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以欧亚种酿酒葡萄‘马瑟兰’为试材,研究闪蒸处理对葡萄酒发酵及陈酿过程中单体酚类物质和CIELab色泽参数的影响。结果表明,与传统浸渍发酵(对照组)相比,闪蒸有利于提高发酵过程中多数单体花色苷的质量浓度,但不利于保持陈酿过程中各单体花色苷质量浓度。闪蒸增加了葡萄酒发酵及陈酿过程中槲皮素-3-O-葡萄糖苷、儿茶素、反式白藜芦醇及白藜芦醇葡萄糖苷等非花色苷单体酚类物质的质量浓度,但降低了槲皮素、杨梅酮、酚酸类单体酚、顺式白藜芦醇及白皮杉醇等酚类物质的质量浓度。闪蒸处理可降低葡萄酒亮度L*、黄蓝度b*值和色调角hab,显著增加红绿度a*、色度Cab*值,使葡萄酒颜色更红、更深、更耐陈酿,两组葡萄酒间颜色差异明显。结论:闪蒸有利于增加‘马瑟兰’葡萄酒单体酚总质量浓度及葡萄酒颜色的稳定性。  相似文献   

以梅鹿辄葡萄为原料,通过发酵前不同时间冷浸渍处理(3、5、7 d),研究冷浸渍时间对葡萄酒酚类物质和色泽品质的影响及其两者之间的联系。测定各处理酒样基本理化指标、酚类物质含量和色泽相关参数,并分析不同指标相关性,利用主成分分析进行综合评价。结果表明,与对照组相比,冷浸渍处理所酿酒样总酸含量均增加,pH值降低;冷浸渍处理能显著提高干红葡萄酒中酚类物质含量(P <0. 05),其中总酚、总单宁、总花色苷、总类黄酮含量随浸渍时间延长呈增加趋势,而总黄烷醇并不随浸渍时间的延长而增加;不同冷浸渍时间均能够提升酒体红色色调(P <0. 05),增强颜色饱和度。主成分分析表明,延长冷浸渍时间有利于花色苷和其他酚类物质的浸出与聚合,进而提高酒体颜色稳定性。综上,发酵前冷浸渍7 d处理工艺能更好地提升干红葡萄酒中酚类物质含量和改善酒体色泽品质,可应用于优质干红葡萄酒的实际生产中。  相似文献   

本试验取4份同量的酒精发酵后的赤霞珠葡萄酒样,3组分别添加4 g/L不同烘烤程度(轻度、中度、重度烘烤)的法国橡木片,1组不加橡木片做对照。4℃条件下进行陈酿。陈酿期间每隔15 d取样测定酒样的单宁含量、总酚含量、p H值、色度和色调,旨在分析不同烘烤程度橡木片对葡萄酒理化性质的影响。试验结果表明,加入橡木片45 d,可增加酒样的单宁含量、总酚含量,加入轻度烘烤程度的橡木片酒样中单宁含量略高于中度和重度烘烤橡木片酒样,总酚含量差异不显著。加入橡木片15 d,可降低酒样的pH值,轻度、中度处理组酒样p H值比重度处理组低。陈酿期间,添加不同烘烤程度橡木片对酒样的色度值和色调值无影响。  相似文献   

研究了浸渍酶Lallzyme Ex-V对蛇龙珠葡萄酒酿造过程中(从酒精发酵到橡木桶贮藏12个月)类黄酮动态变化的影响。结果显示,经浸渍酶处理加快了儿茶素、表儿茶素、杨梅素、山奈酚和槲皮素等5种类黄酮化合物在葡萄酒酒精发酵期间的浸提速度,但不影响杨梅素和槲皮素在后续酿造过程中的含量,杨梅素在葡萄酒酒精发酵结束后含量逐步下降,槲皮素在橡木桶陈酿期间含量逐渐增加;酶处理对儿茶素和表儿茶素的影响一直持续到苹-乳发酵的第2周,酶处理酒中儿茶素和表儿茶素的含量高于对照;浸渍酶对山奈酚含量的影响一直持续到橡木桶陈酿3个月,处理酒中的含量高于对照。  相似文献   

胡冀太  杜金华  何桂芬 《酿酒》2012,39(3):45-50
采用两种制备工艺-发酵和浸泡制作山楂酒,通过对发酵山楂酒和浸泡山楂酒的主要理化指标、色调色度、感官评定、主要抗氧化性物质、挥发性成分、抗氧化性的对比分析,比较两种山楂酒的特点。发酵山楂酒酒精度、糖度低,酸度高,颜色为偏橘红的低色调;浸泡山楂酒酒精度、糖度高,酸度低,颜色为深红色的深色调;发酵酒和浸泡酒感官评价都很好,发酵酒美中不足在于酸味略重;两种酒的黄酮与多酚含量相差不大,但浸泡酒的花色苷含量高于发酵酒;发酵山楂酒的抗氧化性略高于浸泡山楂酒。  相似文献   

通过分析草莓酒发酵和陈酿过程中色度、色调、总花色苷的变化,及成品酒的理化指标和感官品评比较了丰香、甜宝、红颜3个草莓品种及3种酿造工艺的差异。结果表明,以甜宝为原料破碎后浸渍发酵酿制的草莓酒香气浓郁、酒体圆润,平衡性和典型性较好。  相似文献   

探索发酵前添加橡木片处理对葡萄酒颜色的影响,本实验以新疆和硕产区赤霞珠葡萄为原料,在发酵前添加5种不同产地不同烘烤程度橡木片(法轻度、法中度、法中+度、中度、美中+度)及3种添加量(2、3、4 g/L),分别在陈酿1、3、6、9个月时基于CIELab参数分析颜色相关指标。结果表明,发酵前添加橡木片处理均可在陈酿期间提高葡萄酒的颜色的稳定性,降低葡萄酒的亮度L*,增强红色色调值a*,减缓黄色色调b*的升高,有助于保持新酒的紫色色调,提高贮藏期间的聚合色素含量,改善酒体颜色。但不同橡木处理陈酿期内对颜色指标的影响有一定差异性,陈酿3个月时,2、3 g/L处理的a*、Cab*、聚合色素、总花色苷显著高于对照(P<0.05),3 g/L处理L*显著低于对照,4 g/L处理L*显著高于对照(P<0.05),a*显著低于对照(P<0.05);陈酿9个月时,各处理颜色指标与对照均表现显著差异(P<0.05),但4 g/L处理表现更低的L*,较高的a*、聚合色素。故建议生产上对于仅需要短期贮藏的葡萄酒,可在发酵前进行2或3 g/L的橡木片添加处理,对需要长期陈酿的葡萄酒可在发酵前进行4 g/L的橡木片添加处理。  相似文献   

利用HPLC、SPME/GC-MS联用技术,测定北冰红山葡萄酒中的白藜芦醇和香气成分。结果表明, CO_2浸渍发酵酒样中的白藜芦醇含量大于传统发酵酒样,并且差异性显著,说明CO_2浸渍发酵工艺可以保留葡萄酒的营养成分; 2种酒样中共检测出42种香气物质,传统发酵工艺酒样中36种、CO_2浸渍发酵酒样中24种,虽然CO_2浸渍发酵酒样中香气种类没有传统发酵酒样中的多,但经CO_2浸渍发酵酒中的醇类物质总量增加7.06%,说明酒香味更加浓郁,酯类化合物总量减少18.707%,但酮类化合物总量增加13.896%,酯类化合物是葡萄酒水果香气的主要成分,酮类化合物是葡萄酒花香味的主要成分,说明CO_2浸渍发酵使得酒的果香味淡化,而花香味增加,同时CO_2浸渍发酵酒中一些不愉快气味数量减少。研究表明CO_2浸渍发酵工艺可以改善葡萄酒的品质。  相似文献   

闪蒸处理对干红葡萄酒品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对比了闪蒸处理和传统发酵方法处理的干红葡萄酒的主要品质和感官差异.结果表明,闪蒸处理可以有效浓缩葡萄原料,闪蒸处理后的葡萄酒含糖量、舍酸量、总酚含量、多糖含量和色度等均有显著提高,色调则保持在一个较低的水平.感官品评结果也显示,闪蒸处理后的葡萄酒颜色加深,醇厚感、结构感增强.  相似文献   

为了解决山楂酒在贮藏期色泽丢失品质下降的问题,本实验通过构建模拟体系,从8种酚酸及有机酸中选出辅色能力较强的3种酸,通过CIELab颜色系统以及对色度色调、多酚、花色苷及黄酮的测定,综合评价了三种酚酸及有机酸对模拟体系(0~30 d)和发酵山楂酒(贮藏时间0~120 d)的影响。结果表明:不同酚酸及有机酸的处理辅色效果不同,模拟体系中不同酚酸及有机酸处理在CIELab颜色系统中对酒体的L*、a*、b*、Cab*和hab以及色度色调均有较好的作用,阿魏酸和香草酸处理的酒体总酚含量较对照组分别提高了18.00%和20.88%,经对羟基苯甲酸和香草酸处理的模拟体系中花色苷的含量,较对照组分别提高了17.27%和15.74%。在发酵山楂酒贮藏期间,对羟基苯甲酸能显著提高色度(P<0.05),经阿魏酸和香草酸处理的发酵酒总酚含量较对照组分别提高了37.42%和34.44%,经香草酸和对羟基苯甲酸处理的发酵酒花色苷含量较对照组提高了22.93%和6.92%。表明...  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of prefermentation addition of 5 exogenous tannins with different‐origin anthocyanins and color characteristics were investigated in “Cabernet Sauvignon wines” at the end of alcoholic fermentation and the end of malolactic fermentation, and after 6 mo and 9 mo of bottle aging, respectively. The results showed that the application of GSKT2 could significantly retard the degradation of most anthocyanins in the process of alcoholic fermentation and the decrease of some pyranoanthocyanins during the subsequent 3 stages, thus causing more yellowness of wine in comparison with the control. Three other condensed tannins, GSKT1, QUET, and GSET, had a positive impact only on several anthocyanin components. Four condensed tannins all contributed to more redness, suggesting that the action mechanism might be to protect wine against oxidation or contribute to form copigmented anthocyanidins, or polymeric pigments. The application of FOLT (hydrolysable tannin) did not produce any influence on wine redness even after 9 mo of bottle aging. This work provides some reasons for the reasonable application of tannin additives. Practical Application: The prefermentative application of condensed tannins overall could protect some pigment components from degradation and enhance wine redness. Tannin additives with different origins have different effectiveness. The tannin additive obtained from grape skins, like GSKT2, could produce significant promotion on both redness and yellowness in wine. The prefermentation addition of hydroxylase tannin like FOLT seems not to have a significant effect on wine color.  相似文献   

Oxygen has a fundamental role in the vinification process and occurs in the various stages, particularly during the fermentation and aging of wines. Phenolic compounds, such as oxygen, are relatively important in wine quality. Among polyphenols, anthocyanins and tannins are the most important compounds since they contribute to the organoleptic characteristics of wines, particularly colour and astringency. During wine‐making and aging, phenolics extracted from grapes gradually change owing to biochemical reactions, which result in a decrease in astringency as well as colour stabilization. Therefore, addition of a measured amount of oxygen, referred to as a microoxygenation process, was proposed to improve wine quality by accelerating these transformations of phenols. In a microoxygenation process, it is assumed that modification of phenolic compound reactions by oxidation should result in more coloured and less astringent products. In this article, the role of oxygen, phenolics and microoxygenation application in wine technology has been reviewed. Copyright © 2013 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

Wine colour is one of the main organoleptic characteristics influencing its quality. It is of special interest in red vinifications due to the economic resources that wineries have to invest for the extraction of the phenolic compounds responsible for wine colour, compounds that are mainly located inside the skin cell vacuoles, where the volatile compounds are also found. The transfer of phenolic compounds from grapes to must during vinification is closely related to the type of grapes and the winemaking technique. During traditional winemaking, grapes are crushed and skin macerated for several days, with pumps overs to facilitate the colour extraction. To increase this extraction, some chemical (maceration enzymes) or physical technologies (thermovinification, cryomaceration, flash‐expansion) can be applied. In this work, a new methodology has been tested. This methodology consists in the application of high‐power ultrasounds to crushed grapes to increase the extraction of phenolic compounds. Crushed grapes were treated with this non‐thermal technology and vinified, with 3, 6 and 8 days of skin maceration time, and the results were compared with a control vinification, where crushed grapes were not subjected to any treatment and were skin macerated during 8 days. The wine chromatic characteristics (determined spectrophotometrically) and the individual phenolic compounds (anthocyanins and tannins, determined by HPLC) were followed during the maceration period, at the end of alcoholic fermentation and after two months in bottle. Also, the wine volatile compounds were determined by GC‐MS. The wines made with ultrasound‐treated grapes showed differences with the control wine, especially regarding total phenol content and tannin content. The wines elaborated with sonicated grapes and with only three days of skin maceration time presented similar concentration of anthocyanins and twice the concentration of tannins than control wines elaborated with 8 days of skin maceration.  相似文献   

The cold plasma is an emerging electrotechnology for the improvement of food safety without loss of physicochemical or sensory properties. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of plasma treatments on the chromatic characteristics and phenolic composition of red and white wines. The red wine Cabernet Sauvignon and white wine Graševina were treated with high voltage electrical discharge plasma considering the variations in frequency (60, 90 and 120 Hz) and processing time (3, 5 and 10 min). Total phenolics, total anthocyanins, total tannins and chromatic characteristics were analyzed by spectrophotometry while free anthocyanins, phenolic acids and flavan-3-ols by the HPLC-UV/Vis. Obtained results illustrated that plasma treatments have influenced the stability of phenolic compounds in wines without major changes in color parameters. Also, among two different processing parameters, the duration time was the most significant factor inducing changes on wines.Industrial relevanceHigh voltage electrical discharge plasma has been shown to affect the stability of wine phenols without any significant change in the color. An increase in the concentration of certain phenolic compounds in white wine suggest that this technique could be used in the wine industry as an alternative technique for enhancing the oxidative stability of wine and consequently the wine quality during the aging process.  相似文献   

为解决使用单一商业酵母菌株发酵引起的葡萄酒“同质化”问题,本研究以河北昌黎产赤霞珠葡萄为原料,以商业酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)F15和本土优良酿酒酵母CC17为发酵剂进行单菌株和双菌株共接种(F15:CC17=1:1)发酵,同时监测酒精发酵过程中比重、温度、残糖、乙醇、总酸、pH、花青素、单宁、总酚、色度和色调的变化。发酵结束(192 h)后,分别对酒的香气成分和感官特性进行了测评。结果表明:与F15单菌株发酵相比,双菌株共接种发酵能够提高赤霞珠葡萄酒中花青素、单宁和总酚含量,增加酒的色度并使色调更趋向于红色;与CC17单发酵相比,共发酵组残糖、总酸含量较低;共发酵调谐主要香气成分,并增加饱和脂肪酸乙酯的含量。此外,感官评价结果表明共发酵葡萄酒色、香、味均优于F15单独发酵。因此,在酒精发酵过程中采用商业酵母与本土菌株共发酵是改善葡萄酒品质和感官特性有效方法。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of grape sour rot on wine fermentation and characterized the chemical composition and the sensory changes in wines produced from rotten musts. Microvinifications were performed during two vintages using healthy Trincadeira and Cabernet Sauvignon red grape varieties to which were added grapes affected by sour rot. Increasing sour rot percentages, up to 50%, contributed to a clear decrease in free run must and final wine yields and induced significant changes in grape must chemical composition expressed by the increase in sugar content, total acidity, volatile acidity, anthocyanins, total phenols, and color intensity. After malolactic fermentation, wines from rotten grapes showed higher values of alcohol content, dry extract, reducing sugar content, total and volatile acidity, anthocyanins, total phenols, and color intensity. Despite the higher levels of reducing sugars, the microbial stability was similar to that of healthy wines. The sensorial evaluation, after malolactic fermentation, showed that both types of wine were not statistically different regarding color, aroma, taste, and overall quality. During 6–8 month storage, wines from rotten grapes showed a significant higher percentage of color loss, suggesting that sour rot is responsible for the decrease in color stability. Nevertheless, the results of sensorial analysis demonstrated that the fermentation of grape musts containing up to 30% sour rot yields wines with similar or even higher-quality scores than wines made with healthy grapes.  相似文献   

本研究以新疆石河子产区所种植的赤霞珠葡萄为实验原料,通过在酒精发酵前分别以两种不同浓度(200 mg/L、400 mg/L)添加4种不同种类的单宁(橡木单宁、缩合单宁、葡萄单宁、鞣花单宁),探究4种不同种类的单宁在不同添加量下对新疆产区红葡萄酒色泽及口感的影响。结果表明:当所有单宁的添加量在200 mg/L时,葡萄酒的色泽都有所提升,其中添加缩合单宁200 mg/L时,效果最为明显,色度值为21.52,该处理下葡萄酒的色度高出对照组27.25%,且随着陈酿进行到6个月时,添加缩合单宁200 mg/L的葡萄酒色度依然最高,色度值为24.38,且色泽稳定性较好,酒体呈现深宝石红色,香气较浓郁,带有甘草香。实验表明单宁的添加可以改善葡萄酒陈酿后的色泽稳定性,同时使得香气更加浓郁。该实验为新疆石河子产区的实际生产提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Phenolic extraction in hybrid and interspecific wine grape cultivars is poorly understood, especially in terms of the impact of fermentation and enological conditions on condensed tannins and anthocyanins. Following fractionation via solid‐phase extraction and high‐performance liquid chromatography, phenolic profiles of must and wine from red hybrid grape cultivars Maréchal Foch, Corot noir, and Marquette were examined to assess the impact of enzyme and tannin addition, cold soak, and hot press during vinification. Across cultivars, hot press treatments resulted in the greatest extraction of condensed tannin, anthocyanin, and other monomeric phenolic compounds in musts, and treatments that increased skin contact time or cellular degradation during fermentation produced higher concentrations of tannins, anthocyanins, and flavonols. However, these increases were transient, evincing incomplete carryover into finished wines. Depending on initial must extraction, diglucoside forms of anthocyanins were either selectively extracted or selectively retained throughout fermentation when compared to their monoglucoside counterparts. Typical of hybrid grapes, tannin concentrations across cultivars were low, even under hot press conditions. For condensed tannins and anthocyanins, a cultivar‐specific, stable‐state concentration and phenolic profile emerged regardless of fermentation conditions. Due to the high levels of diglucoside anthocyanins and low levels of condensed tannins, it is expected that the color development and profile in these wines produced from hybrid grape cultivars will be dictated by the monomeric anthocyanins and their potential role in copigmentation processes involving other monomeric phenolic species, as opposed to the formation of polymeric color pigments.  相似文献   

Two commercial yeast strains were assayed during the winemaking process of Monastrell grapes to determine their influence on colour and phenolic composition of the resulting wines during alcoholic fermentation and maturation. The results showed that in 2002, the wines did not present great differences but in 2003 higher colour intensity and phenolic compounds content were detected when one of the commercial strains was used. A discriminant statistical analysis clearly showed that different yeasts led to different wines as regard their chromatic characteristics.Industrial relevanceThe importance of yeast in winemaking is extensively known since they are responsible for the transformation of sugars into ethanol and for the formation of the most significant aroma compounds in wines. However, they may also participate in wine colour and this role is usually not taken into account in the wine industry. The choice of a yeast strain is an important factor since these microorganisms have the capacity to retain or adsorb phenolic compounds and, on the other hand, yeast may contribute to stabilizing wine colour, as a result of participating in the formation of vitisins during fermentation or liberating mannoproteins that have the capacity to bind to anthocyanins and tannins, protecting them from precipitation. Two commercial yeast strains were assayed during the winemaking process of Monastrell grapes to determine their influence on colour and phenolic composition of the resulting wines during alcoholic fermentation and maturation. The results showed that higher colour intensity and phenolic compounds content were detected when one of the commercial strains was used, both during fermentation and wine aging, and may be used as a tool during winemaking for obtaining stable and highly coloured wines.  相似文献   

Stem contact maceration is a technique used in red winemaking for wines poor of phenolic constituents (tannins) in order to improve organoleptic characteristics and ensure color stability over time. This article investigates how the presence of different amounts of de‐stemmed bunches affects stilbenoids, known for their nutraceutical properties and biogenic amines (BAs), known for their adverse physiological and toxicological effects, at racking and after 24 months of storage in Primitivo wine. Stilbenes found in Primitivo were not influenced by the stems during maceration/fermentation. The ageing period resulted in isomerization phenomena of trans forms of piceid and resveratrol to the corresponding cis forms. The presence of stems during the winemaking did not induced the production or enhanced BAs content. Therefore, this enological practice does not represent a limit in terms of food safety and product quality.

Practical applications

Red wines poor in proanthocyanidins are subjected to color loss and decrease of organoleptic properties over time. Stem contact maceration is a technique used in red winemaking in order to enforce structure and stabilize color over time. Since food safety and product quality are of paramount importance, this study for the first time examines the presence of dangerous biogenic amines (BAs) and potent antioxidant stilbenoids throughout the production and aging of red wines produced with this technique. Results may benefit the winemaking industry and researchers who are striving to improve the processing and marketing of red wine.  相似文献   

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