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超高压杀菌技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
超高压杀菌技术作为一项新型食品加工技术能有效改善和提高食品加工品质。本文首先综述超高压杀菌技术的作用原理、影响杀菌效果的因素等方面研究成果,然后介绍了超高压杀菌技术在食品工业中的最新应用进展,最后展望超高压杀菌技术的应用前景。  相似文献   

超高压杀菌技术在食品加工中的商业应用已经有20多年的历史,而第一次在乳品中应用的实验可追溯至1899年。该项技术和其他的杀菌方法一样通常用于杀死食品中的致病菌和腐败菌。恒天然公司经过多年的研究改进了该技术,在杀死大部分或全部的有害微生物的同时使食品中的营养成分成功的得以保留下来,以此创造崭新的功能性产品。正如名称所示,超高压杀菌技术采用非常高的压力作为杀菌方法替代热处理杀菌,从而达到保藏食品的目的。这种技术类似于把食品放置于海洋深处一段时间,然后再把食品从海洋深处打捞出来,唯一不同之处在于超高压杀菌技术采用的压力要远远高于食品在海洋中承受的压力。例如马里亚纳海沟的最深处的压力大约在1OOOBar左右,而超高压杀菌技术采用的压力可以高达7000Bar。目前超高压杀菌技术已经在果汁、果酱、水产品和肉制品等行业得以应用,恒天然公司开创了其在乳品和含有乳原料的产品中的应用。恒天然公司对超高压杀菌技术经过长达4年的研究,到目前为止已经在30多个国家取得或正在申请包括在酸奶和发酵食品、乳蛋白和酶处理、包含活性成分的食品中应用的专利。  相似文献   

超高压加工技术是一项具有广阔应用前景的食品冷杀菌新技术.该文综述了超高压加工技术对果汁中微生物、酶和产品品质的影响,以及超高压杀菌设备的现状.在分析各超高压处理效果影响因素的基础上,提出下一步研究的方法与方向,并对其发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

食品冷杀菌技术研究进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
食品冷杀菌技术是指不用热能杀死微生物,不影响食品营养、质构、色泽和风味的新兴杀菌技术。通过介绍超高压杀菌、射线杀菌、超高压脉冲电场杀菌、脉冲强光杀菌、磁力杀菌、紫外线杀菌和二氧化钛光催化杀菌技术,详述其基本原理及其在食品工业中应用研究进展。  相似文献   

食品超高压处理是一种非热加工技术,通过对整个食品的快速、均匀加压达到对食品杀菌、保藏、改性等目的。与其他处理方式相比,超高压处理具有加工过程污染低、营养物质损失少、风味保持度好等优点。本文通过研究国内外相关文献,主要从超高压加工技术的机理及在食品工业中的应用,包括杀菌、蛋白质改性、贝类脱壳、物质提取等方面综述了食品超高压处理近年来的研究进展。对超高压加工技术在食品工业中的应用进行了归纳分析,总结了该技术在食品工业中存在的问题,并指出了该领域今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

超高压杀菌技术在果汁生产中应用的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
超高压杀菌技术是近年来研究较多的冷杀菌技术之一,它能够有效杀灭食品中的微生物,同时减少对食品中营养成分和感官性质的破坏。简要介绍了超高压杀菌技术近年来在果汁生产中的应用,以便对以后的学习研究提供参考。  相似文献   

超高压在柑橘类果汁加工中的应用及其研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹秋旭  郭丽琼  吴厚玖 《食品工业科技》2012,33(12):414-417,421
超高压技术能有效的对食品进行杀菌和灭酶,由于大都在常温下处理,因此对食品的色、香、味等感官特征以及营养成分影响较小,是一种有潜在应用价值非热灭菌的先进技术。本文综述了超高压技术的特点及其在柑橘果汁中的应用和研究进展,并展望了超高压在果汁加工中的应用前景,为进一步研究超高压技术在果汁加工中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

超高压处理(high pressure processing,HPP)作为一种新型的非热杀菌技术,具有最大限度保留食品中营养物质的优势,已在食品工业中广泛应用。但由于加工环境以及食品基质的复杂性,不同微生物在HPP下敏感度不同,且会形成部分亚致死微生物,引发食品安全的潜在隐患。基于HPP设备原理及其应用于食品加工中的杀菌效果,该文对影响超高压杀菌效果的内外因子以及导致细菌失活(致死或亚致死效应)的作用机制进行了综述,并分析了超高压与其他技术联用可能是抑制微生物亚致死效应的有效途径。  相似文献   

张凡  王永涛  廖小军   《中国食品学报》2020,20(5):293-302
相比传统食品热杀菌技术,超高压杀菌技术不仅能达到良好的杀菌效果,还能保持食品原有的颜色、风味、营养等品质。为了保证超高压杀菌的可靠性与安全性,就需要对影响超高压杀菌效果的因素进行研究。以往的研究主要集中在压力、保压时间及温度等方面等因素,然而,一系列研究表明,超高压升/卸压过程也会影响杀菌效果。本文介绍了影响超高压杀菌效果的主要因素,重点介绍升/卸压过程对杀菌的影响,以期推进超高压杀菌技术在我国食品加工领域的应用。  相似文献   

非加热杀菌的及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者论述了几种非加热杀菌技术的原理及优势性,其中包括:超声波杀菌、高电压脉冲杀菌、超高压杀菌、辐射杀菌、过滤除菌等,介绍了非加热杀菌技术在食品加工中的应用,探讨了在食品工业中广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   


Cold plasma has emerged as a non-thermal technology for microbial inactivation in the food industry over the last decade. Spore-forming microorganisms pose challenges for microbiological safety and for the prevention of food spoilage. Inactivation of spores induced by cold plasma has been reported by several studies. However, the exact mechanism of spore deactivation by cold plasma is poorly understood; therefore, it is difficult to control this process and to optimize cold plasma processing for efficient spore inactivation. In this review, we summarize the factors that affect the resistance of spores to cold plasma, including processing parameters, environmental elements, and spore properties. We then describe possible inactivation targets in spore cells (e.g., outer structure, DNA, and metabolic proteins) that associated with inactivation by cold plasma according to previous studies. Kinetic models of the sporicidal activity of cold plasma have also been described here. A better understanding of the interaction between spores and cold plasma is essential for the development and optimization of cold plasma technology in food the industry.  相似文献   

Bacillus cereus spores are resistant to high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) processing treatment. A combination of UV-TiO2 photocatalysis (UVTP for 10 min) and two cycles of 600 MPa HHP treatment for 10 min for the first cycle and 1 min for the second cycle (UVTP-2HHP) at ambient temperature was applied to inactivate B. cereus spores inoculated on a solidified agar matrix (SAM) used as a model matrix. Two cycles of HHP treatment were used as a strategy for induction of spore germination, followed by inactivation. UVTP and 2 cycles of HHP resulted in a 5.0-log CFU/cm2 spore reduction (initial spore count was 6.6 log CFU/cm2), including an approximate 0.8-log CFU/cm2 reduction due to a synergistic effect. The inactivation mechanism of UVTP pretreatment was related to lipid peroxidation of the spore membrane based on the level of malondialdehyde (MDA) making spores susceptible to the HHP treatment. Flow cytometry and transmission electron microscopic (TEM) analyses showed severe physiological alteration and structural damage to spores after the combined treatment. UVTP and 2 cycles of HHP showed potential for effective inactivation of B. cereus to ensure food safety from B. cereus spores on food products.Practical applicationsInactivation of bacterial spores remains a technical challenge for HHP and other interventions because spores are highly resistant to high pressure. Pretreatment with UVTP followed by two cycles of HHP resulted in reduction in B. cereus spores due to a synergistic effect. This hurdle technology of UVTP and HHP can help food industry in ensuring food safety against the Bacillus spores.  相似文献   

Decontamination of meat is commonly practiced to get rid of or decrease the microbial presence on the meat surface. Dielectric barrier discharge cold atmospheric plasma (DBD-CAP) as innovative technology is a food microbial inactivation technique considered in high regard by food scientists and engineers in present times. However, cold atmospheric plasma application is at the experimental stage, due to lack of sufficient information on its mode of action in inactivating microbes, food shelf-life extensibility, whereas, the nutritional value of food is preserved. In this review, we have appraised recent work on DBD-CAP concerning the decontamination treatment of meat products, highlighting the processing value results on the efficacy of the DBD-CAP microbial inactivation technique. Also, the paper will review the configurations, proposed mechanisms, and chemistry of DBD-CAP. Satisfactory microbial inactivation was observed. In terms of DBD-CAP application on sensory evaluation, inferences from reviewed literature showed that DBD has no significant effect on meat color and tenderness, whereas in contrast, TBARS values of fresh and processed meat are affected. DBD seems economically efficient and environmentally sustainable.  相似文献   

Food processing by high hydrostatic pressure   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The use of high hydrostatic pressures (HHP) for food processing is finding increased application within the food industry. One of the advantages of this technology is that because it does not use heat, sensory, and nutritional attributes of the product remain virtually unaffected, thus yielding products with better quality than those processed traditional methods. HHP have the ability to inactivate microorganisms as well as enzymes responsible for shortening the life of a product. In addition to lengthening the shelf-life of food products, HHP can modify functional properties of components such as proteins, which in turn can lead to the development of new products. Equipment for large-scale production of HHP processed products are commercially available nowadays. Guacamole, sliced ham, oysters, and fruit juices are some of the products currently available on the market. HHP technology is one of the most promising nonthermal processes.  相似文献   

High pressure processing (HPP) as a nonthermal processing (NTP) technology can ensure microbial safety to some extent without compromising food quality. However, for vegetative microorganisms, the existence of pressure-resistant subpopulations, the revival of sublethal injury (SLI) state cells, and the resuscitation of viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state cells may constitute potential food safety risks and pose challenges for the further development of HPP application. HPP combined with selected hurdles, such as moderately elevated or low temperature, low pH, natural antimicrobials (bacteriocin, lactate, reuterin, endolysin, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase system, chitosan, essential oils), or other NTP (CO2, UV-TiO2 photocatalysis, ultrasound, pulsed electric field, ultrafiltration), have been highlighted as feasible alternatives to enhance microbial inactivation (synergistic or additive effect). These combinations can effectively eliminate the pressure-resistant subpopulation, reduce the population of SLI or VBNC state cells and inhibit their revival or resuscitation. This review provides an updated overview of the microbial inactivation by the combination of HPP and selected hurdles and restructures the possible inactivation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Thermal treatment is a traditional method for food processing, which can kill microorganisms but also lead to physicochemical and sensory quality damage, especially to temperature-sensitive foods. Nowadays consumers’ increasing interest in microbial safety products with premium appearance, flavor, great nutritional value and extended shelf-life has promoted the development of emerging non-thermal food processing technologies as alternative or substitution to traditional thermal methods. Fish is an important and world-favored food but has a short shelf-life due to its extremely perishable characteristic, and the microbial spoilage and oxidative process happen rapidly just from the moment of capture, making it dependent heavily on post-harvest preservation. The applications of novel non-thermal food processing technologies, including high pressure processing (HPP), ultrasound (US), pulsed electric fields (PEF), pulsed light (PL), cold plasma (CP) and ozone can extend the shelf-life by microbial inactivation and also keep good sensory quality attributes of fish, which is of high interest for the fish industry. This review presents the principles, developments of emerging non-thermal food processing technologies, and also their applications in fish industry, with the main focus on microbial inactivation and sensory quality. The promising results showed great potential to keep microbial safety while maintaining organoleptic attributes of fish products. What’s more, the strengths and weaknesses of these technologies are also discussed. The combination of different food processing technologies or with advanced packaging methods can improve antimicrobial efficacy while not significantly affect other quality properties under optimized treatment.  相似文献   

Bioactive compounds in food can have high impacts on human health, such as antioxidant, antithrombotic, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory activities. However, many of them are sensitive to thermal treatments incurred during processing, which can reduce their availability and activity. Milk, including ovine, caprine, bovine, and human is a rich source of bioactive compounds, including immunoglobulins, vitamins, and amino acids. However, processing by various novel thermal and non-thermal technologies has different levels of impacts on these compounds, according to the studies reported in the literature, predominantly in the last 10 years. The reported effect of these technologies either covers microbial inactivation or the bioactive composition; however, there is a lack of comprehensive compilation of studies that compare the effect of these technologies on bioactive compounds in milk (especially, caprine and ovine) to microbial inactivation at similar settings. This research gap makes it challenging to conclude on the specific processing parameters that could be optimized to achieve targets of microbial safety and nutritional quality at the same time. This review covers the effect of a wide range of thermal and non-thermal processing technologies including high-pressure processing, pressure-assisted thermal sterilization, pulsed-electric field treatment, cold plasma, microwave-assisted thermal sterilization, ultra-high-pressure homogenization, ultrasonication, irradiation on the bioactive compounds as well as on microbial inactivation in milk. Although a combination of more than one technology could improve the reduction of bacterial contaminants to meet the required food safety standards and retain bioactive compounds, there is still scope for research on these hurdle approaches to simultaneously achieve food safety and bioactivity targets.  相似文献   

超高压对双孢蘑菇的杀菌效果和动力学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以细菌总数、大肠菌群、酵母菌和霉菌数为对象,研究了超高压(High hydrostatic pressure,HHP)处理对双孢蘑菇(Agaricus bisporus)的杀菌效果和杀菌动力学。双孢蘑菇在300、400、500、600MPa压力下,室温下分别用HHP处理2.5~25min。结果表明:随压力的升高和时间的延长,杀菌效果增强;霉菌、酵母对压力较为敏感,400MPa处理2.5min可将其全部杀死;300MPa处理2.5min可完全杀灭双孢蘑菇中的大肠菌群。应用Weibull模型对不同处理条件下双孢蘑菇的杀菌效果进行拟合,拟合动力学曲线的决定系数R2均大于0.97,拟合效果较好。提出了双孢蘑菇的HHP杀菌的最优杀菌工艺参数,即600MPa处理5min,该条件即可以有效杀灭双孢蘑菇中的微生物。  相似文献   

张瑞雪  张文桂  管峰  袁勇军 《食品科学》2017,38(23):305-312
脉冲强光是一种非热物理杀菌新技术,利用氙气灯瞬时高强度、广谱的脉冲光来杀灭固体表面、气体和透明液体中营养细菌及芽孢、真菌和真菌孢子、病毒和原生动物等腐败病原微生物,具有能耗低、杀菌效率高、对产品质量和营养的负面影响较低等优点。本文综述了脉冲强光设备的工作原理、杀菌机理、杀菌影响因素及在果蔬、食品包装材料、水处理等中的研究和应用进展。  相似文献   

The consecutive combinations of nisin with high hydrostatic pressure (nisin-HHP) and ultrasound with high hydrostatic pressure (US-HHP) were explored to achieve enhanced microbial inactivation in liquid whole egg processing. The HHP processing conditions were fixed to either 250 MPa for 886 s or 300 MPa for 200 s at the treatment temperature of 5 °C, which have been determined as the optimum HHP processing conditions considering egg protein coagulation and microbial inactivation kinetics. Between the two types of combinations, the nisin-HHP combination showed more promising results. The addition of nisin prior to pressure treatments significantly increased the lethal effects of HHP against Listeria seeligeri up to 5 log cycles. Because the individual effects of each nisin and HHP on the Listeria were almost negligible, the Listeria reductions are considered to be due to the synergistic action of nisin and HHP. However, the combination of nisin-HHP on E. coli showed exactly the same degree of inactivation by HHP alone, which supports protection mechanism of gram negative bacteria against the action of nisin. The US-HHP combination caused no reductions of Listeria and only a slightly increased inactivation of E. coli under the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

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