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增强现实技术及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
明德烈  柳健  田金文 《无线电工程》2001,31(11):51-54,60
增强现实是把计算机产生的虚拟物体或其它信息合成到用户看到的真实世界中的一种技术。实现虚拟信息与真实景象的正确匹配或有机结合是每个增强现实实用系统都必须完成的一项重要任务,它的具体实现依赖于计算机硬件和软件系统的相互配合及协调。该文介绍了增强现实的概念,增强现实技术的系统组成以及它的应用。在对理想意义上的增强现实系统所需具备的性能和已有研究成果所能提供的性能分析比较的基础上,该文提出了一些增强现实技术中还需要深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

随着电子硬件与软件获得长足发展,增强现实技术也发展了起来。近年来,增强现实技术被运用到电视节目制作之中,以往的采编播制作模式受到新媒体的冲击,收视率与广告的效益较以往有所下降,当前,很多大型的演播都用到了增强现实技术。在电视播出中运用增强现实技术可以将各种虚拟的信息叠加到屏幕上,给观众提供更丰富的视频画面,并且观众可以通过扫描直接购买与之相关的产品,本文将对此进行简要论述。  相似文献   

增强现实(Augmented Reality, AR)技术是数字舞美前沿科技新兴研究领域的重要应用,增强现实技术可以将数字舞台实现快速创意和虚实互动,实现真实场景与虚拟三维仿真模型的无缝叠加。文章介绍了数字舞台增强现实技术中三维注册技术自标定的应用,采用一种精度较好、鲁棒性较高的准仿射重构自标定方法完成摄像机自标定,从而完成三维注册。  相似文献   

增强现实是介于虚拟现实和真实世界之间的一种场景呈现,与虚拟现实相比,它更贴近于真实世界,而又在真实世界呈现的基础上增加炫“层”与其他场景相融合,带来更丰富的交互体验。随着网络带宽和手机技术的发展,增强现实技术与手机相结合,也给人们的移动学习带来了全新的体验。本文对增强现实的概念和技术进行了阐述,对增强现实技术在手机移动学习中的应用进行了展开说明,同时,论述了其应用中存在的问题和未来发展前景。  相似文献   

LED大屏幕是现代电视节目中应用的主要灯光技术之一,LED大屏幕可以实现舞台设计效果立体性的增强,形成舞台设计明亮、灵活,能够充分体现电视综艺晚会的艺术表达效果,结合LED大屏幕在电视综艺晚会中对灯光设计的基本因素,对LED大屏幕进行探究.  相似文献   

最近几年,薄膜晶体管液晶显示器(TFT-LCD)技术取得了快速而显著的进步,其性能超过了PDP、CRT以及投影显示。毫无疑问,TFT-LCD已经成为高清电视应用的最佳实现方案。本文将介绍进一步增强大尺寸LCD电视的彩色和图像性能的技术。  相似文献   

文章针对增强现实技术在模拟训练中的应用问题展开研究。首先阐述了增强现实相关概念;然后分析了增强现实应用于模拟训练的优势;总结了增强现实技术关键技术以及其在军事模拟训练中的典型应用案例;最后,展望了增强现实在军事模拟训练的应用趋势及未来亟需解决的问题。  相似文献   

一个完整的增强现实系统必须具备三个特征,分别是虚拟信息与真实信息的集成性、实时交互性、三维尺度空间关于虚拟物体的定位功能.增强现实系统中所运用到的关键技术就是对这三个特征的实现与延伸.本文针对智能手机平台上的增强现实系统,对增强现实的注册与跟踪技术及虚实场景的遮挡与显示技术进行了研究.  相似文献   

<正>云电视是在智能电视基础上,运用云计算、云存储等技术对现有应用进行升级的电视产品。它拥有海量存储、远程控制等众多应用优势,并能实现软件实时更新和内容的无限扩充。有了云电视,用户无需再为配备各项互联网功能或内容而单独对自家电视进行升级、维护、资源下载,只需将电视连上网络,就可即时实现最新应用和海量资源的共享。云电视代表了智能电视的发展方向。它不仅具  相似文献   

随着国家经济水平的不断提升,人民生活水平亦随之持续提高,且人们对精神文化提出了更高的要求,电视可帮助人民更全面的了解社会文化,这也说明高清电视技术的应用对电视台的可持续发展有着极大现实意义.高清电视技术均是采用数字信号而实现的各种视频,其属于新型电视业务,本文对高清电视技术于电视台中的应用进行了分析,并提出了实用性应用策略,为我国高清电视技术的发展提供可靠的理论性依据.  相似文献   

电商已经不仅仅满足于线上的商品交易,越来越多地开始关注于线下用户体验的改善.本文以虚拟试鞋为切入口,借助于Kinect硬件设备和3d Max、unity3d软件平台,提出并搭建了基于AR增强现实技术的实时互动体验电商系统.本文对该系统的关键技术进行阐述,包括三维模型的跟踪定位、手势交互和RGB-D抠像.该系统综合应用三维场景虚拟化、三维互动识别以及增强现实融合等技术,硬件成本和算法复杂度低,操作简单,适用于新型电商利用AR技术对品牌进行线上展示和线下用户体验.  相似文献   

肖宇  张杰  马永山 《激光杂志》2021,(3):140-144
当前常用的无样本图像重建方法具有分辨率低的弊端,有样本图像重建方法得到的3D激光虚拟图像重建结果有很大误差。为此,提出一种基于功率谱AR模型的3D激光虚拟图像重建方法。建立功率谱AR模型,将Burg技术和自相关法结合在一起,得到合理的AR模型参数。在存在平移、旋转参数的情况下,在功率谱AR模型基础上对图像进行配准处理,先完成旋转步长,然后进行平移估计与步长,以提高旋转配准精度与平移配准精度。将3D激光虚拟图像信息看作希尔伯特空间的元素,依据配准结果,在重建的3D激光虚拟图像重建视觉效果达到要求或连续若干次迭代结果改变情况区域稳定的情况下,结束迭代,实现3D激光虚拟图像重建。经验证,所提方法重建精度最低为97%,重建误差最低为2%,而且重建花费时间较短,证明了本文方法在图像重建方面的优越性,可应用于图像重建的相关工作中。  相似文献   

吴志坚 《电子测试》2020,(4):119-120
本文通过数字技术虚拟性的方式、方法、途径的理论性研究,基于数字化技术的多感知性、交互操作性、对现实事物关系、活动、认知的实际模拟性,通过数字技术(如:VR技术、AR技术、3D成像技术等)虚拟工业设计在设计流程、设计管理、制造加工、设计体验、设计服务等事件的实际情景,实现工业设计的设计与制造的多样化信息交互,提高产品设计方案的合理性和可行性,为工业设计设计、制造、研发的创新开辟一种新型的理念与模式。  相似文献   

虚实图书是将增强现实技术应用于传统图书的一种新型出版物,与各种电子书存在区别.虚实图书使用的AR技术利用移动终端,借助对真实图片的识别,在数据库中获取虚拟信息,并将虚拟信息叠加于实际图片,实现虚拟信息对现实的增强.虚实图书颠覆了传统的纸质版图书,在阅读时不再像传统读物只是阅读纸质书本的内容,还可以看到移动终端上显示的虚拟的信息,包括视频、3D模型等等,给读者带来全新的阅读体验.  相似文献   

A wide range of requests coming from customer appears to demonstrate the feasibility of the TSV for a large range of via size and via AR either for process point of view or for performances point of view. The main application in the market is the CMOS image sensor with the integration of via at AR1. Now based on this first wafer level package of CMOS Image Sensor (CIS), the integration on the z axe will continue by the wafer lens integration for a continuous form factor and low cost module.First 3Di applications with TSV is entering the market with the via-last approach, more simply to be developed in semiconductor manufacturing in order to secure the 3Di technologies and to promote the 3Di to customers. Then specific design and electrical models will be developed and optimized allowing a fast and prosperous development of the via-first approach.A challenge in the modelisation of the TSV is the understanding of the mechanical impact of the trench and the metal filling on the behavior of the CMOS components and the reliability. These types of researches are progressing in various institutes and are essential for an increasing integration of TSV.Because actually, the technology continues to drive the 3D roadmap, the mechanical and thermal modelisation and 3D design tool need to be more activated to be developed faster in order to optimize the 3D module. Then the electrical testing will be a real challenge to be able to distinguish drift in the right strata, to be able to isolate a via within more than 10000 via in a module. The electrical testing will be strictly linked to mechanical and electrical failure analysis to get feed-back in technology, actual drawback of the 3D development.The cost of the 3Di and the TSV integration is more and more important and looks as a primary driver even if the functionalities increase faster than cost! Some steps have been already identified to be more costly steps: bonding and via filling. Indeed, throughput and material used have a direct impact on the final price.Continuous perspectives of TSV integration are progressing in order to optimise actual applications or to develop new integration. First challenging integration is the interposers with 3D interconnection allowing devices mounting on both side, like passive device integration or building of micro-cooling channels. The main interest of the 3D silicon interposer is the fact that it can connect chips at different locations and sizes, as example memory over digital IC. The usage of silicon as an interposer leads to an increase in the cost, but it will boost performances and reduce power consumption. One other advantage of the introduction of 3D interposer is the simplification of the required substrate implying a better mismatch of CTE lowering the packaging failure.In the wafer level package, TSV is now introduced to reduce the package footprint and mainly simplify the capping of device, similar to that for the MEMS. Indeed by integrating TSV, the capping must only protect the device against external environment, and not also take into account the electrical path in the bond layer degrading the hermiticity performance.To finish this paper, the sentence of Yann Guillou is the right situation: “The (3D) roadmaps need to be based on application requirements and not driven by technology ONLY. 3D Integration with TSV is not a scaling based concept Does it make sense today to think about submicron via diameter or dice thinner than 30 μm for example?” Applications need to take a risk by using 3D TSV technology!  相似文献   

陈佛连 《通信技术》2020,(5):1202-1205
随着时代的进步,AR快速融入了人们生活,并逐渐成为行业热点。国内涌现出阿里AR、京东AR、网易AR等AR技术平台,使得AR技术应用的开发门槛大为降低。开发者只需要简单的几个步骤,便可实现AR创意。因此,通过界面设计、内容设置、AR产品制作、产品上线发布以及开发者生态等角度的分析,了解各个AR技术平台的特点与内容,以期为开发者开发优质的AR应用提供参考与依据。  相似文献   

视联网及其关键技术和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘立  马学云  刘庆庆  王建 《电信科学》2011,27(11):95-99
视联网是一种新型的网络信息交互与展现形式,是物联网技术的拓展。视联网以物联网技术为基础,通过网络互联进行数据与信息交换,以增强现实技术为核心,在终端构建实时AR环境,将应用信息以三维形式融合到真实的AR环境中,并展现给使用者,使用者通过自然交互技术与AR环境中的目标进行互动,实现基于网络互联的沉浸式用户体验。本文尝试从功能、架构以及与互联网和物联网的关系等方面,对视联网进行介绍,并结合当前发展现状,对视联网的关键技术及潜在应用进行概述。  相似文献   

Kayran  A.H. 《Electronics letters》1996,32(15):1339-1340
A new method to obtain the 2D ML spectrum estimation using recently developed orthogonal 2D lattice filters for AR modelling is reported. It is shown that the reciprocal of the 2D ML estimate is equal to the average of the reciprocals of the AR spectra obtained from the unended orthogonal forward or backward prediction error filters in the 2D AR lattice structure  相似文献   

增强现实(AR)是一种新兴的体验形式,通过与特定位置或活动相关联的计算机生成的内容来增强现实世界。文章通过分析AR技术的原理、技术特点和实现方式,并结合实际案例总结出AR技术运用在教育领域中的应用方向和特征优势,为AR技术在教育中的设计应用提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Direct data domain (DDD) space-time adaptive processing methods avoid nonhomogenerous training samples and can effectively suppress the clutter within the test range cell. However, it suffers inevitable performance loss due to the spatial and temporal smoothing process. Furthermore, the clutter suppression ability of these methods sharply degrades when applied to non-uniform and non-linear array for airborne radar. In this paper, a novel clutter suppression approach in the direct data domain is proposed, which describes clutter characteristic of the test range cell with AR model. For convenience, the novel method is referred to as \(\hbox {D}^{3}\hbox {AR}\). It utilizes the most system DOF. Hence, it suffers less aperture loss, compared to conventional DDD methods, e.g., the direct data domain least squares (\(\hbox {D}^{3}\hbox {LS}\)). More importantly, \(\hbox {D}^{3}\hbox {AR}\) can achieve much better clutter suupression prformance than \(\hbox {D}^{3}\hbox {LS}\) when applied to conformal array airborne radar because it does not need the spatial smoothing. The effectiveness of the \(\hbox {D}^{3}\hbox {AR}\) is verified by numerical examples for the case of a circular array.  相似文献   

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