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人工智能技术是实现光电成像精确制导武器智能化、提升复杂作战环境作战性能的重要途径,研究与总结国外成像末制导智能化技术发展现状和趋势对我国精确制导武器智能化技术发展具有重要的指导意义。介绍了光电成像精确制导武器在当前局部冲突中的重要性、多模复合成像末制导及智能化技术发展的必然性。概述了全球主流对海、对地、对空等精确制导武器的成像末制导发展现状,分析总结了光电成像末制导不同阶段智能信息处理面临的关键问题、技术原理和智能化水平。总结了现役或在研的智能化武器装备所具有的智能化特征,并依据现有的人工智能技术分析了其智能技术原理与武器智能化功能实现。从作战目标、作战环境、对抗模式、新型作战样式等方面分析了成像制导导弹所面临的未来复杂战场环境与作战需求,以及对成像末制导智能化技术带来的挑战。依据人工智能与人脑视觉认知能力的对比,提出了未来成像末制导技术智能化的六个能力特征,以及将成像末制导智能化划分为功能级智能、系统级单体智能、体系级群体智能技术三个发展阶段,并分析了相应的技术内涵、关键技术与实现功能。  相似文献   
四管CMOS图像传感器中像素图像拖影的二维仿真与优化   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Pixel image lag in a 4-T CMOS image sensor is analyzed and simulated in a two-dimensional model. Strategies of reducing image lag are discussed from transfer gate channel threshold voltage doping adjustment, PPD N-type doping dose/implant tilt adjustment and transfer gate operation voltage adjustment for signal electron transfer. With the computer analysis tool ISE-TCAD, simulation results show that minimum image lag can be obtained at a pinned photodiode n-type doping dose of 7.0 × 1012 cm–2, an implant tilt of –2o, a transfer gate channel doping dose of 3.0 × 1012 cm-2 and an operation voltage of 3.4 V. The conclusions of this theoretical analysis can be a guideline for pixel design to improve the performance of 4-T CMOS image sensors.  相似文献   
一种获得四管CMOS图像传感器像素夹断电压的方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
提出了一种测试四管CMOS图像传感器像素夹断电压的方法。该方法是基于像素中势阱结构的变化能够对图像信号散粒噪声产生影响的假设。实验结果测得的夹断电压与理论预测相一致。该技术提供的实验方法不仅能够帮助设计四管CMOS图像传感器光电二极管的结构,而且也能优化像素生产工艺。  相似文献   
Pixel image lag in a 4-T CMOS image sensor is analyzed and simulated in a two-dimensional model.Strategies of reducing image lag are discussed from transfer gate channel threshold voltage doping adjustment,PPD N-type doping dose/implant tilt adjustment and transfer gate operation voltage adjustment for signal electron transfer.With the computer analysis tool ISE-TCAD,simulation results show that minimum image lag can be obtained at a pinned photodiode n-type doping dose of 7.0×10~(12) cm~(-2),an implant ...  相似文献   
An approach to obtain the pinch-off voltage of 4-T pixel in CMOS image sensor is presented.This new approach is based on the assumption that the photon shot noise in image signal is impacted by a potential well structure change of pixel.Experimental results show the measured pinch-off voltage is consistent with theoretical prediction.This technique provides an experimental method to assist the optimization of pixel design in both the photodiode structure and fabrication process for the 4-T CMOS image sen...  相似文献   
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