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开放式提问调查(Open-ended questions)应用于食品感官分析中,一般要求评价人员用自己的语言描述产品,旨在理解消费者对产品主要特征的感知;也可以结合喜好度调查,探究影响消费者喜好和购买意向的因素。本文主要介绍了开放式提问调查的定义、实施、数据预处理、数据分析、在食品研究中的应用、此方法的优势和局限性以及与其他快速感官分析方法的比较,并展望这一方法的发展前景,以期对需要进行产品感官分析的企业或相关领域科学研究人员提供借鉴。  相似文献   

感官分析方法广泛应用于食品工业中,由于传统感官分析方法具有培训时间长、投入大等局限性,因此多种快速分析方法得到发展,归类法(Sorting)就是其中一种。归类法要求评价人员根据产品感官特征的相似性进行归类,利用因子分析和聚类分析等多元统计方法分析数据,从而快速获得产品的感官分布图。本文主要对归类法的实验设计、数据处理、发展情况、在食品研究中的应用以及优势和局限性进行综述,并对归类法的发展趋势进行了展望,旨在为该方法在食品工业中的进一步研究和应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

多重因子分析是一种多元统计分析手段,能够用于描述和总结具有复杂结构和多方来源的多元数据。该方法同主成分分析具有密切联系,在食品、饮料和化妆品的感官分析以及市场调查、流行病学、生态学等领域广泛应用。本文主要介绍了多重因子分析方法的原理和步骤,并结合近年来已经报道的研究和案例描述,并总结了该方法在分析投影地图或Napping数据、自由选择剖面数据以及通过挖掘感官数据和喜好数据探索消费者喜好驱动因素的分析上的应用,以期对感官分析从业者和相关领域科学研究人员提供借鉴。  相似文献   

自选特性排序剖面法(Flash Profile,FP)是一种能够应用于食品工业的快速感官描述性分析方法。该方法是指通过描述一组产品的感官属性,并根据这些属性的强弱程度进行排序,从而获得产品间的相对差异。本文主要介绍了自选特性排序剖面法的发展脉络、实验流程、数据处理及数据分析等,结合该方法在食品工业中的应用,分析该方法适用的产品类型以及与其他方法相比较的优缺点,并对该方法的发展前景做出展望,以期为食品加工企业和相关领域的研究人员提供借鉴。  相似文献   

食品感官分析的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
详细地介绍了食品感官分析的基本概念、感官特性、感官分析的方法,感官分析试验设计的条件,分析了感官分析的影响因素,并对感官分析在食品中的应用进行了概括.  相似文献   

食品感官评价是用于唤起、测量、分析和解释通过视觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉以及听觉而感知到的食品及其他物质的特征或者性质的一种科学方法,已经建立了科学的评价程序与方法,已广泛应用于产品的感官特征评价及产品鉴别、产品开发、市场调查等方面的研究。我国茶叶品类多样,产品风味独具特色。我国茶叶感官质量评价方法仍然是定级评价,采用食品感官评价技术建立更客观、更有效的产品感官质量评价体系十分必要。本文介绍了食品感官评价定义、方法及其在茶叶风味化合物研究,对典型茶叶(绿茶、红茶和乌龙茶)感官描述分析、典型茶叶感官术语及参考物、茶叶及茶产品消费者测试中的研究进展进行了综述,并提出了食品感官评价技术在茶叶感官品质评价研究发展方向。  相似文献   

雷丁  秦丹 《食品工业科技》2019,40(14):342-345,352
感官评价是新食品开发中不可或缺的一个步骤,其评价人员、评价指标以及评价方法的选择对感官评价结果的可靠性具有显著影响。本文将近年来高汤研究中的感官评价使用情况进行综述,归纳总结了感官评价中评价人员、评价指标和评价方法的选择情况,并分析了当前感官评价技术在使用中存在的问题,以期为高汤感官品质的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

随着人们对于环境保护和健康饮食意识的增强,植物基炸鸡块产品在市场上的关注度快速提升。但是,加工工艺对这样一款新兴食品的感官特性影响仍缺乏系统研究。故本文综述了目前加工工艺对植物基炸鸡块外观、质地和风味的影响,阐述了消费者情感检验法在寻找工艺改进方向中的重要性,为实际生产和产品改进提供参考依据。根据现阶段研究存在的问题,应重点关注感官数据与仪器数据的关联性分析,确定植物基炸鸡块工艺的关键质量控制点,从而建立植物基炸鸡块感官评价标准体系。针对植物基炸鸡块特有的风味,亟需豆腥味掩盖的新工艺方法,并应开展针对中国消费者喜好度、接受度的深入调查,以期为适合中国市场的植物基炸鸡块新工艺、新感官特性的开发研究提供方向。  相似文献   

本文综述了智能化食品感官分析体系的结构及其实现方案,介绍了相关性分析方法、神经网络、支持向量机等模式识别方法的原理、主要特点、存在问题以及在食品感官分析中的应用,并就模式识别方法在食品智能化感官分析体系构建中的应用研究提出了建议和设想。  相似文献   

百分制总分法是传统食品企业常用的感官质量评价方法,然而由于评定人员对质量品质与分项分值的对应难以把握,存在总分结果与整体质量判断偏差的问题。本研究参考黄桃罐头行业评分标准,通过百分制总分法与模糊数学评判方法对黄桃罐头质量评价结果比较分析,产品的总体可接受性和模糊综合得分之间的相关性(R2=0.9238),优于传统总分法的相关性(R2=0.8077)。结果表明模糊综合评判方法综合考虑了各分项品质在内的权重差异,更加贴近评价人员的整体质量判断感受,符合现代感官品评的心理学理论,可作为客观的反映产品的品质感官分析方法。  相似文献   

Yogurts, fermented milk beverages, and fermented milks have great similarity and are widely accepted by Brazilian population, but the factors that influence their choice and consumption are unknown. In this sense, the present study aimed to identify the main aspects involved in consumers' perception of 3 different products, comparing the findings by using the 2 fast qualitative methods, word association and projective mapping, and a standard method, focus group. The tasks were performed by different participants through graphic stimuli (word association and projective mapping) and focus interviews (focus group). Results showed that all the 3 methodologies identified numerous intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence the consumer choices regarding fermented dairy products. Major dimensions were closely related to the sensory aspects, emotional factors, perception of benefits, and composition, among others. It is noteworthy that the stimuli related to fermented milk beverages evoked rejecting responses, possibly due to the dissociation between information and consumers' expectation. Although minor differences were observed between the number and type of dimensions that were obtained, similar conclusions can be drawn from all 3 sensory methods, which shows the relevance of qualitative and projective methods for investigation of consumers' perception. These findings can help dairy companies to provide subsidies and guidelines for the reformulation of their products, marketing strategies, and improvement in the communication between producers and consumers from different fermented dairy products.  相似文献   

In the present work the performance of global projective mapping and partial projective mapping based on texture and flavor for sensory characterization of a novel food category (satiating food product) was compared. Eight different fresh-cheese pie formulations were designed to obtain different sensory (principally texture) characteristics which could affect expected satiating perception. Three groups of consumers evaluated the samples using one of the following methodologies: global projective mapping (G-PM) (n = 47), partial projective mapping based on flavor (F-PM) (n = 53), and partial projective mapping based on texture (T-PM) (n = 61). In addition, the expected satiating capacity of each cheese pie sample was scored on a nine-point scale. Results showed that the vocabulary used by consumers for describing the sensory characteristics of samples did not largely differ between global and partial projective mapping tasks. However, T-PM and F-PM tasks provided more detailed information than G-PM in each specific modality. Results suggested that when consumers performed the global projective mapping task they mainly took into account flavor characteristics for evaluating global similarities and differences among samples. In addition, hedonic attributes were more frequently mentioned in G-PM. Fresh cheese, sugar, corn starch and egg were the basic ingredients that conferred the fresh-cheese pies their typical, characteristic flavor and texture. The addition of whey or soy proteins, wheat bran or glucomannan increased expected satiating capacity which could be related to changes in texture (harder, more compact) leading to longer orosensory exposure. The addition of glucomannan caused the largest changes in the sensory characteristics of the cheese pies which in turn would be related to a decrease in perceived flavor intensity. Studying the interplay between formulations, sensory characteristics, expected satiating capacity and consumer liking could largely contribute to the development of this novel food category.  相似文献   

Studies have indicated that profiling and (dis)similarity scaling yield different perceptual product maps. Conceptually, these two procedures are different. This paper looks at a third and alternative method of producing a two-dimensional, perceptual map utilizing a projective-type method whereby individual assessors themselves are required to place products on the space according to the similarities and differences they perceive. However, visual comparison of the final results provided by each assessor is difficult and, hence, generalized Procrustes analysis is applied to compare each assessor's map for similarity with the others. In this study it was found that the perceptual map derived from projective mapping was as similar to the map derived from profiling as from dissimilarity scaling. However, consistency over repeated trials was greater for projective mapping than for the other two methods. It is suggested that projective mapping could be a potentially useful technique for linking sensory analysis and consumer research data.  相似文献   

Projective mapping has been validated as a practical tool for the rapid sensory profiling of brandy products, although repeatability concerns necessitate repeated measurements in larger sample sets. The reason for poor repeatability could be linked to the complexity of the product type, as well as the physical and possibly psychological factors associated with its high alcohol content. To date no information has been published that tested the effect of these specific factors on panellist performance in projective mapping tasks. This study tested the effect of sample complexity and alcohol content on sensory panel repeatability and accuracy in projective mapping, using six types of commercial alcoholic beverages. In a second objective, the study also tested the effect of prior knowledge of alcohol content of a given product set on panellist performance in projective mapping. The results showed that complexity had the biggest impact on panel performance, while alcohol content had a secondary but decisive influence, largely due to its chemosensory fatiguing nature. Knowledge of the product alcohol content appeared to affect individuals differently, and also had an effect on the terminology used by the panellists to describe the products. The study also introduces the Relative Performance Indicator (RPI) as a new panel performance monitoring tool for projective mapping.  相似文献   

In consumer food‐sensory studies, sorting and closely related methods (for example, projective mapping) have often been applied to large product sets which are complex and fatiguing for panelists. Analysis of sorting by Multi‐Dimensional Scaling (MDS) is common, but this method discards relevant individual decisions; analysis by DISTATIS, which accounts for individual differences, is gaining acceptance. This research posits that replication can improve DISTATIS analysis by stabilizing consumer sensory maps, which are often extremely unstable. As a case study a fatiguing product set was sorted: 10 American whiskeys—5 bourbons and 5 ryes—were sorted into groups by 21 consumers over 2 replications. These products were chosen because American whiskeys are some of the most important distilled beverages in today's market; in particular, “bourbon” (mashbill more than 50% corn) and “rye” (more than 50% rye) whiskeys are important and assumed to be products with distinct sensory attributes. However, there is almost no scientific information about their sensory properties. Data were analyzed using standard and aggregated DISTATIS and MDS. No significant relationship between mashbill and consumer categorization in whiskeys was found; instead, there was evidence of producer and aging effects. aggregated DISTATIS was found to provide more stable results than without replication, and DISTATIS results provided a number of benefits over MDS, including bootstrapped confidence intervals for product separation. In addition, this is the first published evidence that mashbill does not determine sensory properties of American whiskey: bourbons and ryes, while legally distinct, were not separated by consumers.  相似文献   

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