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有关食品过度包装的话题一直为各界热议。记者日前获悉,作为国家标准的《限制商品过度包装食品和化妆品要求》(征求意见稿)呼之欲出。这份征求意见稿对“过度包装”给出了明确定义:超出正常的包装功能需求,其包装空隙率、包装层数、包装成本超过必要程度的包装,就是过度包装。饮料酒、糕点、茶叶的包装层数不能超过3层,粮食不能超过2层。  相似文献   

广州市政府官方网站近日发布了《广州市限制商品过度包装管理暂行办法》,将从2014年10月1日起实施。《办法》明确:不需要包装能够实现流通和使用的商品不得使用包装,在广州市行政区域内销售的商品,除初始包装外,实行商品与包装分开销售,消费者对是否购买商品包装有自主选择权。茶叶、酒类、保健食品、化妆品、月饼、粽子等包装层数应当在三层或者三层以下。  相似文献   

饮料酒、化妆品等4类商品的包装层数不得超过3层,商品包装成本总和不应超过售价的12%。国家标准委今日发布了国家标准《限制商品过度包装要求食品和化妆品》的征求意见稿,拟出台上述标准规定。  相似文献   

由国家质检总局和国家标准委批准发布的《限制商品过度包装要求——食品和化妆品》国家标准(以下简称“标准”),于2010年4月1日起实施。“标准”规定了限制商品过度包装——食品和化妆品部分的基本要求、限量要求和限量指标计算方法,对食品和化妆品销售包装的空隙率、层数和成本等3个指标做出了强制性规定,分别是包装层数3层以下、包装空隙率不得大于60%、初始包装之外的所有包装成本总和不得超过商品销售价格的20%。  相似文献   

国家质检总局和国家标准化管理委员会日前正式发布《限制商品过度包装要求食品和化妆品》国家标准,该标准从2010年4月1日起开始实施。这一标准可用3个数字概括,即商品包装空隙率不得大于60%;包装层数不得超过3层;包装成本不得超过商品销售价格的20%。  相似文献   

<正>由农业农村部组织起草的《限制商品过度包装要求生鲜食用农产品》(GB 43284-2023)强制性国家标准近日发布,将于2024年4月1日起实施。该标准的发布实施,将为引导生鲜食用农产品生产经营企业适度合理包装、规范市场监管提供执法依据和基础支撑。该标准明确了蔬菜(含食用菌)、水果、畜禽肉、水产品和蛋等五大类生鲜食用农产品是否过度包装的技术指标和判定方法,同时,市场监管总局对相关问题进行了具体解读。  相似文献   

<正>由国家质检总局和国家标准委批准发布的《限制商品过度包装要求——食品和化妆品》国家标准(以下简称"标准"),将于2010年4月1日起实施。据了解,该标准对食品和化妆品销售包装的空隙率、层数和成本等指标作出了强制性规定。同  相似文献   

<正>近日,山东省烟台市质监局发布消息:从4月份起《限制商品过度包装要求——食品和化妆品》国家标准正式实施,其中明确规定,食品和化妆品的包装层数不得超过3层、包装空隙率不得大于60%、初始包装之外的所有包装成本总和不得超过商品销售价格的20%。  相似文献   

食品和化妆品4月起将不能“穿衣”3层以上,包装空隙率不得大于60%。由国家质检总局和国家标准委批准发布的《限制商品过度包装要求——食品和化妆品》国家标准4月1日起正式实施。相关专家表示,该国家标准的实施有利于加强对相关厂商的监管,倡导低碳消费。据了解,该标准对食品和化妆品销售包装的空隙率、层数和成本等指标做出了强制性规定。  相似文献   

正3月3日,广州市政府常务会议审议并通过了市政府规章《广州市限制商品过度包装管理暂行办法》,旨在对广州市的商品过度包装问题进行全面地限制和管理。《暂行办法》主要有三大创新点:一是将容易出现过度包装,与民生密切相关的茶叶、酒类等日常消费品和月饼、粽子等节日商品列为重点监管领域,并对其包装标准进行了细  相似文献   

Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) technology has been commercially viable since the 1970s. Currently, MAP is extensively used worldwide to preserve the quality and extend the shelf-life of whole fresh fruits and vegetables, but is also increasingly used to extend the shelf-life of minimally processed fresh fruit and vegetables. This review discusses new processes and technologies that can be used to improve quality preservation and consumer acceptability of minimally processed produce where high respiration rates and challenging degradation processes operate. New packaging innovations are enabling producers and retailers to further maintain quality for longer. Innovative approaches to extend shelf-life include active MAP with differentially permeable films, films that incorporate antimicrobial properties, edible coatings that confer barriers properties, and the use of non-traditional gases to modify respiration. Intelligent packaging using integrated sensor technologies that can indicate maturity, ripeness, respiration rate and spoilage are also appearing. This review demonstrates that preservation technologies and associated packaging developments that can be combined with modified atmosphere are constantly evolving technology platforms. Adoption of combinations of technology improvements will be critical in responding to commercial trends towards more minimally processed fresh-cut and ready-to-eat fruit and vegetable products, which require specialized packaging solutions.  相似文献   

目的 监测2015~2017年间某地区部分学校采购食品中二氧化硫的残留情况, 及时排除学校食堂的食品安全隐患。方法 从某地区163所学校抽取干制蔬菜、干制食用菌和藻类、粉丝类、腐竹类、食糖、食用淀粉、香辛料7类样品共计847份, 检测二氧化硫残留量。结果 820份符合中国卫生标准, 合格率达96.81%。7类食品中食糖、粉丝粉条和香辛料类样品结果均合格, 干制蔬菜、干制的食用菌和藻类、淀粉和腐竹类存在超标样本, 其中二氧化硫残留超标最严重的是干制蔬菜中的黄花菜, 超标率达33.31%; 其次是干制的食用菌和藻类中的银耳, 超标率达20.00%, 最后是淀粉和腐竹, 超标率分别为7.43%和1.33%。对二氧化硫超标的食品已及时与学校沟通并做出风险预警, 及时排除了安全隐患。结论 学校食堂所采购的食品中, 黄花菜、银耳中二氧化硫超标严重, 淀粉和腐竹中二氧化硫也存在超标情况, 应加强监管。  相似文献   

食用农产品是指来源于农业活动的初级产品, 即在农业活动中获得, 供人食用的植物、动物、微生物及其产品。党和政府高度重视食用农产品的质量安全。习近平总书记强调食品安全源头在农产品, 基础在农业, 必须正本清源, 首先把农产品质量抓好。用4个最严要求确保广大人民群众“舌尖上的安全”。本研究对国家市场监管总局组建后发布的食用农产品抽检相关信息进行统计分析, 发现食用农产品的合格率为96.9%, 质量状况较好; 畜禽肉及副产品、水果和蔬菜的合格率高于整体水平; 农药残留及兽药残留不符合标准为食用农产品的主要不合格因素, 占比约为95%。与农业农村部数据对比显示, 同种产品合格率基本相当。据此对进一步提高食用农产品的质量安全状况提出监管建议。  相似文献   

气调保鲜包装技术是可延长果蔬等易腐败产品的重要技术。对国内外果蔬气调保鲜包装技术及装备的发展动态进行了研究,分析了气调保鲜各领域技术和装备的研究现状,尤其针对我国农业发展的现状,为我国果蔬气调保鲜技术及装备的进一步发展研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

Food packaging materials are traditionally expected to contain foodstuffs and protect them from deteriorating agents. Although petroleum‐derived polymers have been widely used for this purpose, the rising concern with their nonrenewable and/or nonbiodegradable nature paves the route for the development of greener alternatives, including polysaccharides and polypeptides. The use of these food‐grade biomacromolecules, in addition to fruits and vegetables, provides edible packaging with suitable physical‐mechanical properties as well as unique sensory and nutritional characteristics. This text reviews the chronological development pathway of films based on fruit and vegetable purees, pomaces, and extracts. Recent advances are extensively reviewed with an emphasis on the role that each film component plays in the resulting materials, whose production methods are examined from a technical standpoint and essential properties are compiled and contrasted to their conventional, synthetic counterparts. Finally, this comprehensive review discusses advantages and limitations of edible films based on fruits and vegetables.  相似文献   

摘 要: 目的 分析中国食用农产品经济利益驱动型掺假(economically motivated adulteration, EMA)信息,构建符合我国国情的食用农产品EMA数据库。方法 搜集2012年4月-2021年3月的食用农产品EMA事件,建立我国食用农产品EMA数据库,并对其中的697条EMA事件进行统计和分析。结果 中国食用农产品EMA 信息来源主要为监督抽检和媒体报道;EMA事件发生排名前8的类别为家畜类、蔬菜及其制品、饮料作物产品、粮食及其副产品、家禽类、果品、香辛料、鱼,占所有EMA事件的 80.34%;非法添加是掺假中最常见的手段,在种植业产品、畜牧业产品、水产品三大类中都高居榜首,分别占比87%、84%和63%;掺假环节涉及生产、加工、贮运、销售,其中加工环节复杂度更高,掺假相对占比更重。结论 EMA事件的风险防范已成为全球性的热点问题,建立食用农产品EMA 数据库能够为我国食品和农产品EMA的预防控制提供数据基础和技术支撑。  相似文献   

Lightly processed agricultural products present a special problem to the food industry and to scientists involved in postharvest and food technology research. Light or minimal processing includes cutting, slicing, coring, peeling, trimming, or sectioning of agricultural produce. These products have an active metabolism that can result in deteriorative changes, such as increased respiration and ethylene production. If not controlled, these changes can lead to rapid senescence and general deterioration of the product. In addition, the surface water activity of cut fruits and vegetables is generally quite high, inviting microbial attack, which further reduces product stability. Methods for control of these changes are numerous and can include the use of edible coatings. Also mentioned in this review are coating of nut products, and dried, dehydrated, and freeze‐dried fruits. Technically, these are not considered to be minimally processed, but many of the problems and benefits of coating these products are similar to coating lightly processed products. Generally, the potential benefits of edible coatings for processed or lightly processed produce is to stabilize the product and thereby extend product shelf life. More specifically, coatings have the potential to reduce moisture loss, restrict oxygen entrance, lower respiration, retard ethylene production, seal in flavor volatiles, and carry additives that retard discoloration and microbial growth.  相似文献   

Browning and other discolourations, softening, surface dehydration, water loss, translucency, off-flavour and off-odour development, as well as microbial spoilage are some of the most frequent causes of quality loss in fresh-cut products. Nowadays, the use of innovative modified atmospheres and edible coatings stands out among other techniques in the struggle for maintaining freshness and safety of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. A few studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of these techniques when applied to different fresh-cut commodities. However, treatment and storage conditions for fresh-cut fruits are still being largely explored to better keep their fresh-like quality attributes. This review discusses the recent advances in the use of innovative modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) systems to maintain freshness of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, special attention is devoted to the development of coatings that can be used as a complement or alternative to MAP.  相似文献   

目的了解上海市崇明区食用农产品中铅、砷、汞、镉等重金属的污染状况及其对人体健康风险评估。方法对全区290件食用农产品中的铅、砷、汞、镉等重金属进行监测,利用单因子污染指数法以及综合污染指数法分析重金属污染特征,采用健康风险分析法评价农产品中重金属对人体的健康风险。结果 290件样品中的4种重金属均未超出标准限量值,水果中重金属污染水平均低于0.6,属于清洁水平;蔬菜和稻谷中重金属污染物残留较多,属于尚清洁水平。谷物和蔬菜中重金属危害系数均小于1。结论崇明区食用农产品中重金属存在一定的污染残留,靶标危害系数法分析结果表明未对人体造成健康风险。  相似文献   

新型袋式气调包装机的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要介绍了一款自主研发的枕型袋式气调包装机,特别适用于袋装新鲜果蔬的高精度气调包装。研究设计了气调包装机关键部件——气体置换装置、产品在线测长系统,采用充气与抽气同时实施的气体置换方式,大幅度提高了气体置换效率,保证包装袋内的高精度气氛实现。所设计的气调包装机克服了现有袋式气调包装机气体置换精度低的缺点,同时可实现连续高速的作业,包装薄膜材料获得更有效使用。  相似文献   

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