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陕西小麦主产县达32个,主要分布于关中地带。全省小麦播种面积在127万hm^2左右,总产在410~450万t,主栽品种11个,其中主产区7个,搭配品种中强筋品种4个。从面团特性指标——稳定时间看,主栽品种处在中筋偏下水平,单一品种作为原料加工面粉和其他食品,仍有许多缺陷,需配用一定数量强筋小麦搭配加工。强筋品种陕253、小偃503可达到国家优质强筋标准,在面粉生产时搭配加工,可有效地改善面粉质量,并可减少进口小麦的使用量,但规模偏小。单收单储困难,影响了品种的特性发挥;陕麦150、郑麦9023宜作为优质中筋小麦使用。  相似文献   

以晋南麦区近十年来主要推广的30份小麦骨干品种为材料,对其主要品质性状进行了分析。结果表明:品种间品质性状的差异较大,其中变异最大的是面团稳定时间,蛋白质和湿面筋含量变异较小。蛋白质含量与湿面筋含量呈显著正相关,与面团稳定时间相关不显著。该区绝大部分品种属强筋、中筋类型。同时提出了该区小麦品质改良策略和重点推广品种的意见。  相似文献   

为了解关中地区小麦品种籽粒质量及食品制作适宜性,挖掘关中小麦的食品开发潜力,通过对已发表的关中小麦籽粒质量及食品制作特性,面制品对小麦粉质量要求研究结果的系统分析,进一步探讨关中地区主栽小麦品种的籽粒质量,关中地区主栽小麦品种的食品制作适宜性。其结果对小麦育种和面制品加工具有重要的指导意义。分析结果显示:1992~2017年间,关中小麦容重、蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量较高,沉降指数较低,稳定时间较短,蛋白质质量较差。关中小麦总体处于中筋水平,对面条和馒头具有较好的制作适宜性。近3年来,关中地区主推小麦品种为西农979、小偃22、西农511、西农3517、西农509、伟隆169等,除小偃22外,多为优质强筋小麦品种。其中多数品种能够较好满足高质量面条或馒头对小麦粉的要求。目前,对关中地区新推广小麦品种的籽粒特性和食品制作适宜性的研究较少,系统性也显不足,影响新品种的推广。  相似文献   

晋南部分骨干小麦品种品质特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以晋南麦区近十年来主要推广的30份小麦骨干品种为材料,对其主要品质性状进行了分析.结果表明:品种间品质性状的差异较大,其中变异最大的是面团稳定时间,蛋白质和湿面筋含量变异较小.蛋白质含量与湿面筋含量呈显著正相关,与面团稳定时间相关不显著.该区绝大部分品种属强筋、中筋类型.同时提出了该区小麦品质改良策略和重点推广品种的意见.  相似文献   

以甘肃环县的5种商品小麦为材料.系统分析和比较了商品小麦的籽粒品质、蛋白质品质、磨粉品质、粉质参数和蒸煮品质,并对甘肃环县商品小麦与陕253的配麦配粉效应进行了研究。结果表明:甘肃环县商品小麦的容重、籽粒硬度较高,蛋白含量、湿面筋含量、沉淀值和面团稳定时间较低,筋力较弱。不同品种小麦以相同比例与陕253搭配。其品质也有较大差别。陕253的搭配比例在40%以上时,搭配效果较为理想。  相似文献   

陕西省小麦品种资源加工品质性状及利用研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对250份小麦材料的品质分析,摸清了陕西省小麦品种资源的籽粒品质、蛋白质品质、面团流变学特性和蒸煮品质特性等品质状况,提出了利用的途径。结果表明,陕西省小麦品种资源材料的面筋强度以中筋偏弱为主,优质强筋小麦和弱筋小麦材料较少。本省小麦品质改良应重点利用优质硬麦和优质软麦资源材料,改造不软不硬的中间类型。面粉加工企业则应合理利用有限的优质小麦,通过与中筋小麦混配生产优质小麦粉。  相似文献   

分析了陕西省15个推广小麦品种及其26个混配粉的面团流变学特性。结果表明,年际间和不同批次制粉间强筋小麦品质变化较大,中筋和弱筋小麦品质变化相对较小。不同混配方式配粉由于其面团流变学特性变化规律不同而产生不同的配粉结果。混配粉面团评价值、拉伸阻力和延伸性测定值与由基础品种估算的理论值无显著差异,而且有板显著正相关性。混配粉品质趋于混配品种平均值,并有“超高种”、“超低种”现象。陕253、绵阳19、小偃22、武农148等作为配粉品种较为理想。  相似文献   

以小偃6号、小偃107、陕229为对照,对陕西关中地区区域试验小麦品种的籽粒品质、食品品质进行聚类,分析其食品制作适用性。研究结果表明:陕优225、小偃6号、陕150适合制作面包;小偃6号、陕优225、远丰898、西农1376可制作优质面条;小偃6号、小偃107远丰898制作的馒头品质优良。经结果分析认为,小偃6号为面包、面条、馒头兼用型小麦品种;陕优225为面包、面条兼用型小麦品种;远丰为面条,馒头兼用型小麦品种。  相似文献   

黑小麦是一类具有特殊营养价值的全谷物食品原料。以运黑161、运黑14207两种黑小麦为研究对象,对其面团流变学特性和相应的加工品质进行了分析。结果表明,运黑161湿面筋含量32.6%,吸水率59.3%,稳定时间8.2 min,最大拉伸阻力708 EU,能量167.6 cm~2,其馒头质构指标均显著大于对照运旱618;运黑14207湿面筋含量39.1%,吸水率56.8%,稳定时间2.6 min,最大拉伸阻力268 EU,能量60.6 cm~2,其饼干质构指标及感官评价与对照扬麦15相当。综合分析,可知运黑161属于中强筋优质特色小麦新品种,适合加工馒头等;运黑14207属于中弱筋优质特色小麦新品种,适合加工饼干等。  相似文献   

以3个不同小麦品种淀粉(2个普通小麦,1个糯性小麦)为实验材料,添加3种类型的面筋蛋白(强筋、中筋和弱筋),5个添加量处理(8%、10%、12%、14%、16%),分析淀粉和面筋种类及其交互作用对淀粉糊化特性的影响。结果表明:淀粉是糊化特性的决定因素,面筋蛋白质直接或通过淀粉交互作用显著影响糊化特性。淀粉和面筋蛋白类型交互作用对峰值黏度、黏度面积、稀懈值、糊化起始时间有极显著影响;淀粉和面筋蛋白含量的交互作用对除了糊化温度和糊化起始时间外的其他糊化指标都有极显著或显著的影响;面筋蛋白类型对稀懈值影响按其降低作用大小的顺序为:弱筋>中筋>强筋;面筋蛋白添加量对淀粉稀懈值和反弹值的影响因淀粉种类的不同呈现显著差异。  相似文献   



To analyse trends in smoking prevalence in Ukraine from three surveys conducted in 2001–5, and to explore correlates of observed changes, in order to estimate the stage of tobacco epidemic in Ukraine.


Repeated national interview surveys in Ukraine in 2001, 2002 and 2005.

Main outcome measure

Prevalence of current smoking among the population aged ⩾15 years.


The age‐standardised prevalence of current smoking in Ukrainian men was 54.8% in 2001 and 66.8% in 2005. Among Ukrainian women, prevalence increased from 11.5% in 2001 to 20.0% in 2005. ORs for yearly increase in prevalence were estimated as 1.164 (95% CI 1.111 to 1.220) for men and 1.187 (1.124 to 1.253) for women, which implies that, on average, 3–4% of men and 1.5–2% of women living in Ukraine join the smoking population each year.


In Ukraine, smoking prevalence is increasing in most population groups. Among men, the medium deprivation group with secondary education has the highest smoking prevalence. Among women, while the most educated, young and those living in larger cities are the leading group for tobacco use, other groups are also increasing their tobacco use. Tobacco promotion efforts appear to have been significantly more effective in Ukraine than smoking control efforts. The decrease in real cigarette prices in Ukraine in 2001–5 could be the main factor explaining the recent growth in smoking prevalence.Ukraine is a large eastern European country with high smoking prevalence. Tobacco products are widely available at very low prices, and the transnational tobacco industry is extremely successful in promoting its products and lobbying for its interests in the legislative field. Advocacy of tobacco control has only recently achieved some success in the legislative field, with the first tobacco control law being adopted in late 2005. Ukraine ratified the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2006, but there is still much cause for concern regarding the enforcement and effectiveness of the adopted legislative measures. Unfortunately, the government is not yet involved in nationwide surveillance of the tobacco problem, and the available data have mostly been gathered with funding from foreign donors. Several attempts have been made to measure the extent of the tobacco epidemic in the countries of the former Soviet Union (FSU).1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Most of these studies have shown rather high smoking prevalence among men (50–70%) and comparatively low prevalence among women (5–20%). Most countries in the FSU have similar smoking rates, while certain trends are shown to be related to the differences in how the transnational tobacco industry succeeds in every national tobacco market.6 Unfortunately, few studies have been published showing trends in smoking prevalence in the FSU.7 In Ukraine, two studies3,4 provided point estimates of smoking prevalence.The aim of this study was to analyse trends in smoking prevalence in Ukraine, on the basis of three surveys conducted in 2001–5, and to explore correlates of observed changes in order to estimate the stage of the tobacco epidemic in Ukraine.  相似文献   

了解河南省部分食品中重金属污染的现状。方法 在河南省18个省辖市采集8大类3 657份食品样品,按照国家标准检测食品中铅、镉和汞的含量,检测结果按照GB 2762—2012《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量》进行评价。结果 河南省部分食品中铅含量的平均值为0.34 mg/kg,总体超标率为8.8%(320/3 656),其中粮食、肉类和蔬菜中超标率较高,分别为17.2%(95/552)、14.5%(85/587)和10.7%(57/534);部分食品中镉含量的平均值为0.054 mg/kg,总体超标率为3.9%(143/3 657),其中食用菌和蛋类中超标率较高,分别为9.6%(49/508)和8.1%(42/518);部分食品中汞含量的平均值为0.077 mg/kg,总体超标率为8.3%(303/3 657),其中蔬菜和粮食中超标率较高,分别为25.3%(135/534)和12.3%(68/551)。结论 河南省部分食品中铅、汞污染情况较为严重,其中粮食、蔬菜和肉类食品中污染情况尤为突出,需要加强监管。  相似文献   

Study of selenium accumulation by fish of Buryatia shows relatively high accumulation level for the Baikal lake (213-513 mcg/kg) contrary to the lakes of Baunt and Selenginsk regions of the republic (84-227 mcg/kg). Selenium deficiency in Baunt region is also confirmed by low selenium levels in meat of native origin (39-95 mcg/kg). Among different tissues and organs the lowest selenium levels are typical for muscles, the value increasing in the row: muscle < skin < air bladder < scales < fin < liver < roe.  相似文献   

转录组测序技术能将组织或细胞在不同生理条件下的差异基因量化,是探索基因功能和揭示特定生物学过程中分子机理的必要手段。储粮害虫是严重危害储藏粮食的一类害虫,从转录组水平揭示储粮害虫生长发育、关键基因功能、抗药性分子机制等成为研究热点,极大促进了对储粮害虫特别是无参考基因组信息的害虫的研究。因此,本文系统性从生长发育相关基因的挖掘、组织特异性基因、与微生物互作机制、对环境胁迫的响应机制、磷化氢抗性机理和植物精油杀虫机理研究六个方面综述了转录组学在储粮害虫研究中的应用,旨在为储粮害虫的深入研究提供参考,对进一步进行储粮害虫防治技术开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Aflatoxins in spices marketed in Portugal   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Seventy-nine prepackaged samples of 12 different types of spice powders (five cardamom, five cayenne pepper, eight chilli, five cloves, seven cumin, five curry powder, five ginger, five mustard, 10 nutmeg, 12 paprika, five saffron and seven white pepper) were selected from supermarkets and ethnic shops in Lisbon (Portugal) for estimation of aflatoxins by immmunoaffinity column clean-up followed by HPLC. Aflatoxin B (AFB) was detected in 34 samples of prepackaged spices (43.0%). All of the cayenne pepper samples were contaminated with levels ranging from 2 to 32 µ g AFB / kg. Three nutmeg samples contained levels ranging from 1 to 5 µ g/kg, three samples had levels ranging from 6 to 20 µ g/kg, and there were two with 54 µ g/kg and 58 µ g/ kg. Paprika contained levels of aflatoxin B1 ranging from 1 to 20 µ g/kg. Chilli, cumin, curry powder, saffron and white pepper samples had levels ranging from 1 to 5 µ g/kg. Aflatoxins were not detected in cardamom, cloves, ginger and mustard. None of the samples analysed contained aflatoxins B2, G1 and G2.  相似文献   

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