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林艳  梅承芳  董建军 《啤酒科技》2006,199(1):10-14
采用操作简便、分辨率高的种子醇溶蛋白SDS-PAGE电泳技术对常用澳大利亚和法国啤酒大麦进行鉴定,利用Gel-Pro软件对电泳图谱进行条带分析和比较,建立了澳大利亚和法国啤酒大麦品种标准图谱库。利用Cross Checker 2.8和MEGA3软件对供试的啤麦品种进行遗传聚类分析,结果与传统分类相近。并成功进行了人工混种试验。  相似文献   

开发了操作简便、电泳图谱清晰、分辨率高的啤酒大麦种子醇溶蛋白SDS-PAGE电泳方法,利用Gel-Pro软件对电泳图谱进行条带分析和比较,建立了每个品种的蛋白质“指纹”,组成加拿大啤酒大麦品种标准图谱库。利用CrossChecker2.8和MEGA3软件对供试啤麦品种进行遗传聚类分析,结果与传统分类相近。进行了人工混种试验,并成功将该技术应用于青岛啤酒股份有限公司2004年进口加拿大啤麦的品种和纯度鉴定。  相似文献   

利用蛋白质"指纹"技术鉴定啤酒大麦的品种和纯度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用操作简便、分辨率高的种子醇溶蛋白SDS-PAGE电泳技术对常用澳大利亚和法国啤酒大麦进行鉴定,利用Gel-Pro软件对电泳图谱进行条带分析和比较,建立了澳大利亚和法国啤酒大麦品种的生化标准“指纹”图谱库。并对供试的啤麦品种进行遗传聚类分析,结果与传统分类相近。  相似文献   

啤酒大麦的品种和质量与麦芽的制作和啤酒的酿造紧密相关。选取国内常用的3个进口澳大利亚啤酒大麦品种Hindmarsh、Schooner、Vlamingh及国产啤酒大麦品种苏啤3号和苏啤6号为研究对象,获得这5种啤酒大麦醇溶蛋白的标准双向电泳图谱,通过图像分析结合基质辅助激光解析/电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF/TOF)鉴定技术,对各品种澳麦电泳图谱上的10个差异明显的特征蛋白质点和共同存在于这3个品种澳麦图谱上的43个共同蛋白点进行了鉴定,共成功鉴定出7个特异蛋白点和34个共同蛋白点,这些蛋白质点构成了以上3种啤酒大麦的蛋白标志物库。本研究为啤酒厂和麦芽厂的进口啤酒大麦品种鉴定提供依据。  相似文献   

孙金兰 《啤酒科技》2009,(2):44-44,46
澳麦福来明是二棱、白色糊粉层的新啤酒大麦品种,亲本为来自澳大利亚和加拿大的啤麦育种材料,由西澳大利亚的大麦育种机构研制培育。该机构也是斯特灵(Stirling)、盖德那(Gairdner)、哈慕琳(Hamelin)以及宝黛(Baudin)等啤酒大麦的培育者。为了研究澳麦福来明的大麦特性和制麦工艺,我公司购进了240吨福来明澳麦。  相似文献   

<正> 澳大利亚和加拿大连续几年恶劣的干旱气候,啤麦价格上涨,竟引发了我国啤酒市场“涨声一片”。产量居世界第一的中国啤酒的安全系数受到了严峻挑战,为什么拥有13亿人口大市场的中国啤酒的命运,要受洋麦左右? 啤麦吃紧,中国啤酒面临 断炊的危机。 我国啤麦依赖进口已有些年头了。据介绍:我国啤酒大麦的主产区分布在西北、江浙和东北,近年来由于受水灾、  相似文献   

今年4月在浙江杭州召开了“2003年啤酒大麦国产化发展战略暨啤酒生产技术研讨会”后,使啤酒企业对国产啤麦的种植、品种、质量以及应用技术加深了认识,也使啤酒企业对啤酒大麦品种的重要性极为关注。为了介绍进口大麦品种、麦芽特性和酿造工艺的相互关系,使啤酒企业在原料应用上更加  相似文献   

我国啤麦市场现状及发展对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
<正> 我国是世界上第二大啤酒生产国,2001年啤酒产量已达2,271.8万吨。若按每吨啤酒使用120公斤麦芽,每吨麦芽使用1,250公斤啤酒大麦来推算,现每年我国啤酒生产约需用啤酒大麦350万吨。而目前我国啤酒大麦年产量只有120万吨左右,其余200多万吨均需从澳大利亚、加拿大等啤麦生产国进口,仅2001年就进口啤酒大麦232.3万吨,耗费3.6亿多美元。与此同时,我国某些国产啤酒大麦因质量问题而难以满足生产高品质啤酒需求,如何改变这种状况,促进我国啤麦市场正常发展,是目前我们所面临而又必须解决现实问题。  相似文献   

马雷 《酿酒科技》2004,(4):67-69
法国啤酒大麦的生产建立了一整套严格的管理体系,包括品种的选择体系、生产者和麦芽厂的生产过程监控体系及产后销售储运过程的严格管理体系。该体系从品种的选择、生产过程到产后销售储运都实行严格的管理,保证了其产品的质量和竞争力。中国是世界最大啤酒大麦消费国,国产啤酒大麦的质量成为啤酒业发展的制约因素。进口大麦不仅增加成本,也增加了市场风险,充分利用现有生产条件,创建啤酒大麦的质量控制体系,加强质量管理是振兴大麦生产和啤酒生产,实现啤麦供应本土化是解决中国啤酒大麦短缺和提高中国啤酒质量的关键所在。  相似文献   

作为世界市场上啤酒大麦的主要供应国,加拿大啤酒大麦的年出口量为140至150万吨,其中大约有90万吨为二棱麦品种,60万吨为六棱麦品种,六棱大麦大多出口到美国,其他海外市场则大多进口二棱麦.加拿大啤酒大麦的主要市场在美国,中国,墨西哥,日本和韩国.另外,南非,哥伦比亚和智利等国亦会根据每年的需求情况进口.近年来,加拿大在世界啤酒大麦市场上的角色变得越来越重要,出口量在世界出口市场上所占的比重从1992/93年的19%增长到了近年来的30-40%.  相似文献   

Grain purity is of great interest to malting barley trader and beer producer. DNA typing method has been applied for this purpose, but typically, single grain was tested and the procedure was expensive, laborious, and time-consuming. This study first reported fast semi-quantification of cereal seed by DNA test of blended sample. It was helpful for rapid screening of large amount of samples. Particularly, RAPD and 2100 bio-analyzer were combined to determine the purity range of malting barley grain taking advantage of mathematical linear relationship between concentration of marker bands and grain purity. Statistical analysis of 11 independent assays resulted in quantitative parameters for each RAPD marker band. Test of 14 samples using the fast method showed an average of 11% deviation to rated value. Protein profiling method helped to distinguish cultivars which were of identical RAPD pattern. Quantification by protein profile was also explored.  相似文献   

Two sets of barley cultivar mixtures, one from cultivars grown in the UK and one from cultivars grown in Poland, were included, along with their component cultivars, in trials at the Scottish Crop Research Institute over two seasons. In the second year, two levels of nitrogen fertilisation were compared. Laboratory scale malting revealed three mixtures with extracts equal to, or significantly higher than, those of all of their components. Increased nitrogen fertilisation gave higher diastatic power, but reduced hot water extract in mixtures and component cultivars. Polish mixtures and their component cultivars showed a higher Kolbach index but a slower rate of filtration, following malt extraction, than their UK counterparts. It was concluded that the malting performance of the mixtures was largely determined by the nature of the germplasm from which they were constructed and the conditions under which they were grown. Careful selection of components should, therefore, permit development of barley mixtures acceptable for malting.  相似文献   

The effect of malting on the phase transition behaviour of starch in barley cultivars with varying amylose content was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). A slight elevation in the melting transition temperature of amylopectin of malt starch and a pronounced decrease in gelatinisation enthalpy for both malt flour and starch were observed for all samples. Evidence was provided from the calorimetric data and the 13C CP/MAS NMR spectra that starch-lipid interactions in the form of complexes are enhanced as a result of malting. There was also a large reduction in the melting transition temperature of the amylose-lipid complexes of malt flours, presumably due to partial degradation of amylose in malt, whereas the transition enthalpies of the complexes increased for both malt flours and starches. The DSC transition characteristics of the three good malting barley cultivars grown in different locations and of their respective malts showed that environmental conditions during starch synthesis have a great influence on starch granule organization, and thereby affect the thermal stability of amylopectin crystallites.  相似文献   

采用RAPD-毛细管芯片电泳法鉴定啤酒大麦品系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国啤酒大麦主要依赖进口,建立快速准确的进口啤酒大麦品系鉴定方法对保护我国啤酒制造业利益,维护国际贸易公平具有重要意义。该实验采用RAPD和2100毛细管芯片电泳技术,建立了我国主要进口啤酒大麦品系鉴定方法。采用毛细管芯片电泳技术对11次重复实验数据进行统计分析,根据谱带重现性、特异性筛选标志带,根据标志带精确长度和相对量确定判别标准。5条随机引物产生的7条标志带将19个啤酒大麦品种分成13组。  相似文献   

Development of the endo- and exo-peptidases that degrade the major barley storage protein, hordein, during malting is affected by treatment with gibberellic acid and potassium bromate, and also by the moisture levels attained during malting. For a given set of malting conditions, cultivars had different peptidase activities, but there were no consistent comparable differences between cultivars in amylase or endo-β-1,3 glucanase activities.  相似文献   

Éstimates of grain hardness from measurements of milling energy were made on four hundred and eighty barley cultivars. The same cultivars were also subjected to an infra-red analysis used to predict soluble β-glucan and nitrogen contents. The results demonstrated variation for these endosperm characters, with eighteen cultivars having a lower milling energy, and more than a hundred cultivars with a lower soluble β-glucan content than Gerkra, a barley with good malting quality. Of these, nine cultivars were lower for both characteristics. Information about this variation is, therefore, potentially useful when breeding for malting quality.  相似文献   

Modification of the IoB method for Cold Water Extract (CWE) allowed the determination of the CWE and Cold-Water-Soluble (CWS-) protein in 96 micromalts per day by a single operator. The method was used to follow the changes in CWS-protein of malts of four cultivars of barley with increasing modification. Malting and non-malting cultivars were shown to have different patterns of protein solubilisation during malting. The equivalent of a Kolbach determination carried out on Cold Water Extracts of malts of more than three days modification sharply differentiated between malting and non-malting cultivars. Cold-Water-measurable proteolysis was shown not to be the cause of an unexpectedly high malting potential shown by a variety with low Diastatic Power.  相似文献   

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