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鉴于长冲程、低冲次、大排量、节能、高自动化程度的抽油机在油田生产中的重要性以及它的潜在应用前景,在专利技术(92225219.X)的基础上,全面介绍了B-14型全平衡双带长冲程抽油机的分析计算和设计过程。重点阐述了该新型抽油机的自移动让井方法、悬挂式减速器的传动原理、动力卷筒和卡轨器的工作原理。介绍了钢丝绳胶带的合理选用计算,胶带接头的自锁式连接设计以及配重防震摆的方法。分析计算了传动、拉曳等相关部件的动力参数。所介绍的方法,在让井方式、驱动原理和配重形等方面为新型地面采油设备的设计创出一条新路。  相似文献   

B-14型全平衡双带长冲程抽油机结构设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
鉴于长冲程、低冲次、大排量、节能、高自动化程度的抽油机在油田生产中的重要性以及它的潜在应用前景 ,在专利技术 (92 2 2 5 2 1 9.X)的基础上 ,全面介绍了B -1 4型全平衡双带长冲程抽油机的分析计算和设计过程。重点阐述了该新型抽油机的自移动让井方法、悬挂式减速器的传动原理、动力卷筒和卡轨器的工作原理。介绍了钢丝绳胶带的合理选用计算 ,胶带接头的自锁式连接设计以及配重防震摆的方法。分析计算了传动、拉曳等相关部件的动力参数。所介绍的方法 ,在让井方式、驱动原理和配重形式等方面为新型地面采油设备的设计创出一条新路。  相似文献   

根据四连杆机构和滑轮组机构的特点和工作原理,对CYJBZ10-8-73HY摆轮增程式长冲程抽油机进行了运动分析;推导了悬点位移的计算公式、根据该公式、应用数值法计算了悬点的速度和加速度,给出 该抽油机现场运行的对比测试数据,摆轮增程长冲程抽油机利用链条行程是摆行程的2倍,实现了增程,与其它类型长冲程抽油机相比具有质量轻、高度低、稳定性好等特点,理论计算和现场实践都表明,与CYJ-3-48HB抽油机  相似文献   

电流法、时间法判断抽油机平衡误差较大,对抽油机的节能降耗不利。功率法、扭矩法判断抽油机平衡不简便。用上下冲程耗电量的比值来表示抽油机的平衡率,其值域为[0,1]。测量出电机在上下冲程的耗电量,即可通过相关计算式得到调整数值。给出了平衡块的调整距离及其质量增减量的计算式。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型长冲程抽油机动能平衡系统的工作原理,对其变直径卷筒的形状与参数进行了合理设计,可达到大幅度降低能耗的目的.将动能平衡原理应用于抽油机的平衡系统中,对其进行系统的运动学和动力学分析,通过建立以变直径卷筒和飞轮卷筒为等效构件的等效力学模型,推导出动能平衡系统中下冲程稳态运行阶段挠性件在变直径卷筒上缠绕时其中心的轨迹方程,提出了挠性件及变直径卷筒相关参数的设计方法、选择依据.研究表明,利用变直径卷筒的特殊外形轮廓来控制飞轮卷筒的旋转速度,解决了动能平衡系统中飞轮连续加速、储存能量的问题.  相似文献   

卷扬式长冲程抽油机是为了满足油田开发工程中低液量油井的生产需要而研制的智能化采油装置,通过卷扬机来控制抽油机行程的卷扬式长冲程抽油机,冲程最大可达50m。采用以现代变频调速技术为基础的抽油机柔性控制技术,改善整机的运动特性及机械效率,实现了智能化采油。在标准模拟试验井上进行不同工况条件下的测试,对卷扬式长冲程抽油机在不同动液面条件下的泵效、系统效率、电机发电、吨液百米耗电等性能进行评价,为其在今后的生产实际中的推广应用提供依据。  相似文献   

长冲程抽油机具有采油效率高、冲程长、冲次低等优势,适合开采深井、稠油井、高含水井和多气井等.随着我国许多油田的开发已进入中后期,长冲程抽油机的设计和应用将进入到一个全新的阶段.在对国内长冲程抽油机进行分类的基础上,将其研究现状进行了归纳总结,分析了现有各类长冲程抽油机的工作原理、技术优势及其存在的问题.指出了抽油机技术将向无游梁、低功耗、低冲次、通用化、智能化和高适应性方向发展.  相似文献   

对悬点在一个冲程内的上冲程、下冲程、下死点和上死点的运动状态进行了具体分析,确定了动载荷和摩擦力的大小,从而得邮了上冲程摩擦力不小于4900N和下冲程摩擦力不大于-2940N时抽油杆偏磨油管的结论,并提出了相应的预防措施,给出了应用实例。采取预防措施后的抽油杆偏磨程度缓解,检泵周期延长到260天以上。  相似文献   

设计一种长冲程、大泵径、低冲次,适合稠油、高粘、多砂等作业工况的特种链条抽油机.该机采用特殊链条结构可实现链节的无油自润滑传动;采用无游梁式换向机构,通过特种销轴和特种链节,实现换向无冲击和换向无受力死点.  相似文献   

由于运量的加大,单电机拖动的小功率胶带运输系统已逐步被大运量、长距离、高带速的双电机拖动的胶带运输系统所取代.双电机拖动系统的出现,虽然使煤炭运输能力有了很大提高,但带来了电机功率不平衡问题.采用模糊控制技术对双电机驱动的胶带运输系统的功率平衡进行研究.设计了以主从电机电流差及其变化率为输入变量、以控制液力偶合器油量调节时间长短为输出变量的二维模糊跟随器,给出了系统硬件的基本组成和算法流程图.该模糊跟随器在某中型煤矿的井下原煤运输系统中进行了实际应用,效果良好,较好地解决了双电机拖动系统的功率平衡问题.  相似文献   

Novel sucker rod pumping system based on linear motor technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Obtaining petroleum at the cost of electrical energy is a common problem in almost all oil fields, and it is mainly caused by low duty radio of induction motor used in beam pumping units. Traditional beam-pumping units have many intrinsic disadvantages such as low efficiency, complex transmission devices, poor flexibility,tremendous volume and weight in long stroke, etc. Therefore, a novel direct driven linear electromagnetic pumping unit (EMPU) has been developed by combining oil extraction technology with linear motor technology. The thrust of EMPU matches the changing of suspension center load to improve the system efficiency and cut down the consumption of energy. Based on previous experience, a small-scale prototype was developed and a simulation was conducted with it. Both theoretical analyses and experimental study showed that the problems exiting in beam pumping units can be solved with EMPU system, and this is a new method which can be used to solve high energy waste in oil fields.  相似文献   

为减小发动机起动工况的振动对汽车舒适性的影响(这对于应用频繁起动-停机控制策略的汽车来说尤其重要),在一台Jetta1.6L发动机上测试了发动机起动第一个循环的振动信号,研究了活塞初始位置、冷却液温度、拖动转速对起动过程振动的影响规律。结果表明,当发动机活塞初始位置处在进气门关闭之后接近上止点时,发动机起动振动较小。热机(85℃)起动振动相比冷机(20℃)起动振动略有降低。拖动转速对起动振动影响非常明显,即发动机快速起动时的振动相比原机低速起动的振动小很多。  相似文献   

油膜离合器具有优越的调速性能,可以实现带式输送机的软起动要求. 针对带式输送机的运行特点和油膜离合器的调速性能,从理论上确立了应用于带式输送机的油膜离合器的润滑油流量、油膜数(或主、从动摩擦片数)的确定方法,同时为油膜离合器的液压系统设计提供了主要的设计参数,为适用于带式输送机油膜离合器软起动设计提供了理论指导,也为油膜离合器在其它领域的应用提供了设计参考.  相似文献   

Study on pick arrangement of shearer drum based on load fluctuation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to the coal or rock cutting theory, a mechanical model and computing formula for a pick and the drum load fluctuation model were established in order to obtain relationships between pick arrangements and drum fluctuation loads, drum rotary speeds and haulage speeds. Based on a minimum load fluctuation, an optimal mathematical model was established for drum pick arrangements. The effects of pick arrangements (including punnett square, sequence, aberrance Ⅰ and Ⅱ) on the drum load fluctuation coefficient are discussed. The relationships between the pick arrangements of the drum with different start vanes and the cutting load fluctuation coefficient, the drum rotary speed and haulage speed were also studied. The results indicate that the punnett square arrangement has a smaller cutting load fluctuation coefficient than other forms of arrangement and the drum with the 4-start vanes has the smallest coefficient. The drum rotary speed and haulage speed are affected not only by pick arrangements, but also by the number of vanes.  相似文献   

In order to improve the thermal power conversion capacity of the internal combustion engine,combined with existing opposed-piston two-stroke engine(OP2S) and hydraulic free piston engine (HFPE),the integral structure for a new type of opposed-piston hydraulic-output (OPHO) engine has been designed,an operating principle has been introduced,the composition of its synchronous drive mechanism has been carefully analyzed,and a mathematical model has been built.In addition,the kinematics models of both the mechanism and the conventional crank-link mechanism have been established by utilizing MATLAB,and the movement rules of the pivotal moving components have been obtained.According to the simulation results,the piston movement of this new type of opposed-piston hydraulic-output engine reveals a prominent asymmetry compared to the conventional crank-link engine.Under a fixed engine revolving speed,the compression time of the opposedpiston hydraulic-output engine is shortened while the expanding time is lengthened,thus the gas turbulence intensity is strengthened around the top dead center (TDC) position.Meanwhile,the piston obtains a longer isometric process compared to conventional engines,which could be benefitial to enhance the combustion efficiency.  相似文献   

将一台排量为2.0 L的气道喷射汽油机改装为气道喷射的氢内燃机,通过台架试验研究喷氢时刻对于进气系统压力波动的影响机制,提出利用优化氢气喷射提高氢内燃机空气流量的方法。试验结果表明:氢气喷射会提高歧管压力并增强压力波动;歧管内压力不仅受本缸喷氢影响,还会受其他缸喷氢激励;低速时在下止点至进气门关闭的区间或与之相隔180℃A的区间喷射会有较大的空气流量,高速时仅在下止点至进气门关闭区间可以得到最大空气流量;利用氢气喷射可以获得4.4%(低速)至7.3%(高速)的空气流量提升。    相似文献   

The development of a diesel engine model using one-dimensional (1-D) fluid-dynamic engine simulation codes, and its validation using experimental measurements are described in this paper. The model was calibrated by running the engine on an electric dynamometer at eight steady-state operating conditions. The refined engine model was used to predict the oxides of nitrogen (NOx) less than those measured earlier in the experiments, and hence to recommend changes in the engine for the verification of the results. The refined engine model is greatly influenced by the start of injection angle (ψ), ignition delay (φ), premix duration (DP), and main duration (DM) for the prediction of reduced NOx emissions. It is found that optimum ψ is 6.5° before top dead center (BTDC). At this angle, the predicted and experimental results are in good agreement, showing only a difference of up to 4%, 6.2%, and 7.5% for engine performance, maximum combustion pressure (Pmax), and NOx, respectively.  相似文献   

An improved whole model of beam pumping system was built. In the detail, for surface transmission system(STS), a new mathematical model was established considering the influence of some factors on the STS's torsional vibration, such as the time variation characteristic of equivalent stiffness of belt and equivalent rotational inertia of crank. For the sucker rod string(SRS), an improved mathematical model was built considering the influence of some parameters on the SRS's longitudinal vibration, such as the nonlinear friction of plunger, hydraulic loss of pump and clearance leakage. The dynamic response and system efficiency of whole system were analyzed. The results show that there is a jumping phenomenon in the amplitude frequency curve, and the system efficiency is sensitive to motor power, pump diameter, stroke number, ratio of gas and oil, and submergence depth. The simulation results have important significance for improving the efficiency of beam pumping system.  相似文献   

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