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金丝怪味大虾 原料:大虾10只. 辅料:红薯250克,香菜10克,芹菜5克,球生菜250克,玫瑰花瓣10片. 调料:豆瓣酱10克,花生酱15克,青芥末5克,芝麻,自制红油3克,鲜鸡精5克,冰糖水3克,醋2克,花椒油2克,生抽5克,白芝麻3克,老作坊香油5克,生姜5克.料酒3克,胡椒粉1克,清油250克.  相似文献   

原料:青虾仁300 g,脂油600 g,鸡胗600 g,鲜姜7片,熟猪油400 g,桂皮1小块,大葱7段,大料6瓣,花椒水50 g,月桂叶5个,姜水10 g,白糖55 g,精盐10 g,味精6 g,番茄酱25 g,绍酒30 g,葱水15 g,芝麻油10 g,南荠50 g,鸡蛋清半个,湿淀粉35 g,鸡汤适量。  相似文献   

正煮制菠菜番茄鸡蛋油泼扯面的食材为:菠菜面团:菠菜200 g,面粉300 g,鸡蛋1个,调料为:盐1/4小勺,油10 g。配料为:小青菜1把,圆白菜3片,西红柿1个,鸡蛋1个,葱1小段,蒜3小瓣。调料为:油,盐,糖,生抽,醋,味精,辣椒面。具体制作过程:1.菠菜择干净老叶,反复清洗干净,沥干水备用。2.用料理机分次打成菠菜泥。3.菠菜泥,面粉,鸡蛋,盐,油一起放盆里混合,揉成光滑的菠菜面团,饧20 min。4.分成约30 g/个的面剂子,抹油(份量外),依次排入盘子,盖保鲜膜饧1~2 h。5.饧面的时间将各种配料清洗干净,鸡蛋打散,西红柿剥皮切大块,圆白菜切丝,大蒜剥皮拍碎,葱切碎。6.锅里倒油,先将打散的鸡蛋液倒入锅里,划散出锅。7.另起锅,倒油,爆香葱花,倒入西红柿,炒出汤,加一点点水,放盐,糖,炒匀。8.加入炒好的鸡蛋块,翻匀出锅。9.取出饧好的面剂子,用擀面杖稍稍擀长,中间压出一道痕,不要压断。10.两只手轻轻拉扯,面的中  相似文献   

这道菜就是家常菜,材料多所以叫什锦。肉、豆制品、各种蔬菜,与香锅没什么区别,只是家庭版的,且非常省事,15 min就能搞定了,就餐时做一个菜就可以,不用再做其他菜了。香辣炒什锦的食材为:莲藕1个,土豆1个,青笋1小颗,西兰花4~5朵,金针菇一小撮,豆皮150 g,豆泡4~5个,冻豆腐1小块,牛肉片100 g,午餐肉50 g,香菜3颗,青葱2小根,大蒜一颗,姜6片,干辣椒若干,清油辣椒酱1袋,麻椒30粒,香叶1片,  相似文献   

王小波 《酿酒》2007,34(6):94-94
湖北白云边股份有限公司,位于湖北省松滋市城北.这里东临江汉平原,西倚巫山岭余脉,南接武陵,北滨长江,海拔68.4米,多东南风,气候温和,土沃粮优,泉甘风冽,是历史悠久的酿酒盛地.  相似文献   

兰楚 《四川烹饪》2011,(2):52-53
关东人过年的前奏特别长,民间有"二十三,糖瓜粘,二十四,扫房子,二十五,做豆腐,二十六,要烀肉,二十七,宰年鸡,二十八,去打酒,二十九,蒸馒头,三十晚上闹一宿,大年初一扭一扭"的说法,这里面提到的吃喝风俗就有好几项,而关于老关东过年的食闻趣事,说来可就有点话长了。  相似文献   

毛式红烧肉 原料:薄皮五花肉,冰糖,清汤,盐,桂皮,八角,香叶,京葱,姜片,法香,鱼子。  相似文献   

李玉红 《烹调知识》2011,(22):67-68
兔年路上炎夏到,兔肴凉菜不可少,为什么?只因兔肉味性寒,凉血解毒保健康。此时,你一定要问:凉菜兔肴怎么做,不用急,别心慌,不红烧,不爆炒,新味免肴请看好。一、碎米酥皮兔原料:兔腿两只,花生米50g,黄瓜100g,葱段、姜片各15g,大料2枚,花椒25粒,料酒50g,精盐10g,生抽15g,香油5g,醋25g,色拉油  相似文献   

妞妞 《美容院》2013,(5):42-43
如他所说,即使有一天,他不在了,她也能好好生活下去,不为经济所困,更不需要为活下去委屈自己。他说,只有自强自立的女人,才能骄傲地去爱,只为爱而爱,而不是为生活……职场白领变身全职太太子期产假结束后回去上班,主管婉转告诉她,在她产假期间,公司效益下滑,已断断续续裁员,因子期休产假,所以未在第一批裁员名单里,但现在,子期的工作已经有别的员工代替,所以子期愕然,片刻,苦笑,知道纠葛下去也无意义,简单收拾了自己的东西,离开工作了六年的公司。  相似文献   

炸牛肉卷 原料:牛肉,面粉,面包糠。 调料:盐,洋葱碎,黑胡椒,全蛋液,香莱末,核桃仁酱,蒜末。 制法:牛肉剁成馅,加适量盐、黑胡椒拌匀,上劲,铺平,放上洋葱碎、香莱末、核桃仁酱、蒜末,卷起,裹少许面粉,再粘面包糠,入热油炸至金黄,捞出,切开;将炸好的牛肉卷入烤箱,以上下火120℃烤10分钟,取出装盘即可。  相似文献   

茶树起源于中国,茶叶是世界三大饮品之一.茶叶中富含茶多酚、蛋白质及氨基酸、生物碱、芳香族化合物、糖类、类脂化合物、维生素、无机物、叶绿素、酶等多种化合物.它们经过非发酵、微发酵、半发酵、全发酵及后发酵工艺,萎凋、杀青、揉捻、发酵、干燥等处理后,由于温度、压力、酶及微生物的作用,儿茶素在多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶等的氧化聚合下分别形成茶黄素、茶红素、茶褐素等茶色素;β-D-糖苷类等香气前驱体在β-葡萄糖苷酶、β-樱草糖苷酶的作用下水解生成相应的醇类等香气物质;蛋白质水解成氨基酸,并形成不同的手性对映体,所以赋予茶叶特有的颜色、香气、滋味、外形以及其抑菌、抗病毒、抗氧化、防衰老、增强机体免疫、防癌抗癌、预防心脑血管疾病等功效,进而形成绿茶、白茶、黄茶、青茶、红茶、黑茶六大茶系.本文从茶叶成品色、香、味等关键组分入手,阐述其在加工过程中的变化规律和关键技术调控的相关性及存在问题,并探讨它们的形成机理,为提高茶叶品质提供理论依据.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the levels of some toxic and trace metals in cattle meat in Spain and to compare them with concentrations in cattle elsewhere and to maximum acceptable levels. Arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper and zinc concentrations in the liver, kidney and muscle (meat) from 438 calves (6-10 months old) and 56 cows (2-16 years old) slaughtered in Galicia (NW Spain) in 1996 were quantified. The arithmetic mean fresh weight concentrations in calf liver, kidney and muscle respectively were 0.043, 0.055, 0.004mg/kg for arsenic, 0.032, 0.070, 0.001 mg/kg for cadmium, 0.053, 0.052, 0.009 mg/kg for lead, 64.6, 4.91, 0.677mg/kg for copper and 47.7, 14.4, 47.8mg/kg for zinc. In cows, these concentrations were 0.046, 0.068, 0.005mg/kg (arsenic), 0.097, 0.458, 0.001mg/kg (cadmium), 0.057, 0.066, 0.017mg/kg (lead), 60.3, 3.67, 1.26 mg/kg (copper) and 59.8, 20.0, 52.7mg/kg (zinc). Except for copper levels in the liver which were high, metal concentrations in cattle were generally low in Galicia and broadly similar to those in the rest of Europe, Australia and Canada. Arsenic, cadmium and lead concentrations in Galician cattle rarely exceeded acceptable maximum concentrations that have been adopted by many countries. Copper and zinc concentrations in Galician cattle did exceed acceptable maximum concentrations but the frequency with which this occurred depended upon which acceptable maximum concentration was used; regulatory values differ markedly between countries.  相似文献   


Sweet potato is a major root crop utilized widely for diverse food applications. Processing enables the usability of sweet potato in various forms for longer durations. Post-harvest processing of sweet potato involves grading and sorting, cleaning, peeling, drying or secondary processing and storage. Commercial utility of sweet potato is comprised of conventional and composite ingredient-based foods, starch, and industrial products. This review outlines the post-harvest processing practices and utilization of sweet potato. The present status of the sweet potato industry, processes, products, and machines, have been featured. In addition, challenging issues in the small-scale processing of sweet potato are discussed.

Abbreviations: %: percentage, °C: degree Celsius, cm: centimeter, cv: Cultivar, e.g: example, g: gram, h: hour, Hg: Mercury, Hz: hertz, kg: kilogram, kGy: kilo gray, kPa: kilopascal, kV: kilovolt, L: liter, LDL-C: Low-density lipoprotein Cholesterol, m: meter, MAP: Modified Atmosphere Package, MHz: Megahertz, min: minute, mm: millimeter, mol: mole, MPa: Mega Pascal, MW: Megawatt, NaOH: Sodium hydroxide, nm: nanometer, Pa: Pascal, RH: Relative Humidity, rpm: revolutions per minute, s: second, sp: Species, t: metric ton, USA: United States of America, USDA: United States Department of Agriculture, v: volume, w: weight  相似文献   

With improvement in people's living standards, many people nowadays pay more attention to quality and safety of meat. However, traditional methods for meat quality and safety detection and evaluation, such as manual inspection, mechanical methods, and chemical methods, are tedious, time-consuming, and destructive, which cannot meet the requirements of modern meat industry. Therefore, seeking out rapid, non-destructive, and accurate inspection techniques is important for the meat industry. In recent years, a number of novel and noninvasive imaging techniques, such as optical imaging, ultrasound imaging, tomographic imaging, thermal imaging, and odor imaging, have emerged and shown great potential in quality and safety assessment. In this paper, a detailed overview of advanced applications of these emerging imaging techniques for quality and safety assessment of different types of meat (pork, beef, lamb, chicken, and fish) is presented. In addition, advantages and disadvantages of each imaging technique are also summarized. Finally, future trends for these emerging imaging techniques are discussed, including integration of multiple imaging techniques, cost reduction, and developing powerful image-processing algorithms.  相似文献   

由扇贝、海带生产的海洋生物营养均衡[1]、含天然铁的调味汁,富含磺酸岩藻糖苷多肽聚合物(简称"苷肽")、扇贝多肽、牛磺酸、精氨酸、赖氨酸、硒、锰、钙、锌、镁、碘、钾、铜、钴和VA、Vc、VB12等维生素族群、以及20余种海洋生物氨基酸等营养元素.铁缺乏和缺铁性贫血是我国普遍存在的营养问题.目前市场上的铁酱油主要靠添加NaFeEDTA形成含铁酱油,其主要缺点有:肠胃不良反应、吸收率不高、口感不佳等等.就海洋生物调味汁与天然铁、均衡营养和特殊因子相结合,形成铁吸收速度较快,在血内存留时间较长的试验结果和原理做出了阐述.  相似文献   

Quality attributes were investigated in fresh Greek black table ‘Kalamon’ olives prior to processing. Fruit weight, dimensions, respiration and ethylene production rates, firmness, peel colour, moisture, oil content, total antioxidant capacity (TAC), the concentration of total phenolics (TP) and phenolic compounds (hydroxytyrosol, oleuropein, tyrosol, verbascoside, luteolin‐7‐O‐glucoside, luteolin, rutin) were determined in olives from different orchards. There was a significant effect of orchard on most attributes, but not on fruit firmness. Verbascoside, oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol were the major phenolics, and the presence of verbascoside in ‘Kalamon’ olives is revealed for the first time. Positive correlations were found among fruit weight, dimensions, respiration and ethylene. TAC was positively related mainly to TP, hydroxytyrosol, verbascoside and rutin, but inversely to oleuropein. Luteolin was inversely related to luteolin‐7‐O‐glucoside. Colour darkening was directly related to TAC, while colour parameters were positively and moderately affected by oil and moisture.  相似文献   

张承  李明  龙友华  吴小毛 《食品科学》2016,37(22):274-281
以‘贵长’猕猴桃为试材,通过病原菌分离、致病性测定和DNA测序鉴定了修文县猕猴桃软腐病病原菌,并选用壳聚糖、钙盐和糊精分别与茶多酚、甘氨酸、柠檬酸、抗菌肽混合制备和筛选了复合膜剂,研究了采前幼果期和壮果末期果面喷施壳聚糖复合膜对猕猴桃软腐病的防控及其保鲜作用。结果表明,修文县猕猴桃软腐病病原菌为葡萄座腔菌(Botryosphaeria dothidea)和拟茎点霉菌(Phomopsis sp.);采前喷施不同壳聚糖复合膜对其软腐病的防效均达60%以上(添加茶多酚防效86.54%、甘氨酸防效61.54%、柠檬酸防效71.15%、抗菌肽防效69.23%),显著降低丙二醛(MDA)积累,提高果实的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性,诱导增强果实的抗病性。同时,该复合膜能有效地增加果实单果质量和体积,显著提高果实VC、可溶性固形物、可溶性总糖、可滴定酸、叶绿素和蛋白质的含量,促进猕猴桃产量的增加和品质的改善。此外,施用该复合膜还能有效提高和维持果实硬度、降低果实呼吸强度以及果实质量损失率和营养物质的损失,明显抑制果实可溶性固形物和可溶性总糖含量的上升速率和延缓组织的衰老软化,从而提高了猕猴桃耐贮性。研究结果为猕猴桃优质栽培、病害有机防控和果实绿色保鲜提供了科学依据和新途径。  相似文献   

Yuzu (Citrus ichangensis × C. reticulate) fruit is an important functional food that possesses several health-promoting properties. It has been widely used in commercial medical products, healthy foods, and cosmetics in many countries. Yuzu is a rich source of wide variety of non-nutritive compounds, such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, carotenoids, and tannins; as well as nutritive compounds such as sugars, proteins, vitamins, fibers, and minerals. Yuzu fruit (juice, peel, and seeds) and its bioactive compounds have been demonstrated to have numerous functional properties, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antiplatelet, angiogenesis, and antimicrobial properties, both in vitro and in vivo. These diverse applications provided by the yuzu fruit (juice, peel, and seeds) and its bioactive compounds are of great industrial importance. This review summarizes the composition, nutritional values, and functional properties of yuzu fruit, and their biological activity in relation to their potential impact on human health.  相似文献   

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in developed countries and poor diet and physical inactivity are major risk factors in cancer-related deaths. Therefore, interventions to reduce levels of smoking, improve diet, and increase physical activity must become much higher priorities in the general population's health and health care systems. The consumption of fruit and vegetables exerts a preventive effect towards cancer and in recent years natural dietary agents have attracted great attention in the scientific community and among the general public. Foods, such as tomatoes, olive oil, broccoli, garlic, onions, berries, soy bean, honey, tea, aloe vera, grapes, rosemary, basil, chili peppers, carrots, pomegranate, and curcuma contain active components that can influence the initiation and the progression of carcinogenesis, acting on pathways implied in cell proliferation, apoptosis and metastasis. The present review illustrates the main foods and their active components, including their antioxidant, cytotoxic, and pro-apoptotic properties, with a particular focus on the evidence related to cancers of the digestive system.  相似文献   

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