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太阳能的间歇性和波动性不利于太阳能发电大规模并网,实施电力储能可平抑输出功率波动,改善电能质量。目前,我国大规模的电力储能只有抽水蓄能,却受到水资源的限制而无法普遍开展。提出了基于压缩空气蓄能(compressed air energy storage,CAES)的太阳能发电站功率调节系统,给出了CAES调节系统额定功率、容量等系列关键参数的设计方案,并选取案例对CAES系统仿真模拟。结合电站所在地区负荷变化及与局域电网电能交换数据,对比了采用CAES功率调节系统前后太阳能发电并网对局域电网的影响,分析结果表明CAES调节太阳能发电能有效地缓解对局域电网的冲击。  相似文献   

<正> 目前到2000年之间,美国电站容量的增加将采用比迄今为止的范围大得多的蓄能循环是不可避免的。本文集中介绍两种相近方案——抽水蓄能和压缩空气蓄能(CAES)之间的某些类似点和不同之处。文中介绍  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型的大规模蓄能技术——压缩空气蓄能(Compressed Air Energy Storage,CAES),CAES系统响应快、容量大、成本低、寿命长,逐渐成为了全球第二大蓄能技术。根据CAES系统的容量不同,将CAES系统划分为大型CAES、小型CAES和微型CAES 3种,并针对3种不同容量级的CAES,详细介绍了其组成及现状,对技术特点与难点和应用领域及场景进行了分析与概述。对CAES系统的研究方向与发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

针对城镇配电网供电能力不足的问题,设计了一种集中-分布式混合压缩空气储能(CAES)电站的基本架构。该架构依托集中式先进绝热压缩空气储能(AA-CAES)电站建立分布式液态空气储能电站,可更有效地利用AA-CAES电站大规模储气室的优势,延展AA-CAES电站的功能。然后,建立了集中-分布式混合CAES电站的运行模型。该模型能准确描述混合CAES电站空气压缩、液化、贮存、运输、汽化、膨胀发电等过程中的能量流通、转化、存储和释放机理。基于混合CAES电站的运行模型,结合全寿命周期成本理论,建立了混合CAES电站的优化规划与运行模型。上述模型还包含扩建输电线路、增建燃气轮机、安装电池储能等备选方案的相关约束,以便对比安装混合CAES电站和其他方案的经济效益。最后,通过算例仿真验证了优化规划与运行模型的有效性。  相似文献   

美国开始建设第一座压缩空气蓄能发电厂美国阿拉巴马电气合作社(AEC)已开始建设一座压缩空气蓄能(CAES)发电厂。在系统低功率需要期间,压缩空气蓄能电厂利用公用电力系统多余的电能带动电动机(该电动机以后作为发电机),电动机再带动空气压缩机,经压缩的空气贮存到地下岩洞  相似文献   

压缩空气储能(CAES)是一种大规模物理储能技术,可广泛应用于电网削峰填谷和大规模新能源消纳。当前我国CAES正处于由示范项目向产业化发展的关键阶段,呈现出良好的发展态势。系统总结了国内外CAES工程现状,介绍了已投运的商业电站,并对其在新能源侧的应用前景进行了阐述。进一步,从装机规模、系统效率、应用场景、建设成本等多个方面对其发展趋势进行了介绍。针对CAES发展中遇到的挑战,从电站建设、核心装备、标准体系、价格机制4个角度进行阐述,给出了推动CAES发展的建议,推动其向多元化、规模化、产业化方向发展,成为支撑我国“双碳”目标的关键技术。  相似文献   

压缩空气储能(compressed air energy storage,CAES)技术是实现风电规模化接入的关键技术之一,具有广阔的发展应用前景。该文将CAES电站作为消纳风电的重要手段,并与发电机组、需求响应资源共同参与电力系统优化调度。基于风电、负荷和价格型需求响应在不同时间尺度下的预测误差特性,本着"瞻前顾后"的原则,建立了含CAES电力系统日前–日内协调调度模型。该模型既考虑了CAES系统中流量、功率、气压、温度间的交互影响机理,又考虑了反映CAES电站分钟级运行特性的旋转备用容量约束和日内调度约束,能够在制定CAES电站最优运行计划的同时,得到CAES电站的最优旋转备用容量承担方案。采用德国Huntorf CAES电站的运行参数,在PJM-5bus系统上进行算例仿真,仿真结果验证了调度策略的有效性。  相似文献   

介绍了压缩空气蓄能技术(CAES)、电解液电池蓄能技术和1 MW飞轮系统蓄能技术及其目前的发展状况和与风能发电联合应用的项目,同时介绍了这些技术对煤、天然气轮机联合发电厂的影响.展望了蓄能技术在美国的广阔发展前景和巨大经济效益.  相似文献   

为了经济地满足90年代已经增长的高峰负荷预测的需要,美国阿拉巴马电气合作社(AEC)已开始在阿拉巴马州的MeIntosh附近建设一座压缩空气蓄能(CAES)发电厂。世界上第一座商用压缩空气蓄能电厂1978年建在西德的Huntdort。在阿拉巴马电气合作社建设的同时,意大利和苏联也正  相似文献   

为了应对大规模风电接入,压缩空气储能(CAES)技术和柔性负荷主动响应技术在近年来发展迅速。以含CAES电站、可转移负荷、可中断负荷、可直接负荷控制(DLC)负荷、风电场、常规机组的电力系统为研究对象,综合考虑CAES电站和多类型柔性负荷在日前、日内、实时时间尺度下的调度特性及其在备用与调频方面的应用潜能,建立考虑源-荷-储协调互动的电力系统多时间尺度电能-备用联合调度模型。该模型以最小化电网运营商的总支出成本为优化目标,能够同时制定系统的发电计划、旋转备用购置与调用计划和自动发电控制(AGC)参与因子配置计划。基于修改版PJM-5Bus系统的仿真结果验证了所建调度模型的有效性。  相似文献   

Something new in power technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mack  D.R. 《Potentials, IEEE》1993,12(2):40-42
The use of compressed-air energy storage (CAES), in which off-peak electricity is used to compress air and store it in a cavern underground, is described. To supply electricity during peak load, the compressed air is released to a combuster where it mixes with oil or gas. The operation of the 110-MW McIntosh plant of the Alabama Electric Cooperative is explained. The fact that three-fourths of the area of the US contains potential sites for CAES power plants, together with the excellent performance of the McIntosh plant, makes CAES a leading candidate for energy storage in the future  相似文献   

再电气化是应对环境污染和气候变化的重要发展趋势。终端能源的深度再电气化,如以电代煤,以电代油,交通电气化等,将大幅提高电能在终端能源利用的比例,提高配电网,特别是城市电网的电力负荷水平,为配电网的运行、安全及可靠性带来新的挑战,储能是智能电网的重要组成部分,是提高供电可靠性和安全性的重要措施之一。本文提出一种基于液态空气储能枢纽站(LAES)的分布式压缩空气储能系统(CAES)模型预测控制(MPC)方法。首先,建立基于液态空气储能枢纽站的分布式压缩控制储能配置方法,其次,在此基础上,提出以日前运行成本最小和实时运行偏差最小为目标的双层优化MPC控制模型,满足配电网及液态空气-压缩空气储能系统安全运行条件,最后,以改进IEEE 30节点测试系统为例,验证了文种所提方法的正确性和实用性。  相似文献   

为了提高压缩空气储能(CAES)系统的效率,提出了新型变压比压缩空气储能系统。该系统基于定容储气装置及传统定压比压缩方式的特性,通过阀门调节来改变储能过程中压缩级组的串并联运行方式实现。通过分析不同压缩级数下可行的变压比运行方式,建立变压比压缩空气储能系统的仿真模型,从仿真得出的变压比储能系统的储能时间、压缩功耗和系统的充放电效率等方面,与传统的定压比压缩空气储能系统进行比较。结果表明,变压比压缩空气储能系统不仅减少了储能过程中压缩机组的功耗、缩短了储能时间,而且提高了整个系统的充放电效率。  相似文献   

《The Electricity Journal》2021,34(10):107048
The Energy Act of 2020 authorizes $1 billion over five years from 2021 to 2025 to support energy storage development in the United States. In addition, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Orders 841 and 2222 opened the wholesale energy markets for distributed energy resources, including energy storage. The statute and orders pave the way for novel energy storage technologies to participate in electricity markets as the qualifying facilities, thereby expanding opportunities for energy storage development. However, the existing policy, legal, and regulatory regime, including these much-welcomed newcomers, fails to recognize and support the entire spectrum of benefits that some forms of energy storage create. In this paper, we focus on Pumped Underground Storage Hydro (PUSH), a variant of pumped hydro storage (PHS), which currently provides over 90% of the world's energy storage capacity. PUSH operates with the same principle as PHS; however, it is an entirely underground variant of PHS. In addition to becoming competitive in the wholesale electricity market, PUSH facilities can be developed as community infrastructure in the postindustrial landscape, particularly in abandoned underground mines. Given federal energy law and policy development, this paper identifies how communities with abandoned mines, technically feasible for PUSH facilities and operating as municipal-owned utilities or cooperatives, can participate and take advantage of federal legislation. We further look into the implications through the lens of technical, economic, and social aspects of energy justice. We consider energy justice as a conceptual framework that seeks to explain the occurrence of injustice within energy system decisions and outcomes and how policymakers can respond to these injustices. We use it as a conceptual tool for understanding policy formulation and detailing the energy system's missing ethical and justice dimension. We argue that as a technically mature technology, PUSH facilities can act as a potential means to speed up the energy transition in the United States. The federal and state law along with utility market structures are vital in shaping the potential opportunities and barriers for energy storage facilities like PUSH. We show that although it supports PUSH development, there are gaps in the current market structure, specifically in the regulatory framework, when seen through the lens of justice and valuation of just energy services. These gaps limit the realization of utility-scale energy storage technology's potential to fully contribute to a decarbonized energy system that is more resilient and more just than the incumbent system.  相似文献   

压缩空气储能是一种充放电循环次数多、使用寿命长、可大规模储存电能的清洁环保的物理储能技术,适合于电网级大规模应用场合。文中分析了大规模压缩空气储能系统常规定速发电方式特点,提出了基于全控器件励磁的定速恒频同步储能机组控制策略,以获得更强的励磁能力和抑制系统振荡的能力,实现提升储能机组辅助服务能力。为了提高综合能效,提出了基于变速恒频双馈发电机组和变速变频直驱发电机组的大规模压缩空气储能变速发电方案构想,并分析了其典型运行控制策略,该变速发电方案具有提升储能机组控制功能及辅助服务能力的潜力。最后,分析了大规模压缩空气储能发电运行控制面临的挑战。  相似文献   

Recently, an ACC‐CAES generating system has been developed by applying ACC (Advanced Combined Cycle) technology to a conventional CAES (Compressed Air Energy Storage) system. The ACC‐CAES has a potential advantage of high efficiency and high capacity factor over other energy storage. However, its advantages from the viewpoints of power system operation are not fully revealed because of its peculiar operation characteristics compared with other energy storage. The characteristics include (1) it requires fossil fuel even in the case of operation using stored compressed air and (2) it has an ACC generating mode as one of its generating states to be used as a conventional ACC generating system while detaching the air storage system. Therefore, it is necessary to examine operation patterns of the ACC‐CAES and its contribution to economic operation of a power system. In order to achieve the objective, operation simulations of a power system with ACC‐CAES generating systems are needed because operation of energy storage systems such as the ACC‐CAES must be studied through an operation scheduling of a power system. This paper develops an optimal daily scheduling method of a power system with both ACC‐CAES generating systems and pumped hydro storage systems using two‐dimensional dynamic programming. Sensitivity analyses are undertaken with the developed method; the results show that ACC‐CAES generating systems tend to be operated as a peak or intermediate power source that bears some similarities to thermal plants or storage systems and, from an operation point of view, they have an economic advantage over pumped hydro storage systems. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 152(1): 15–23, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20087  相似文献   

To help understand the economic feasibility of installing solar and energy storage in Illinois, we conducted a case study to examine the viability of multiple options of (1) installing utility-scale storage at the Waukegan plant site and surrounding area, and (2) investing in behind-the-meter storage combined with solar and energy efficiency on the residential and commercial buildings. To analyze the economics of the utility-scale storage system, we quantified the net present cost of installing the system, the reliability and transmission benefits, and the increase in capacity revenue. For the customer-owned systems, we estimated the cost of investing in the solar-storage hybrid systems, the electricity bill savings, and the payback periods of three different building types. We found that the financial benefits of solar plus storage, accompanied by load reduction by energy efficiency would exceed the costs in most cases. Assuming a 16 MW four-hour duration lithium-ion battery, the initial capital cost of installing a utility-scale energy storage system would be $14.3 million. Over the 25-year project lifetime, financial benefits total $19.1 million including $6.9 million of avoided transmission costs and $12.1 million of capacity revenue. In addition, investing in solar could significantly lower consumer electricity bills. Most homes and businesses in the area could cut their electricity bills by more than half by investing in solar energy. When energy efficiency and solar energy are combined, a household in the area could save 66 percent annually on its electricity bill. Stronger climate policies and expanded use of time-varying electricity rates could further improve the economics of solar plus storage systems.  相似文献   

将电动汽车电池集成到微电网可以为微电网提供额外的电能存储,其收益取决于市场电力价格、电动汽车充电状态和进站/出站率等因素.假设微电网由热力机组、可再生能源和含储能设施的停车场组成.文章提出了一种考虑电动汽车移动储能特性的能源管理优化模型,模型的目标函数是最小化预期的总运营成本,包括前期市场的能源购销成本、热力机组的启停成本及发电成本、电池的磨损成本以及在每个场景中与当地电力分销商进行电力交换的成本等.采用Benders分解算法对模型进行求解,并利用修改的14节点系统进行了仿真验证.仿真结果表明:利用电动汽车电池的储能特性有效地降低了微电网的总运行成本.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate optimal locations and capacity for integrating storage systems in the electric transmission grid to improve wind power production. The impacts on wind power production and conventional thermal generation due to operation of utility-scale storage systems are simulated. A compressed air energy storage (CAES) is chosen as an utility-scale storage technology, which can provide several hundred MWs of electric power. A mixed integer programming (MIP) is implemented for the mathematical formulation. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) wind, load data and its simplified transmission system are used for a case study. To mandate wind power production, we apply 20% goal for renewable portfolio standard (RPS). Operation of 1350 MW CAESs improves wind power production and RPS target achievements, however, thermal generation does not significantly decrease under the given simulation condition.  相似文献   

随着全球能源短缺问题的加剧,风电的大规模消纳显得十分重要。为了克服风电大规模消纳困难的问题,提出一种多矢量储氢发电系统的遗传优化方法。分别研究分析风力风电、氢储能系统、储气罐中的等效荷电状态的数学模型,建立以风电本地消纳最大化为目标的联合优化模型,结合多种约束条件,通过遗传算法实现能量流最优解的求取。以东北某地区的实际测量数据为基础,进行了案例分析。通过对系统在运行过程中的风电消纳效果进行比较,验证了所提方法能够有效减少交互电量,实现了风电本地消纳最大化。  相似文献   

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