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综述了近年来益生菌干酪加工工艺条件对其品质的影响的研究进展,包括益生菌的选择、益生菌的添加方式、凝乳的处理条件、干酪的成熟和贮藏条件、益生元的添加等,为益生菌干酪的研究开发提供技术依据,进一步促进我国干酪产业的发展。  相似文献   

益生菌因具有调节肠道菌群,预防便秘,增强肠道免疫力等功能,在新型功能性食品、医药和微生态制剂研发生产中具有广阔的应用前景。近年来,益生菌产品的消费以20%的速度在逐年增加。由于益生菌在加工和储藏过程中极易受外界光、温度、氧气等影响而失活,摄食后还需经受住胃酸、胆盐等胃肠环境的挑战,只有少数菌能到达肠道,因此目前很多益生菌产品的活菌数和实际效果都难以达到预期。如何长时间保持益生菌的活性成为制约益生菌产业发展的“卡脖子”技术。近年来,微胶囊包埋及靶向递送体系在材料以及益生菌领域的应用方面取得的重大进展,提高了益生菌及其产品在加工、贮藏过程中的存活率、稳定性和实际功效。本文概述益生菌靶向递送研究现状,总结近年来益生菌微胶囊的壁材、包埋技术的研究进展、存在问题和发展趋势,旨在为进一步研究和开发高活性益生菌产品和技术,提高益生菌产品在体内的功效提供参考。  相似文献   

通过在Mozzarella干酪加工中添加一定量的乳清形成产品,并对是否添加乳清的Mozzarella干酪进行不同成熟时间的感官、质构、融化性、油脂析出性和色差等指标的比较,对产品在不同成熟时间所表现出的主要理化特性和功能特性进行分析研究,初步探讨了添加乳清对Mozzarella干酪品质的影响。  相似文献   

干酪是保存益生菌的优良基质。它本身具有较高的pH和脂肪含量,能有效地保护益生菌免受胃肠道中不利条件的迫害。主要介绍了干酪中主要的益生菌类型及干酪贮藏过程中蛋白质、脂肪和质构的变化情况,为益生菌干酪的开发提供参考。  相似文献   

干酪是一种营养丰富的发酵乳制品,在其制作过程中内含的微生物菌群不是一成不变的,而是动态的。在干酪成熟过程中,有脂解、蛋白水解等各种生化反应进行,这些反应多与微生物产生的酶有关。干酪内微生物对于干酪形成独特的质构和风味至关重要,同时它也与干酪内一些功能物质的形成有关。该文主要阐述了干酪内微生物的生长与干酪品质及一些功能物质的关系,同时也阐述了干酪作为益生菌载体与益生菌之间的关系。  相似文献   

将植物乳杆菌MA2及Kefir发酵剂应用于益生菌干酪生产中,并对干酪的理化指标、感官进行了测定、评价,结果显示:成熟45 d后,相比于普通干酪,添加了植物乳杆菌MA2及Kefir的新型益生菌干酪的可溶性氮及不饱和脂肪酸的含量显著升高;并且具有良好的风味和质地,其中MA2干酪具有明显的酸奶味,提高了干酪的适口性,更加符合国人的口味习惯,具有良好的生产开发前景;而Kefir干酪具有Kefir发酵乳的特有风味,带有适宜的酒香味,可以被开发成个性化干酪,丰富了干酪的品种。  相似文献   

美国益生菌产品的发展状况(综述)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
益生菌(Probiotic)又称微生态调节剂、生态制品、活菌制剂,是指能够促进肠内菌群生态平衡,对宿主起有益作用的活的微生物制剂。[1]近年来随着微生态基础理论研究的深入,以及该理论被应用在实践上取得成效,益生菌产品发展迅速。美国的益生菌市场也呈现出良好的发展态势。1 益生菌产品在美国市场上,益生菌产品以两种形式销售:食品和膳食补充剂。含有益生菌的食品几乎全部是奶制品,所用菌种主要为乳酸菌和双歧杆菌。产品类型主要是添加了益生菌的液态奶和酸奶。约06%的液态奶产品含有益生菌,使用的菌种约是奶制品中所用益生菌种类的4…  相似文献   

为分析添加益生菌乳双歧杆菌Probio-M8和副干酪乳杆菌PC-01对发酵乳微流变特性和稳定性的影响.以基础发酵剂为对照,分别添加乳双歧杆菌Probio-M8和/或副干酪乳杆菌PC-01,与基础发酵剂复配进行发酵,采用多频扩散波谱法(MS-DWS)分析发酵乳发酵过程中的微流变特性,并测定发酵过程和贮藏期间的滴定酸度、p...  相似文献   

目的:以复合益生菌发酵牛乳(PFM)为研究对象,对其氨基酸代谢特征、发酵特性和贮藏特性进行评估。方法:将乳双歧杆菌V9、副干酪乳杆菌PC-01和植物乳杆菌P-8复合发酵,以商业发酵剂(含嗜热链球菌和保加利亚乳杆菌)为对照,利用光学微流变仪监测发酵期间的流变学参数,发酵结束时的游离氨基酸含量以及贮藏期间活菌数、酸度等理化指标。结果:在发酵过程中,益生菌发酵乳具有高黏性因子、高固液平衡值、低弹性因子和低流动状态的特征;在发酵结束时共检出14种游离氨基酸,其中8种游离氨基酸含量显著升高,分别是苯丙氨酸(0.93 mg/kg)、缬氨酸(3.3 mg/kg)、丙氨酸(22.6 mg/kg)、赖氨酸(12.6 mg/kg)、苏氨酸(3.8 mg/kg)、丝氨酸(3.5 mg/kg)、脯氨酸(35.4 mg/kg)和亮氨酸(5.4 mg/kg)。贮藏结束时,PFM组中乳酸杆菌活菌数高达2.34×108 CFU/mL,双歧杆菌达3.43×107 CFU/mL;与对照组(FM)相比,pH值、滴定酸度和持水力无显著差异,黏度显著降低(P<0.01),感官评价评分显著升高(P<0.05)。结论:益生菌发酵乳具有优异的发酵及贮藏特性,这为益生菌在发酵乳制品工业生产中的应用提供数据支持。  相似文献   

在冰激凌中添加益生菌,既可以丰富冰激凌产品的种类,制作兼顾健康与美味的功能性产品,又为益生菌合理利用找到新的载体。益生菌冰激凌可以改善人体肠道吸收营养物质的情况,但是益生菌在冰激凌搅打过程和冷冻保存条件下容易受到机械损伤从而降低其益生活力。为此,通过在冰激凌配方中添加益生元,蛋白质等固形物以改善菌种的生存条件,从而保护益生菌的益生作用。配方固形物种类繁多,对益生菌抗冷冻胁迫的方式亦有不同,本文从酸乳冰激凌的添加配方出发,对各类对益生菌在冷冻胁迫条件下起保护作用的固形物的理化特性和作用机理进行综述,为益生菌冷冻胁迫保护和益生菌冰激凌的生产提供新的思路。  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of lamb rennet paste containing probiotic strains on proteolysis, lipolysis, and glycolysis of ovine cheese manufactured with starter cultures. Cheeses included control cheese made with rennet paste, cheese made with rennet paste containing Lactobacillus acidophilus culture (LA-5), and cheese made with rennet paste containing a mix of Bifidobacterium lactis (BB-12) and Bifidobacterium longum (BB-46). Cheeses were sampled at 1, 7, 15, and 30 d of ripening. Starter cultures coupled with probiotics strains contained in rennet paste affected the acidification and coagulation phases leading to the lowest pH in curd and cheese containing probiotics during ripening. As consequence, maturing cheese profiles were different among cheese treatments. Cheeses produced using rennet paste containing probiotics displayed higher percentages of αS1-I-casein fraction than traditional cheese up to 15 d of ripening. This result could be an outcome of the greater hydrolysis of α-casein fraction, attributed to higher activity of the residual chymosin. Further evidence for this trend is available in chromatograms of water-soluble nitrogen fractions, which indicated a more complex profile in cheeses made using lamb paste containing probiotics versus traditional cheese. Differences can be observed for the peaks eluted in the highly hydrophobic zone being higher in cheeses containing probiotics. The proteolytic activity of probiotic bacteria led to increased accumulation of free amino acids. Their concentrations in cheese made with rennet paste containing Lb. acidophilus culture and cheese made with rennet paste containing a mix of B. lactis and B. longum were approximately 2.5 and 3.0 times higher, respectively, than in traditional cheese. Principal component analysis showed a more intense lipolysis in terms of both free fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid content in probiotic cheeses; in particular, the lipolytic pattern of cheeses containing Lb. acidophilus is distinguished from the other cheeses on the basis of highest content of health-promoting molecules. The metabolic activity of the cheese microflora was also monitored by measuring acetic, lactic, and citric acids during cheese ripening. Cheese acceptability was expressed for color, smell, taste, and texture perceived during cheese consumption. Use of probiotics in trial cheeses did not adversely affect preference or acceptability; in fact, panelists scored probiotic cheeses higher in preference over traditional cheese, albeit not significantly.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the viability of the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 in Swiss‐type and Dutch‐type cheese and cheese‐like products (milk fat is substituted by stearin fraction of palm fat) during manufacture, ripening, and storage. The use of the probiotic L. rhamnosus HN001 in Dutch‐type cheese and cheese‐like products significantly (P = 0.1) changed their chemical composition (protein and fat content) and an insignificant increase (approximately 1.6% in cheese‐like products and approximately 0.3% in cheese) in yield. L. rhamnosus HN001 did not affect the rate of changes in the pH of ripened cheese and cheese‐like products. A minor increase in probiotic counts was observed in initial stages of production and were partially removed with whey. Ripened cheese and cheese‐like products were characterized by high survival rates of probiotic bacteria which exceeded 8 log CFU/g after ripening. An insignificant reduction in the number of viable probiotic cells was noted during storage of Swiss‐type and Dutch‐type cheese, whereas a significant increase in probiotic cell counts was observed in cheese‐like products during storage.  相似文献   

Dairy foods, particularly those of bovine origin, are the predominant vehicles for delivery of probiotic bacteria. Caprine (goat) milk also possesses potential for successful delivery of probiotics, and despite its less appealing flavor in some products, the use of goat milk as a probiotic carrier has rapidly increased over the last decade. This review reports on the diversity, applicability, and potential of using probiotics to enhance the sensory properties of goat milk and goat milk‐based products. A brief conceptual introduction to probiotic microorganisms is followed by an account of the unique physicochemical, nutritive, and beneficial aspects of goat milk, emphasizing its advantages as a probiotic carrier. The sensory properties of probiotic‐enriched goat milk products are also discussed. The maintenance of probiotic viability and desirable physicochemical characteristics in goat milk products over shelf life is possible. However, the unpleasant sensory features of some goat milk products remain a major disadvantage that hinder its wider utilization. Nevertheless, certain measures such as fortification with selected probiotic strains, inclusion of fruit pulps and popular flavor compounds, and production of commonly consumed tailor‐made goat milk‐based products have potential to overcome this limitation. In particular, certain probiotic bacteria release volatile compounds as a result of their metabolism, which are known to play a major role in the aroma profile and sensory aspects of the final products.  相似文献   

Prebiotics are food components that exert beneficial effects on health of the host, associated with modulation of the intestinal flora via stimulating the growth and/or activity of the probiotics. One of the recommended ways to maintain high viable numbers of probiotic bacteria in the intestine as well as in the probiotic fermented milk products until the time of consumption is via the use of prebiotics. These compounds can also affect sensory profile, physicochemical and rheological characteristics, and economic properties of probiotic fermented milk products. In this article, technological aspects of prebiotics (viability of probiotics in the product as well as the physicochemical, rheological, sensory, and economic characteristics of product) in probiotic fermented milks are reviewed.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(10):10550-10557
One of the most significant challenges within production of probiotic products is the survival and functionality of probiotic bacteria during processing and shelf life. In this research, the probiotic bacterium Bifidobacterium bifidum was used as adjunct culture for the production of Iranian white cheese containing different percentages of Allium ampeloprasum L. ssp. iranicum Wendelbo extracts (1% and 2% in fresh and dried form). The effects of the plant extract on bacterial growth and sensory properties of the model cheese were investigated. The in vitro experiments showed that probiotic bacteria growth was influenced by the presence of the plant extract. The highest bacterial growth (Δ growth = 25.82%) was observed when the probiotic was cultured in the medium supplemented with 1 g/L of plant extract. At time 0, the cheese samples were characterized by a pH value between 5.7 and 6.3 and a probiotic concentration of about 9 log cfu/g. Results showed that after 45 d of shelf life, the cheese model containing 1% dry extract had the best survival of probiotic B. bifidum (7–8 log cfu/g) and the most appreciated sensory properties. The findings of this study support the idea that A. ampeloprasum extract, acting as prebiotic substance, exerts a beneficial effect on probiotic bacteria.  相似文献   

A new probiotic cheese with antioxidative and antimicrobial activity   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The aim of our study was to develop an original probiotic cheese based on the Estonian open-texture, smear-ripened, semisoft cheese "Pikantne." Cheese was produced by two methods using cheese starter cultures (Probat 505) in combination with 0.04% of probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum strain ME-3 (10(9) cfu/mL) with high antimicrobial activity and antioxidative properties. The probiotic Lactobacillus was added into milk simultaneously with starter cultures (cheese A) and into drained curd (cheese B). After addition of probiotic L. fermentum ME-3, the cheese composition, flavor, and aroma were comparable to the control cheese (score values = 4.5, 4.2, and 3.7 for control cheese, cheese A, and cheese B, respectively). Cheese A, which had good sensory properties, was chosen for further testing of viability and probiotic properties. The probiotic strain was found to withstand the technological processing of cheese, surviving and sustaining moderate antimicrobial and high antioxidative activity throughout ripening and storage (the ripened cheese contained approximately 5 x 10(7) cfu/g viable ME-3 cells), although the viability of the ME-3 strain incorporated into the cheese showed a slight decrease between d 24 and 54 after cheese preparation. Semisoft cheese "Pikantne" serves as a suitable carrier of antimicrobial and antioxidative L. fermentum ME-3.  相似文献   

The individual contribution of 6 strains of probiotic bacteria (3 of Lactobacillus acidophilus and 3 of the Lactobacillus casei group) to proteolysis patterns in a semi-hard cheese was assessed. Control cheeses (without probiotics) and 2 types of experimental cheeses (with the addition of probiotics either directly to milk or by a 2-step fermentation method) were manufactured. Cheeses containing Lb. acidophilus showed the most extensive peptidolysis, which was evidenced by changes in the peptide profiles and a noticeable increase of free amino acids compared with control cheeses. The strains of the Lb. casei group showed a lower contribution to cheese peptidolysis, which consisted mainly of free amino acid increase. Two-step fermentation improved peptidolytic activity for only one of the cultures of Lb. acidophilus tested. The addition of Lb. acidophilus strains into cheese may be suitable not only for their beneficial health effect but also for their influence on secondary proteolysis, consistent with acceleration of ripening and improved flavor formation.  相似文献   

The complex metabolism of probiotic bacteria requires several technological options to guarantee the functionally of probiotic dairy foods during the shelf life. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of the supplementation of increasing amounts of Lactobacillus acidophilus (0, 0.4, or 0.8 g/L of milk) on the physicochemical parameters and sensory acceptance of Minas fresh cheese. In addition, the sensory acceptance of probiotic cheeses was assessed using a consumer test and compared with commercial cheeses (conventional and probiotic). High counts (9.11 to 9.42 log cfu/g) of L. acidophilus were observed throughout the shelf life, which contributed to the maintenance of its probiotic status and resulted in lower pH values and greater production of organic acids. The probiotic cheeses presented lower scores for appearance, aroma, and texture compared with conventional cheeses. Internal preference mapping explained almost 60% of the total variation of the data and showed a large number of consumers concentrated near the conventional cheeses, demonstrating greater preference for these samples. The findings indicated that some negative sensory effects could occur when high level of supplementation with L. acidophilus is used in probiotic cheese processing.  相似文献   

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