建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将我国水产品卫生标准微生物指标与国外发达国家与组织进行分析与比较,指出我国水产品卫生标准存在的问题,并提出修改标准的意见和建议.  相似文献   

关于酸奶卫生微生物国家标准的探究与建议   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对国家现行的酸奶卫生微生物标准进行比较详尽的分析和思考,并提出微生物指标体系的修改意见和建议。  相似文献   

A study was initiated to find the most suitable rapid microbiological method to monitor the hygienic performance and facilitate the hygienic management of a single-site spray drier/blending/packing operation. The advantages of employing a rapid method and the criteria and methods used to evaluate commercially available instruments are listed. A brief review of the DEFT, Bactec, Lumac, Bactobridge, Bactometer and Malthus instruments is given, from which we conclude that it is the impedimetric/conductivity instruments that show the greatest potential for the future. We selected the Malthus range of microbial growth analysers as the most suitable for our requirements.  相似文献   

猕猴桃果醋发酵工艺优化及质量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以猕猴桃果浆为原料,对果醋的发酵工艺进行优化并对其产品质量进行分析。通过单因素试验探讨复合果胶酶添加量、活性干酵母接种量、发酵醪酒度、醋酸杆菌接种量、醋酸发酵温度与时间对猕猴桃果醋发酵工艺的影响,通过正交试验得出最佳发酵工艺条件,并采用行业标准分析方法对成品的理化、卫生与微生物指标进行检测。结果表明:猕猴桃果浆在添加0.04g/L复合果胶酶并保温45℃处理2.5h后,进行果醋发酵的最佳工艺条件为活性干酵母接种量0.05g/L,发酵醪酒度达6%(V/V)时接入0.07‰(V/V)醋酸杆菌,于30℃发酵5d;在此条件下,成品中的乙酸含量可达6.17g/100mL,其他各项指标均符合相关国家标准的要求。  相似文献   

Cabeça de xara is a traditional ready-to-eat meat product (RTEMP) from the Portuguese region of Alentejo. It is a moulded galantine made of low value pork pieces. The aim of this work was to test the addition of vinegar in reducing the spoilage microbiota, as well as controlling Listeria monocytogenes, in order to increase the shelf-life of cabeça de xara. Physicochemical (fatty acids and biogenic amines profiles), microbiological (mesophiles, psychrotrophic bacteria, enterobacteria, yeasts and L. monocytogenes) and sensory analyses were performed throughout the storage period. RTEMP vinegar samples always showed lower microbiological counts than control samples. Moreover, RTEMP vinegar samples showed significantly lower contents in vasoactive amines throughout the storage period, which might be explained by their significantly lower enterobacteria counts. Concerning sensory analysis, RTEMP vinegar samples generally scored higher in overall appreciation. Our results showed that shelf-life of cabeça de xara may be extended from 1 to 3 months.  相似文献   

Effects of vinegar, oil, and sour cream brines on meat quality of 4 popular cold marinades from herring were investigated in the study. Cover brine type affected the composition and nutritive value of meat as well as the sensory and microbiological quality of marinated herring. Qualitative differences resulted from cover brine penetration into meat, and from diffusion of components from meat to vinegar brine. Compared to oil and sour cream, vinegar brine contributed to increased concentrations of salt and acetic acid, hardness, color brightness of marinades meat and to increased microbial contamination of meat. Furthermore, vinegar caused nitrogen losses to 15%, including valuable products of protein hydrolysis, enzymes, and total volatile bases. The rolling up of fillets reduced diffusion even by 50%. In turn, oil and sour cream were causing mainly a higher fat content and overall sensory evaluation of the marinades.  相似文献   

对经危害分析和关键控制点(HACCP)分析确定的山西老陈醋机械化工艺关键点工艺参数进行标准化研究。确定酒精发酵阶段控制初始淀粉含量14%,入罐温度28 ℃,粮水质量比1∶4,主发酵时间3 d,期间每天进行通气搅拌,之后进行密封发酵,总发酵周期14 d;醋酸发酵阶段控制初始醋醅密度0.53 t/m3,初始酒精度4.50%vol,麸皮∶谷糠∶稻壳质量比1∶1∶0.4,每天通过翻醅机翻醅一次,醋酸发酵至第13天向醋醅中加盐并翻匀;熏醅温度120 ℃,添加量占熏醅罐比例70%,熏醅时间12 h。可得到各项理化指标均优于国标要求且质量安全卫生的山西老陈醋产品。最后拟定了山西老陈醋机械化酿造的工艺参数和企业质量标准。  相似文献   

Effective assurance of microbiological food safety practices in small and/or less developed businesses is not yet resolved. Although a start has been made by drafting hygiene codes, feasible methods for verifying manufacturing processes that rely on strict and meaningful criteria to be applied to process points are still lacking. This investigation is a model study with various types of ready-to-eat foods aimed at verifying adequate processing for safety and subsequent meticulous hygienic handling and safe storage of foods in small and/or less developed businesses by the use of quantitative methods for selected indicator organisms, as standardized by the International Organization for Standardization. The manufacture of the foods that were used in this study invariably included (i) a heat processing step that ensured a level of lethality of nonsporing organisms at least equivalent to the reduction of such organisms attained in the pasteurization of milk and (ii) effective means of prevention of postprocess recontamination and recolorization. The results of this study indicate that simple microbiological criteria used for this purpose, including aerobic mesophilic colony (standard plate) counts, Enterobacteriaceae counts, and, in some instances, enumeration of yeast propagules, allow adequate verification of good practices throughout. This verification through monitoring of samples taken during processing in small and/or less developed businesses was found to be an attractive alternative to the conventional examination of end products.  相似文献   

生鱼片食源性安全性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔竹梅  汪梅  蒋云升 《食品科学》2003,24(12):128-131
本研究对生鱼片食源安全性进行了评价,测定鱼原料及生鱼片的菌落总数和菌相。结果表明,生鱼片菌落总数达10^4cfu/g以上。经过加工、添加生姜、酱油、醋等调味品制成风味生鱼片,菌落总数降至10^2cfu/g以下。生鱼片中主要污染物来自鱼体。操作无菌化,结合调味品加热,生鱼片冷藏处理,是确保生鱼片安全性的主要措施。  相似文献   

通过选择性培养方法从柿子醋醋醅中分离醋酸菌,筛选产酸能力优异的醋酸菌,进行形态学观察、生理生化试验及分子生物学鉴定,并将菌株应用于冬枣醋的研制,采用单因素及正交试验优化其醋酸发酵条件。结果表明,筛选得到一株醋酸菌A1,其培养9 d产酸量为5.89 g/100 mL。菌株A1被鉴定为木醋杆菌(Acetobacter xylinum)。菌株A1制备冬枣醋最佳醋酸发酵条件为:初始酒精度9%vol,木醋杆菌A1接种量8%,发酵温度30 ℃。在此优化条件下,冬枣醋感官评分为91分,总酸含量(以醋酸计)4.76 g/100 mL,可溶性固形物含量1.5%,产品呈淡琥珀色,口味酸甜爽口,具有冬枣特有的果香,理化及微生物指标均符合国家相关标准。  相似文献   

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