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鱼油混浊现象及其冬化工艺研究应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对鱼油混浊现象和原因,通过试验实践绘制鱼油冷却曲线,确定鱼油冬化采用两段慢速结晶工艺。第一段结晶温度为16℃,冷却速率为1℃~2℃/小时,14℃养晶12小时;第二段结晶温度为6℃,冷却速率为0.5℃~1℃/小时,4℃养晶12小时,搅拌速度2~5 rpm;并分析影响鱼油结晶效果因素,同峙提出鱼油冬化前需预精炼。  相似文献   

鱼骨利用的研究现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鱼骨是鱼类加工业的下脚料,可将其深加工利用。鱼骨主要由灰分、蛋白质、水分及脂肪组成。灰分中钙、磷的含量最高。研究表明,鱼骨能用于制作多种食品及调味料,提取胶原蛋白、软骨素、寡聚肽、蛋白质及骨油,鱼骨还可用于废水处理及制取CMC活性钙。  相似文献   

我国淡水鱼鱼糜的研究情况   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
较详细的介绍了我国淡水鱼鱼糜的稳定性、凝胶性、凝胶影响因素等方面的研究情况 ,对淡水鱼糜及其制品在我国的发展提出了一些建议  相似文献   

带鳞田鱼丸的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了开发青田田鱼加工新产品,结合田鱼鱼鳞柔软可食的特点,进行了带鳞田鱼丸的研制。利用感官评定法、凝胶特性分析、正交实验等方法确定鱼丸的最适生产工艺。结果显示:田鱼糜与杂鱼糜的最适质量比为4:1;正交实验得出最佳鱼丸制作配方为:田鱼糜55%,淀粉15%,色素0.03%,水15%;田鱼鳞片的最佳预处理方式为0.5%醋酸浸泡30min,最适添加量为鱼丸质量的2%~3%。利用本工艺制作的鱼丸,颜色鲜艳,口感爽滑,丰富了市场鱼丸的品种。  相似文献   

Pacific whiting surimi was made from stabilized mince (SM), unstabilized mince (UM), and headed and gutted (H&G) fish kept in frozen storage and compared to a surimi control made from fresh fillets. SM was made by mixing fresh mince with 12% w/w sucrose and 0.2% w/w polyphosphates. Surimi was produced from SM, UM, H&G at 1, 30, 90, and 180 days and evaluated by torsion, measuring shear stress, and true strain. After 6 months, there were no differences (p>0.05) between surimi samples prepared from SM stored at - 20° and -50° and the control surimi. UM and H&G fish produced surimi of inferior quality.  相似文献   

Fish protein hydrolysates: production, biochemical, and functional properties   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Considerable amounts of fish processing byproducts are discarded each year. By developing enzyme technologies for protein recovery and modification, production of a broad spectrum of food ingredients and industrial products may be possible. Hydrolyzed vegetable and milk proteins are widely used food ingredients. There are few hydrolyzed fish protein foods with the exception of East Asian condiments and sauces. This review describes various manufacturing techniques for fish protein hydrolysates using acid, base, endogenous enzymes, and added bacterial or digestive proteases. The chemical and biochemical characteristics of hydrolyzed fish proteins are discussed. In addition, functional properties of fish protein hydrolysates are described, including solubility, water-holding capacity, emulsification, and foam-forming ability. Possible applications of fish protein hydrolysates in food systems are provided, and comparison with other food protein hydrolysates where pertinent.  相似文献   

鱼皮饰品革生产工艺的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王鸿儒 《西部皮革》2003,25(4):15-17
本文探讨了用鱼皮生产饰品革的工艺,并用该工艺生产出了丰满、柔软、强度较高的饰品革。  相似文献   

依据鲢鱼的结构特征和对产品品质的要求,研制了一款带式夹送淡水鱼剖鱼机,并以鲢鱼为试验对象进行了剖鱼试验。该剖鱼机由机架、夹送系统、剖切系统组成。夹送系统皮带间距、皮带转速、剖切系统刀盘高度等关键部件工艺参数均可调节,配套功率共为3.7kW,其中剖切系统电机1.5kW,夹送系统电机2.2kW。以(1.50±0.25)kg鲢鱼为剖切对象所进行的试验结果表明:皮带间距对进料、剖切、出料均有显著影响,皮带间距40 mm时,可以实现100%顺利进料、平稳剖切和顺利出料;刀盘高度则对剖切质量影响显著,从鱼头到鱼尾完整剖开鱼体要求刀盘高度不高于190mm,完整保留鱼鳔要求刀盘高度不低于210 mm,不破坏鱼胆要求刀盘高度不低于180 mm。皮带间距取40 mm,刀盘高度取180~190 mm时,剖鱼机运行稳定且剖切效果最优,处理速度可达1 200尾/h。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Species identification and protein quantification in surimi crabstick were achieved using sodium dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). When the Lowry and Kjeldahl protein determination methods were compared, the former showed more consistent results. Densitometric scanning of the gels was used for quantification of total fish protein as well as total egg white protein. The lower molecular weight proteins, 30 kDa and lower, proved to be the most useful in fish species identification as well as egg white protein addition. Using a combination of the myosin heavy chain band and the species-specific myosin light chain (Alaska pollock: 22.5 kDa; Pacific whiting: 24.4 kDa) proved the most accurate in calculating fish protein content of the crabstick sample, while for those samples that contained egg white, quantification was accomplished from the densitometric analysis of the overlapping bands of actin (45 kDa) from fish and ovalbumin from egg white. Lysozyme (14.3 kDa) proved to be a unique protein band in determining the presence of egg white when the content of dried egg white was equal to or exceeded 0.5% of the total weight of the final crabstick.  相似文献   

The potential effects of handling stress on the product quality of farmed Atlantic cod were studied in a controlled experiment (fish anesthetized with metomidate or isoeugenol, or subjected to stress by chasing for 30 min). For comparison, stress and fillet quality was also studied for commercially slaughtered farmed cod (fish sampled from waiting cage, after pumping and stunning with carbon dioxide, and after bleeding and chilling). Baseline values for stress-related parameters (blood chemistry, muscle high-energy phosphates and inosine monophospate, initial pH, muscle twitches, and rigor mortis) of rested Atlantic cod have been established. Since our stress bout showed that this species was not easily excitable, we were less convinced that we actually did study the other extreme, namely, exhausted fish. Nevertheless, the present data from the commercial slaughter of cod suggested that our stress bout was of adequate magnitude to represent potential poor handling routines. Our results consistently showed largely no differences between treatments, and that perimortem handling stress did not cause inferior flesh quality. This suggested that farmed cod can be processed with little risk of reducing product quality (quality index, fillet water content, water-holding capacity, ultimate pH, adenosine triphosphate-related degradation products and K-value, skin and fillet color, water and salt-soluble proteins, hardness, and gaping). For better maintenance of skin appearance after storage, the importance of storing the gutted cod on the belly, avoiding direct contact between skin and crushed ice, is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The proteolytic activity of fillets from fresh fish and after frozen storage of hake muscle from pre- and post-spawned fish was investigated. The autolytic activity of fresh muscle extracts from pre-spawned muscle extracts was significantly higher than that of post-spawned, except for pH 3.4 and incubation temperature of 60 °C where no significant difference was found. In both gonadal conditions, the freezing of hake fillets affected the proteolytic activity of crude muscle extracts. After 50 d of frozen storage, the proteolytic activity values of crude muscle extracts remained higher than the fresh values, except for pre-spawned extracts incubated at 37 °C. At longer storage period (110 d), the proteolytic activity continued with similar or higher values compared with those observed for fresh muscle extracts. Densitometric analysis of crude muscle extracts indicated degradation of MHC in fresh and frozen storage at both gonadal conditions under incubation conditions of pH 6.2 and temperatures 37 and 60 °C, pH 8.5 and temperatures 37 and 60 °C, pH 3.4 and temperature 4 °C.  相似文献   

以竹荚鱼为开发对象 ,针对原料脂肪含量高、纤维粗的特点 ,介绍了几种竹荚鱼休闲食品鱼肉粒、烤鱼片、香酥鱼排骨的生产和产品质量要求。在生产操作中 ,特别强调了原料脱脂、脱腥的工艺选择及烘干、烘烤中温度和时间的控制等关键技术。  相似文献   

采用正交试验法,研究了未经前处理、酸处理、酶处理3种不同前处理方式制备草鱼鱼鳞冻的热处理优化工艺。以胶原蛋白提取率和冻力作为考察指标,确定鱼鳞冻热处理工艺最佳条件的提胶温度都为100℃,提胶时间都为2 h,除酸处理鱼鳞冻提胶料水比为1∶5外,其余均为1∶4,未前处理鱼鳞冻的提胶用水pH值为6。但由于原料中胶原蛋白含量不同,需要调整料水比以满足冻力要求。优化工艺制备的3种鱼鳞冻冻力相当,质构上都要比普通果味型果冻松软、爽滑,更有弹性。酶处理鱼鳞冻胶原蛋白浓度最高,未前处理鱼鳞冻黏度最高、质构特性最好,酸处理鱼鳞冻产量最高。胶凝温度和熔化温度表明鱼鳞冻适合在10℃以下凝冻,在20℃以下保存。  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the anaesthetic/sedative concentrations and durations that would maximise anaesthetic/sedative residue concentrations in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) skin-on fillet tissue. Rainbow trout (167–404 g) were exposed to 50 mg l?1 AQUI-S® 20E (10% active ingredient, eugenol) in 17°C freshwater for durations up to 1440 min, 100 and 250 mg l?1 AQUI-S® 20E for durations up to 240 min, and 500 and 1000 mg l?1 AQUI-S® 20E for durations up to 90 min. Fish exposed to 100 mg l?1 AQUI-S® 20E for durations of 30, 60, 120 and 240 min had the greatest eugenol concentrations in the fillet tissue, 50, 58, 54 and 62 µg g?1, respectively. All other exposure concentrations and durations resulted in significantly lower eugenol concentrations, i.e. all < 39 µg g?1.  相似文献   

目的研制一种鱼蛋白肽混合钙咀嚼片,探究物料组成对咀嚼片品质的影响,并确定制备鱼蛋白肽混合钙咀嚼片的最佳配方。方法通过单因素实验确定糊精、甜奶粉、甘露醇和CMC的适宜添加量,并通过正交试验确定物料的最适配料比。结果综合考虑颗粒收率、休止角、白度、硬度和感官评价结果,确定鱼蛋白肽混合钙咀嚼片的最佳配方为:鱼骨粉18.9%,鱼蛋白肽1.89%,糊精23.7%,甜奶粉18.9%,甘露醇33.2%,CMC 2.4%,硬脂酸镁1%。结论通过配方优化实验制得的鱼蛋白肽混合钙咀嚼片口感细腻、清凉甜爽。  相似文献   

The current study encompassed a survey on the levels of toxic trace elements in two highly consumed fish species in commercial fishing centres of western, central and eastern Mediterranean Sea. A Zeeman GTA-AAS graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry system was used throughout the study. Toxicological evaluation of the samples revealed a low Cd content in the raw samples, ranging between 0.003 and 0.027?mg?kg?1. Pb presented significantly higher values, from 0.037 to 0.297?mg?kg?1, occasionally reaching the limit of 0.3?mg?kg?1. Heavy metal levels were particularly higher in bones, thus raising queries about the safe consumption of fish intended to be eaten as a whole, a very common practice for small fish and canned products. The influence of industrial-scale canning showed that canning enhanced heavy metal levels by 35%–80%. The effect of canning depended on metal type and reduction of moisture loss after the steam-roasting step of the canning procedure.  相似文献   

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