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为探究芳纶平纹织物抽拔力峰值和横向预张力受各因素影响机制和变化规律,通过在电子万能试验机上加装自主设计的快速对中夹具和力传感器,进行了以横向预张力、抽拔速度、试样规格和纱线类型为变量的单纱抽拔实验。结果表明:抽拔力和横向预张力在抽拔过程中发生同频率零相位差的震荡下降,抽拔力峰值与抽拔纱线的交织点数量、交织点处的张力和变形程度呈正比关系;当初始横向预张力从100 N增加至400 N时,抽拔力峰值从5.63 N增加至10.58 N,横向预张力的上升值降低,下降值增加;当织物纵向长度从30 mm递增至110 mm时,抽拔力峰值增加,峰值增幅降低;抽拔过程中,横向预张力的上升值和下降值都随着织物纵向长度的增加而增加;纱线织造密度越小,预紧后的卷曲程度越高,抽拔力峰值越大。  相似文献   

为增强芳纶机织物的纬纱交织阻力,将纱罗组织和平纹组织结合,以提升纬纱对横向抽拔作用的抵御能力。通过准静态纱线抽拔试验发现:在交织阻力位移曲线的退屈曲区内,纬纱的最大交织阻力和经纬纱屈曲交换程度密切相关;在黏滑区内,曲线呈现出一种震荡衰减趋势;纱线所受的交织阻力和被抽拔纱线根数几乎呈线性关系;同时抽拔2 根、3 根和4 根纱线的最大交织阻力对比于单纱抽拔的最大交织阻力的增幅分别是160% 、289% 和 389% ;纱罗组织的引入,有效增强了经纱对纬纱的握持性能。单纱抽拔试验结果表明,平纹/纱罗复合结构织物的纬纱所受最大交织阻力比平纹结构增加约20% 。多纱抽拔试验结果表明,交织阻力的最大增量约为65% 。  相似文献   

竹浆棉混纺织物性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究竹浆纤维含量对混纺织物断裂强力、断裂伸长率、撕破强力、耐磨性的影响规律.经过测试相同织物组织结构、相同经纬纱线密度、相同经密、不同纬密情况下不同混纺比织物的各项性能,认为当织物经纬密保持不变,随着纬纱中竹浆纤维含量的减少,织物的纬向断裂强力增加,而经向断裂强力减小;织物纬向断裂伸长率呈下降趋势,而经向断裂伸长率先下降而后上升再下降;织物的纬向撕破强力先下降而后上升,而经向撕破强力先上升后下降;织物的耐磨性呈现先增加再减小而后再增加的趋势.  相似文献   

介绍了绞织织物的结构特点,重点分析了绞织织物经向的防滑移性能。绞织织物属于纱罗组织的一种,其经纱之间相互扭绞,形成独特的网眼结构。利用欧拉公式理论计算普通平纹织物与绞织织物的交织阻力,并以此表示纱线的防滑移力,绞织织物的经向防滑移力约为平纹织物的1.5倍;利用电子织物强力仪测试两种织物经向的交织阻力,结果显示绞织织物的经向防滑移力为平纹织物的1.8倍。由此可见,绞织织物比普通的三原组织织物纱线防滑移性能优良,结构更加稳定。  相似文献   

弹力纬纱织物纬向缩率的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
马芹 《棉纺织技术》2008,36(2):21-24
探讨纬向弹力织物和经纬向弹力织物纬向缩率的影响因素.对不同的纬纱结构、不同的组织结构、不同的织造工艺对纬向缩率的影响进行了分析,认为弹力纬纱氨纶丝预牵伸倍数越大,弹力织物纬向缩率增加;弹力纬纱线密度越小,纬向缩率越大;织物经密越大,织物的纬向缩率越小;织物纬密越小,织物纬向缩率越大,但变化不很明显;纬纱采用较粗的氨纶丝作为芯丝,织物纬向缩率就较大;织物组织交织次数多,织物的纬向缩率小;经纱张力越大,织物的纬向缩率较小;纬纱张力大,织物下机后纬向缩率大;边撑撑幅力小,织物纬向缩率增大;车间温湿度高,织物纬向缩率增大.  相似文献   

以4DG尼龙纱线和涤纶长丝为原料,设计并制备导水加筋土工织物。为探究排水纱线和加筋纱线线密度对导水加筋土工织物抗拉强度、撕破强力、顶破强力及芯吸性能的影响,制备了6种导水加筋土工织物并测试其性能。结果表明:所得导水加筋土工织物在其排水方向上的芯吸性能良好,且结构稳定,力学性能良好;增大排水纱线线密度,织物的经向抗拉强度随之增加,但纬向抗拉强度和撕破强力下降;增大加筋纱线线密度,织物的纬向抗拉强度增加,但经向抗拉强度下降,撕破强力也相应降低。  相似文献   

为研究以碳纳米管(CNT)为传感元件的智能织物的传感性能,采用嵌入方式将碳纳米管纱线与机织物结合,测试碳纳米管纱线的电阻变化率与机织物的应变关系。结果表明:实验所用的CNT 纱线的传感系数为1.02,采用5%的聚乙烯醇(PVA)溶液对其进行复合后的CNT/PVA纱线其传感系数提高到了1.43;将CNT 纱线与CNT/PVA 纱线分别沿经向和纬向嵌入平纹织物,均沿经向施加3%的应变,CNT/PVA 纱线传感系数经向为0.67,纬向为0.27,CNT 纱线传感系数经向为0.33,纬向为0.11。改变CNT/PVA 纱线嵌入平纹的经浮长,浮长越长时织物的传感系数越高,连续6 个经浮长对应的传感系数最高为0.81;改变CNT/PVA 纱线经向嵌入平纹的长度,在一定范围内,嵌入的纱线长度越长织物的传感系数越高,将3cm 的CNT/PVA 纱线经向嵌入平纹织物经向拉伸7%时对应的传感系数约为1.07。  相似文献   

机织间隔织物的结构设计及其织造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
间隔织物是一种特殊的三维机织物结构,首先探讨了间隔织物结构的影响因素,主要包括面板组织、垂向组织、垂纱跨距、垂纱密度等。以三维正交组织或平纹组织作面板组织,利用单根纱线或平纹组织来形成织物的垂向组织,改变织物的垂纱跨距或垂纱密度设计并成功制织了8种经向截面结构不同的间隔织物试样。阐述了织造间隔织物时上机张力的处理方法,最后呈现了试织成功的间隔织物的实物效果图。  相似文献   

为了拓展羊驼绒纺织产品的应用范围,开发了羊驼绒与苎麻混纺纱线及其织物。以羊驼绒/苎麻的混纺比为变量,研究了混纺比对纱线及织物性能的影响规律。结果表明:随着苎麻含量的增加,混纺纱线的断裂强力增加,断裂伸长率下降,混纺纱线的毛羽量先减少后增多;混纺织物的经、纬向断裂强力呈上升的趋势且同种混纺比下,织物的纬向断裂强力均高于经向,织物的经、纬向断裂伸长率均出现下降趋势且织物的纬向断裂伸长率均高于经向,起毛起球性恶化。  相似文献   

UHMWPE短纤纱具有优秀的抗切割性与较好的树脂浸润性,非常适用于制作防刺材料。文章试织了12种不同织物规格的试样,进行准静态穿刺实验,探究5种因素(组织、紧度、纱线线密度、经纬密和面密度)对织物防刺性能的影响,并比较不同穿刺角度下织物防刺性能的差异。结果表明:与方平织物与接结双层织物相比,平纹织物的防刺性能最好;同种经纬密或同紧度下,粗特纱织制的平纹织物防刺性能好;随着经密增加,紧度增加,面密度增加,防刺性能逐渐增加,但织物过于紧密时,防刺性能反而降低;平纹织物的穿刺性能具有各向异性,经纬向的防刺性能优于45°方向。  相似文献   

郭兴峰 《纺织学报》2007,28(7):52-54
为提高复合材料飞轮的径向强度,设计了径向也存在纱线的圆环形织物,它是按照飞轮层状展开得到的形状,经纱沿圆环的圆周方向,纬纱沿半径方向。分析圆环形织物在织造过程中经纬纱间的剪切变形,从织口到织物被织机的卷取成形辊握持,剪切变形角逐渐增大。剪切变形的存在,使机上圆环形织物的大小半径比设计值要小,而经纱密度变大。推导出织物机上尺寸与设计尺寸之间的关系,并可用于圆环织物的设计。实际制织了一种碳纤维圆环形织物,下机后经相反方向的剪切变形,得到了与设计相一致的结构。  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is to describe the effect of change in surface friction of single layer para-aramid (Twaron®) square woven fabric and change in knife penetration angle on its Quasi-Static Knife Penetration Resistance (QSKPR). The surface friction of fabric was changed by depositing SiO2 on its surface by using water glass as a precursor. Six different knife penetration angles (0°, 22.5°, 45°, 67.5°, 90° and 135°) were selected. Untreated and treated fabric samples were compared for change in QSKPR. It was observed that the deposition of SiO2 on the surface of Twaron® fabric increased the surface friction which resulted in the increase in QSKPR. The response of fabric against QSKPR changed from partial yarn cutting to individual yarn cutting in fewer steps and load was distributed to a larger area due to decrease in yarn slippage. The change in penetration angle changed the distance, knife cutting edge travelled to cut each next yarn(s) and when this distance increased, the QSKPR was reduced. The post-penetration image analysis of damaged fibres showed that the load distribution among warp and weft yarns was complementary and change in penetration angles changed the distribution of stabbing load among the warp and weft yarns. When yarns with higher tensile strength and less slippage were loaded, the fabric showed highest resistance to penetration. A QSKPR prediction model was also proposed at the end.  相似文献   

This paper focused on the investigation of surface roughness and friction properties of polyester fabrics after abrasion. Experiments were performed on polyester woven fabrics produced from the same yarns in warp and weft directions but with different constructional properties. Surface roughness parameters of amplitude, spacing and hybrid, along with static and kinetic coefficients of friction were measured before and after multiple abrasion cycles. Abrasion was used in order to change the surface characteristic (peak and valley heights and depths and their distributions) in such a way by forming ruptured fiber ends under the control of abrasion. Measurements were made along warp, weft, and diagonal directions. The results showed that roughness parameters decreased numerically as abrasion cycles increased and as ruptured fiber ends formed. Static and kinetic coefficients of friction changed in different manners when measurements were performed along warp and weft directions. It was concluded that initial and resultant peak heights and valley depths together with their distribution on fabric surface govern roughness and friction properties of surfaces in opposite ways. Roughness parameters of skewness and kurtosis could be further considered in the research of friction properties of textile surfaces.  相似文献   

为使机织物中纬纱形成特殊的屈曲形态的外观效应,采用经纱在织机后梁上分区段扦插抬杆的办法,研究经纱差异张力下的织物纬纱行为特征。试样选用250 dtex×2涤纶/羊毛55/45混纺纱作经纬纱线,配置平纹组织,经向密度为200根/(10 cm)。设置不同抬杆扦插高度H值、扦插宽度K值和织物纬密Pw值,测试示踪纬的波动幅度M值。试验结果表明:H值在2.5 cm及以下,试验具有可行性;H值增大、K值减小,M值增大;当Pw值增大到300根/(10 cm)时,M值的增大趋势明显减弱;纬纱的屈曲形态与程度在织物试织过程中始终维持,并在织物下机后基本保持原状。  相似文献   

In textile and garment industries, misarranged warp yarns of yarn-dyed fabrics disorganize the layout of fabrics and lead to poor product quality. This series of studies aims to develop a computer vision-based system for automatic detection of misarranged color warp yarns in terms of high efficiency and good accuracy. Four main parts are included in this series of studies: warp yarn segmentation, fabric image stitching, warp regional segmentation, and yarn layout proofing. This paper proposes a continuous segmentation method of warp yarns to detect the misarranged color warp yarns for yarn-dyed fabrics automatically, which is the foundation of the developed computer vision-based system. The proposed framework consists of two main components: warp yarn segmentation and fabric image stitching. Firstly, the sequence images of a fabric stripe are captured using a designed offline image acquisition platform. Secondly, the warp yarns in the sequence images are segmented by a sub-image projection-based method successively. Thirdly, the sequence images are stitched by a yarn-template matching method based on their warp segmentation results. Finally, the continuous segmentation result of warp yarns is saved for the further processing of warp regional segmentation and color warp layout proofing. The proposed method has been evaluated on 720 fabric images of five fabric examples with plain and 2/2 twill, and experimental results show that the proposed method can realize the continuous segmentation of warp yarns in yarn-dyed fabrics with the yarn segmentation accuracy of 97.43% and image stitching accuracy of 99.53%.  相似文献   

This experimental work examines the influence of the yarn twist on the formability of a woven fabric. Consideration is given to the phenomenon of bedding between warp and weft yarns, as affected by the local helix angles of bent yarns. A total of 28 plain weave woven fabrics (four groups, each with seven samples) were produced, using Solospun? yarns as warp and weft threads. The fabric bending length and the initial modulus of each sample were measured from which the formability was calculated. Results indicated that the fabrics in which the warp and weft twists are unidirectional (Z &; Z) have higher formability in comparison to those fabrics in which the warp and weft twists are opposite to each other (Z &; S). In addition, among the former fabrics the highest formability belongs to those in which the total helix angle of the warp and weft is close to 90 degree whereas the lowest formability belongs to the latter fabrics with least amount of twist.  相似文献   


This paper describes the tensile and frictional behavior of wool-cotton union fabrics developed using different wool-cotton blended warp yarns, and mixed wool weft yarns spun on khadi spinning system. The tenacity and elongation at break of fabric increase with the blending of cotton with JK crossbred wool in the warp direction and high content of Australian merino wool in the weft direction, however, initial modulus decreases. The static and dynamic coefficient of friction positively correlates to the wool content in warp yarn and negatively correlates with linear density and the proportion of Australian merino wool in weft yarn.  相似文献   

介绍了在喷气织机上织造两种不同经纱的提花织物的过程,具体论述了整经、浆纱织造时应注意的问题和采取的措施,有效解决了两种经纱的易绞现象,减少了经缩、横档等疵布,提高了产品质量和生产效率。  相似文献   

在同一温度不同放置时间以及不同温度条件下对丝绸面料的经、纬向热缩率进行测试,结果表明面料本身性能、熨烫冷却后的放置时问及熨间温度均会影响丝绸面料的热缩率。  相似文献   

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