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选择21目龄断奶的杜大长仔猪64头,随机分为2组,每组4个重复,每个重复8头仔猪.对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组添加0.3%蚕蛹蛋白酶解肽.试验结果表明:(1)蚕蛹蛋白酶解肽明显提高断好仔猪日增重,降低料重比和腹泻率.(2)断奶后14 d,试验组血清碱性磷酸酶和血清铁明显高于对照组.(3)添加蚕蛹蛋白酶解肽可显著提高断奶后14 d仔猪十二指肠、空肠和回肠的绒毛高度,降低十二指肠、空肠和回肠的隐窝深度.(4)添加蚕蛹蛋白酶解肽可显著提高断奶后14 d仔猪空肠黏膜蔗糖酶和麦芽糖酶活性.  相似文献   

本试验研究了陈糙米日粮是否膨化和是否添加外源淀粉酶两个因素,对26日龄断奶仔猪小肠黏膜二糖酶活性、血液葡萄糖和尿素氮含量、生产性能的影响.试验28d的结果表明,陈糙米日粮经膨化后能提高断奶仔猪十二指肠黏膜中二糖酶的活性,但降低了空肠黏膜中二糖酶的活性,采食膨化料的仔猪生产性能低于未膨化料的,但差异不显著.添加外源酶可以提高十二指肠和空肠黏膜中部分二糖酶的活性,但对仔猪的生产性能并未有显著改善.膨化和加酶及其交互作用对仔猪血清中葡萄糖和尿素氮含量并无显著影响(P>0.1).  相似文献   

目的:研究蛋氨酸对宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)断奶仔猪血浆生化指标和肠道消化吸收功能的调节作用。方法:所有仔猪于21 d龄断奶,30头正常出生体重(NBW)断奶仔猪饲喂基础日粮(NBW-CON组),60头IUGR断奶仔猪随机分成两个处理组,分别饲喂基础日粮(IUGR-CON组)和添加0.12%蛋氨酸的实验日粮(IUGR-MET组),每个处理组6个重复,每个重复5头猪,实验期为28 d。结果:与NBW-CON断奶仔猪相比,IUGR-CON断奶仔猪血浆尿素氮含量显著升高(p0.05),血浆总蛋白和D-木糖含量显著降低(p0.05)。IUGR-CON断奶仔猪粗蛋白和总能表观消化率、空肠食糜胰蛋白酶活性、黏膜碱性磷酸酶和Na+-K+-ATP酶活性均显著降低(p0.05)。与IUGR-CON断奶仔猪相比,IUGR-MET断奶仔猪血浆尿素氮含量显著降低(p0.05),血浆D-木糖含量显著升高(p0.05)。日粮添加0.12%蛋氨酸显著缓解IUGR介导断奶仔猪粗蛋白表观消化率、空肠食糜胰蛋白酶活性和黏膜Na+-K+-ATP酶活性降低(p0.05)。结论:日粮添加0.12%蛋氨酸可降低IUGR断奶仔猪血浆尿素氮含量,并在一定程度上缓解了IUGR对断奶仔猪肠道消化吸收功能的不良影响。  相似文献   

本试验研究了在经膨化处理的陈化早籼糙米日粮中添加外源α-淀粉酶和糖化酶对断奶仔猪小肠黏膜二糖酶、血液生化指标和生产性能的影响.试验为日粮不同加工处理(膨化、不膨化)和加外源酶(添加、不添加)两因子设计,共4个处理.结果表明,试验猪的生产性能总体趋势是非膨化组好于膨化组,非膨化加酶组的日增重比膨化加酶组在第14天和第28天分别高出23.66%和16.83%,料肉质量比降低了16.88%和7.36%;膨化和添加外源酶显著提高了断奶仔猪试验第14天十二指肠中麦芽糖酶的活性,然而膨化显著降低了断奶仔猪试验第28天空肠中乳糖酶、麦芽糖酶、异麦芽糖酶和蔗糖酶的活性,添加外源酶显著提高了断奶仔猪试验第28天空肠中乳糖酶和麦芽糖酶的活性.试验结果表明,对断奶仔猪高糊化度膨化陈化糙米是没有必要的.  相似文献   

膨化玉米对断奶仔猪肠黏膜形态和腹泻的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过2个饲养试验,研究了膨化玉米对断奶仔猪肠黏膜形态和腹泻的影响.试验一分别用普通玉米和膨化玉米为主要能量原料的饲料饲喂断奶仔猪做2种处理,每个处理6个重复,定时观察猪只排粪情况和粪便性状.结果表明,膨化玉米可显著降低断奶仔猪腹泻率和腹泻指数.试验二分别用普通玉米和膨化玉米为主要能量原料的饲料饲喂断奶仔猪做2种处理,每个处理6个重复,分别在断奶后第14天和第28天各屠宰1头公猪.取十二指肠、空肠前、中、后段以及回肠做组织切片,观察其黏膜厚度、绒毛高度、隐窝深度和绒毛宽度.结果表明,断奶后14 d,与普通玉米组相比,膨化玉米组显著提高了十二指肠的绒毛高度,显著降低了空肠中段的隐窝深度,显著增加了十二指肠、空肠前段、后段和回肠的黏膜厚度.断奶后28 d,与普通玉米组相比,膨化玉米组显著增加了十二指肠的黏膜厚度.  相似文献   

研究外源性谷氨酰胺(Gln)对热应激条件下肉鸡生长性能、小肠消化酶活和形态结构的保护作用.240只35日龄健康AA鸡(公母各半)随机分成4组,每组3个重复.Ⅰ组为对照组(舍内气温23℃),饲喂基础日粮,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组为热应激组(舍内气温28℃),分别饲喂基础日粮中添加0、0.5%和1.0%Gln的试验日粮,于42日龄时对肉鸡生产性能、消化酶活和小肠形态结构进行分析.研究结果表明,与对照组相比,热应激处理(Ⅱ组)降低了增重、采食量、饲料转化率,十二指肠和空肠的相对重、绒毛高度、肠腺长度和肌层厚度,空肠的绒毛宽度,回肠的绒毛高度和肠腺长度、淀粉酶和总蛋白酶活性(P<0.01或0.05);提高了十二指肠和空肠的固有层厚度(P<0.01或0.05).与未添加Gln的热应激组(Ⅱ组)相比,0.5%和1.0%Gln明显缓解了热应激对以上各指标的影响(P<0.05或0.01),且并达到了与对照组(Ⅰ组)接近或不存在差异显著性(P>0.05)的水平.说明外源性Gln能有效保护本试验热应激条件下肉鸡的生产性能、消化酶活和小肠形态结构的正常.  相似文献   

外源性谷氨酰胺对AA鸡早期生长性能的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
将288只1日龄健康AA鸡随机分为3组,每组3个重复,研究在基础日粮中补充外源性谷氨酰胺对肉鸡早期(0-4周龄)生长性能的影响,研究结果表明:添加0.4%谷氨酰胺组显著提高了1周龄内的平均日采食量和平均日增重(P<0.05),且在一定程度上降低了各周龄内特别是第4周龄内的饲料转化率;添加0.8%谷氨酰胺组则对第1,4周龄内的平均日采食量和各周内的平均日增重都有显著提高作用(P<0.05),特别对第2,3周龄内的饲料转化率降低作用明显(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

选用300头PIC五元杂交,哺乳阶段分别使用对照日粮,及含有2%血浆蛋白粉、2%植物小肽和4%植物小肽日粮的4个处理的(21±2)日龄断奶仔猪各75头,分成3个重复,预饲期为4 d,试验期为42 d,研究哺乳期使用植物小肽对断奶仔猪消化酶活性、免疫性能及消化道酸度的影响.研究结果表明:(1)与对照组相比,哺乳期仔猪日粮中添加4%植物小肽可以提高断奶仔猪胰脏中胃蛋白酶活性(P<0.05),提高十二指肠段脂肪酶和淀粉酶活性(P<0.05),提高空肠中淀粉酶和胃蛋白酶活性(P>0.05);(2)添加植物小肽对提高血清中的IgA与IgM含量有促进作用,4%植物小肽组IgG含量显著提高了(P<0.05);(3)植物小肽的添加有提高胃、十二指肠、回肠、盲肠酸度的趋势.本试验条件下,哺乳期补饲日粮中添加植物小肽能够提高断奶仔猪的生长,促进机体营养代谢,并且随着植物小肽添加量的增加效果更加明显.  相似文献   

外源性谷氨酰胺对虹鳟稚鱼生长和肠道形态的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
旨在观察L-谷氨酰胺对虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)稚鱼生长和十二指肠形态的影响.试验共分6个处理,在以白鱼粉为主的饵料中分别添加0%、0.25%、0.5%、0.75%、1.0%和2.0%Gln,分别于4周末和12周末测定生长和肠道形态指标.与对照组相比,添加0.50%Gln组12周的生长表现较好,体重和体长分别提高7.28%和7.25%,饵料系数显著降低(P<0.05).添加0.25%~1.0%Gln各处理的成活率均较对照组显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)提高.与对照组相比,添加外源性Gln 4周时对肠道形态未产生有益作用,12周末添加0.25%P0.75%Gln对十二指肠绒毛高度、绒毛直径和黏膜厚度未产生显著影响,但添加1.0%和2.0%组显著降低了绒毛直径、绒毛高度和黏膜厚度(P<0.05),也显著降低肠腺深度(P<0.05).  相似文献   

在线氮饥饿处理对谷氨酰胺合成的促进作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
氮饥饿处理是提高谷氨酰胺合成酶活性的重要手段 ,文中设计了在线氮饥饿处理过程 ,考察了氮饥饿处理对谷氨酸棒杆菌突变株NS61 1的谷氨酰胺合成酶活性及谷氨酰胺合成能力的影响。当初始氮源的供应量受到限制时 ,菌体在生长后期处于氮饥饿状态 ,这种氮饥饿处理使菌体内的谷氨酰胺合成酶的活性提高 2倍以上 ,而谷氨酰胺的累积量提高了69%。  相似文献   

王斐  何进田  沈明明  张昊  牛玉  张莉莉  王恬 《食品科学》2019,40(15):177-183
目的:探讨姜黄素对宫内发育迟缓(intrauterine growth retardation,IUGR)断奶仔猪肠道抗氧化功能的影响。方法:选取16 头正常初生体质量(normal birth mass,NBM)仔猪和16 头IUGR仔猪,公母各半。26 日龄断奶,分别饲喂基础日粮或姜黄素日粮(基础日粮+400 mg/kg姜黄素),分为N组(NBM仔猪+基础日粮)、NC组(NBM仔猪+姜黄素日粮)、I组(IUGR仔猪+基础日粮)和IC组(IUGR仔猪+姜黄素日粮),每组8 头。饲养至50 日龄屠宰取样,进行抗氧化指标的检测。结果:1)日粮中添加姜黄素后,与I组相比,IC组仔猪空肠蛋白质羰基(protein carbonyl,PC)、8-羟化脱氧鸟苷的含量和回肠丙二醛、PC的含量显著降低(P<0.05);2)与I组相比,IC组仔猪空肠总抗氧化能力、过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)活力显著升高(P<0.05),谷胱甘肽含量显著增多(P<0.05);回肠CAT活力显著升高(P<0.05),过氧化氢(H2O2)含量显著降低(P<0.05);3)与I组相比,IC组仔猪空肠核因子E2相关因子2(nuclear factor- erythroid 2-related factor 2,Nrf2)、CAT、超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(glutathione S-transferase,GST)和NAD(P)H:醌氧化还原酶(NAD(P)H : quinone oxidoreductase l,NQO1)基因的表达显著升高(P<0.05);回肠Nrf2、GST、NQO1和硫氧还蛋白还原酶基因的表达显著升高(P<0.05)。结论:向日粮中添加400 mg/kg姜黄素对缓解IUGR诱导的仔猪肠道氧化应激、提高肠道抗氧化功能有一定作用。  相似文献   

Glutamine, an important fuel and biosynthetic precursor in intestinal epithelial cells, helps maintain intestinal integrity and function when supplemented to the diet of many species. The hypothesis tested here was that glutamine supplementation would overcome the decreased average daily gain (ADG) and altered intestinal morphology caused by milk replacer containing soy protein concentrate (SPC). Holstein calves (9 male and 1 freemartin female per treatment) were assigned to diets of 1) all-milk-protein (from whey proteins) milk replacer, 2) milk replacer with 60% milk protein replacement from SPC, and 3) SPC milk replacer as in diet 2 plus 1% (dry basis) l-glutamine. Milk replacers were reconstituted to 12.5% solids and were fed at 10% of body weight from d 3 to 10 of age, and at 12% of body weight (adjusted weekly) from d 10 through 4 wk of age. No dry feed (starter) was fed, but water was freely available. Glutamine was added at each feeding to reconstituted milk replacer. Five calves from each treatment were slaughtered at the end of wk 4 for measurements of intestinal morphology. The ADG was greater for calves fed the all-milk control than for those fed SPC; glutamine did not improve ADG (0.344, 0.281, and 0.282 kg/d for diets 1 to 3, respectively). Intake of protein was adequate for all groups and did not explain the lower growth for calves fed SPC. Villus height and crypt depth did not differ among treatments in the duodenum. In the jejunum, villus height (713, 506, and 464 μm, for diets 1 to 3, respectively) and crypt depth (300, 209, and 229 μm, respectively) were greater for calves fed all milk protein than for either SPC group. In the ileum, villus height was greater for calves fed all milk than for either soy group (532, 458, and 456 μm), whereas crypt depth tended to be greater (352, 301, and 383 μm for diets 1 to 3, respectively), and the villus to crypt ratio was lower for calves supplemented with glutamine than for those fed SPC alone. Urea N concentration in plasma was greater for calves supplemented with glutamine than for those fed SPC alone, indicating that glutamine was at least partially catabolized. Supplemental l-glutamine did not improve growth or intestinal morphology of calves fed milk replacer containing SPC.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Protein hydrolysate has more efficient peptide absorption and less hypertonic protein absorption. This study aims to investigate the influences of rice dreg (RD) protein and its hydrolysate on growth and somatropic axis in early‐weaned Sprague‐Dawley rats in comparison with soybean (SB) protein. RESULTS: Compared with a SB diet control, a rice dregs protein hydrolysate (RD‐H) diet decreased average daily feed intake and feed/gain in weeks 1 (P < 0.01) and 2 (P < 0.05), while an RD diet decreased average daily feed intake and feed/gain in week 1 (P < 0.01). Average daily body gain exhibited no significant differences between either treatment during the 28‐day period. After 28 d, villus height and lamina propria depth of jejunum and duodenum were greater in the RD‐H treatment than in RD and control treatments (P < 0.01), while serum urea nitrogen concentration was lower in RD and RD‐H treatments than in the control (P < 0.05). There were no differences in serum growth hormone concentration, hepatic and muscle insulin‐like growth factor‐1 expression, and muscle growth hormone receptor expression at 7 and 28 d (P > 0.05), but hepatic growth hormone receptor expression was higher in RD‐H treatment than in RD and control treatments after 7 d (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Results showed that RD and RD‐H diets improved feed utilisation efficiency in the first 2 weeks post‐weaning and small intestine morphology at 28 d post‐weaning for an early‐weaned mammal compared with a SB diet. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

选择(28±1)日龄、平均体重为(8.84 ±0.21)kg的健康三元(斯格×长×大)杂交断奶仔猪(公母各半)18头,研究1 mg/kg玉米赤霉烯酮(zearalenone,ZEA)污染饲粮对断奶仔猪脾脏和外周血淋巴细胞增殖率和IL-2产量的影响,同时评价改性蒙脱石的脱毒效应.将试验仔猪按照体重随机分为3个处理(公母各半),仔猪采用试验笼单独饲养.试验处理为:Contr.=基础饲粮;ZEA+CZ0=基础饲粮+1 mg/kg ZEA;ZEA+ CZ4=基础饲粮+1 mg/kg ZEA+4g/kg改性蒙脱石.预饲期7d,正式期22 d.结果表明:1)与对照组相比,饲粮添加1 mg/kg ZEA显著降低断奶仔猪脾脏相对重量、外周血和脾脏淋巴细胞增殖率以及IL-2产量(P<0.05).2)1 mg/kg的ZEA处理饲粮添加4 g/kg改性蒙脱石能够显著改善ZEA诱导的脾脏和外周血淋巴细胞增值率以及IL-2的改变(P<0.05).结果揭示,1 mg/kg的ZEA足以影响断奶仔猪脾脏的生长发育及其细胞免疫功能,添加4 g/kg改性蒙脱石具有显著的脱毒效应,以上结果对指导动物生产和人类健康具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

丁酸钠对肉仔鸡生产性能及免疫功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验选择体重基本一致的健康AA肉仔鸡300羽,随机分成5组:Ⅰ组(对照组)、Ⅱ组(250mg/kg丁酸钠)、Ⅲ组(500 mg/kg丁酸钠)、Ⅳ组(1 000 mg/kg丁酸钠)、Ⅴ组(40 mg/kg杆菌肽),每组6个重复,每个重复10羽,试验期21 d.试验结果表明:(1)14日龄采食量、增重、体重显著高于对照组(P<0.05),21日龄有增加趋势;14日龄料重比显著降低(P<0.05),21日龄有降低趋势.(2)14日龄和21日龄脾脏指数、胸腺指数、法氏囊指数有提高的趋势.(3)14日龄十二指肠上皮内淋巴细胞(IEL)数量显著高于对照组(P<0.05);21日龄十二指肠、空肠、回肠IEL数量均显著高于对照组(P<0.05).(4)14日龄十二指肠及回肠杯状细胞(GC)数量均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);21日龄空肠及回肠GC数量显著高于对照组(P<0.05).  相似文献   

目的:研究蛋氨酸对宫内发育迟缓(intrauterine growth retardation,IUGR)生长猪肠道发育和抗氧化功 能的调节作用。方法:30 头正常初生体质量(normal birth weight,NBW)和60 头IUGR仔猪于21 日龄断奶,分别随 机分成3 个处理组,即NBW-CON组(NBW仔猪饲喂基础(control,CON)日粮),IUGR-CON组(IUGR仔猪饲喂 基础日粮),IUGR-MET组(IUGR仔猪饲喂蛋氨酸(methionine,Met)日粮),每个处理组6 个重复,每个重复5 头 猪,实验期为84 d。结果:IUGR-CON组猪空肠和回肠绒毛高度(villus height,VH)、空肠绒毛表面积、回肠蔗 糖酶和麦芽糖酶活力、空肠OCLN mRNA相对表达量较NBW-CON组猪显著降低(P<0.05)。与NBW-CON组猪 相比,IUGR-CON组猪空肠丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)含量显著升高(P<0.05),空肠还原型谷胱甘肽 (reduced glutathione,GSH)含量和GSH/氧化型谷胱甘肽值显著降低(P<0.05),回肠超氧化物歧化酶活力 显著降低(P<0.05)。日粮添加蛋氨酸可显著增加IUGR猪空肠VH,升高回肠麦芽糖酶活力,上调空肠OCLN mRNA相对表达量(P<0.05)。同时,蛋氨酸可显著缓解IUGR介导生长猪空肠MDA含量升高与GSH含量降低 (P<0.05)。结论:蛋氨酸可降低IUGR猪肠道脂质过氧化程度,改善肠道抗氧化能力,一定程度上缓解了 IUGR对生长猪肠道发育的不良影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the time course for adaptation of the reticulo-rumen, omasum, abomasum, and small intestine in response to an abrupt increase in the proportion of grain in the diet. Adaptive responses include tissue and digesta mass, small intestinal length, and brush border enzyme activity in the duodenum, proximal jejunum, and ileum. Twenty-five Holstein steers (213 ± 23 kg; 5 to 7 mo of age) were blocked by body weight, and within block were randomly assigned to 1 of 5 treatments: the control diet (CTRL; 92% chopped grass hay and 8% mineral and vitamin supplement on a dry matter basis) or a moderate grain diet (MGD; 50% chopped grass hay, 42% rolled barley grain, and 8% mineral and vitamin supplement) that was fed for 3 (MGD3), 7 (MGD7), 14 (MGD14), or 21 d (MGD21). Dry matter intake was limited to 2.25% of body weight to ensure that changes in dry matter intake did not confound the results. On the last day of the dietary exposure, steers were slaughtered 2 h after feeding. Reticulo-rumen tissue mass and ruminal epithelium mass in the ventral sac of the rumen were not affected by the MGD. Wet reticulo-ruminal digesta mass decreased from CTRL to MGD7 and then increased, but reticulo-ruminal digesta dry matter mass did not differ between treatments. Omasal mass, omasal tissue mass, and omasum digesta mass decreased linearly with the number of days fed MGD, but abomasal tissue mass tended to increase linearly. Duodenal tissue mass tended to increase linearly, and ileal length increased linearly with the number of days fed MGD. Lactase activity in the proximal jejunum increased linearly and maltase activity in duodenum tended to increase linearly with days fed MGD. Aminopeptidase N activity in the proximal jejunum increased cubically with days fed MGD, and dipeptidylpeptidase IV activity in ileum tended to decrease from CTRL to MGD14 and then tended to increase. Adaptation to a diet with a greater proportion of concentrate involves changes in the mass and length of regions of the gastrointestinal tract and brush border enzyme activity. These changes take place gradually over at least 3 wk.  相似文献   

目的:研究L-亮氨酸对超早期断奶宫内发育迟缓(intrauterine growth retardation,IUGR)仔猪肠道免疫功能的调节作用。方法:选取14日龄断奶的正常初生体质量(normal birth weight,NBW)和IUGR新生仔猪各16头,分别饲喂基础日粮或添加0.35%L-亮氨酸实验日粮,即4个处理组,每组8头猪。结果:与NBW仔猪相比,IUGR仔猪血清溶菌酶活力和补体3(complement-3,C3)水平显著降低(P0.05),空肠和回肠中杯状细胞(goblet cells,GC)和淋巴细胞(intraepithelial lymphocytes,IEL)数量显著减少(P0.05),回肠中肿瘤坏死因子α(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)含量显著升高(P0.05),白细胞介素10(interleukin-10,IL-10)含量显著降低(P0.05)。另外,IUGR仔猪回肠TNF-αm RNA表达量显著升高(P0.05),IL-10 m RNA表达量显著降低(P0.05)。日粮添加0.35%L-亮氨酸后,IUGR仔猪血清溶菌酶活力、C3和C4水平显著升高(P0.05),回肠中GC数量及十二指肠和空肠中IEL数量显著增加(P0.05),回肠中IL-10含量显著升高(P0.05),并且IL-2和IL-10 m RNA表达量显著升高(P0.05)。结论:IUGR会引起超早期断奶仔猪肠道黏膜发生炎症反应和肠道生长发育受限。L-亮氨酸可以有效缓解IUGR引起的肠道黏膜损伤,改善仔猪肠道的免疫功能。  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the effect of different liquid feeds on calf small intestine and rumen development. Twenty-one bull calves (5 ± 1 d old) were randomly allocated to 3 groups and fed whole milk (WM), milk replacer (MR; 22% CP and 17.5% fat), or MR supplemented with sodium butyrate (MR+SB; 0.3% as fed). Liquid feed dry matter intake was equal between treatments and amounted to 1% of BW at the beginning of the trial. Starter diet was offered ad libitum. Animals were slaughtered at 26 (±1) d of age. Calves fed WM had higher average daily gain in the whole trial and higher starter diet dry matter intake between d 15 to 21 of the trial as compared with calves fed MR and MR+SB. Calves fed MR lost on average 1.4 kg of BW within first 14 d of the trial and their BW tended to be lower at d 7, 14, and 21 of the study as compared with calves fed MR+SB. The empty jejunum and ileum weight, crypt depth, mitotic index in the middle jejunum were higher, and apoptotic index tended to be lower in calves fed WM as compared with calves fed MR and MR+SB. Calves fed WM also had higher aminopeptidase N activity in the middle jejunum and tended to have higher maltase activity in the distal jejunum as compared with calves fed MR and MR+SB. The mitotic index was higher and apoptotic index was lower in the middle jejunum, and aminopeptidase A activity tended to be higher in the distal jejunum of calves fed MR+SB as compared with those fed MR. Calves fed WM had greater papillae length and width, and tended to have greater muscle layer thickness as compared with calves fed MR and MR+SB. Reticulorumen weight, reticulorumen weight expressed as percent of whole stomach weight, and papillae length and width were higher in calves fed MR+SB as compared with those fed MR. Additionally, calves fed WM had higher plasma glucose and urea in the whole trial period as compared with calves fed MR and MR+SB, and plasma glucose was higher in calves fed MR+SB as compared with those fed MR. Significant positive Pearson correlations were found between small intestine and reticulorumen weights as well as between activity of brush border lactase, maltase, aminopeptidase A, and aminopeptidase N and reticulorumen weight. Different liquid feeds affect small intestine development, animal growth, solid feed intake and metabolic status of calves and this effect can indirectly influence the development of forestomachs.  相似文献   

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