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亚硫酸盐在食品加工中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
亚硫酸盐具有漂白、杀菌、防腐和抗氧化等多种作用,被广泛用于食品加工、药材保藏中。亚硫酸盐作为食品添加剂的有效成分为二氧化硫,是最主要的大气污染物,具有一定的危害,应在限量内使用。  相似文献   

亚硫酸盐在食品工业中的应用由来已久,被应用的范围在逐渐扩大。在当前的应用背景下,介绍了亚硫酸盐的安全性及其在食品加工领域中的作用及应用,亚硫酸盐作为食品添加剂,在食品中的限量使用要求。  相似文献   

食品中亚硫酸盐的检测方法研究进展   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
综述了食品中常用添加剂亚硫酸盐的检测方法。测定方法包括分光光度法、化学发光法、荧光法、电化学法、色谱法和酶法等。对食品样品中亚硫酸盐的分离、提取方法也做了简要概述。  相似文献   

人类使用食品添加剂已经有几千年的历史,如今已有2800种物质可以作为食品添加剂,食品添加剂是可以提供食品技术功能的物质,由于市场上方便食品的增加,食品添加剂的应用也呈增加的趋势。食品添加剂可以影响到食品的许多方面,如香味、外观、食品的制作和加工、食品的新鲜度和安全问题等。  相似文献   

亚硫酸盐是一类很早即在世界范围内广泛使用的食品添加剂,可作为食品漂白剂,防腐剂;可抑制非酶褐变和酶促褐变,防止食品褐变。收购鲜牛奶时,一些不法商贩会在牛奶中加入亚硫酸盐,以欺骗的手段提高牛奶的质量。为了保证收购鲜牛奶的品质,有必要在收购时对大量鲜牛奶中的亚硫酸盐含量进行检测。  相似文献   

亚硫酸盐作为一类食品添加剂,具有漂白、防腐、抗氧化、抑制细菌生长等作用,被广泛应用于食品加工中。然而摄入过量的亚硫酸盐会对人体造成全身性的危害。如何控制食品中亚硫酸盐含量成为食品安全面临的一大难题。为了深刻地认识亚硫酸盐对人体的危害,解决食品中二氧化硫残留量超标问题,本论文对食品中的亚硫酸盐进行综述,介绍了食品中亚硫酸盐的存在形式、作用、限量标准及现状,重点阐述了食品中亚硫酸盐对人体的毒害作用,列举了目前国内外食品中亚硫酸盐检测方法,为食品中亚硫酸盐控制提供一定的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

亚硫酸盐被认为是一类安全性较高的食品添加剂,然而现行国家食品添加剂标准中不允许亚硫酸盐在虾类产品中使用,但国际同类标准中均允许使用亚硫酸盐。本文以风险评估的方式描述食用我国虾产品中亚硫酸盐的膳食风险并通过对比国内外相关限量标准来确定安全限量,提出我国虾类产品中亚硫酸盐的使用建议。从我国国民的饮食习惯来看,虾类产品中一定残留量的亚硫酸盐对人体健康造成危害的可能性极小,建议我国食品添加剂标准参考国际标准扩大亚硫酸盐使用范围和确立限量标准。  相似文献   

食品添加剂被视为食品工业的灵魂,在改善食品加工条件、延长食品保存期、调整食品营养结构、提高食品质量和档次等方面发挥着极其重要的作用,可以说没有食品添加剂就没有现代食品工业。为适应行业发展和岗位需要,食品专技人才理应掌握食品添加剂的相关知识。高校开设食品添加剂课程并将其作为食品质量与安全专业的专业必修课,主要介绍各类食品添加剂的特点、作用及其应用,具有融理论与实践于一体的优势,对于食品专业人才培养具有重要意义。  相似文献   

张建洲 《食品工程》2012,(2):3-4,33
介绍了食品添加剂的定义及使用原则,指出了食品添加剂在使用过程中存在的问题,并对食品添加剂在食品生产中的应用及监管提出了建议。  相似文献   

食品添加剂和配料在香精生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了酸度调节剂、抗结剂、抗氧化剂、着色剂、乳化剂、酶制剂、增味剂、防腐剂、增稠剂、食品加工助剂、变性淀粉、麦芽糊精、环糊精等食品添加剂和配料在热反应香精、粉末香精、乳化香精和其他香精生产中的应用.讨论了香精中使用食品添加剂和执行GB2760-2007的关系,指出食品添加剂在香精中的应用应视为食品添加剂的复配,应该注意避免因香精中添加剂剂量过多,导致食品中添加剂含量超标.提出了该领域的发展方向,包括加强研究、多样化、天然化、复配使用等.  相似文献   

Sulphites are widely used as a preservative and antioxidant additive in food. The aim of this study was to assess dietary sulphite intake in adults aged 35–65 years and in children aged 4–18 years living in the Basque Country, northern Spain. We determined sulphite concentrations in 909 samples covering 16 food types. The maximum permitted levels were exceeded in 17% of samples. Making recommended assumptions for non-quantifiable results, estimates of mean lower and upper bounds were calculated for sulphite concentrations in each food type. These sulphite data were combined with consumption data derived from 8417 adults from the European Prospective Investigation in Cancer and Nutrition cohort in Gipuzkoa, recruited in 1992–1995 using a diet history method, and 1055 children from the Basque Country Nutrition Children Survey, conducted in 2004–2005 using two 24-h recall questionnaires to assess diet. The results were compared with the acceptable daily intake (ADI) proposed by the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). The mean dietary exposure to sulphites was 0.08 mg kg?1 bw day?1, only 11% of the ADI in the overall group of children (4–18 years old), but the acceptable intake was exceeded by 4% of 4–6 year olds. For the adults (35–65 years old), the mean dietary exposure was 0.31 mg kg?1 bw day?1, 45% of the ADI, but the acceptable intake was exceeded in 14.6% of cases. The major contributing foods were minced meat and other meat products for children and wine for adults.  相似文献   

A novel enzymatic method for determining sulphite is described. Using the enzyme sulphite oxidase (EC isolated from chicken liver, sulphite is oxidised to sulphate and hydrogen peroxide is formed. This is allowed to react with reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (NADH) in the presence of NADH-peroxidase from microorganisms (EC The decrease of NADH, which is proportional to the concentration of sulphite, is measured photometrically.In spite of doubts about determining sulphite quantitatively according to this principle, the reaction conditions could be optimised: sulphite is oxidised in triethanolamine buffer (TEA) at pH8·0 with 40 mU/ml sulphite oxidase and 47 mU/ml NADH-peroxidase quantitatively within a period of 20 min. The precision of measurement is very high in the range 13–205 μmol sulphite/litre test solution. The coefficient of variation is found to be CV = 0·67% in a solution of 67 μmol SO2/litre.The accuracy of the enzymatic measurements in pure aqueous sulphite solutions is confirmed by comparison with chemical determination. The correlation with the iodimetric method is R = 0.995.High specificity for sulphite is found when applying the enzymatic test described here. Carbonyl/sulphite addition compounds (e.g. those occurring in wine) are converted to sulphate and the free carbonyl compound. The majority of sulphur-containing compounds do not react in the test. Only glycosides of isothiocyanates (e.g. in mustard) are oxidised like sulphite, though more slowly.The majority of substances occurring in food do not interfere significantly with the test. Ascorbic acid influences the determination if it is present in high concentrations. Therefore, it should be removed from the sample before measuring sulphite.The method has been proven in use for a large number of foodstuffs. By using the method described here, sulphite can be determined in food rapidly and with high reliability.  相似文献   

The reaction of sulphite with formaldehyde to form hydroxymethylsulphonate (HMS), which is very stable under the controlled conditions of this assay, was used as the first step in an analytical procedure to determine foodborne sulphite. The effect of mobile-phase pH on the stability of HMS during high-performance liquid chromatography was studied. It was found that on-column HMS dissociation to formaldehyde and bisulphite increased with the pH of the mobile phase; therefore the relatively low pH 4.7, at which the dissociation of HMS was approximately 2%, was selected for the analysis. In addition, the release of sulphite from its reversibly bound forms in wine and other foods was examined as a function of the pH of the extraction medium by following the appearance of HMS formed from the reaction of the freed sulphite with formaldehyde. The rate of dissociation of the reversibly bound sulphite was relatively slow at pH 3 but very rapid at pH 7. This difference in kinetics was exploited to develop a procedure to determine free and reversibly bound sulphite in food. The method was challenged by post-reagent spiking studies, i.e. adding the sulphite spike after the food has been blended with the sulphite-protective formaldehyde solution but before proceeding with the remainder of the assay. An average recovery of 100% with a standard deviation of 5.2% (n = 45) was realized at levels of 5, 10 and 20 ppm by weight as sulphur dioxide. Recovery of the sulphite added as the bisulphite addition product of acetaldehyde, a model compound for reversibly bound sulphite, was 95%.  相似文献   

Sulphite analyses were carried out on a variety of foods obtained from food stores. These values were compared with the maximum sulphite levels permitted in the Federal Republic of Germany. Sulphite loss caused by cooking sulphite-treated foods was also investigated. The actual sulphite content in food is usually far below the maximum permitted level. Out of 86 analysed samples 5 exceeded this level. The cooking of foods frequently results in a sulphite content below the detectable level.  相似文献   


In the US, sulphites must be declared on the label if they are present in concentrations greater than 10 mg/kg (determined as) SO2 because an allergic-like response has been reported in a small subset of the population upon consumption of sulphite-containing products. The most widely used method for sulphite determination, the optimised Monier-Williams (OMW), produces false positive results with vegetables from the Allium (garlic) and Brassica (cabbage) genera due to extraction conditions that are thought to cause endogenous sulphur compounds to release SO2. Recently, an LC-MS/MS method was developed for sulphites but has only been tested with samples that are 100% Allium or Brassica. Since regulatory samples may contain these vegetables as ingredients, additional investigations were necessary to determine the potential extent of false positives. Four blank matrices, chips, phyllo shells, hummus, and quinoa were spiked with various concentrations of onion and garlic powders. The sulphite concentrations were determined using an LC-MS/MS method. The matrix is extracted with a buffered formaldehyde solution, converting free and reversibly bound sulphite to the stable formaldehyde adduct, hydroxymethylsulfonate (HMS). It was determined that even at concentrations up to 8% garlic powder or 2% onion powder, the measured sulphite concentration was below the 10 mg/kg SO2 labelling threshold. Commercial dried garlic powders were evaluated to determine the variation in responses that might be encountered in future regulatory samples. Recovery studies were conducted to determine if these methods would detect added sulphite. The ability to eliminate false positives due to these ingredients will result in a greater reliability in the accurate determination of added sulphite to ensure compliance with labelling requirements.  相似文献   

Sulphites are a family of additives regulated for use worldwide in food products. They must be declared on the label if they are present in concentrations greater than 10 mg kg–1, determined as sulphur dioxide (SO2). The current US regulatory method for sulphites, the optimised Monier–Williams method (OMW), produces false-positive results with vegetables from the Allium (garlic) and Brassica (cabbage) genera due to extraction conditions that are thought to cause endogenous sulphur compounds to release SO2. Recently, modifications to the OMW method (2x MW) were published that reportedly reduced this false-positive in garlic. However, no other vegetables from these genera have been investigated. In addition, an LC-MS/MS method was developed for sulphite analysis, but it has not yet been tested with these problematic matrices. Ten vegetable species were analysed using these sulphite methods (OMW titration, OMW gravimetric, 2x MW and LC-MS/MS) to determine the false-positive rate. Sulphite concentrations > 10 mg kg–1 SO2 were observed with the OMW analyses. The 2x MW method reduced the measured concentration in unsulphited samples to ≤ 10 mg kg–1 SO2 for all matrices analysed. The LC-MS/MS method showed concentrations < 10 mg kg–1 for the Brassica samples, but only displayed a slight reduction in the Allium matrices. Spiked recovery studies were conducted to determine if these methods can detect added sulphite. The 2x MW had recoveries of 17% and 42% for water and fresh garlic, respectively, and the LC-MS/MS had recoveries of 108%, 125%, 116% and 107% for water, fresh garlic, roasted garlic, and hummus, respectively. The low recoveries of the 2x MW may indicate that sulphur compounds cannot be properly quantified with this method. The ability to eliminate false-positives will enable accurate determination of added sulphite to ensure compliance with sulphite labelling requirements.  相似文献   

目前食品添加剂使用标准多仅用于评价食品是否合格,其应用范围具有局限性,针对这一问题,在对我国食品添加剂使用标准本身进行研究的同时,对其在食品安全监督管理中的应用进行了研究与探讨。将食品添加剂使用标准全方位应用于食品安全监管才能充分发挥其应有的效能,全面实现其对食品安全监管的技术支撑作用,有效提高其应有的社会效益。  相似文献   

食品添加剂广泛应用于食品生产加工,餐饮业食品与食品工业的食品分类有很大区别,在对我国食品添加剂使用标准本身进行研究的同时,对餐饮业使用食品添加剂情况进行了调查分析与研究,并且对其在餐饮食品安全监督管理中的应用进行了研究与探讨,提出了餐饮业食品添加剂的使用原则,对食品添加剂使用标准全方位应用于餐饮业食品安全监管,充分发挥食品添加剂应有的效能具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

随着现代食品的快速发展,食品添加剂已经成为食品产业中必不可少的角色,并成为食品工业技术进步和科技创新的重要推动力。然而,同时由食品添加剂带来的对消费者身体健康和生命安全的食品安全问题凸显了出来。一些企业为降低生产成本,超范围、超限量地使用食品添加剂,危害食品安全,或在食品生产和食品添加剂生产中违法添加非食用物质,影响人们的身体健康。掌握食品添加剂的正确使用方法,按国家相关法律法规、国家标准严格控制使用量,才能使食品添加剂在发挥最大功效的同时保证食品安全。本文综述了食品添加剂的使用要求及原则,并对食品添加剂在加工中存在的问题进行了初步的分析与探讨,提出了相应的解决对策,旨在确保食品的质量和食用安全。  相似文献   

The amounts of 3-deoxy-4-sulpho osuloses present in a number of commodities, in which sulphur dioxide is a permitted additive, have been measured. This is the first reported quantitative analysis of “stable” organic products, derived from sulphite, in a food. The amounts measured reflect the chemical composition of the food and the treatment it receives after sulphite addition. By reaction with other food components, 3-deoxy-4-sulpho osuloses can give rise to other sulphurcontaining products.  相似文献   

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