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在抗旱领域,我国至今尚未建立起可用于抗旱应急管理工作的水位(流量)等干旱特征指标,水文报旱、旱情预警、抗旱会商、应急响应、水量调度等抗旱应急管理工作往往缺乏科学依据.在2011年水利部制定的《旱限水位(流量)确定办法》中,首次提出了旱限水位的概念,但没有具体针对湖泊制定旱限水位确定方法,且参照江河和水库旱限水位确定方法...  相似文献   

抗旱减灾研究综述及展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近十余年以来全球范围干旱及其灾害频繁发生,越来越多的学者意识到抗旱减灾研究的重要性,开展了一系列卓有成效的研究。本文主要从干旱监测评估技术、干旱预报技术、旱灾风险评估技术以及旱灾管理战略等4个方面系统阐述了抗旱减灾研究脉络及进展,进而探讨未来发展趋势和主要技术难点,指出干旱监测评估呈现由单指标向多指标综合发展、由单一站点强度分析向强度-时间-范围多个特征变量综合分析发展等趋势,干旱预报呈现由基于统计学方法的干旱预报向基于气陆耦合的旱情预报技术发展的趋势,旱灾风险评估呈现由基于数学方法的评估模型向基于物理机制的评估模型发展、由静态风险评估向静态和动态风险评估相结合发展等趋势。  相似文献   

One crucial aspect of drought management plans is to establish a link between basin drought state and management actions. Basin state is described by a drought indicator system that includes variables like precipitation, streamflow, reservoir inflow, reservoir storage and groundwater piezometric levels. Basin policy consists on a catalogue of management actions, ranging from enforcing demand reduction strategies to establishing priority of users to allocate scarce water or approving emergency works. In this paper, the methodology applied in the Tagus Basin Drought Management Plan to link operational drought indicators to policy actions in regulated water supply systems is presented. The methodology is based on the evaluation of the probability of not being able to satisfy system demands for a given time horizon. A simplified model of every water resources system in the basin was built to evaluate the threshold of reservoir volume that is required to overcome the drought situation without deficit. For each reservoir level, a set of policy actions is proposed with the goal of guaranteeing essential demands during drought conditions. The methodology was validated with a simulation of system behavior for 60 years of historic streamflow series, finding acceptable results in most systems.  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - Drought is recurrently occurring in many parts of the globe. In contrast to other natural hazards, drought has complex climatic characteristics. Several environmental...  相似文献   

贺骥 《人民长江》2005,36(1):34-35
旱灾是影响我国特别是北方地区的严重自然灾害之一.新中国成立以来,我国政府带领广大人民群众兴修了大批水利工程,坚持不懈地开展抗旱斗争,取得了卓有成效的成绩.但是随着我国人口增加,经济发展和自然条件变化,我国干旱缺水的形势日益严峻,旱灾发生的频率、范围和影响的领域不断扩大,同时,长期抗旱工作中存在的一些体制、制度性障碍也显露出来,抗旱工作面临前所未有的考验.依法抗旱,提高抗旱工作水平已成为新时期抗旱工作的基本方略,尽快通过抗旱立法来加强抗旱工作,是当前一项重要任务.  相似文献   

重庆市干旱灾害脆弱性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
重庆市干旱灾害是自然环境系统和社会经济系统在特定时间和空间条件下耦合的特定产物。影响重庆市干旱灾害脆弱性的因素,包括地貌特征、气候条件、水文条件等自然条件和社会经济基础、干旱意识及管理、科学技术研究及水利基础设施建设等社会经济因素。因此,通过加强生态与环境保护,促进经济社会建设、完善干旱政策法规建设、开展干旱科学技术研究和加强水利基础设施建设等措施,可以有效地提高重庆市防旱抗旱的能力,降低干旱灾害损失。  相似文献   

变化环境下我国干旱灾害的综合应对   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
干旱是我国主要自然灾害之一,发生频率大,影响范围广,其不仅具有普遍性、季节性、连续性和地域性等多样特征,同时还影响着我国的粮食安全,以及水循环及其伴生水环境、水生态和水沙过程。因此,系统识别干旱成因,综合应对变化环境下的干旱,已成为我国经济社会发展过程中亟待解决的关键问题之一。我国干旱既受到全球气候变化的影响,也受到经济社会发展过程中非理性水土资源开发活动影响;同时,强调自然成因和以"危机管理"为主要范式的干旱应对方略也未能有效减缓干旱危害。进一步提出我国干旱综合应对在从"危机管理"向"风险管理"转变的同时,还应构建物理机制统一的水资源及伴生过程模拟平台和干旱风险评价指标体系,进而做出相应的应对策略。  相似文献   

长江中下游五省抗旱减灾对策初步探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对长江中下游五省历史干旱事件的整理,分析该地区旱情旱灾特点,并从自然环境系统和经济社会系统分析干旱灾害的成因,提出长江中下游五省今后一段时期内抗旱减灾的对策思路,为该区域有效提高整体抗旱能力,降低干旱灾害损失提供参考。  相似文献   

贵州省地处高原山区,各种自然灾害频繁,旱灾是主要的灾害之一。旱灾受灾范围广、发生频次高,已成为制约社会经济发展的重要因素。本文在充分分析旱灾成因、水资源开发利用及其存在问题的基础上,提出推广雨洪水利用、加快水利工程除险加固及灌溉配套工程建设、大力发展提水工程、加强水资源的统一管理、重视抗旱预案编制工作和推行水资源危机管理制度等减轻旱灾的一些对策。  相似文献   

防洪抗旱减灾研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
防洪抗旱减灾是中国水利水电科学研究院重要的研究领域之一。几代专家辛勤耕耘,为此领域的发展奠定了坚实的基础。新世纪以来,随着防洪减灾研究所与水利部防洪抗旱减灾工程技术研究中心的成立,防洪抗旱减灾领域的研究力量进一步加强,学科建设取得了新的进展,为推进新时期防汛抗旱工作向“洪水管理”与“全面抗旱”的两个转变提供了有力的科技支撑。本文从灾害学、防灾学与防灾减灾技术3个层次介绍了减灾中心近年来在防洪抗旱减灾领域取得的部分成果。  相似文献   

干旱灾害是主要的自然灾害之一,严重影响了居民生活、工农业生产和生态环境用水安全.旱限水位是做好水源工程抗旱调度决策的重要依据.本文综合考虑湖泊上游来水、区间用水、通航等因素,提出了有闸控制湖泊分期旱限水位和旱枯水位的划分方法,并以女山湖为典型区域开展应用研究.结果表明:旱限水位和旱枯水位的划分基本符合女山湖的实际情况,...  相似文献   

Drought Management Plans in the European Union. The Case of Spain   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Water is a strategic resource for the economic, social and environmental development. However, water scarcity and droughts are current challenges to this growth, as it is reflected in European Union (EU) water policies, and in national and regional growing initiatives. In addition, these water related issues could worsen by climate change effects, adding pressure to already water stressed areas. This paper presents a general overview of drought management in the European Union, reviews scientific and technical advances, the status of implementation of policy tools and focuses on drought management plans. It analyses the specific case of Spain, a country characterised by presenting a high irregularity in temporal and spatial distribution of water resources and numerous areas affected by water scarcity and droughts. Details are presented on the National Drought Indicator System and drought management plans approved in 2007 in Spain, which represent strategic tools with positive results in drought warning and impact mitigation respectively.  相似文献   

Cha et al. (Water Resources Management, 26(18):4183–4201 2012) improved the method used to measure the vulnerability of a reservoir water supply that arises due to water scarcity in a dry season. Water supply vulnerability is expected to increase due to climate change. The authors showed that the Gwangdong Reservoir Drought Management Model (GRDM2), developed in a previous study and based on the adaptation mechanism, is useful to estimate the vulnerability of water supplies. The authors assumed 48 future scenarios, consisting of a combination of 6 future inflow scenarios and 8 future water requirement scenarios, of the Gwangdong reservoir drought management system. They computed damage cost of water scarcity in dry seasons until the 2050s. Simulation results showed that severe damage may take place from the 2020s and damage four times greater than in the 2009 water scarcity event may occur in the 2050s. As a result, GRDM2 was reported to be useful to measure the magnitude of climate change vulnerability, concentrating on damage of water scarcity in a dry season.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive (WFD), one of the most influential pieces of European water legislation, presents a general framework for integrated river basin management in Europe to meet the environmental objectives. More than 16 years after the WFD adoption and after the end of the first management cycle (in 2015), it is time for a screening assessment of the implementation of the WFD in the different Member States (MSs). This article provides a global overview about the evolution of WFD implementation in MSs, highlighting the progression of the European water bodies status, as well as, some of the main challenges of WFD implementation: ecological flows, pricing policies/economic analysis, climate change, exemptions, public participation and transboundary issues. The paper examines these different topic, drawing up their situation in different MSs. For that purpose, not only the foreseen second cycle of the River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) is analysed as also, at a larger scale, the expectations and challenges for the future set by the WFD are examined.  相似文献   

旱限流量是评估河流干旱等级的水文特征指标,是启动抗旱应急响应等级的重要依据,是做好抗旱水量应急调度的重要基础。依据水文断面下游主要取用水需求,分析计算各取水口取用水量,以取用水量与河道生态流量之和作为初值,综合确定旱限流量。通过对渭河流域主要控制断面旱限流量的分析研究,确定拓石、魏家堡、咸阳、临潼、华县的旱限流量分别为:16.0、11.0、10.0、50.0、12.0 m3/s,为科学合理判断水文干旱等级及进行抗旱指挥决策提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

旱警水位作为防旱预警和水资源可持续利用的警示性指标,是防旱抗旱调度的重要依据。该文结合江门市3宗水库旱警水位确定工作实际,实例介绍确定工作思路和方法,分析评定确定结果,重点探讨了水库来水、城镇供水、灌溉用水、生态环境需水和其他因素对旱警水位确定的影响,以供志于旱警水位确定研究和防旱预警应急管理工作的部门及技术人员参考。  相似文献   

Nigel Watson  Joe Howe 《国际水》2013,38(4):472-487

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is potentially the most significant piece of water management legislation to be developed by the European Union (EU) in the last forty years. Whilst water legislation is already regarded by many people as the ‘gold plating’ of EU environmental policy, many of the previous regulations and policies have focussed on specific point and non-point source water quality problems and have stipulated stringent standards to be achieved within specified time limits. In sharp contrast, the WFD aims to establish a planning and management framework for sustainable use of water and the ecological restoration of entire river systems, many of which do not fit neatly within the political or administrative boundaries of the Member States. Public participation in planning and management decisions is a key aspect of the WFD. This paper describes the specific requirements of the WFD for public participation and examines their implementation in the Ribble basin in North West England. The Ribble is part of a EU river basin network designed to test the WFD implementation guidelines issued by the European Commission. Particular challenges associated with engaging stakeholders in WFD implementation are highlighted and recommendations for future practice are offered.  相似文献   

综合干旱指数研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
干旱时空演变过程复杂,影响因素众多,单一的干旱指数往往难以反映干旱的多类型和多尺度特征,融合多源信息构建综合干旱指数是干旱监测的重要发展趋势。系统回顾了综合干旱指数的研究进展,总结了3种常用的综合干旱指数构建方法:权重组合、多变量联合分布和机器学习方法,分析了这几类综合干旱指数的优势与不足;详细介绍了综合干旱指数在美国、欧洲和中国干旱监测业务中的应用情况;最后指出综合干旱指数应从加强内在机理性、提高多源信息融合水平、完善评价体系等方面继续深入研究。  相似文献   

漳河水库灌区干旱灾害成因与应对措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以湖北省漳河水库灌区1960~2005年的实际资料为依据,分析灌区水资源演变趋势,发现历史上曾多次出现单年或连续2年、3年、4年的枯水期,干旱灾害频率为两年一遇;探讨在2005现状年和2010水平年的情况下,灌区若遭遇1976~1979年和1984~1986年连续枯水年时,其综合缺水情况和各用水部门缺水率,2010水平年将比现状年缺水更为严重,为此对干旱灾害成因进行分析,为做好水库灌区抗旱工作提出具体的应对措施。  相似文献   

Within the "WFD and agriculture activity" both communities agreed to co-operate during implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and further development of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) at EU, Commission and the Member States levels. In intensive discussions including two congresses and biannual working group meetings, seven information reports were produced. Rural Development programmes are unanimously considered to be very powerful instrument to support WFD implementation. However, limited budgets, combined with the large extent of agricultural pressures will considerably restrain the results this instrument might deliver. Limited effects are also expected from the cross-compliance standards, mainly because: the standards do not cover all WFD aspects, and the existing legislation is not implemented with the same rigour in all the Member States. WFD provides additional powerful tools (River Basin Management Planning and Water Pricing discussion) to improve the situation, but the timetables of WFD and CAP do not fit each other. The activity should be continued with an intensive discussion on case and success stories in all the mentioned tools informing both policy areas for the planned evaluation of cross-compliance in 2007, and a mid-term evaluation on rural development in 2009.  相似文献   

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