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采用烧杯试验考察了常规混凝、预加石灰乳混凝以及硫化钠沉淀联合强化混凝对模拟突发性汞污染原水中汞的去除效果。通过硫化钠投加量、pH、2种混凝剂和3种助凝剂及其投加量对除汞效果的影响试验,优化了硫化钠沉淀联合强化混凝法除汞。结果表明,常规混凝汞去除率为23.5%~31.8%;预加石灰乳混凝的汞去除率为32.8%~79.8%;硫化钠沉淀联合强化混凝的除汞效果最好,平均去除率大于90%。硫化钠的最佳投量比为1∶2(Hg2 ∶Na2S.9H2O),在过量200%以下出水硫离子均不超标。pH在8以上可确保硫化钠充分发挥作用。PAC最佳投加量为20mg/L,PAM最佳投加量为0.1mg/L。为期30天规模为4m3/h的中试验证了优化后的硫化钠沉淀联合强化混凝应急处理方法对不同汞污染程度的原水的除汞效果与小试基本一致。用硫化钠沉淀联合强化混凝应急除汞,在汞超标100倍以下,过滤出水可达标,在汞超标60倍以下,沉淀出水可达标。处理费用为0.02588元/m3。  相似文献   

在常规混凝工艺确定的最佳处理条件下,考察了单独高锰酸钾(KMnO4)和次氯酸钠(NaClO)预氧化、单独投加粉末活性炭(PAC)以及KMnO4和PAC联用对混凝处理东太湖原水的强化效果。结果表明,聚氯化铝和硫酸铝的最佳投加量分别为20mg/L和30mg/L,聚氯化铝的混凝效果明显优于硫酸铝;投加KMnO4对浊度、CODMn和UV254的去除均有一定程度提高,但不利于原水氨氮的去除;投加PAC有显著的强化混凝作用,各指标去除率均有所提高;KMnO4和PAC联用能进一步提高水中UV254的去除率;预氧化大大提高了混凝对氨氮的去除效果,投加1mg/L NaClO对氨氮去除率可达100%。  相似文献   

石灰软化法处理地下水源水硬度试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用石灰软化法处理某地下水源水硬度,结果表明,当石灰投加量为220mg/L,pH为8.7~8.9时,可使原水硬度和碱度分别由300mg/L和250mg/L降至115mg/L和80mg/L以下,去除率分别为61.7%和68%,沉淀和过滤对硬度去除效果影响不大;投加石灰后出水浊度明显升高,投加PAC(聚氯化铝)40mg/L,并与常规工艺联用,可使出水浊度稳定降低至0.15~0.65NTU;试验证明"石灰+PAC+常规工艺"能有效去除水中硬度和浊度,出水煮沸后不再生成沉淀和悬浮物,符合现行《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2006)和用户使用要求,石灰软化法药耗成本估算为0.246元/m3。  相似文献   

载粉末活性炭(PAC)过滤集PAC吸附与过滤于一体,能够应用于微污染原水处理。配水试验结果表明:粒径为1.25-2.5mm,厚度为1000mm的聚苯乙烯滤料层能够用于载PAC过滤。影响过滤效果的主要因素为PAC载量和混凝剂投加量,当混凝剂T3010和聚氯化铝的投加量分别为0.09mg/L和2.5mg/L,PAC载量为2-3g/L滤料时,载PAC过滤处理浊度为20-40NTU的微污染原水的效果达到最佳,对CODMn和浊度都具有很好的去除效果。Z河水作为原水的试验结果表明:载PAC过滤对河水浊度、UV254、CODMn的去除率分别为97%-97.9%、50.9%-63.4%、68.5%-71.4%。  相似文献   

针对受毒死蜱污染的水源水,通过小试研究了粉末活性炭(PAC)-混凝联用工艺对毒死蜱的去除效果.结果表明混凝工艺对毒死蜱具有一定的去除效果,但当原水中毒死蜱浓度较高时,混凝后毒死蜱浓度高于《生活饮用水卫生标准》 (GB 5749-2006) 30 μg/L的限值,因此为使出水达标还需增加PAC吸附处理措施;针对原水中不同初始浓度的毒死蜱(超标5~50倍),调节PAC投量(10~60mg/L),吸附30 min后,再投加30mg/L聚氯化铝,经PAC-混凝联用工艺处理后出水中毒死蜱浓度小于30 μg/L,满足《生活饮用水卫生标准》要求.PAC-混凝联用工艺可以作为水源水突发毒死蜱污染时的应急处理措施.  相似文献   

饮用水臭氧应用安全性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对预臭氧、臭氧—生物活性炭等技术与常规水处理工艺联用中有机物去除效果、消毒副产物THMFP的消除等进行了研究。结果表明:采用适量臭氧(如1mg/L)预氧化,可有效提高混凝过程中有机物去除率;THMFP从常规处理的116μg/L降至78μg/L(1mg/LO3)。与预臭氧强化混凝联用的臭氧—生物活性炭工艺能进一步降低DOC和THMFP。研究发现:溴酸盐随着臭氧含量呈现起伏变化,溴酸盐相关前驱物不易分离去除。两次臭氧投加(预臭氧和主臭氧)均导致溴酸盐、AOC和甲醛升高;其含量可分别在后续的混凝过滤及生物活性炭过程中得到控制,仅AOC含量较原水和常规工艺出水有所升高。  相似文献   

以天津市某废水处理厂提标改造为基础,建立了1套活性炭回流旋流分离的活性炭吸附-混凝深度处理技术,探究污染物去除机理,系统开展中试研究了药剂投加量、回流量、反洗周期等对污染物的去除效果,中试运行结果表明在PAC 34mg/L,活性炭40mg/L,PAM 3~4mg/L,药剂成本0.3元/t的情况下,能达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(DB 12/599—2015)一级A排放标准,在活性炭回流比超过50%的情况下能一定程度改善处理效果,强化了对亲水性小分子污染物去除,提高处理效率。  相似文献   

南水北调的应急工程是从河北四水库调水进京,为了保证净水厂运行稳定,进行了适应性研究,并采用层次优化法对中试工艺进行选优。结果表明:第九水厂工艺运行方案为采用粉末活性炭预处理(20mg/L),混凝剂投加量为20~25mg/L;当原水藻类较高时可采用"氯+粉末活性炭"联合预处理方式;在剑水蚤数量较多时,建议砂滤池和炭池的反冲洗水不回收。第三水厂、田村山水厂采用混凝—沉淀—过滤—O3—炭池工艺,主臭氧投加量为0.5~1.5mg/L,混凝剂投加量为20~25mg/L。剑水蚤数量较少时,混凝沉淀能够将其去除,或通过主臭氧将剑水蚤杀死去除。在调水过程中,应跟踪原水MIB的变化,并加强活性炭出水的臭味检测,适时调整工艺运行参数。  相似文献   

阐述用有机阳离子高分子聚二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵(PDMDAAC)与无机混凝剂复合物对冬季低温低浊黄河水的脱浊处理研究过程。通过混凝烧杯实验,考察了药剂投加量及PAC与PDMDAAC的复合配比对低温低浊黄河水脱浊效果的影响。结果表明,对温度为8℃左右,浊度在50NTU以下的黄河水,PDMDAAC对PAC强化混凝脱浊效果明显,PAC与PDM-DAAC的复合配比越低,复合混凝剂脱浊效果越好。要达到6NTU的水厂沉淀出水余浊标准,PAC需1.3 mg/L左右的投加量,而脱浊效果较好的低复合配比药剂PAC投加量在1.0 mg/L左右,减少残余铝含量20%左右。  相似文献   

为了探究压力强化混凝沉淀过滤除藻工艺中藻毒素的去除效果,试验对比研究了预加压和预氧化后的含藻水,经混凝沉淀、粉末活性炭吸附后的藻毒素去除效果,考察了不同粉末活性炭投加点及投加量对藻毒素去除效果的影响。结果表明,含藻水加压后混凝沉淀,藻类和浊度物质去除效果最优,蓝藻去除率达到96.2%,浊度降至0.49NTU。含藻水在加压和高锰酸钾预氧化后,水中藻毒素浓度未增加,而次氯酸钠预氧化后水中藻毒素浓度最大增幅为215.78%;对于加压水样,在混凝剂投加前30min或投加后7min投加粉末活性炭效果较好,粉末活性炭投加量为5~20 mg/L时,沉淀水藻毒素平均去除率分别达54.13%和53.57%,而与混凝剂同时投加则效果不佳。对次氯酸钠预氧化的水样,粉末活性炭与混凝剂同时投加时效果最好,沉淀水藻毒素平均去除率15.84%。  相似文献   

洗车废水中乳化油去除的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔福义  唐利  吴宝利 《给水排水》2005,31(11):61-64
洗车废水中的油类主要以乳化油的方式存在,增加了洗车废水回用处理的难度。采用混 凝沉淀-过滤-活性炭吸附过滤-超滤的物理化学方法对这种含油废水进行处理,试验表明当PAC 投加量在50-70 mg/L时油在混凝过程中的去除率最高,可达到40%。陶砂过滤的滤速以5-8 m/h 为宜,去除率在40%左右。粒状活性炭虽对洗车废水中的洗涤剂有着较好的去除效果,但对油类的 去除效果不佳,去除率不足10%。超滤可以很好的去除水中的乳化油,去除率高达90%以上,是除 油的理想工艺。  相似文献   

Seven major water treatment plants in Seoul Metropolitan Area, which are under Korea Water Resources Corporation (KOWACO)'s management, take water from the Paldang Reservoir in the Han River System for drinking water supply. There are taste and odour (T&O) problems in the finished water because the conventional treatment processes do not efficiently remove the T&O compounds. This study evaluated T&O removal by ozonation, granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment, powder activated carbon (PAC) and an advanced oxidation process in a pilot-scale treatment plant and bench-scale laboratory experiments. During T&O episodes, PAC alone was not adequate, but as a pretreatment together with GAC it could be a useful option. The optimal range of ozone dose was 1 to 2 mg/L at a contact time of 10 min. However, with ozone alone it was difficult to meet the T&O target of 3 TON and 15 ng/L of MIB or geosmin. The GAC adsorption capacity for DOC in the three GAC systems (F/A, GAC and O3 + GAC) at an EBCT of 14 min is mostly exhausted after 9 months. However, substantial TON removal continued for more than 2 years (>90,000 bed volumes). GAC was found to be effective for T&O control and the main removal mechanisms were adsorption capacity and biodegradation.  相似文献   

A pilot scale experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of a membrane bioreactor filled with high concentration powdered activated carbon. This hybrid system has great potential to substitute for existing GAC or O3/BAC processes in the drinking water treatment train. The system was installed at a water treatment plant located downstream of the Nakdong river basin, Korea. Effluent of rapid sand filter was used as influent of the system which consists of PAC bio-reactor, submerged MF membrane module and air supply facility. PAC concentration of 20 g/L was maintained at the beginning of the experiment and it was increased to 40 g/L. The PAC has not been changed during the operational periods. The membrane was a hollow fiber type with pore sizes of 0.1 and 0.4 microm. It was apparent that the high PAC concentration could prevent membrane fouling. 40 g/L PAC was more effective to reduce the filtration resistance than 20 g/L. At the flux of 0.36 m/d, TMP was maintained less than 40 kPa for about 3 months by intermittent suction type operation (12 min suction/3 min idling). Adsorption was the dominant role to remove DOC at the initial operational period. However the biological effect was gradually increased after around 3 months operation. Constant DOC removal could be maintained at about 40% without any trouble and then a tremendous reduction of DBPs (HAA5 and THM) higher than 85% was achieved. Full nitrification was observed at the controlled influent ammonia nitrogen concentration of 3 and 7 mg/L. pH was an important parameter to keep stable ammonia oxidation. From almost two years of operation, it is clear that the PAC membrane bioreactor is highly applicable for advanced water treatment under the recent situation of more stringent DBPs regulation in Korea.  相似文献   

The particles from carwash wastewater were separated by a hollow fiber membrane aided by a enhanced coagulation and activated carbon. This study demonstrated that the addition of KMnO(4) to coagulant (PAC) could enhance the efficiency of coagulation, which helped reduce clogging of the ultrafiltration membrane and activated carbon. The existence of LAS can loosen the gel layer on the membrane and improve the flux. Adsorption of particles such as organic matter and oil is the main reason causing membrane flux decrease. When carwash wastewater was pretreated, the permeation flux of membrane showed a higher value. LAS, odour and colour are removed by GAC adsorption treatment at last. The COD, BOD, LAS and oil of reuse water was 33.4 mg/L, 4.8 mg/L, 0.06 mg/L and 0.95 mg/L, respectively.  相似文献   

Microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) pilot plants were operated to produce drinking water from surface water from 1992 to 1996. Microfiltration was combined with pre-coagulation by polyaluminium chloride and was operated in a dead-end mode using hollow fiber polypropylene and monolith type ceramic membranes. Ultrafiltration pilot was operated in both cross-flow and dead-end modes using hollow fiber cellulose acetate membrane and was combined occasionally with powdered activated carbon (PAC) and granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption. Turbidity in the raw water varied in the range between 1 and 100 mg/L (as standard Kaolin) and was removed almost completely in all MF and UF pilot plants to less than 0.1 mg/L. MF and UF removed metals such as iron, manganese and aluminium well. The background organics in the river water measured as KMnO4 demand varied in the range between 3 and 16 mg/L. KMnO4 demand decreased to less than 2 mg/L and to less than 3 mg/L on the average by the coagulation-MF process and the sole UF process, respectively. Combination of PAC or GAC adsorption with UF resulted in an increased removal of the background organics and the trihalomethanes formation potential as well as the micropollutants such as pesticides. Filtration flux was controlled in the range between 1.5 and 2.5 m/day with the trans-membrane pressure less than 100 kPa in most cases for MF and UF. The average water recovery varied from 99 to 85%.  相似文献   

对投加粉末活性炭(PAC)预处理黄河原水进行了现场中试研究,确定了PAC适宜的投加位置和投量。结果表明,PAC最佳投加点为混合池,投加PAC使气浮出水浊度提高0.4NTU左右,滤后出水浊度略有升高(<0.1NTU);在絮凝池投加会造成气浮、过滤出水浊度的明显增加;在预氧化前投加PAC较之在混合池投加其有机物去除率略有下降;在混合池投加,当PAC的投加量为10mg/L时,滤后水的CODMn去除率提高15%-20%,可取得满意的结果;滤后水的色、臭和味等指标可完全达到国家饮用水标准的要求。  相似文献   

吴维  赵新华  刘旭 《给水排水》2012,38(5):133-136
探讨了粉末活性炭对抗生素的去除效果.在对水体中30种常见抗生素污染调研的基础上,选取萘啶酸、土霉素、林可霉素3种代表性抗生素进一步分析所需粉末活性炭的投加量.研究结果表明:当污染物在1 mg/L时,粉末活性炭的投加量分别为115 mg/L(萘啶酸)、75 mg/L(土霉素)、25mg/L(林可霉素),去除率均在99%以上,并根据其他抗生素的吸附难易度,推导出在相同污染程度下粉末活性炭的投加量;当原水中出现小于1 μg/L的持续性污染时,粉末活性炭的投加量应保持在1~35 mg/L,以保证稳定高效的去除效果.  相似文献   

乙苯是净水厂原水突发水质污染的高风险物质之一.通过中试研究了应对原水突发乙苯污染的应急处理工艺.结果表明,常规工艺难以去除水中乙苯,向原水中投加粉末活性炭(PAC)与强化常规工艺联用可有效去除水中乙苯,保证处理后水质达到《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749-2006)要求;PAC与原水混合阶段是乙苯去除的主要阶段,去除率为78.9%~97.4%,强化常规工艺可进一步去除水中低浓度乙苯,颗粒活性炭滤柱作为安全余量,是水质安全保障的最后关口.基于中试结果,给出了应对原水突发乙苯污染时PAC对乙苯的吸附能力.  相似文献   

太湖B支流地表水受水土流失、水体富营养化和环境污染等因素影响,水体污染严重,水中有机物浓度和藻密度相对较高。常规的"混凝—沉淀—砂滤—加氯消毒"处理工艺难以有效地去除水中有机物、铁锰、藻类等物质。采用高锰酸盐(PPC)-聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)联用强化混凝工艺对原水进行处理。高锰酸盐投量在0.45 mg/L和聚丙烯酰胺投量在0.07 mg/L条件下联用强化混凝的静态试验结果表明:PPC-PAM联用强化混凝对浊度、色度、铁、锰和耗氧量的平均去除率为90%、73%、92%、99%和38%。PPC在0.3~0.5 mg/L投量和PAM在0.05~0.10 mg/L投量下联用强化混凝生产试验的出厂水浊度、色度、铁、锰等指标,均比历史同期水平要好。  相似文献   

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