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网络时代人工智能研究与发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
50多年来,人工智能在模式识别、知识工程、机器人等领域已经取得重大成就,但是离真正的人类智能还相差甚远.当今网络时代,人工智能科学要在学科交叉研究中实现人工智能的发展与创新,会更加关注认知科学、脑科学、生物智能、物理学、网络科学、计算机科学与人工智能之间的交叉渗透,重视认知物理学的研究;自然语言是人工智能研究知识表示无法回避的直接对象,要对语言中的概念建立起能够定量表示的不确定性转换模型,发展不确定性人工智能;要利用现实生活中复杂网络的小世界模型和无标度特性,把网络拓扑作为知识表示的一种新方法,研究网络拓扑的演化与网络动力学行为,研究网络智能.对这3个重要方向进行了阐述,并提出了具体建议.  相似文献   


The proposed European Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) is the first attempt to elaborate a general legal framework for AI carried out by any major global economy. As such, the AIA is likely to become a point of reference in the larger discourse on how AI systems can (and should) be regulated. In this article, we describe and discuss the two primary enforcement mechanisms proposed in the AIA: the conformity assessments that providers of high-risk AI systems are expected to conduct, and the post-market monitoring plans that providers must establish to document the performance of high-risk AI systems throughout their lifetimes. We argue that the AIA can be interpreted as a proposal to establish a Europe-wide ecosystem for conducting AI auditing, albeit in other words. Our analysis offers two main contributions. First, by describing the enforcement mechanisms included in the AIA in terminology borrowed from existing literature on AI auditing, we help providers of AI systems understand how they can prove adherence to the requirements set out in the AIA in practice. Second, by examining the AIA from an auditing perspective, we seek to provide transferable lessons from previous research about how to refine further the regulatory approach outlined in the AIA. We conclude by highlighting seven aspects of the AIA where amendments (or simply clarifications) would be helpful. These include, above all, the need to translate vague concepts into verifiable criteria and to strengthen the institutional safeguards concerning conformity assessments based on internal checks.


Organizations influence many aspects of our lives. They exist for one reason: they can accomplish things that individuals cannot. While recent work in high-autonomy systems has shown that autonomy is a critical issue in artificial intelligence (AI) systems, these systems must also be able to cooperate with and rely on one another to deal with complex problems. The autonomy of such systems must be flexible, in order that agents may solve problems on their own as well as in groups. We have developed a model of distributed problem solving in which coordination of problem-solving agents is viewed as a multiagent constraint-satisfaction planning problem. This paper describes the experimental testbed that we are currently developing to facilitate the investigation of various constraint-based strategies for addressing the coordination issues inherent in cooperative distributed problem-solving domains.  相似文献   

现行人工智能研究取得了许多进展,但存在“深度上浅层化、广度上碎片化和体系上封闭化”的重要缺陷。这不是改进算法或者提高硬件性能所能解决的问题,而是要在科学观方法论上寻找根源。本文依据“科学观→方法论→研究模型→研究途径→基本概念→基本原理”这个顶天立地的研究纲领,总结了信息科学的科学观,提炼了信息生态方法论;在新的科学观和方法论指导下构筑了体现智能生长全过程的研究模型,发现了智能生长的共性机制,确立了机制主义研究途径,进而澄清和匡正了信息(特别是语义信息)、感知、知识、认知、基础意识、情感、理智、综合决策等一系列基础概念,总结了实现信息-知识-智能转换的一组基本原理,创建了机制主义人工智能理论。而且证明了:长期三分而立的结构主义(人工神经网络)、功能主义(专家系统)、行为主义(感知动作系统)三大人工智能理论可在机制主义人工智能理论框架内实现和谐统一;机制主义是生成基础意识、情感、理智三位一体高等人工智能的科学途径;机制主义人工智能理论是通用型的人工智能理论。  相似文献   

Human-level AI will be achieved, but new ideas are almost certainly needed, so a date cannot be reliably predicted—maybe five years, maybe five hundred years. I'd be inclined to bet on this 21st century.It is not surprising that human-level AI has proved difficult and progress has been slow—though there has been important progress. The slowness and the demand to exploit what has been discovered has led many to mistakenly redefine AI, sometimes in ways that preclude human-level AI—by relegating to humans parts of the task that human-level computer programs would have to do. In the terminology of this paper, it amounts to settling for a bounded informatic situation instead of the more general common sense informatic situation.Overcoming the “brittleness” of present AI systems and reaching human-level AI requires programs that deal with the common sense informatic situation—in which the phenomena to be taken into account in achieving a goal are not fixed in advance.We discuss reaching human-level AI, emphasizing logical AI and especially emphasizing representation problems of information and of reasoning. Ideas for reasoning in the common sense informatic situation include nonmonotonic reasoning, approximate concepts, formalized contexts and introspection.  相似文献   

毛新军  胡翠云  孙跃坤  王怀民 《软件学报》2012,23(11):2885-2904
面向Agent程序设计(agent-oriented programming,简称AOP)基于多Agent系统的抽象和思想、借助于Agent理论和技术来支持软件系统的构造与实现,其程序设计思想、软件模型、基础理论和语言设施有别于现有主流程序设计技术,如OOP,代表了一种新颖的程序设计范型.由于多Agent系统被视为支持开放环境下复杂软件系统开发的一种新颖、有效的技术手段,因而近年来AOP受到人工智能、软件工程和分布计算等领域研究学者和工程实践人员的高度关注,并在过去20年取得了重要进展.但是,无论在应对复杂多Agent系统开发方面,还是在大规模工业化应用等方面,AOP的研究与实践都面临着严峻的挑战.作为一种程序设计范型,AOP研究需要在交叉其他学科知识(如人工智能)的基础上,充分借鉴软件工程以及已有程序设计范型的原理、原则和成功实践,从而推动技术走向成熟并为广大工程实践人员所接受.通过对AOP研究历程的系统介绍,从软件工程的视点考虑MAS程序设计的不同层次,综述AOP在程序设计抽象与模型、机制与理论、语言与设施和支撑平台这4个方面的研究成果,展示不同时期AOP研究关注点的变化以及发展趋势,分析当前AOP研究与实践存在的问题和面临的挑战,并展望进一步的研究.  相似文献   

按内容检索的图象数据库系统数据模型   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
数据模型的研究是设计按内容检索的图象数据库系统的基础.本文在超语义数据模型的基础上,提出了一种新的图象数据库系统模型.该模型融合了面向对象的数据模型、语义数据模型和知识模型的特点,并根据图象信息的特点,增加了若干对象类型构造子,使得该模型能较好地支持按内容检索的图象数据库系统建模.  相似文献   

数字孪生与平行系统:发展现状、对比及展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨林瑶  陈思远  王晓  张俊  王成红 《自动化学报》2019,45(11):2001-2031
随着物联网、大数据、人工智能(Artificial intelligence,AI)等技术的发展,针对促进新一代信息技术与制造业深度融合、实现制造物理世界与信息世界交互与共融的需要,数字孪生和平行系统技术成为智能制造和复杂系统管理与控制领域研究的热点.本文对数字孪生和平行系统技术的基本概念、技术内涵、相关应用等进行了研究与总结,对比了两者之间的异同,并分析了两者的发展趋势,预期能够给复杂系统管理与控制领域的研究人员提供一定的参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

Medical artificial intelligence (AI) systems have been remarkably successful, even outperforming human performance at certain tasks. There is no doubt that AI is important to improve human health in many ways and will disrupt various medical workflows in the future. Using AI to solve problems in medicine beyond the lab, in routine environments, we need to do more than to just improve the performance of existing AI methods. Robust AI solutions must be able to cope with imprecision, missing and incorrect information, and explain both the result and the process of how it was obtained to a medical expert. Using conceptual knowledge as a guiding model of reality can help to develop more robust, explainable, and less biased machine learning models that can ideally learn from less data. Achieving these goals will require an orchestrated effort that combines three complementary Frontier Research Areas: (1) Complex Networks and their Inference, (2) Graph causal models and counterfactuals, and (3) Verification and Explainability methods. The goal of this paper is to describe these three areas from a unified view and to motivate how information fusion in a comprehensive and integrative manner can not only help bring these three areas together, but also have a transformative role by bridging the gap between research and practical applications in the context of future trustworthy medical AI. This makes it imperative to include ethical and legal aspects as a cross-cutting discipline, because all future solutions must not only be ethically responsible, but also legally compliant.  相似文献   

Performance evaluation is a complex process, usually involving the analyses of large amounts of possibly subjective information. The complexity increases when the performances of more than one athlete are being evaluated. For example a coach in charge of twenty divers should be able to remember the strengths and weaknesses of each athlete. Given these difficulties, it is therefore not surprising that a number of computer-based systems have been developed to speed-up and improve the quality of performance evaluation. Most of these systems are visually based such that individuals working on performance analysis first record the motion in question by electronic means and then input these images into a computer for quantification and subsequent analysis. There seems to be enormous potential for AI (i.e. Artificial Intelligence) technologies to make a significant contribution in the analysis phase. Indeed AI technologies have been applied to performance evaluation in recent years, though their applicability has been limited for a variety of reasons. The main factor has been a lack of characterisation of the domain of performance evaluation. This paper reviews selected research and applications of computational models and AI technologies in particular in performance evaluation of sporting feats for individual based events.  相似文献   

过去10年中涌现出大量新兴的多媒体应用和服务,带来了很多可以用于多媒体前沿研究的多媒体数据。多媒体研究在图像/视频内容分析、多媒体搜索和推荐、流媒体服务和多媒体内容分发等方向均取得了重要进展。与此同时,由于在深度学习领域所取得的重大突破,人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)在20世纪50年代被正式视为一门学科之后,迎来了一次“新”的发展浪潮。因此,一个问题就自然而然地出现了:当多媒体遇到人工智能时会带来什么?为了回答这个问题,本文通过研究多媒体和人工智能之间的相互影响引入了多媒体智能的概念。从两个方面探讨多媒体与人工智能之间的相互影响:一是多媒体促使人工智能向着更具可解释性的方向发展;二是人工智能反过来为多媒体研究注入了新的思维方式。这两个方面形成了一个良性循环,多媒体和人工智能在其中不断促进彼此发展。本文对相关研究及进展进行了讨论,并围绕值得进一步探索的研究方向分享见解。希望可以对多媒体智能的未来发展带来新的研究思路。  相似文献   

Alison Adam 《AI & Society》1993,7(4):311-322
The paper proposes that gender can be used to explore alternative epistemologies represented within AI systems. Current research on feminist epistemology is reviewed then criticisms of the main philosophical position dominant in AI are outlined. These criticisms say little about epistemology and nothing about gender. It is suggested that the way forward might be found within the sociology of scientific knowledge as its approach is in accord with the postmodernist view of feminist epistemology in seeing knowledge as a cultural product. However, the sociology of knowledge must brush up its feminist credentials and feminist epistemology must supply more concrete examples with which to test out our theories in AI.  相似文献   

Designing and developing reliable, robust, well-architected, and easy-to-extend software applications or tools in any field requires conformance to sound principles and rules of software engineering. Intelligent systems, especially AI development tools, are no exception. Although AI has always been a wellspring of ideas that software engineering has later adopted, most of its gems remain buried in laboratories, available only to a few AI practitioners. This paper believes that AI tools should be integrated with mainstream SE tools and thus become more widely known and used. To that end, this paper presents the development of Air, an integrated AI development environment based on model-driven-architecture concepts. Using the philosophy of MDA in Air, familiar and mainstream software technologies are used and expanded with new functionalities  相似文献   

Automated negotiation systems with software agents representing individuals or organizations and capable of reaching agreements through negotiation are becoming increasingly important and pervasive. Examples, to mention a few, include the industrial trend toward agent-based supply chain management, the business trend toward virtual enterprises, and the pivotal role that electronic commerce is increasingly assuming in many organizations. Artificial intelligence (AI) researchers have paid a great deal of attention to automated negotiation over the past decade and a number of prominent models have been proposed in the literature. These models exhibit fairly different features, make use of a diverse range of concepts, and show performance characteristics that vary significantly depending on the negotiation context. As a consequence, assessing and relating individual research contributions is a difficult task. Currently, there is a need to build a framework to define and characterize the essential features that are necessary to conduct automated negotiation and to compare the usage of key concepts in different publications. Furthermore, the development of such a framework can be an important step to identify the core elements of autonomous negotiating agents, to provide a coherent set of concepts related to automated negotiation, to assess progress in the field, and to highlight new research directions. Accordingly, this paper introduces a generic framework for automated negotiation. It describes, in detail, the components of the framework, assesses the sophistication of the majority of work in the AI literature on these components, and discusses a number of prominent models of negotiation. This paper also highlights some of the major challenges for future automated negotiation research.  相似文献   

The current state-of-the-art in Deep Learning (DL) based artificial intelligence (AI) is reviewed. A special emphasis is made to compare the level of a concrete AI system with human abilities to show what remains to be done to achieve human level AI. Several estimates are proposed for comparison of the current “intellectual level” of AI systems with the human level. Among them is relation of Shannon’s estimate for lower bound on human word perplexity to recent progress in natural language AI modeling. Relations between the operation of DL constructions and principles of live neural information processing are discussed. The problem of AI risks and benefits is also reviewed based on arguments from both sides.  相似文献   

Arbitration (or how to merge knowledge bases)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Knowledge-based systems must be able to “intelligently” manage a large amount of information coming from different sources and at different moments in time. Intelligent systems must be able to cope with a changing world by adopting a “principled” strategy. Many formalisms have been put forward in the artificial intelligence (AI) and database (DB) literature to address this problem. Among them, belief revision is one of the most successful frameworks to deal with dynamically changing worlds. Formal properties of belief revision have been investigated by Alchourron, Gardenfors, and Makinson, who put forward a set of postulates stating the properties that a belief revision operator should satisfy. Among these properties, a basic assumption of revision is that the new piece of information is totally reliable and, therefore, must be in the revised knowledge base. Different principles must be applied when there are two different sources of information and each one has a different view of the situation-the two views contradicting each other. If we do not have any reason to consider any of the sources completely unreliable, the best we can do is to “merge” the two views in a new and consistent one, trying to preserve as much information as possible. We call this merging process arbitration. In this paper, we investigate the properties that any arbitration operator should satisfy. In the style of Alchourron, Gardenfors, and Makinson we propose a set of postulates, analyze their properties, and propose actual operators for arbitration  相似文献   

One's model of skill determines what one expects from neural network modelling and how one proposes to go about enhancing expertise. We view skill acquisition as a progression from acting on the basis of a rough theory of a domain in terms of facts and rules to being able to respond appropriately to the current situation on the basis of neuron connections changed by the results of responses to the relevant aspects of many past situations. Viewing skill acquisition in this ways suggests how one can avoid the problem currently facing AI of how to train a network to make human-like generalizations. In training a network one must progress, as the human learner does, from rules and facts to wholistic responses. As to future work, from our perspective one should not try to enhance expertise as in traditional AI by attempting to construct improved theories of a domain, but rather by improving the learner's access to the relevant aspects of a domain so as to facilitate learning from experience.  相似文献   


In recent trends, artificial intelligence (AI) is used for the creation of complex automated control systems. Still, researchers are trying to make a completely autonomous system that resembles human beings. Researchers working in AI think that there is a strong connection present between the learning pattern of human and AI. They have analyzed that machine learning (ML) algorithms can effectively make self-learning systems. ML algorithms are a sub-field of AI in which reinforcement learning (RL) is the only available methodology that resembles the learning mechanism of the human brain. Therefore, RL must take a key role in the creation of autonomous robotic systems. In recent years, RL has been applied on many platforms of the robotic systems like an air-based, under-water, land-based, etc., and got a lot of success in solving complex tasks. In this paper, a brief overview of the application of reinforcement algorithms in robotic science is presented. This survey offered a comprehensive review based on segments as (1) development of RL (2) types of RL algorithm like; Actor-Critic, DeepRL, multi-agent RL and Human-centered algorithm (3) various applications of RL in robotics based on their usage platforms such as land-based, water-based and air-based, (4) RL algorithms/mechanism used in robotic applications. Finally, an open discussion is provided that potentially raises a range of future research directions in robotics. The objective of this survey is to present a guidance point for future research in a more meaningful direction.


A survey of modern knowledge modeling techniques   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A major characteristic regarding developments in the broad field of artificial intelligence (AI) during the 1990s has been an increasing integration of AI with other disciplines. A number of other computer science fields and technologies have been used in developing intelligent systems, starting from traditional information systems and databases, to modern distributed systems and the Internet. This paper surveys the knowledge modeling techniques that have received most attention in recent years among developers of intelligent systems, AI practitioners and researchers. The techniques are described from two perspectives, theoretical and practical. Hence the first part of the paper presents major theoretical and architectural concepts, design approaches, and research issues. The second part deals with several practical systems, applications, and ongoing projects that use and implement the techniques described in the first part.  相似文献   

Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style proponents describe it as being easy, but this in no way implies that REST is trivial or simplistic, nor does it mean that RESTful systems lack sophistication. The author covers the primary areas that developers must continually consider as they design and build Web services. Tools can certainly provide reminders about these areas and help to track progress, but ultimately, developers must understand the underlying technical issues to be able to make suitable design and implementation choices.  相似文献   

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