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非热加工技术具有“绿色、安全、高效”等优点而被广泛应用于淀粉的改性。经非热加工技术改性后,淀粉颗粒形态、颗粒晶型、颗粒结晶度以及颗粒螺旋结构等结构特性的改变对其糊化特性、老化特性、溶解性、消化率等功能特性均产生相应的影响,而功能特性的改变可进一步扩大淀粉的实际应用范围。本文以球磨、脉冲电场、高压、超声波、辐照、等离子体6 种非热加工技术为主,综述非热加工技术改性淀粉结构的原理,指出非热加工技术对淀粉颗粒结构影响的重要性以及不同层次结构的改变对相应功能特性的相关影响,并对非热加工技术在淀粉深加工领域的应用提出展望。  相似文献   

康大成  刘云国  张万刚 《食品科学》2019,40(23):289-297
超声波辅助加工技术已在农业生产及食品加工领域内得到广泛研究。超声波技术对蛋白质功能特性具有显著的改善效果。在肉品加工方面,超声波技术作为一种绿色非热加工技术,可通过改善肌原纤维蛋白的结构和功能性质,从而提高产品品质、开发新产品并延长货架期。因此超声波技术在肉品加工领域具有应用优势。本文介绍了超声波技术对蛋白质功能特性的影响及其在肉品加工中的应用现状及进展。  相似文献   

脉冲电场(PEF)技术是一项很有前景的用于食品加工与贮藏的非热处理技术,与传统热加工相比,它可以最大限度地保持食品品质,如风味和营养价值,而在传统热加工中这些品质往往会遭到破坏。PEF能替代热加工处理技术或与热加工处理技术联用,成为食品加工业极具应用潜力的技术,近年来引起了国内外研究学者的广泛关注。研究显示它会诱导食品蛋白质成分的结构发生变化,从而诱导其功能特性的改变。本文综述了脉冲电场处理食品蛋白质后,破坏了维系蛋白质高级结构的次级键,导致蛋白分子内部疏水基团暴露,改变蛋白质表面疏水性,且局部伸展的蛋白质提高了分子的柔性、溶解度等特性,从而改善在食品蛋白质的功能特性中的应用,以期为脉冲电场在食品中的工业应用提供参考。  相似文献   

高静压对水产品加工及其致敏性影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
水产品过敏已成为当今世界性的重大卫生和食品安全问题之一。高静压作为一种新的非热加工技术, 在水产品中具有潜在的应用前景。本文介绍了高静压加工的基本原理、高静压加工在水产品中的应用、水产品过敏的流行性, 重点阐述了水产品过敏原蛋白类型及特性、高静压对过敏原蛋白结构及其致敏性影响的研究概况, 提出了今后高静压水产品加工和过敏原蛋白研究的方向和建议。  相似文献   

本文综述了非热加工技术在蓝莓加工中的应用现状,分析了不同非热加工手段对蓝莓及其加工产品品质的影响机制。目前,超高压、超声波、真空冷冻干燥、高压脉冲等技术在蓝莓加工上的应用较多,但存在超高压钝酶效果有限、超声波单独杀菌效果较差、真空冷冻干燥成本较高、高压脉冲存在电极腐蚀等问题。因此,本文针对不同非热加工的优势及存在的问题,提出了未来蓝莓精深加工主要的研究方向,为非热加工技术在蓝莓加工上的进一步研究做出了展望。  相似文献   

与热加工技术相比,非热加工技术相对温和,可以最大限度地降低食品加工过程中由热引起的不利变化。近年来,随着消费者对高品质食品的诉求越来越高,非热加工技术逐渐成为食品加工技术领域研究的热点。在众多的非热加工技术中,超高压是一种研究最广泛,商业化程度最高的加工方法。近年来关于超高压的研究越来越多,超高压不仅可用于食品的杀菌和灭酶,还可用于大分子营养成分的改性。本文以超高压为例,综述目前超高压在食品加工中的应用,以及超高压对食品中主要的大分子营养成分——蛋白质和淀粉结构及功能的影响。  相似文献   

非热加工技术是目前食品加工技术领域的研究热点之一。超高压处理作为一种重要的非热加工技术手段,已受到肉制品加工领域国内外学者的高度关注。文中综述了超高压对肉品中内源酶、微生物和食用品质的影响及作用机制,并对这种技术在肉制品中的应用前景进行了展望,旨在推动超高压加工技术在我国肉制品加工中的应用开发。  相似文献   

食品内源酶是指作为食品加工原料的动植物体内所含有的各种酶系,在加工贮藏过程中会对食品质地、风味和营养品质等方面产生不良影响,使食品原料发生变质。为延长产品货架期,在加工过程中有效控制食品内源酶活力具有至关重要的意义。与传统热加工相比,以超高压、超声波、辐照、等离子体、高压脉冲电场等为代表的非热加工技术,能在有效杀灭菌、钝酶的同时较好地保留食品原有的感官品质与营养特性等。本文综述近年来非热加工技术在控制食品内源酶方面的研究进展,探讨该技术对食品内源酶的作用机制,在理论结合实践的基础上展望未来研究方向,为非热加工技术在食品加工与保鲜方面的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

我国作为水产养殖和消费总量第一大国,水产品引发的过敏问题越来越受到关注,近些年来,因食用水产品而导致的过敏事件日益增多。该研究综述了近年来热加工技术(蒸、煮、高温压力)、非热加工技术(超高压、低温等离子体、超声波和辐照)以及两种加工技术联用对水产品过敏原消减的研究,指出热加工技术主要通过使蛋白质变性来消减过敏原的致敏性,非热加工技术则通过掩盖或破坏过敏原抗原表位来消减过敏原致敏性,为低致敏性水产品开发提供了重要基础和技术参考。不断探究过敏原诱导过敏反应发生的机理,加快推进低致敏性水产品加工技术在实际生产中的应用,有利于控制和降低水产品过敏所带来的风险。  相似文献   

传统热加工虽然能有效灭酶和灭菌,但会对果蔬汁的色泽、营养物质及风味等品质造成严重破坏。超声技术作为一种新型的非热加工技术,能够改善果蔬汁的稳定性、安全性、感官特性和营养特性,已广泛用于果蔬汁加工的研究中;但由于受到复杂因素的影响,超声波处理也可能对果蔬汁产生不利影响。本文综述了国内外有关超声技术应用于果蔬汁加工的最新研究进展,从果蔬汁内源酶、微生物(发酵微生物、致腐和致病微生物)、理化特性和营养成分(如抗坏血酸、多酚和类胡萝卜素)等不同视角深入分析了超声波处理对它们的影响及作用机制,并总结了现阶段超声技术所存在的问题及研究趋势,为超声技术在果蔬汁加工中的应用提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this research was to investigate the extent of novel non-thermal food processing technologies usage in the United States. A survey was conducted to food experts to study the major reasons for using novel technologies, the limitations for not implementing specific technologies, and the main drivers for innovation of non-thermal food processing technologies. The survey study focused on the high-pressure processing, pulsed electric field, pulsed light, irradiation, ultrasound, oscillating magnetic fields, and cold atmospheric plasma technologies. High pressure processing (35.6%) was the most commonly used non-thermal food processing technologies, followed by pulsed electric field (20%). Rapidly increasing novel technologies included cold atmospheric plasma (14.1%) and oscillating magnetic fields (14.1%). More than 70% of the respondents indicated that the main factor for choosing non-thermal food processing technology was better nutrient and sensory properties. High investment (41%) was the major limitation for implementing non-thermal food processing technologies. The results indicated the main drivers for innovation were equipment manufacturers (43.8%) and government research (42.3%). The results emphasized the need for new and improved innovative, non-thermal technologies to provide a balance between safety and minimal processing.Industrial relevanceThis research provides industry with an overview of perceptions food managers, scientists and technologists of novel non-thermal food processing technologies. This research investigated factors that food companies use to implement particular food processing technologies and the limitations prohibit them from using such technologies. There are technologies which are still under development and are currently being conducted to extend the shelf life of certain foods while preserving freshness and natural nutrients. This study investigated technologies currently being used, ones still under development, and the main drivers for innovation of these technologies within the United States.  相似文献   

In recent years, consumers have been demanding convenient and healthy foods which have ‘fresh-like’ characteristics while still being safe and a long shelf-life. These requirements are hard to achieve using existing traditional thermal food processing technologies and the innovative new food process and preservation technologies based on thermal processing systems are needed. However, non-thermal technologies in food processing do not generate high temperature and use short treatment times. This means that the nutritional components of foodstuffs are better retained, and the sensory properties of foods are less changed compared with traditional thermal processing. The aim of this review was to present non-thermal technologies applications and its mechanism in food industry in recently, and to explore the potential application prospects of combining non-thermal treatments applied in food industry because it not only could overcomes the drawback of single technology, but also can enhances the processing efficiency at lower treatment intensity.  相似文献   

竹笋作为一种高蛋白、高纤维、低脂肪的绿色森林蔬菜,越来越受到消费者的欢迎。由于采后竹笋易发生木质化、酶促褐变、营养价值降低等变化,导致鲜笋食用品质降低、贮运困难。此外,目前竹笋加工技术较为传统且精细化程度低,造成竹笋制品种类单一、大量副产物浪费、环境污染等问题。近年来,非热加工技术因其具有安全、高效、绿色等优点被广泛用于果蔬保鲜及加工中,成为食品加工高新技术的研究热点。该文综述了辐照、紫外线、超高压、超声波、超微粉碎和高压均质等非热技术在竹笋保鲜及加工中的应用,阐明以上非热技术的工作原理,分析其优势特点及作用效果,并进一步总结展望,提出未来竹笋保鲜及加工的研究方向,旨在为竹笋采后保鲜减损、竹笋制品加工技术提质增效及副产物高值化利用等方面的工作提供有益参考。  相似文献   


Innovative food processing technologies have been widely investigated in food processing research in recent years. These technologies offer key advantages for advancing the preservation and quality of conventional foods, for combatting the growing challenges posed by globalization, increased competitive pressures and diverse consumer demands. However, there is a need to increase the level of adoption of novel technologies to ensure the potential benefits of these technologies are exploited more by the food industry. This review outlines emerging thermal and non-thermal food processing technologies with regard to their mechanisms, applications and commercial aspects. The level of adoption of novel food processing technologies by the food industry is outlined and the factors that impact their industrial adoption are discussed. At an industry level, the technological capabilities of individual companies, their size, market share as well as their absorptive capacity impact adoption of a novel technology. Characteristics of the technology itself such as costs involved in its development and commercialization, associated risks and relative advantage, and level of complexity and compatibility influence the technology's adoption. The review concludes that a deep understanding of the development and application of a technology along with the factors influencing its acceptance are critical to ensure its commercial adoption.  相似文献   

Non-thermal emerging technologies in the sector of food processing have often been cited by researchers as an alternative to conventionally heat treatments for food processing in order to develop safe foods with minimal damage to nutritional and sensory properties. Non-thermal emerging technologies for foods processing have been widely developed in Europe and U.S.A. However, the interest in these technologies and commercialisation opportunities started catching up in Latin America. Thus, this review describes the basic principles and main effect of this technologies in the food and the recent scientific reports on its applications and potential advantages of the so-called non-thermal emerging technologies like ultrasound, high hydrostatic pressure, pulsed electric field, ionising radiation and atmospheric cold plasma, as alternative food preservation process. This review focuses on the current status in Latin America of novel non-thermal food processing technologies, highlighting the limits for scaling up to industrial level in order to be commercially successful.  相似文献   

水产品过敏是一个重要的食品安全问题。非热加工技术作为食品新型绿色加工手段逐渐应用于降低水产品致敏性的研究领域。故本文简略介绍了食物过敏,综述了辐照、超声波、超高压、低温等离子体、糖基化处理、酶解法等非热加工技术消减水产品致敏性和血清学、模拟消化、细胞实验、动物实验等水产品致敏性评价方法,为低致敏性水产品的开发提供参考和指导。  相似文献   

超高压加工技术是非热杀菌技术的一种,在牛乳加工中的应用研究是当前热点。本文概述了非热加工技术的概念、发展和特点,特别针对超高压加工技术在牛乳加工中对微生物、乳蛋白和乳脂肪等成分的影响进行了阐述,并简要分析超高压杀菌设备及其在乳品工业的应用现状。超高压杀菌技术在牛乳加工中具有一定的理论依据和实践经验,值得深入研究和商业化推广应用,本文还展望了超高压技术在乳制品工业中的制约因素和应用前景。  相似文献   

高密度CO2是一种新型的非热食品加工技术,具有加工条件温和、对热敏物质破坏小、能有效保持食品营养、风味和新鲜度等许多优点。近年来,高密度CO2在食品加工领域的应用研究越来越多,但目前研究主要集中在液体食品的杀菌效果和动力学、钝酶效果和动力学、及其对品质的影响方面;由于固体食品体系复杂,CO2不易渗透,使得高密度CO2处理固体食品的研究还相对较少。本文重点对高密度CO2在肉制品和水产品加工中应用的研究进展进行综述,分析高密度CO2对肉制品和水产品的杀菌、肌肉品质(pH、色泽、保水性、质构、嫩度、营养成分、呈味成分等)、蛋白质等的影响规律和作用机理,并对今后高密度CO2加工技术的研究重点进行展望,为推动高密度CO2在肉制品和水产品加工中的应用研究和产业化提供参考。  相似文献   

Processing dairy products by conventional methods, such as pasteurization, can induce chemical reactions and physicochemical alterations, compromising nutritional and sensory quality. Thus, there is a growing worldwide demand for studies related to emerging processing technologies. This study aims to describe trends related to dairy processing through the application of emerging technologies. In this sense, articles published in this area of research in the last decade were retrieved from scientific databases, and their findings were analyzed through a bibliometric study. Reviews and original articles expressed 40 and 60% of publications, respectively, and novel thermal and non-thermal processing studies showed multidisciplinary approaches. Ohmic heating and microwave heating were the most discussed novel thermal technologies in the processing of dairy products. Among non-thermal technologies, there was a more significant trend in studies on ultrasound, high hydrostatic pressure, and pulsed electric fields. The impact of the application of novel food technologies concerning quality, safety, and energy efficiency compared to traditional methods and the influence of critical operating conditions for process control were the most studied areas. Furthermore, the impact of novel non-thermal food processing technologies from the consumer's point of view is emerging. These results can be used for future innovations by the dairy industry.Industrial relevanceDairy foods are important food matrices considering a nutritional and functional point of view and recommended in a regular diet for consumers of all ages. Therefore, a bibliometric analysis was performed considering dairy foods and novel thermal and non-thermal processing. A higher number of publications considering non-thermal technologies was reported, highlighting the need for food processing without applying high temperatures. High hydrostatic pressure, ultrasonication, and pulsed electric fields were the most discussed non-thermal technologies. At the same time, ohmic heating and microwave heating were the most reported thermal technologies. Furthermore, the most used applications, critical process parameters, and food properties to be evaluated are highlighted and discussed. The results could be used as a basis for the dairy processors to implement non-conventional technologies as an option at their production lines, as they demonstrate the most relevant process parameters and food characteristics to be evaluated, helping them to choose the parameters with higher impact and firstly consider them. Furthermore, consumers studies are important and should evaluate consumer perception about the products and the perceived benefits and risks of the novel technologies.  相似文献   

脉冲电场(PEF)技术被视为21世纪食品非热加工技术发展史上的里程碑之一。迄今为止,PEF已广泛应用于果汁、牛奶和液态蛋等液体食品的杀菌和钝酶,并朝着商业化道路前进。然而,与PEF在液体食品中的应用相比,其在固体食品中的应用还处于起步阶段。固体食品的表面虽然也富含微生物,但PEF处理这类食品对微生物的影响较小,因此不能将其应用于固体食品的杀菌保鲜。仅管如此,PEF诱导的细胞电穿孔使其可作为一种预处理方法,通过增加质量和能量传递效率的方式来进行辅助固体食品的干燥、冻融、烹饪等。因此,本文重点介绍基于PEF细胞响应的高品质食品加工应用,总结PEF处理室的特点及PEF预处理固体食品的相关机理。最后,本文探讨了PEF在固体食品加工中的主要障碍和前景,为PEF未来在食品行业的发展拓宽研究方向。  相似文献   

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