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葡萄酒品质很大程度上取决于葡萄原料的质量。为探究酿酒葡萄果实冷冻前处理对葡萄酒品质指标,尤其酚类物质含量的影响,以红色酿酒葡萄品种‘黑比诺’为试验材料,对原料进行常温处理和﹣24℃冷冻处理,在酒精发酵结束后检测葡萄酒的常规理化指标和酚类物质含量。结果表明,原料冷冻处理对‘黑比诺’葡萄果肉中的糖和酸等溶出物影响很小,对源自果皮的成分有显著影响,可提高‘黑比诺’葡萄酒中的干浸出物、单宁、总花色苷、总酚、单体酚和简单花色苷含量,从而显著提升葡萄酒质量。因此,原料冷冻处理可以作为提高葡萄酒品质的前处理措施,推荐用于小规模精品葡萄酒的生产。  相似文献   

花色苷是葡萄酒的主要呈色物质,除了葡萄品种和采摘方式不同带来的花色苷差异外,酿造过程中的浸渍方式、温度、pH值、SO_2、酵母、酶、酿造容器、辅色作用等都对花色苷的含量和结构稳定性有一定的影响,进而影响葡萄酒的感官品质。对酿造过程中的影响因素进行了综述,为优化酿造条件,保护和提高花色苷稳定性提供参考。  相似文献   

新千年开始,我市王朝酿酒葡萄生产基地已进入了成龄树结果大好时期。为了生产更为优质的酿酒葡萄原料,保证王朝公司的原料需要和增加葡萄种植户的经济效益,制定出了基地实施优质、丰产规范化栽培技术要点。1明确优质产品标准 品质优良的酿酒葡萄才能酿造出优质品牌的葡萄酒,而优质酿酒葡萄评价标准主要包括:果实成熟好,适宜的糖度和酸度;积累足够的酚类物质;积累足够的色素和芳香物质,而这些物质要素的关键是含糖量。2000年所生产的酿酒葡萄品质质量要求是:酿造干白葡萄酒含糖量18~20度(主要是贵人香);酿造白兰地葡…  相似文献   

为了解决巨峰葡萄采后加工问题,对广西一年两收巨峰葡萄夏冬两茬果进行生产酿造实践,并对其酿酒特性进行深入研究。结果表明,冬巨峰葡萄可酿造优级品干红葡萄酒,而夏巨峰葡萄不适宜酿造干红酒,可酿造普通甜型桃红酒。检测结果表明,用冬巨峰葡萄浆果酿造的"南国红"葡萄酒为国内干型葡萄酒白藜芦醇含量最高的酒种之一。利用巨峰葡萄加工葡萄酒,对葡萄产业在南亚热带湿热地区的发展有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

冰葡萄酒的生产对于原料种植和葡萄酒的酿造过程均有特殊的限制,一般的酿酒葡萄品种并不一定适合冰葡萄酒的生产。适于酿造冰酒的葡萄品种需要具备一些必要的特点,除了要有较高的含糖量外,还要求葡萄具有较强的抗寒性,并且经过霜冻后葡萄在果穗、果梗千枯和果粒干缩的情况下不易脱落。  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术测定了河北昌黎产区几个酿酒葡萄品种及其品系在葡萄酒酿造过程中的花色苷组成和含量,利用CIELab法分析了葡萄酒颜色参数及变化,采用相关性分析、主成分分析挖掘二者的相互关系。结果表明,发酵过程中同一品种不同品系葡萄酿造的葡萄酒之间花色苷种类相同,二甲花翠素类花色苷的含量远高于其他四类花色苷;不同类型花色苷影响不同的CIELab颜色参数,花色苷的B环修饰与红绿颜色参数a*显著正相关,花色苷的酰基化修饰与黄蓝颜色参数b*显著负相关,聚合花色苷与亮度L*显著负相关。红葡萄酒中花色苷的含量随酿造过程逐渐下降,且在主成分图上分布存在差异。  相似文献   

以梅鹿辄和赤霞珠葡萄为原料,采用冷浸渍结合橡木片处理工艺进行葡萄酒的酿造试验,探究不同处理工艺对干红葡萄酒品质的影响。以传统工艺为对照(CK),对各处理酒样常规理化指标、酚类物质含量、色泽指标及感官质量进行分析,采用主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)法进行综合评价。结果表明:两个葡萄品种冷浸渍与橡木片处理所酿酒样中干浸出物、总酚、单宁、总类黄酮、总花色苷含量及色度值均显著高于CK酒样(P<0.05),且感官评分在冷浸渍结合橡木片处理酒样中达到最高,但冷浸渍与传统工艺添加橡木片处理组间感官评分无显著性差异(P>0.05)。PCA分析发现酚类物质含量与葡萄酒的感官特性密切相关,其中冷浸渍结合橡木片处理能够促进葡萄酒中酚类物质含量的积累,并有助于改善酒体色泽及稳定性,提高感官质量。本研究为酿造高品质干红葡萄酒的工艺优化提供了一定的理论基础和技术参考。  相似文献   

为了提高巨峰冰葡萄酒花色苷含量,改善其色泽,以鲜食葡萄和刺葡萄为巨峰冰葡萄酒酿造原料,研究了巨峰葡萄和刺葡萄按不同比例混合发酵对发酵期间花色苷、总酚、色差、总糖、可溶性固形物、酒精度、pH、总酸、挥发酸等理化指标及酒体感官品评的影响。不同比例刺葡萄混酿组的花色苷含量、总酚含量、色差值显著高于巨峰葡萄组(P <0. 05),混酿1∶1组花色苷含量达到208. 50 mg/L;且巨峰葡萄与刺葡萄以1∶1的比例混合发酵时色差值和感官品评分值达到最大,分别为17. 16和(78±2. 79)分;但不同比例刺葡萄混酿组的总糖、总酸、挥发酸含量与巨峰葡萄组无显著性差异(P≥0. 05)。巨峰葡萄与刺葡萄以1∶1的比例混酿能很好地改善巨峰冰葡萄酒的色泽和口感,酿制出优质巨峰冰葡萄酒,为刺葡萄及普通红葡萄资源的利用开发提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

该试验以酿酒葡萄马瑟兰为原料,研究在葡萄酒发酵中期不同烘烤度和添加量的橡木片对葡萄酒品质的影响,通过检测酒样理化指标、酚类物质及CIELab颜色参数确定最佳处理。结果表明,橡木片烘烤度的增加对葡萄酒中酚类物质含量以及颜色优化有积极作用,而无烘烤度的橡木片对花色苷含量无积极影响,随橡木片添加量的增加有类似作用,且对颜色影响大于烘烤度的变化,其中添加2 g/L中度烘烤橡木片效果最佳,酒样的单宁、总酚、总花色苷含量分别提高38.60%、10.60%、10.28%;a*值、b*值分别提升12.02%、67.90%。  相似文献   

气象条件对酿酒葡萄品质影响的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
葡萄酒产业的竞争关键是原料基地的竞争。国内外酿酒师一致认为,名牌品种 名牌产地 先进的酿造工艺=名牌葡萄酒。名牌葡萄酒的质量,70%在葡萄,30%在酿造工艺,酿酒葡萄的品质是由自  相似文献   

张艳芳 《酿酒》2004,31(3):57-58
葡萄酒应该充分体现葡萄原料的特点,新技术的介入是为了提升葡萄酒的价值,而不能改变其本来面目。葡萄的质量是葡萄酒质量的根本保证,葡萄的品种、成熟度与酒种密切相关;葡萄酒的病害以预防为主;对原料的改良无法达到正常成熟的葡萄所具有的质量;对葡萄汁进行处理要优于对酒进行处理;对葡萄酒的任何处理都是以牺牲酒的质量作为代价的。  相似文献   

酿酒葡萄体表微生物菌群对葡萄酒的品质起着重要作用,不同气候格局、栽培模式不仅影响着葡萄的品质,也影响着葡萄体表微生物菌群的多样性。该文综述了不同栽培气候、葡萄品种、杀菌剂对葡萄体表微生物菌群的影响,描述了新疆地区葡萄栽培的气候产区区划及栽培模式,阐明了对提高葡萄酒品质的意义,揭示新疆酿酒葡萄不同产区环境因子(无霜期、干燥度)和生物因子(葡萄品种、杀菌剂)与微生物菌群分布的相关性具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Chamber drying under controlled temperature and humidity conditions of the red grape varieties Merlot and Tempranillo grown in Andalusia (Spain), and the fortification and maceration of the musts in the presence of skin from both types of grapes, to obtain sweet red wines, has been studied. Changes in colour and in monomeric and polymeric phenols during the vinification process were examined. Chamber drying increased the sugar content to about 31.4 °Brix within 48 h in Merlot grapes and 72 h in Tempranillo grapes. This drying process also causes skin rupture, facilitating the access of phenolic compounds to the pulp. The resulting musts exhibited slight browning and increased red hues, due to a high concentration of anthocyanins; maceration in the presence of grape skins for 24 h provided the best results. The end-product contained highly acceptable tannin, colour and phenolic compounds for marketing as a high quality sweet red wine, in comparison with other commercial sweet red wines.  相似文献   

葡萄多酚的保健作用及其在酿酒葡萄成熟度判定中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
葡萄酒含有极其复杂的物质,其中葡萄多酚对葡萄酒品质具有决定性的作用。本文综述了当前葡萄多酚的研究成果以及在酿酒葡萄成熟度判定中的应用。通过实验证明,酿酒葡萄中葡萄多酚含量的测定值可以用于判断葡萄成熟度,对酿酒葡萄的适时采收具有普遍的指导意义。  相似文献   

Wastes generated by the wine industry (grape marc), mainly residues from white wine vinifications, are an important source of aroma and phenolic compounds. However, grape marcs are highly perishable and seasonal products, so they require an adequate conservation method. In this respect, freeze-drying, versus conventional drying methods, is a good alternative since this technique preserves the quality of the raw material. Specifically, freeze-drying hardly caused losses of characteristic grape variety volatiles, such as terpenes and C6 compounds, neither increases in the concentration of furan compounds. Furthermore, freeze-dried grape skins obtained from residues did not presented changes in the amounts of phenolic compounds with respect to the fresh skins. On the other hand, skin-contact treatment with Muscat freeze-dried skins enhanced the aroma of white wines made from Airén grapes, a variety considered neutral, without affecting negatively their color. Skin-contact treatment preserved the wine fruity notes, although the only wine that conserved floral notes in its flavor profile was that macerated with freeze-dried skins. Also, these wines were better rated by the assessors than those macerated with Muscat fresh skins.  相似文献   

制桶的选材、风干、烘烤等工艺会改变橡木桶板材所含挥发性香气物质、酚类物质等化学组分的含量,从而影响橡木桶贮酒过程对葡萄酒质量的影响。研究表明,酿制橡木香较浓郁的葡萄酒选用美国白栎较好,酿造橡木香、果香、酒香协调的葡萄酒则选择欧洲橡木较适宜:板材风干过程对橡木板材中的总酚、单宁含量及挥发性香气物质香兰素和橡木内酯(MOL)的含量均有影响;烘烤强度可改变橡木木材原有的化学组分含量,使橡木桶具有不同的呈香特性和酚类物质含量。  相似文献   

张锋 《中国酿造》2019,38(9):212
新疆是我国重要的优质酿酒葡萄产地,拥有深厚的葡萄酒酿造历史文化。受区位特点、产业基础和品牌价值影响,新疆葡萄酒产业与内地产区在产业规模、产品结构和价值增值能力等方面存在差距。该文介绍了新疆葡萄酒产业链和价值链结构,并从原料供给、葡萄酒酿造和产品销售三个环节,分析发现新疆葡萄酒产业链具有优质酿酒葡萄丰富、原料基地集中、市场集中度高和营销渠道多样等优势,同时存在葡萄种植缺乏统一规划、小种植户组织化程度低,酿造产能过剩、葡萄酒同质化和价值链衔接差等劣势,影响了价值创造和价值占有能力,并对优化新疆葡萄酒产业价值链给出建议。  相似文献   

Many fungi may occur on grapes during growth in the vineyard, but the main concern from the viewpoint of mycotoxin contamination is the black Aspergilli, Aspergillus carbonarius and A. niger. These fungi are capable of producing ochratoxin A (OA) which may contaminate grapes and grape products such as wine, grape juice and dried vine fruit. Understanding the ecology and physiology of the black Aspergilli can provide tools for management of OA at all stages of grape production and processing. In the vineyard, careful management of cultivation, irrigation and pruning can assist in minimising the levels of black Aspergilli in the soil, which in turn, can minimise contamination of grapes by these fungi. Minimising damage to grapes on the vine by the use of open vine canopies, grape varieties with resistance to rain damage and by the management of insect pests and fungal diseases (e.g., mildew, Botrytis bunch rot) can reduce the incidence of Aspergillus rot in mature berries. The risk of OA in table grapes can be minimised by careful visual inspection to avoid damaged and discoloured berries. In wine, harvesting grapes with minimal damage, rapid processing and good sanitation practices in the winery assist in minimising OA. During vinification, pressing of grapes, and clarification steps which remove grape solids, grape proteins and spent yeast can also remove a significant proportion of OA. For dried vine fruit production, avoiding berry damage, rapid drying, and final cleaning and sorting to remove dark berries can reduce overall OA levels in finished products.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic techniques offer the potential to simplify and reduce analytical times for a range of grape and wine analytes. It is this aspect, together with the ability to simultaneously measure several analytes, which was the impetus for developing spectroscopic methods. The Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI) has long used spectroscopic analysis of wines in the ultraviolet (UV) and visible (Vis) wavelengths, and since 1998 has been investigating applications of spectroscopic techniques in the near infrared (NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) wavelength regions of the electromagnetic spectrum for the rapid analysis and quality control of both grapes and wine by the Australian wine industry. This paper reviews the use of several spectroscopic techniques, including NIR, MIR, and Vis, combined with chemometrics, to assess grape and wine composition in the Australian wine industry. The achievements, current research, and proposed further applications of different spectroscopic techniques are discussed in studies into the assessments of red grape composition and of fungal diseases in grapes, monitoring phenolic compounds during red wine fermentations, quality grading of red, white and fortified wine styles, monitoring wine distillation processes, and yeast strain classification.  相似文献   

在葡萄与葡萄酒的加工过程中,多酚氧化酶可以引起葡萄汁和葡萄酒的氧化,尤其是白葡萄酒,严重影响了葡萄酒的品质。本文总结了葡萄中多酚氧化酶的结构和功能及其在葡萄中的分布情况,并且揭示了在葡萄酒酿造工艺中其引起氧化褐变的机制,同时介绍了影响多酚氧化酶活性的因素和多酚氧化酶抑制剂应用等的研究进展,为进一步控制葡萄酒酿造过程中多酚氧化酶引起的氧化褐变提供参考。  相似文献   

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