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多关节虚拟机器人构建与运动学实现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR)技术构建出五自由度多关节机器人的三维模型,借助Visual C++和OpenGL软件混合编程,开发出人机界面友好、交互信息丰富、实时性很强的虚拟机器人和相应的操作仿真试验平台。其中,特别对VR系统中机器人坐标系的建立和运动方程的实现进行了详细介绍,通过与NGR01型真实机器人的大量对照试验,证明本文提出的思想和算法是正确、合理、可用的。  相似文献   

基于Microsoft Robotics Studio的机器人运动仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄立  叶益斌  张辉 《机电工程》2010,27(8):122-126
随着电子技术和信息技术的迅速发展,机器人已经从理论走向实际应用。针对计算机对机器人进行运动仿真的问题,研究和分析了微软的虚拟机器人开发平台Microsoft Robotics Studio,并在此基础上设计和实现了基于Microsoft Robotics Studio的机器人运动仿真系统。系统首先根据给定的机器人物理模型定义出相应的关节连杆结构,然后根据关节运动数据驱动机器人关节同时运动。研究结果表明,基于Microsoft Robotics Studio的机器人运动仿真系统能够很好地实现运动仿真及控制,为物理机器人的本体设计提供帮助。  相似文献   

在APOLLOCAD工作站上研制了机器人图形仿真系统。用实体模型对机器人进行了几何造型,在关节空间和直角坐标空间对机器人进行了轨迹规划和实体图形仿真,能逼真地再现机器人运动的全过程和其运动特性。该实体图形仿真系统对设计、研制新的机器人和机器人性能研究是一个有力的工具。  相似文献   

一个机器人仿真系统的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秦锋  徐向荣 《机械》1996,23(4):5-8
介绍一个机器人仿真系统的设计过程,该系统由若干主程序和子程序模块组成,能对机器人进行运动学,动力学和轨迹规划仿真分析,并能显示机器人结构简图和运动特性曲线。介绍了该仿真系统的功能,主要结构和所采用的算法,给出了程序框图。  相似文献   

机器人图形仿真系统研制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在APOLLOCAD工作站上研制了机器人图形仿真系统。用实体模型对机器人进行了几何造型,在关节空间和直角坐标空间对机器人进行了轨迹规划和实体图形仿真,能逼真地再现机人运动的全过程和其运动特性。该实体图形仿真系统对设计,研制新的机器人和机器人性能研究是一个有力的工具。  相似文献   

并联机构在运动过程中存在弹性变形和刚柔耦合效应,对机构的运动及其稳定性具有较大影响。针对上述问题,以3自由度刚柔耦合并联机器人为研究对象,基于线性多体系统传递矩阵法(线性MSTMM)建立了刚柔耦合并联机器人多体系统模型和拓扑结构模型,推导了整体系统的空间转换方程和动力学方程;通过Matlab软件建立了机器人SimMechanics仿真模型,并基于PID控制策略对机器人进行了轨迹跟踪的仿真研究。结果表明,机器人末端输出的实际运动轨迹与期望轨迹基本吻合,机器人系统运动相对稳定,验证了该建模方法的正确性和有效性,为进一步对并联机构进行研究提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

邱士安  李刚俊 《机械传动》2006,30(2):7-9,16
介绍和分析了一种机器人机械手三维实时动画的仿真系统,通过OpenGL图形库进行开发,建立了机器人的三维运动学模型,进行了运动过程中的碰撞检测,实现了机器人运动的实时模拟。该系统具有友好的用户交互性、良好的开放性和通用性,可以极大地方便机器人的分析和研究。  相似文献   

通过对一个机器人机械手三维实时运动仿真系统实例的介绍和分析,阐述了利用OpenGL图形库实现机械手运动仿真的有效方法.重点分析了机械手运动学模型的构建及仿真过程的动态显示,并且讨论了该仿真系统的主要功能模块构成。最后总结了该仿真系统的主要特点,指出了OpenGL在机器人运动仿真中的应用前景。  相似文献   

弧焊机器人图形仿真系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在Solid Edge平台上研制了弧焊机器人图形仿真系统。对机器人本体、变位机和被焊工件进行了实体几何造型,对机器人路径优化结果进行了实体模型动画仿真,能逼真地再现机器人运动的全过程并进行实时碰撞检测,在虚拟环境下离线示教了工作任务并通过转换模块生成机器人工作程序,通过RS232口下载到机器人控制柜。该仿真系统对机器人路径优化和离线编程系统的研究是一个实用的工具。  相似文献   

为实现工业机器人运动过程的可视化仿真,以Open GL技术作为图形支撑,在VC++环境下进行编程,对机器人的运动仿真展开研究。详细研究了仿真系统中轨迹生成的步骤及其具体实现方法,并重点对轨迹规划算法进行了分析。为消除机器人运动过程中连续轨迹的连接点对运动平滑性的影响,探讨了通过Bezier曲线均匀插值实现笛卡尔空间中连续轨迹平滑过渡的轨迹规划算法,并通过仿真与实验对可视化运动仿真系统进行了验证。  相似文献   

点云是目前自动驾驶、机器人、遥感、增强现实(AR)、虚拟现实(VR)、电力、建筑等领域最常用的三维数据处理形式,深 度学习方法能够处理大型数据,且可自主提取特征,因此点云深度学习方法已逐渐成为研究热点。 本文综述了近十年来基于深 度学习的三维点云分析方法的研究进展。 首先给出了三维点云深度学习的相关概念;然后针对点云目标检测与跟踪、分类分 割、配准和匹配以及拼接这 4 种任务,分别阐述了相应的深度学习方法的原理,分析并比较了各自的优缺点;随后整理了 18 种 点云数据集和 4 种点云分析任务的性能评价指标,并给出了性能对比结果;最后总结了点云分析方法目前存在的问题,对进一 步的研究工作进行了展望。  相似文献   

Variable reluctance (VR) actuator has a simple and robust structure. Without any permanent magnet, it is low cost; easy to manufacture, highly reliable, and can operate in hostile temperatures. However, it is inherently nonlinear, and is difficult to control and operate as a proportional device. With the advancement of digital signal processors and power electronic drives in recent years, advance modeling techniques and control solutions can be realized onto VR actuators applications. For these reasons, VR actuators have redrawn research interests. The paper describes the investigation and development of a novel two-finger gripper using VR technology. A novel two-finger VR gripper has been proposed and fabricated. Characterization measurements of the VR gripper were carried out. Measurement results show that the proposed actuator exhibits general characteristics as VR actuators and becomes more efficient through making use of mutual coupling.  相似文献   

Nowadays, with the advancement of computers, computer simulation linked with VR (Virtual Reality) technology has become a useful method for designing the automotive driving system. In this paper, the VR simulation system was developed to investigate the driving performances of the ASV (Advanced Safety Vehicle) equipped with an ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control) system. For this purpose, VR environment which generates visual and sound information of the vehicle, road, facilities, and terrain was organized for the realistic driving situation. Mathematical models of vehicle dynamic analysis, which includes the ACC algorithm, have been constructed for computer simulation. The ACC algorithm modulates the throttle and the brake functions of vehicles to regulate their speeds so that the vehicles can keep proper spacing. Also, the real-time simulation algorithm synchronizes vehicle dynamics simulation with VR rendering. With the developed VR simulation system, several scenarios are applied to evaluate the adaptive cruise controlled vehicle for various driving situations.  相似文献   

The efficacy of virtual reality (VR) as a design support technique is widely recognised by industries. However, the efficiency of the routine employment of VR into the product development process (PDP) still finds an obstacle in the poor integration of the tools employed. The use of VR still needs long and quite hard procedures to work effectively; the models have to be converted into a format that is compatible with VR systems and each task requires an effort to prepare the virtual environment or to post-process the results that depend on the complexity of the task. This work analyses some VR applications into the PDP and describes some ideas to effectively support the operator that prepares the virtual environment. These ideas have been tested by developing four software interfaces, able to create an easy data exchange link between VR and other design tools like CAD, CAE and computer aided control engineering (CACE).  相似文献   

Virtual reality (VR) became a very common mean during the development of the industrial products. One of the main applications of VR in the industrial field is the validation of virtual prototypes (VP). A virtual prototype should be able to reproduce, as realistically as possible, the behaviour of the product from any point of view. In this paper we propose an unexploited approach to the simulation of a VP in VR. A high level software library for the inter-process communication has been developed to let the multi-body solver communicate with the VR environment. Such approach allows the designer to use different software frameworks for the simulation and the visualisation. The test case provided regards an excavator machine. It is possible to simulate the action of the actuators to move arms and bucket, and also perform visibility analyses discovering the viewing volume of the operator.  相似文献   

近些年来,机器人学和人工智能作为两个不同的学科,各自发展着,均取得了很好的成果。同时,在一些领域,二者又相互结合,并取得了很好的效果。本文在查阅大量文献资料的基础上,对近些年来国内外人工智能在机器人领域的应用做了一个比较全面的总结,并提出了一些设想和展望。  相似文献   

介绍了虚拟现实技术的基本知识以及虚拟现实软件EON Studio的基本工作原理及其脚本节点的应用,以某汽车模型为应用对象,建立了1个基于EON Studio的汽车设计系统,详细叙述了整个系统的创建过程。  相似文献   


This paper classifies functional elements of a motion platform-based VR simulator by its component types, and proposes a VR simulator component framework (VSCF) that can be used in various VR simulators by integrating associated components. The VSCF consists of a VSCF component manager (VCM), VSCF components (VCs), and a VSCF data interface (VDI). The functional elements of a VR simulator are defined by the VC units that are registered to the VCM and operated on by the VR simulator. The VCM manages the registered VCs and plays a role in controlling information exchange between VCs. The information for VCs is defined at the VDI while the VCM stores essential elements necessary to collect and transfer information into the VDI and provide it to VCs. Simulator developers configure VCs depending on functional elements required by the VR simulator and define the VDI for information exchange between VCs from which they are able to build various motion platform-based VR simulators by integrating the VCs through the VCM. In this study, two VR simulators were developed to verify the applicability of the VSCF: The first was a VR simulator for firefighting robot training and the second was a VR simulator for electrical wheelchair operation.


根据VRT的内涵、主要特征和相关技术,按照MEMS的特,最和发展目标,研究MEMS对VRT技术的需求及其应用,研究VR技术与MEMS的交叉融合及互动发展,提出将VR技术应用于MEMS的研究、设计、教学、培训;提出将MEMS应用于VR系统中。  相似文献   

虚拟设计是CAD研究的重要内容.本文介绍了虚拟现实技术(VR)和虚拟现实建模语言(VRML),并结合工业机器人虚拟现实模型开发的实际,探讨了基于SolidWorks-VRML 建立三维产品虚拟模型的建模方法和原理,最后给出了虚拟工业机器人模型实例.  相似文献   

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