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一种面向移动3D图形的几何简化方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
移动3D图形计算是无线网络和图形学高速发展产生的新研究领域.由于无线网络带宽和移动终端设备显示分辨率的限制,需要将3D图形进行分解压缩,依据不同的分辨率进行内容转码.提出了一种基于改进Loop细分的几何模型简化算法.一个稠密的几何网格通过反复操作3个步骤:顶点分裂、奇点预测和重新三角化,生成由稀疏的基网格和一系列偏移量组成的渐进网格.在奇点预测过程中,将改进Loop细分模板作为预测器.由于Loop细分相关联的顶点数目少,提高了几何模型简化和重建的速度.渐进网格易于在无线网络上渐进传输,并可在移动终端上无损重建3D图形.实验表明,算法简单、效率高,适用于移动环境下3D图形的应用.  相似文献   

提出一种基于逆3 细分的渐进网格生成算法,用于解决图形的快速传输和显示问 题。算法的基本思路是:将细密网格通过边折叠操作得到简化网格,以细分极限点逼近原始网 格为准则进行网格调整,采用3 细分得到高密度网格,调整后进行逆3 细分,即逐层次删除 部分顶点,生成用于重构渐进网格模型的基网格,并记录每层删除顶点在采用本层表示时相对 于细分计算位置的几何调整量。3 细分过程中三角片数量增长速度较慢,采用逆3 细分利于 生成多层次的渐进网格,经实例验证,逆3 细分生成渐进网格的效果能满足快速、多分辨率显 示要求。  相似文献   

针对自由变形技术难以保持模型细节的问题,提出一种基于最小二乘网格的模型变形算法.通过顶点位置约束的全局拉普拉斯光顺分解出表示模型低频信号的最小二乘网格,并求出高频信号在该网格上的编码;通过用户交互,基于均值坐标对最小二乘网格进行自由变形;根据最小二乘网格各顶点处局部标架在变形时的几何变换求出变形后的高频编码,通过解码求出变形后的网格模型.实验结果表明,该算法简单、高效且便于用户交互,有效地保持了模型的几何细节.  相似文献   

当前的网格压缩算法在编码顶点和连通信息之前,需要按照某种顺序遍历网格模型,而且需要构造支持拓扑结构访问的临时数据结构,不利于处理大型网格模型.从根源上抛弃了传统网格数据组织形式,给出了一种新的网格顶点和连通信息交错的网格数据组织方法,提出了以网格数据读入顺序渐进编码算法.实验结果表明,算法的处理速度和所占用的内存空间都优于传统的压缩方法.  相似文献   

根据任意亏格和任意边界的3D网格模型,给出一种网格重建算法。该算法通过对原始网格进行一系列自适应的局部修改操作,改进网格中三角形的质量和顶点位置分布。为减少优化过程中误差的累积,提出基于距离场的算法将新生成的顶点保留到原始网格曲面上,该算法实现简单,不需要复杂的全局参数化操作。实验结果表明,该算法有效、快速、稳定。  相似文献   

徐涛  张艳宁 《计算机工程》2007,33(20):167-169
提出一种基于奇异值分解的网格模型盲水印算法,只对网格顶点的几何数据进行处理,适用于任意拓扑结构的网格模型。奇异值分解在与网格模型几何数据局部统计特征相似的球面坐标映射方阵中进行,水印序列嵌入到方阵生成的奇异值序列中。实验结果表明,算法可抵抗平移、旋转、各向一致缩放攻击及顶点重排序攻击,对噪声攻击也具有一定的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

3维模型的数字水印是数字水印研究的热点之一,鲁棒性、嵌入可读性水印和盲检测是3维模型数字水印的难点所在。从增强3维模型数字水印的鲁棒性出发,提出一种基于局部几何空间的3维模型数字水印算法,它以模型三角网格顶点在其一环邻居顶点为所确定的局部几何空间;通过改变顶点在局部几何空间中的位置来嵌入水印,并以调整其间的夹角来嵌入水印序列的索引,而调整顶点与圆心的距离来嵌入较高比特的二进制数值。本文算法在水印检测时,无需原始模型,且可抵抗平移、旋转、均匀缩放、顶点乱序、剪切及网格简化等攻击。实验结果表明, 该水印算法具有很好的鲁棒性、可读水印的不可感知性和盲水印检测的优势。  相似文献   

面向移动终端的三角网格逆细分压缩算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马建平  罗笑南  陈渤  李峥 《软件学报》2009,20(9):3607-2615
针对移动用户的实时显示需求,提出一种基于逆细分的三角网格压缩算法.通过改进逆Butterfly简化算法,采用逆改版Loop模式,将细密的三角网格简化生成由稀疏的基网格和一系列偏移量组成的渐进网格;然后,通过设计偏移量小波树,将渐进网格进行嵌入式零树编码压缩.实验结果表明:该算法与以往方法相比,在获得较高压缩比的同时,运行速度较快.适用于几何模型的网络渐进传输和在移动终端上的3D图形实时渲染.  相似文献   

在参考张量投票理论的基础上,结合二次误差简化算法,提出一种边界特征保持的几何网格模型分级二次误差简化算法.首先根据张量投票理论对三角网格顶点进行面点、边点、角点类型分类;然后对各边对按照二次误差简化算法进行边折叠代价计算;再将分类顶点按照设定的等级权重加入边对折叠代价中,从而保证渐进式简化过程中能够对顶点进行分级简化.实验结果表明,该算法不但能实现渐进简化,而且能按需保留模型的整体特征和细节特征.  相似文献   

许斌  李虑科 《计算机工程》2013,(11):245-248
针对三角网格模型优化算法对模型几何细节描述不够精确的问题,提出一种基于Laplacian坐标的网格模型全局优化算法。模型几何细节描述方面,采用网格顶点Laplacian坐标。网拓扑结构不变的前提下,可精确描述网格曲面局部几何特性。顶点重新定位方面,采用在最小二乘意义下求解由权重控制的包含顶点位置,以及Laplacian坐标双重约束的线性系统最优解的方法。实验结果表明,该算法在优化提高模型三角面片质量的同时,可较好地保留原始模型的几何细节。  相似文献   

由于三维物体的自遮挡,浏览三维网格是一个典型的随机访问问题.如果在将网格压缩后,只传输与解码当前视点下可见区域的数据,就可以节约网络带宽和解码资源.目前的网格压缩方法基本上没有考虑随机访问.提出一种基于小波变换且支持随机访问的渐进几何压缩方法,基本思想是将网格表面分成很多块,对每块的细节信息独立进行编码,然后只传输当前视点下可见块的细节信息.代表细节信息的小波系数被组织成零树,设计了一种修正的SPIHT算法来对每棵小波零树独立进行压缩.实验结果表明,该方法取得了与PGC方法相当的压缩效率,但如果只传输可见区域的细节信息,该方法需要传输的数据量只是PGC方法的60%左右.  相似文献   

提出一种基于面的高效三角网格拓扑压缩算法.该算法是单分辨率无损压缩算法,是对Edgebreaker算法的改进:在网格遍历部分,通过自适应网格遍历方法使非常影响压缩比的分割图形操作尽可能少;在熵编码部分,为网格遍历后得到的每个操作符各设计一个模版,根据模版确定该操作符的二进制表示,然后采用自适应算术编码方法压缩该二进制表示得到最后的压缩结果.与网格拓扑压缩领域中基于面的最好的算法得到的压缩比相比较,该算法得到的压缩比有很大提高.  相似文献   

Representing mesh geometry in local rather than the world coordinate systems is very useful in many 3D animation processing applications. One can investigate the representation of vertex locations relative to a local coordinate frame (LCF) in the compression of dynamic 3D meshes. Unlike the world coordinates, which scatter in a wide range and show non-linear behavior of the vertices, the local coordinates exhibit a large clustering behavior of the vertex over time. This property is very useful for exploiting a large coherence over the vertex trajectory and between neighboring vertices. In this paper, we discuss the use of the LCF in static and animated mesh encoding and we introduce a new connectivity-guided predictive scheme for single-rate compression for animated meshes. The proposed geometry encoding strategy is based on a region growing encoding order, and only the differences between original and predicted locations are encoded in a local coordinate system, which splits into two tangential and one normal components. The approach is simple, efficient, and well-suited for real time applications.  相似文献   

Vertex data compression through vector quantization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rendering geometrically detailed 3D models requires the transfer and processing of large amounts of triangle and vertex geometry data. Compressing the geometry bit stream can reduce bandwidth requirements and alleviate transmission bottlenecks. In this paper, we show vector quantization to be an effective compression technique for triangle mesh vertex data. We present predictive vector quantization methods using unstructured code books as well as a product code pyramid vector quantizer. The technique is compatible with most existing mesh connectivity encoding schemes and does not require the use of entropy coding. In addition to compression, our vector quantization scheme can be used for complexity reduction by accelerating the computation of linear vertex transformations. Consequently, an encoded set of vertices can be both decoded and transformed in approximately 60 percent of the time required by a conventional method without compression  相似文献   

提出一种快速有效的非冗余依赖图构建算法,记录所有网格顶点分裂操作之间的依赖关系,并删除其中的冗余依赖.在此基础上,提出了一种有效的全局分步等划分分组算法,通过初始划分和全局细化将依赖图划分为若干子图,最终将每个子图打包为一个分组.实验结果表明,该算法能够最小化分组之间的依赖性,从而有效地减少了分组丢失引起的解压与绘制延时,并形成良好的渐进绘制效果.  相似文献   

在现有的代表性三角形网格压缩方法中,先采用一定的网格遍历方法来压缩连接信息,同时用遍历路径上的相邻顶点来对每个顶点的几何坐标进行平行四边形预测,以压缩几何信息。它们的主要缺点是平行四边形预测不太准确,且受到所采用的遍历方法的制约。文章提出一种新的几何信息压缩方法。编码时,对每个顶点的几何坐标,采用比平行四边形预测更为准确、且与遍历方法无关的邻域预测。解码时,采用预处理共轭梯度法,联立求解所有顶点的预测公式组成的稀疏线性方程组,同时求出所有顶点的坐标。文章采用渐进解码方法来减少求解稀疏线性方程组时,用户的等待时间。  相似文献   

Wavelet-based progressive compression scheme for triangle meshes: wavemesh   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We propose a new lossy to lossless progressive compression scheme for triangular meshes, based on a wavelet multiresolution theory for irregular 3D meshes. Although remeshing techniques obtain better compression ratios for geometric compression, this approach can be very effective when one wants to keep the connectivity and geometry of the processed mesh completely unchanged. The simplification is based on the solving of an inverse problem. Optimization of both the connectivity and geometry of the processed mesh improves the approximation quality and the compression ratio of the scheme at each resolution level. We show why this algorithm provides an efficient means of compression for both connectivity and geometry of 3D meshes and it is illustrated by experimental results on various sets of reference meshes, where our algorithm performs better than previously published approaches for both lossless and progressive compression.  相似文献   

Connectivity compression techniques for very large 3D triangle meshes are based on clever traversals of the graph representing the mesh, so as to avoid the repeated references to vertices. In this paper we present a new algorithm for compressing large 3D triangle meshes through the successive conquest of triangle fans. The connectivity of vertices in a fan is implied. As each fan is traversed, the current mesh boundary is advanced by the fan-front. The process is recursively continued till the entire mesh is traversed. The mesh is then compactly encoded as a sequence of fan configuration codes. The fan configuration code comprehensively encodes the connectivity of the fan with the rest of the mesh. There is no need for any further special operators like split codes and additional vertex offsets. The number of fans is typically one-fourth of the total number of triangles. Only a few of the fan configurations occur with high frequency, enabling excellent connectivity information compression using range encoding. A simple implementation shows significant improvements, on the average, in bit-rate per vertex, compared to earlier reported techniques.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the set of all selectively refined meshes that can be obtained from a progressive mesh. We call the set the transitive mesh space of a progressive mesh and present a theoretical analysis of the space. We define selective edge collapse and vertex split transformations, which we use to traverse all selectively refined meshes in the transitive mesh space. We propose a complete selective refinement scheme for a progressive mesh based on the transformations and compare the scheme with previous selective refinement schemes in both theoretical and experimental ways. In our comparison, we show that the complete scheme always generates selectively refined meshes with smaller numbers of vertices and faces than previous schemes for a given refinement criterion. The concept of dual pieces of the vertices in the vertex hierarchy plays a central role in the analysis of the transitive mesh space and the design of selective edge collapse and vertex split transformations.  相似文献   

We present a new approach to dynamic mesh compression, which combines compression with simplification to achieve improved compression results, a natural support for incremental transmission and level of detail. The algorithm allows fast progressive transmission of dynamic 3D content. Our scheme exploits both temporal and spatial coherency of the input data, and is especially efficient for the case of highly detailed dynamic meshes. The algorithm can be seen as an ultimate extension of the clustering and local coordinate frame (LCF)‐based approaches, where each vertex is expressed within its own specific coordinate system. The presented results show that we have achieved better compression efficiency compared to the state of the art methods. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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