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冷缸制冷系统常见故障及排除方法刘殿宇黑龙江省乳品机械总厂由黑龙江省乳品机械总厂设计并制造的冷缸在全国各乳品厂家使用情况是好的,但我们也发现有的厂家在使用过程中不接操作规程使用,致使出现一些故障不能顺利排除,从而影响了正常贮奶,下面就冷缸制冷系统,制冷...  相似文献   

冰缸是使用电相电源的奶农专用的蓄冷式冷冻奶罐。虽然冷冻机功率很小,却可预先制冷蓄冰得到最快的降温速度和极佳的保鲜效果,给乳品厂和奶农带来良好经济效益,值得推广使用。  相似文献   

“2003年乳品质量没有大问题”《乳品与人类》:2003年,中国乳品市场的乳品质量在整体上还存在哪些问题?李茂胜:质量上没有大的问题,而且各企业现在对质量的控制都比较严格,所以2003年中国乳品市场的乳品质量总的来说还是很好。因为乳品的质量主要受奶源、设备、管理这三个方面的影响,而国家对于奶源的管理一向都是非常严格的,另外随着国产设备在质量上的不断提高,再加上企业对生产过程的严格控制和管理,  相似文献   

RP6L18型1250升立式冷缸简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、用途本设备适用于牧场贮存和冷却刚挤出的鲜羊奶或牛奶,也可用于乳品工厂或食品、饮料工厂贮存和冷却液体物料。本设备适用于牧场使用,因而又称牧场用立式冷缸。使用本设备可以代替牧场的小  相似文献   

<正> 卫生级容器的理想选择 (查询编号:09) 龙泰是专门从事流体设备的设计和制造的生产商,为食品、啤酒、乳品等领域提供满足无菌生产要求的卫生级管件、不锈钢容器及杀菌系统。公司的冷热缸设备,引进国外的生产工艺进行生产制作,  相似文献   

影响乳品质量的因素分析及控制方法   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
王喜梅 《中国乳品工业》2007,35(3):53-55,62
从原料奶包装材料、辅料、生产过程的控制和确认、工艺方法、设备的运行状态、设备及管路的清洗消毒、生产环境的卫生状况以及产品的防护、储存方式、员工的质量意识、质量知识等方面探讨和分析了影响乳品质量的因素,提出提高乳品质量必须从原料乳的质量、乳品生产过程的监督和确认、生产设备的维护和保养、设备及管路的清洗消毒、产品的配送管理、人员质量培训等关键环节来控制。  相似文献   

灌装是乳品生产过程的重点环节之一,也是质量控制的难点之一。做好乳品的灌装工作,需要考虑多方面的问题,如PET瓶超巴氏热灌装技术中,需要重点考虑包装材料(瓶和盖)的消毒、灌装空间的净化、灌装设备外部的清洁和消毒、物料灌装通道的清洗和消毒以及操作过程中相关人员污染控制等诸多技术环节。本文围绕灌装设备重点介绍乳品灌装的质量控制经验。  相似文献   

酪蛋白质量分数作为乳品掺假检验指标的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了我国乳品掺假的原因、方式和危害,以及掺假鉴定的必要性和重要性,分析了酪蛋白是牛乳中的特征性成分,根据乳品中酪蛋白占乳蛋白的质量比例(即酪蛋白质量分数)一般会稳定在77%~78%左右,提出了酪蛋白质量分数≥73%,可以作为乳品掺假检验的定量指标,探讨了国内外酪蛋白定量检测方法的研究现状。结果表明,等电点沉淀法无疑是一种适合我国国情的、操作简单的酪蛋白检验方法,对防治乳品掺假具有重要的现实意义,并通过分析提出了该检验方法所需研究的内容。  相似文献   

在经济快速发展,人们生活水平不断提高的时期,人们的思想意识也发生了很大的变化,现在,人们对健康食品的要求越来越高,其中,乳制品作为营养成分非常高的食品,需求量在不断增加,因此,乳品工业生产过程中要保证和提高乳制品的质量和营养成分。在科学技术不断发展过程中,很多的高新技术在乳品工业中得到了非常广泛的应用,文章对这些高新技术进行分析,对以后的乳品产业发展具有很大的现实意义。  相似文献   

乳品的冻结点和冻结率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乳品和其它类食品一样,其所含之水分,并非纯净之水,而是溶有多种不同溶质的水溶液。所以,根据溶液的依数性质,在乳品的冻结过程中,例如生产中常见的冰淇淋、雪糕等冷饮乳制品的冻结,水分从乳品的水溶液中开始析出而变成结晶冰时的温度——乳品的冻结点将必然会低于纯水的冰点0℃,这个现象称为乳品  相似文献   

The factors affecting the condition of milk at the end of its stay in bulk storage are as follows: The temperature of the milk when put into storage; the bacteriological quality of the milk when put into storage; the state of cleanliness of the storage tank or silo and allied equipment at time of filling; the length of time the milk is held in storage, and each of these is dealt with individually. The current performance of incoming ex-farm milk temperature is reviewed and the necessity to store milk at temperatures below 4C where lengthy storage time is involved, is stressed. The general bacteriological condition of present-day incoming raw supplies is discussed and emphasis placed on the importance of exploiting the potential advantages of bulk collection to the full. The importance of good management of bulk stored supplies is underlined and tank cleaning and milk agitation discussed. The more pressing problems in dairy products directly associated with raw milk quality are discussed in some detail and the need for more informative and relevant testing methods considered. Reference is made to the proposed DTF Survey on Raw Milk Quality and a strong appeal made for this to be supported in full by the industry.  相似文献   

HACCP在奶源建设中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了我国奶源面临的困难和问题,并针对国内乳品企业奶源质量存在的问题,引入HACCP体系。本文通过对原料乳生产的每个环节工序进行物理的、化学的、微生物的危害分析,确定关键控制点分别为奶牛饲养、挤奶、冷却、存储、运输及检验入罐,制定出HACCP工作计划表,从而提高原料奶的质量。  相似文献   

Influence of raw milk quality on fluid milk shelf life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pasteurized fluid milk shelf life is influenced by raw milk quality. The microbial count and somatic cell count (SCC) determine the load of heat-resistant enzymes in milk. Generally, high levels of psychrotrophic bacteria in raw milk are required to contribute sufficient quantities of heat-stable proteases and lipases to cause breakdown of protein and fat after pasteurization. Sanitation, refrigeration, and the addition of CO2 to milk are used to control both total and psychrotrophic bacteria count. It is not uncommon for total bacterial counts of raw milk to be < 10,000 cfu/mL. In the past, fluid milk processors have not focused much attention on milk SCC. Increased SCC is correlated with increased amounts of heat-stable protease (plasmin) and lipase (lipoprotein lipase) in milk. When starting with raw milk that has a low bacterial count, and in the absence of microbial growth in pasteurized milk, enzymes associated with high SCC will cause protein and fat degradation during refrigerated storage, and produce off-flavors. As the ability to kill, remove, or control microbial growth in pasteurized refrigerated milk continues to improve, the original milk SCC will be the factor limiting the time of refrigerated storage before development of an off-flavor in milk. Most healthy cows in a dairy herd have a milk SCC < 50,000 cell/mL. Bulk tank SCC > 200,000 cell/mL are usually due to the contribution of high SCC milk from a small number of cows in the herd. Technology to identify these cows and keep their milk out of the bulk tank could substantially increase the value of the remaining milk for use in fluid milk processing. To achieve a 60- to 90-d shelf life of refrigerated fluid milk, fluid processors and dairy farmers need to work together to structure economic incentives that allow farmers to produce milk with the SCC needed for extended refrigerated shelf life.  相似文献   

乳是一种营养丰富的物质, 同时也是微生物生长繁殖的理想培养基。生乳的质量是影响乳制品产业链的关键因素, 随着低温储存和冷链运输技术的发展, 生乳中大部分细菌的生长受到抑制, 但嗜冷菌的生长并未受到抑制, 并逐步成为生乳中的优势菌。生乳在冷藏运输或储存期间, 嗜冷菌依旧可以生长繁殖, 其分泌的蛋白酶和脂肪酶可耐高温, 经过巴氏杀菌或超高温灭菌处理后依旧保持活性, 因此, 了解嗜冷菌的多样性及其产生的酶对提高乳及乳制品质量、减少腐败和浪费具有重要作用。本文通过介绍乳及乳制品中嗜冷菌污染现状及腐败危害研究, 旨在为乳及乳制品行业的风险评估提供背景信息, 从源头控制嗜冷菌对生乳的浪费, 保证乳及乳制品的品质。  相似文献   

Control of psychrotolerant endospore-forming spoilage bacteria, particularly Bacillus and Paenibacillus spp., is economically important to the dairy industry. These microbes form endospores that can survive high-temperature, short-time pasteurization; hence, their presence in raw milk represents a major potential cause of milk spoilage. A previously developed culture-dependent selection strategy and an rpoB sequence-based subtyping method were applied to bacterial isolates obtained from environmental samples collected on a New York State dairy farm. A total of 54 different rpoB allelic types putatively identified as Bacillus (75% of isolates), Paenibacillus (24%), and Sporosarcina spp. (1%) were identified among 93 isolates. Assembly of a broader data set, including 93 dairy farm isolates, 57 raw milk tank truck isolates, 138 dairy plant storage silo isolates, and 336 pasteurized milk isolates, identified a total of 154 rpoB allelic types, representing an extensive diversity of Bacillus and Paenibacillus spp. Our molecular subtype data clearly showed that certain endospore-forming bacterial subtypes are present in the dairy farm environment as well as in the processing plant. The potential for entry of these ubiquitous heat-resistant spoilage organisms into milk production and processing systems, from the dairy farm to the processing plant, represents a considerable challenge that will require a comprehensive farm-to-table approach to fluid milk quality.  相似文献   

Coagulation properties of milk are altered by elevated somatic cell count (SCC), partly due to increased proteolytic and lipolytic activity in the milk and, thereby, degradation of protein and fat during storage. Milk is commonly stored on the farm at cooling conditions for up to 2 d before transport to the dairy for processing. This study evaluated the effects of storage on milk with altered composition due to high SCC and the effects of exclusion of milk from individual udder quarters with high SCC on milk composition, proteolysis, and coagulation properties. Udder-quarter milk and cow-composite milk samples from 13 cows having at least 1 quarter with SCC above 100,000 cells/mL were collected on 1 occasion. In addition, commingled milk from only healthy quarters (<100,000 cells/mL) of each cow was collected, representing a cow sample where milk with elevated SCC was excluded. The milk samples were analyzed for total protein content; protein content in the whey fraction; casein, fat, and lactose contents; SCC; proteolysis; curd yield; coagulation time; and total bacterial count, on the day of sampling and after 2 and 5 d of storage at +4°C. In addition to SCC, duration of storage and total bacterial count had an effect on milk quality. The content of total protein, fat and protein contents in the whey fraction, and curd yield were found to have different storage characteristics depending on the level of SCC at udder-quarter level. The exclusion of milk from udder quarters with elevated SCC decreased the content of total protein and protein content in the whey fraction and increased the content of lactose at cow level. However, the effect of separating milk at udder-quarter level needs to be further studied at bulk tank level to evaluate the effect on overall total milk quality.  相似文献   

生鲜乳是乳制品行业发展的主要原料,是决定乳制品质量的关键因素。然而近年来国内外在乳制品方面的食品安全事件频发,不法分子通过在生鲜乳中掺入虚假物质以获取经济利益的行为已经成为严重的安全问题,对人们健康以及整个乳制品行业造成不良影响。指纹图谱技术是对通过一定的分析工具产生的图像进行判别的一种检测技术,可以对生鲜乳的掺假进行更灵敏、准确和快速的检测。本文通过对生鲜乳的安全现状进行剖析,总结了电泳法、光谱法、色谱法和电子感官技术法4种指纹图谱技术在牛乳掺假检测中的应用,比较了4种技术的优点和局限性,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望,为提高生鲜乳的品质与安全以及保证消费者健康提供理论依据与参考。  相似文献   

The gross composition and bacteriological quality of milk used in cheese manufacture can have a significant influence on both the yield and the quality of the cheese produced. Within the past JO years there have been changes in terms of milk production and utilization in the dairy industry in the United Kingdom which could influence both the composition of milk and its bacteriological quality. Methods to eliminate any undesirable effects of changes in milk quality are available. The advantages of standardizing the casein to fat ratio in milk and extending the storage life of milk by thermization and deep cooling are discussed in relation to cheese manufacture.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate sources of variation of milk composition and technological characteristics routinely collected in field conditions in the Italian dairy industry. A total of 40,896 bulk milk records from 620 herds and 10 regions across Italy were analyzed. Composition traits were fat, protein, and casein percentages, urea content, and somatic cell score; and technological characteristics were rennet coagulation time, curd firming time, curd firmness 30 min after rennet addition to milk, and titratable acidity. Data of herd bulk milks were analyzed using a model that included fixed effects of region, herd nested within region, and season of milk analysis. An average good milk quality was reported in the dairy industry (especially concerning fat, protein, and casein percentages), and moderate to high correlations between composition and technological traits were observed. All factors included in the statistical model were significant in explaining the variation of the studied traits except for region effect in the analysis of casein and somatic cell score. Northeast and central-southern Italian regions showed the best performance for composition and technological features, respectively. Traits varied greatly across regions, which could reflect differences in herd management and strategies. Overall, less suitable milk for dairy processing was observed in summer. Results of the present study suggested that a constant monitoring of technological traits in the dairy industry is necessary to improve production quality at herd level and it may be a way to segregate milk according to its processing characteristics.  相似文献   

低乳糖奶的应用与发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
牛奶是营养丰富、容易消化吸收的天然食品。但是由于乳 糖不耐症的存在,使较多消费者饮用牛奶后会出现消化不 良、腹胀等现象。而低乳糖牛奶的开发满足了乳糖不耐症 患者的乳品消费需求,又改善了其他一些乳制品的加工工 艺条件和产品品质,促进了我国乳制品工业的发展。  相似文献   

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