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探索采用数据可视化技术分析儿童用品TBT通报数据,以可视化图形图像呈现通报热点并揭示趋势信息,提出对策与建议,助力为儿童用品产业升级、TBT预警数据分析和信息传播工作提供新思路,提高中小企业的国外市场准入机会。  相似文献   

In this paper, we review some algebraic control system. Precisely, linear and bilinear systems on Euclidean spaces and invariant and linear systems on Lie groups. The fourth classes of systems have a common issue: to any class, there exists an associated subgroup. From this object, we survey the controllability property. Especially, from those coming from our contribution to the theory.  相似文献   
Temperature history can have a significant effect on the strength of water-saturated chalk.In this study,hydrostatic stress cycles are applied to understand the mechanical response of chalk samples exposed to temperature cycling between each stress cycle,compared to the samples tested at a constant temperature.The total accumulated strain during a stress cycle and the irreversible strain are reported.Chalk samples from Kansas(USA)and Mons(Belgium),with different degrees of induration(i.e.amount of contact cementation),were used.The samples were saturated with equilibrated water(polar)and nonpolar Isopar H oil to quantify water weakening.All samples tested during 10 stress cycles with varying temperature(i.e.temperature cycled in between each stress cycle)accumulated more strain than those tested at constant temperatures.All the stress cycles were performed at 30℃.The two chalk types behaved similarly when saturated with Isopar H oil,but differently when saturated with water.When saturated with water,the stronger Kansas chalk accumulated more total strain and more irreversible strain within each stress cycle than the weaker Mons chalk.  相似文献   
介绍一种基于变频调速控制的全自动定量包装机,结构简单,组态灵活,性价比高,可广泛应用于食品饲料等行业,现场运行实践证明其通用性好,准确度和可靠性高、速度快、稳定性好。并论述变频器控制系统的设计及使用中的注意问题。  相似文献   
文中分析了大同市水资源开发利用的状况,并对水资源承载能力的有关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
基于承包商预期收益不变的不平衡报价模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在招标实践中,通常采用最低价中标原则,使得投标人不得不压低其投标价格。基于承包商预期收益不变的不平衡报价模型,是在“工程量清单报价”的条件下,考虑到施工中工程量的变化及施工顺序的影响,体现了资金的时间价值,在保持承包商预期收益不变的前提下,通过调整各分项工程的单价,来降低工程报价,以增加中标机会而建立的。所建立的模型简单,易于操作,并配以具体的工程实例,通过计算机求得其最优解,可供承包商投标报价时参考。  相似文献   
Supported metal catalysts, particularly noble metals supported on SiO2, have attracted considerable attention due to the importance of the silica–metal interface in heterogeneous catalysis and in electronic device fabrication. Several important issues, e.g., the stability of the metal–oxide interface at working temperatures and pressures, are not well-understood. In this review, the present status of our understanding of the metal–silica interface is reviewed. Recent results of model studies in our laboratories on Pd/SiO2/Mo(1 1 2) using LEED, AES and STM are reported. In this work, epitaxial, ultrathin, well-ordered SiO2 films were grown on a Mo(1 1 2) substrate to circumvent complications that frequently arise from the silica–silicon interface present in silica thin films grown on silicon.  相似文献   
马钢二烧结配料计算机控制系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐明了马钢二烧结配科计算机控制系统的目的、控制形式、控制原理;根据烧结配料控制对象的特点对信号采样和控制算法进行了探讨;提供了系统的主要硬件结构,软件功能和程序框图。  相似文献   
与常规的小型测试压裂不同,流体注入诊断测试(DFIT)是通过关井阶段出现的拟线性流或拟径向流阶段求取储层压力,采用改进的梅耶霍夫方法(M-method)解释储层渗透率。以长庆榆林气田一口开发井为例,依据DFIT的技术原理和测试步骤,对该井测试压降数据进行解释分析,结果可信度较高,证明了该项工艺在长庆低压低渗油气田的可行性。  相似文献   
湘中海相浅层湘冷1井酸压工艺研究及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湘冷1井具有气层埋藏浅(400m-500m)、纵向上裂隙发育的特点,属低孔、低渗的含泥质灰岩致密储层。大量室内实验和研究采用“前置液酸压+闭合酸化”工艺技术,并优选了相应降阻酸和闭合酸配方。通过酸压实现了该井工业油气流的突破,取得了明显的增产效果,为新区海相浅层气的开发探索出了一套成熟的改造增产措施。  相似文献   
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