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矿山酸性含铜废水的处理研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
简述了矿山酸性含铜废水的来源、特点和危害及矿山酸性含铜废水的处理方法。在此基础上,选择离子交换法作为处理工艺,设计了实验室用离子交换处理装置,研究了过滤速度、pH值、原水Cu^2+浓度等因素对离子交换法处理酸性含铜废水效果的影响,确定了实验室条件下的合理工艺条件。并对某铜矿实际含铜废水进行了处理研究,取得了理想的处理效果,处理后废水可以达标排放。  相似文献   

在含砷矿石的开采、选矿、冶炼过程中产生的废水和采用含砷浮选药剂处理矿石后产生的废水统称为矿冶含砷废水。随着我国对矿山环保政策的不断加强,矿冶含砷废水的净化处理成为绿色矿山建设的基本要求。本文概述了矿冶含砷废水的来源,详细阐述了矿冶含砷废水的净化处理技术,如化学沉淀法、电化学法、吸附法和生物法等,并进行了展望。   相似文献   

德兴铜矿生产废水的治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
德兴铜矿露天开采过程中,产生大量的含铜、铁等多种金属离子的酸性废水,通过采用尾矿溢流液处理矿山酸性废水、酸碱废水综合治理及细菌堆浸萃取电积提铜工艺等方法处理含铜酸性废水,效果显著。  相似文献   

含镍矿山废水,成分复杂,废水排放量大,会对环境造成较大污染。本文首先介绍了含镍矿山废水的来源及性质,然后综述了目前含镍矿山废水的治理技术,包括化学沉淀法、浮选法、溶剂萃取法、吸附法、及生物处理法等方法。最后,对上述治理技术的适用条件及处理效果进行了比较与总结。  相似文献   

介绍了酸化法、二氧化氯、半酸化法处理含氰废水的工作原理,以金渠金矿氰化厂为例,采用半酸化法和酸化法相结合的工艺处理含氰污水,回收污水中的氰化物和铜,实现了含氰污水零排放,既达到环保的目的又产生了一定的经济效益。  相似文献   

金渠金矿含氰污水处理技术的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
董兵  任华杰 《现代矿业》2009,25(6):81-83
介绍了酸化法、二氧化氯、半酸化法处理含氰废水的工作原理,以金渠金矿氰化厂为例,采用半酸化法和酸化法相结合的工艺处理含氰污水,回收污水中的氰化物和铜,实现了含氰污水零排放,既达到环保的目的又产生了一定的经济效益。  相似文献   

张笑然 《煤质技术》2023,(5):36-42+50
2,6-萘二甲酸是合成聚萘二甲酸乙二醇酯(PEN)的重要单体,可由煤焦油中2-甲基萘经酰化、氧化反应合成,但在该反应猝灭阶段易产生大量酸性含硝基苯的酰化废水,而含硝基苯的酰化废水具有强酸性、高硝基苯毒性、高盐的特点,易使微生物失去活性,因而需对硝基苯酰化废水进行相应的技术处理。阐述国内外硝基苯废水处理技术的进展,并比较不同工艺处理所需条件及处理效果,论述各种工艺优缺点,以期构建更经济高效的硝基苯酰化废水处理工艺。物理法可以实现快速分离且处理量大,但存在无法完全降解硝基苯类有机物的问题,适合作为预处理技术提高废水可生化性;化学法具有处理效率快以及效果明显的优点,但同时也存在药剂成本高以及二次污染的风险;生物处理含硝基苯废水成本低廉,不会对环境造成二次污染,是较为理想的处理方法,但高浓度硝基苯会使微生物失活。传统处理含硝基苯废水的方法包括物理汽提法、萃取法、吸附法、化学氧化法等,但单一方法很难将高浓度硝基苯完全降解;可采用汽提法等方法对酸性高浓度含硝基苯废水进行预处理,有效降低废水中有机污染物并有助于回收废水中的铝资源。多种方法耦合仍是硝基苯未来研究的重点方向,物理法与化学方法作为预处理可...  相似文献   

德兴铜矿属世界特大型矿山,每年所排工业废水、废浆超过12400万立方米,其中矿山酸性废水含有大量铁、铜等重金属离子,pH2—3;选矿厂排放尾矿浆,含高硫碱性水等,pH10—13。本流程采用三段法处理矿山酸性废水,第一段加尾矿浆去除Fe~(3+),第二段加含硫废水回收铜,第三段加碱性废水中和。处理后出水水质达标可回用,并回收了水中铜,同时还研究了矿山整体酸、碱中和平衡及处理效果等情况。  相似文献   

矿山废水主要产生于采矿作业以及选矿作业过程中,废水中的污染物包括重金属离子、油类、酸、氰化物和氟化物等。本文介绍了矿山废水的来源、特点以及危害,阐述了含难降解有机物和重金属离子等矿山废水最常用的处理方法,如离子交换法、吸附法、膜技术、酸碱中和法、混凝沉降法、化学沉淀法、化学氧化法和电化学法等典型废水处理技术,并概述各处理方法的基本原理和优缺点,展望未来矿山废水处理技术的研究发展方向。   相似文献   

含铜酸性废水硫化沉淀高浓度调浆的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对含铜矿山酸性废水酸性强和铜、铁含量高的特点,采用硫化沉淀结合高浓度调浆技术进行处理,不仅使处理后的水可以达标排放或回用,还可有效回收废水中的铜,降低处理成本。  相似文献   

于福顺  贾洪利  杨思一 《金属矿山》2018,47(12):184-188
目前,去除水中重金属离子的常用方法存在处理成本较高、易造成二次污染等问题,为此,以浓度为100 mg/L的硫酸铜溶液作为模拟含重金属离子的废水,采用铁氧体沉淀—高梯度磁选分离技术去除水中铜离子。结果表明:在溶液初始pH为10.47,n(FeCl2)∶n(CuSO4)=1.0时,沉淀反应后铜离子沉淀率为99.98%,水中残余铜离子浓度仅0.0127 mg/L;生成的沉淀中按n(Fe3O4)∶n(Cu2+)=0.8加入磁铁矿作为磁种,在背景磁感应强度为1.0 T,采用直径为0.6 mm的网状介质盒,经高梯度强磁选可将93.39%的沉淀物快速分离出来。试验结果为应用高梯度磁选技术处理含重金属离子废水提供了理论依据,为该技术的工业应用提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

A study of removal of Copper and Zinc from acidic mine effluents by means of chelating ion exchange resins has been carried out. The effluents having pH ranging from 1.7 to 1.9, contain mainly iron, copper and zinc and some other elements at much lower concentrations. The study includes chemical characterisation of effluents samples, the assessment of chelating resins and their selectivity for the separation of copper and zinc. Chelating resins containing either carboxylic, phosphoric or/and amine groups have been employed. The results obtained are correlated to the specific metal-complexing group attached to the polymer matrix. Resins containing carboxylate groups were found to provide most selective copper/zinc separations. A conceptual flowsheet of the separation process based on the data obtained for treating the effluents with different resins is presented.  相似文献   

针对Fe和Cu含量分别为2.158 g/L和0.730 g/L的含铜硫酸渣浸出液,采用氧化-中和水解除铁-硫化沉淀法回收其中的铜。对比了碳酸钠与石灰乳两种水解沉淀剂的除铁效果以及硫化钠与硫代硫酸钠两种沉铜剂的效果。最佳除铁条件为: 以碳酸钠为除铁水解沉淀剂、H2O2和铁离子摩尔比1.5、水解pH值4.0、水解温度85 ℃、水解时间3 h,最佳沉铜条件为: 硫化钠作为沉铜剂(用量为除铁后液中铜离子的等摩尔数)、沉淀pH值4.0、沉淀温度85 ℃、沉淀时间2 h。最佳工艺条件下,浸出液综合除铁率为92.98%、铜综合回收率为90.34%,沉淀得到铜品位为61.65%的硫化铜渣,可作为冶炼产品直接出售。  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》2003,16(7):643-649
Biological treatment is a proven process for the treatment of mining effluents such as tailings, wastewaters, acidic mine drainage etc. Several bacterial species (Pseudomonas sp.) can effectively degrade cyanide into less toxic products. During metabolism, they use cyanide as a nitrogen and carbon source converting it to ammonia and carbonate, if appropriate conditions are maintained. In this study, nine strains of Pseudomonas sp. were isolated and identified from a copper mine. Two (CM5 and CMN2) of the nine bacteria strains were used in a cyanide solution. Some important parameters in the biological treatment process were tested and controlled: pH, cell population and CN concentration. Tests were conducted to determine the effect of the type of bacterial strains on the treatment of cyanide. Laboratory results indicated that biological treatment with Pseudomonas sp. might be competitive with other chemical treatment processes. This paper presents the results of an investigation of a biological treatment system for cyanide degradation in a laboratory batch process.  相似文献   

高砷铜矿是一类重要的铜资源,砷含量高,通过物理分选方法无法实现高效脱砷。目前,湿法脱砷是一种高砷铜矿脱砷的重要手段。本文主要阐述了高砷铜矿砷脱除的湿法工艺,包括酸浸脱砷、碱浸脱砷、细菌脱砷,并对三种湿法脱砷工艺的原理和优缺点进行了总结。此外,对高砷铜矿浸出后的含砷浸出液,分析了化学沉淀法、电化学处理、吸附法、生物法等固砷方法,指出了对应固砷方法的原理、适用范围及其优缺点。最后,总结分析了湿法脱砷及固砷方法的问题,并对脱砷方法进行了展望。  相似文献   

热压氧氨法对Cu-Ag-Au复杂硫精矿预浸铜的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用热压氧氨法对Cu-Ag-Au复杂硫化矿预浸铜进行了实验研究,得出了不同实验条件下铜的脱除率数据。当氧压为0.55MPa,NH3/Cu比为7时,铜的脱除率可达90%以上。测定了氧气分压、NH3/Cu比、反应温度和反应时间等因素对铜脱除率的影响。应用于山西某含金复杂硫化精矿的预处理,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

云南某氧硫混合铜钼矿含铜0.328%,含钼0.275%,其中钼氧化率为48%。通过研究,采用优先混合浮选硫化铜钼矿,铜钼混合精矿分离得含铜21.10%的铜精矿和含钼47.50%的钼精矿,混选尾矿用碳酸钠调浆活化后进行浮选,钼的回收率可达到42.09%,但含钼只有0.526%。对浮选出的氧化钼粗精矿用碳酸钠加温浸出,浸出率可达到88.22%,浸出液可进一步加工生产工业用钼酸钙。使用该选-治联合工艺,铜的回收率为70.13%,钼的总回收率可达到76.86%。推荐的选冶联合工艺是回收该氧硫混合铜钼矿的一条有效途径,具有较好的利润前景。  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》2006,19(5):380-387
The effective removal of heavy metals from aqueous wastes is among the most important issues for many industrialized countries. The traditional treatment methods used to remove heavy metals from wastewaters have certain disadvantages such as incomplete metal removal, high reagent and energy requirements, generation of toxic sludge or other waste products that require disposal. The search for alternative and innovate treatment techniques has focused attention on the use of biological materials for metal removal and recovery technologies. Biosorption has gained important credibility during recent years because of its good performance and low cost.In the present study, the biosorption capacity of powder from coconut shell was studied for cadmium. The adsorption capacity of biomass was investigated by batch experiments. The influence of metal ion concentration and pH were evaluated and the results were fitted using adsorption isotherm models. The kinetic of cadmium biosorption was also investigated.  相似文献   

In conventional flotation flowsheets for treating copper sulphide ores containing small but significant amounts of arsenic, the arsenic is generally concentrated with the copper in final concentrate. Often, a penalty can be imposed by the smelter processing the concentrate, based on the arsenic content. In some cases the arsenic level is such that the smelter will not treat or accept the concentrate.A new approach to address this issue is reported in this paper, which is becoming more significant as the quality of the copper ore bodies currently being mined diminishes. A new flowsheet, based on the early removal of arsenic at the concentrator, has been developed and tested at bench-scale.The proposed flowsheet comprises three key steps: firstly, separation of arsenic and copper minerals using controlled-potential flotation to produce a low-arsenic high-copper concentrate and a high-arsenic low-copper concentrate. The low-arsenic concentrate can be sold without incurring any penalty for arsenic content. In the second stage, the high-arsenic concentrate is subjected to a low temperature roasting, where the arsenic is selectively fumed off into a low-volume stream product. The calcine from the roaster is high in copper and sulphur and can still be smelted directly. In the final stage of the flowsheet, the arsenic in the fume product is immobilised in a low temperature ceramic such that safe disposal back into the ground is possible.The new early removal flowsheet has been sequentially tested in the laboratory at small scale. The technical and economic merits of the flowsheet compared with that of the conventional copper flotation flowsheet show that there is a net benefit.  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》2007,20(8):753-760
Acidic polymetallic wastewaters are generated during the pyrometallurgical treatment of chalcopyrite for the production of primary copper. The most important wastewater streams originate from the copper refining and the electrolyte regeneration stages, as well as the sulphuric acid and the precious metals plants. These wastewaters are characterized by medium to high concentration of residual sulphuric acid and heavy metals such Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Fe, As, Sb, Bi, etc. Taking into account that the outflows of these industrial streams are usually high, a large amount of valuable metals such as copper and nickel are potentially lost. Thus, it is of great importance to treat properly the wastewaters so that the contained valuable metals to be recovered. This paper is dealing with the treatment of synthetic solutions simulating industrial wastewaters from the copper pyrometallurgical plant in Bor, Serbia. The basic concept includes copper electrorecovery followed by nickel precipitation through neutralization. The feasibility of this treatment was proved theoretically with the thermodynamic analysis of electrochemical and precipitation reactions in this system, as well as experimentally under various conditions. The main conclusion is that copper can be recovered electrolytically followed by bismuth and the two metalloids arsenic and antimony that exhibits almost the same electronegativity with copper. The other high electropositive metals Ni, Pb, Zn, Fe remain, as it was expected, in the solution from which nickel can be recovered with neutralization, contaminated with Cu, Fe, Zn and traces of bismuth, arsenic and antimony. The proposed treatment technology has innovative character because it can mitigate environmental impacts and eliminate solid waste generation while at the same time can recover valuable metals.  相似文献   

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