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双向纹理函数的有效压缩与绘制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴向阳  龚怿  彭群生  王毅刚 《计算机学报》2006,29(12):2201-2207
提出了一种有效的BTF压缩方法:对简单BTF样本区域用一个统一的低频函数模拟整个区域的整体光照效果,再对每个像素生成一个高频函数来表现细节;对复杂样本区域则首先进行像素聚类,再在各个像素类内对视线采样方向自适应地聚类,在各个视线类内分别拟合一个低频函数,并求像素在各个视线内的高频函数,利用低频函数与高频函数的和重建了像素在相应视线类内的视觉效果.与局部PCA方法的对比表明,该文的算法取得了较高的压缩效率和更快的绘制速度,能实现交互的软件绘制和实时硬件绘制.  相似文献   

针对梯度域路径追踪算法在像素平面均匀采样的策略会使渲染图像在不同频率区域的渲染质量差别较大的问题,提出增益控制策略下的梯度域路径追踪算法.引入平均梯度计算局部平均梯度值,筛选并标记出高频区域和低频区域,将低频区域的样本用于对高频区域增强采样;随着每轮渲染高低频区域的不断更新,自适应地对样本进行分配,实现像素平面采样的增益控制.一方面,在不同材质和光照的场景下,将改进算法和梯度域路径追踪算法进行实验对比,结果表明,文中算法使人眼敏感的高频区域渲染更加细腻;另一方面,使用均方误差、峰值信噪比和结构相似度3种图像质量评价指标评价渲染图像,并对比采样过程中3个指标的变化情况,结果表明,在保证样本数量相同的条件下,文中算法可以加快渲染的收敛速度,提高渲染效率.  相似文献   

实时全局重光照算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴向阳  彭群生  张宏鑫  陈为  刘钢 《软件学报》2004,15(Z1):252-258
提出了一个实时全局重光照算法.算法利用重建的几何模型和沿不同光照方向的预采样图像恢复材料的反射属性,通过这些属性得到了面片在不同采样图像上的间接光照和环境光照.并用低价基函数将它们拟合.重光照绘制时,将恢复的材料属性应用于光照明模型计算出直接光照分量问接光照和环境光照分量由低阶基函数获得.物体表面细节则通过求解表面法向和材料属性的扰动量重建.实验结果表明,算法有效地重建了全局光照明效果和表面细节,生成的阴影边缘清晰,且绘制速度迭到实时.  相似文献   

根据羽毛具有近似规则的微观几何结构特点,提出了一种基于高精细几何细节建模和双向纹理函数的真实感羽毛建模和绘制算法。算法首先对羽毛进行基于Bezier或Hermite的参数化羽毛建模,进一步建立羽轴和羽枝的曲线管状体细节几何模型并离散网格化获得羽毛的高细节网格模型;最后利用该羽毛模型在不同光照和视线条件下采样的双向纹理函数(BTF)纹理和羽毛内在纹理合成的方法绘制基于BTF的真实感羽毛。  相似文献   

赵沁平  车英慧 《软件学报》2011,22(8):1948-1959
针对现有的预计算辐射传递算法对三维场景限制严格、适合于低频光照环境等问题,提出了一种动态场景的全频阴影绘制算法.在预处理阶段使用球体对三维物体进行拟合,同时对光照函数和BRDF(bidirectional reflectance distribution function)函数进行Harr小波变换;在运行时阶段利用不同基函数的优势,在像素基空间进行多个球体可见性函数的快速合并,在小波基空间进行光照函数、BRDF函数和可见性函数的三乘积分,得到最终的光照值.使用CUDA(computed unified device architecture)实现了该算法,充分利用了图形硬件的最新功能.实验结果表明,阴影绘制质量有很大的提高,可以基本达到实时绘制.  相似文献   

现有渲染复杂光源光照的技术大多需要一个长时间的预处理阶段,一不需要预处理的技术往往只专注某一类型的光照效果.为了解决不同类型光照计算需要不同类型采样策略的问题,提出一个新的、不需预计算的高效涫染复杂光源光照的框架.通过对渲染方程进行分治采样,统一的光照计算被分解为高频反射、低频反射以及遮挡阴影3项,每一项采用不同的采样策略计算,以使各部分都能在较短的时间内得到高质量的渲染结果.高频反射项根据材质BRDF的特性进行重要性采样;低频反射项是以光源亮度作为采样权重对光源进行预采样计算得到的;遮挡项的结果由屏幕空间的深度信息采样计算得到.由于遮挡阴影的低频特性,间隔采样技术可以在保持视觉效果的同时大大减少每个像素的采样数量.此渲染框架易于在GPU上实现,且可以解决很多实时渲染问题.实验结果以及对比表明,应用该技术框架能够处理完整的复杂光照效果,且达到比现有技术更高的渲染质量.  相似文献   

孙鑫  周昆  石教英 《软件学报》2008,19(4):1004-1015
现有的基于预计算的全局光照明绘制算法都假设场景中物体的材质固定不变,这样,从入射光照到出射的辐射亮度之间的传输变换就是线性变换.通过对这种线性变换的预计算,可以在动态光源下实现全局光照明的实时绘制.但是,当材质可以改变时,这种线性变换不再成立,因此,现有算法无法直接用于动态材质的场景.提出了一种方法:在修改场景中的物体材质时,可以实时得到场景在直接光照和间接光照下的绘制效果.将最终到达视点的辐射亮度根据其之前经过的反射次数及相应的反射材质分为多个部分,每个部分和先后反射的材质的乘积成正比,从而把该非线性问题转化为线性问题.又将所有可选的材质都表示为一组基的线性组合.将这组基作为材质赋予场景中的物体,就有各种不同的组合方式,预计算每种组合下所有部分的出射辐射亮度.在绘制时,根据各物体材质投影到基上的系数线性组合预计算的数据就能实时得到最终的全局光照明的绘制结果.该方法适用于几何场景、光照和视点都不发生变化的场景.使用双向反射分布函数来表示物体的材质,不考虑折射或者半透明的情况.该实现最多包含两次反射,并可以实时绘制得到一些很有趣的全局光照明效果,比如渗色、焦散等等.  相似文献   

作为一种特殊的光照模型,辐射度在图形学中有着重要的应用.然而,由于其计算的复杂性,辐射度方法一直得不到广泛的应用,特别是在动态场景中.提出一种基于辐射度算法的全局光照实时加速算法,在原有基于点采样进行场景的全局光照近似的基础上,提出了不同的点采样计算方法,以提高辐射度方法对动画场景的适应性.算法对场景中的物体建立六面体包围盒,并在包围盒各顶点设置采样点,这样就可以在环境变化对其光照影响不大的情况下采用原有的计算结果,实现辐射度算法在动态场景中的计算加速.同时,对场景中的每个物体的光照,利用立方体映射计算直接光照;而对物体间的能量交换采用点采样方法进行近似计算并利用附近采样点的光照插值作为物体的光照.实验结果表明,该算法可以减少大量的间接光照计算,提高了辐射度算法的效率.  相似文献   

基于光线追踪,将屏幕图像像素分解为投射光线与场景对象交点面片辐射亮度和 纹理贴图的合成,每个面片的辐射亮度计算基于双向反射分布函数(BRDF)基的线性组合,并通 过图形处理器(GPU)处理核心并行绘制进行加速,最后与并行计算的纹理映射结果进行合成。 提出了一种基于BRDF 和GPU 并行计算的全局光照实时渲染算法,利用GPU 并行加速,在提 高绘制效率的前提下,实现动态交互材质的全局光照实时渲染。重点研究:对象表面对光线的 多次反射用BRDF 基的线性组合来表示,将非线性问题转换为线性问题,从而提高绘制效率; 利用GPU 并行加速,分别计算对象表面光辐射能量和纹理映射及其线性组合,进一步提高计算 效率满足实时绘制需求。  相似文献   

提出一种聚类立即辐射度方法,以实现增强现实等领域需要高度真实感的全局光照算法来实现实时交互的绘制效果要求。为此,改进了传统的立即辐射度方法,将大量的用于表达间接光照的虚拟点光源聚类到少量的虚拟面光源中,并使用实时软阴影算法快速计算可见性。同时,借助图形硬件GPU加速场景绘制。实验结果表明,算法在增强现实环境等领域中支持完全动态场景,且在保证良好视觉效果的前提下获得了实时绘制帧率。  相似文献   

吴恩华 《计算机学报》1995,18(5):321-329
分维几何为模拟自然体和景物提供了十分卓越的工具,然而,分维几何的造型是一个无限细分的随机造型过程,这就为分维几何的绘制带来了极大的困难,到目前为止,只有某些特殊的光线跟踪技术能够用于绘制分维几何曲面,主要产生高光效果。  相似文献   

曲面环境的一般辐射度方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱一宁  彭群生 《计算机学报》1992,15(10):748-756
基于两微面元间的能量传递理论,本文提出了一种适用于曲面环境的一般辐射度方法.与传统辐射度方法不同的是,本方法假定每一面片上的辐射度是变化的,并引入双线性插值将辐射度系统方程中未知数转化为各面片顶点处的辐射度,从而建立起一整套辐射度系统方程.同时,该一般辐射度方程被拓广至非漫射环境,并导出了一组描述多重镜面和透明面间光能传递的递推公式.理论分析与实验结果证明该方法具有很大的潜力.  相似文献   

Since wavelets were introduced in the radiosity algorithm 5, surprisingly little research has been devoted to higher order wavelets and their use in radiosity algorithms. A previous study 13 has shown that wavelet radiosity, and especially higher order wavelet radiosity was not bringing significant improvements over hierarchical radiosity and was having a very important extra memory cost, thus prohibiting any effective computation. In this paper, we present a new implementation of wavelets in the radiosity algorithm, that is substantially different from previous implementations in several key areas (refinement oracle, link storage, resolution algorithm). We show that, with this implementation, higher order wavelets are actually bringing an improvement over standard hierarchical radiosity and lower order wavelets.  相似文献   

Tileable BTF   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a modular framework to efficiently apply the bidirectional texture functions (BTF) onto object surfaces. The basic building blocks are the BTF tiles. By constructing one set of BTF tiles, a wide variety of objects can be textured seamlessly without resynthesizing the BTF. The proposed framework nicely decouples the surface appearance from the geometry. With this appearance-geometry decoupling, one can build a library of BTF tile sets to instantaneously dress and render various objects under variable lighting and viewing conditions. The core of our framework is a novel method for synthesizing seamless high-dimensional BTF tiles, which are difficult for existing synthesis techniques. Its key is to shorten the cutting paths and broaden the choices of samples so as to increase the chance of synthesizing seamless BTF tiles. To tackle the enormous data, the tile synthesis process is performed in a compressed domain. This not only allows the handling of large BTF data during the synthesis, but also facilitates the compact storage of the BTF in a GPU memory during the rendering.  相似文献   

Extreme compression and modeling of bidirectional texture function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recent advanced representation for realistic real-world materials in virtual reality applications is the Bidirectional Texture Function (BTF) which describes rough texture appearance for varying illumination and viewing conditions. Such a function can be represented by thousands of measurements (images) per material sample. The resulting BTF size excludes its direct rendering in graphical applications and some compression of these huge BTF data spaces is obviously inevitable. In this paper we present a novel, fast probabilistic model-based algorithm for realistic BTF modeling allowing an extreme compression with the possibility of a fast hardware implementation. Its ultimate aim is to create a visual impression of the same material without a pixel-wise correspondence to the original measurements. The analytical step of the algorithm starts with a BTF space segmentation and a range map estimation by photometric stereo of the BTF surface, followed by the spectral and spatial factorization of selected sub-space color texture images. Single mono-spectral band-limited factors are independently modeled by their dedicated spatial probabilistic model. During rendering, the sub-space images of arbitrary size are synthesized and both color (possibly multi-spectral) and range information is combined in a bump-mapping filter according to the view and illumination directions. The presented model offers a huge BTF compression ratio unattainable by any alternative sampling-based BTF synthesis method. Simultaneously this model can be used to reconstruct missing parts of the BTF measurement space.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of light energy transfer between two differential diffuse surface areas, a generalized radiosity approach is presented. Unlike the conventional radiosity method, curved surfaces are subdivided into triangular surface patches, radiosity is assummed to be vary across each triangular surface patch. By adopting linear interpolation scheme over each triangular surface patch, we have established a complete set of approximated radiosity equations. Their unknowns are radiosities of differential surface areas located at all vertices of surface patches. The generalized radiosity equation has also been extended to non-diffuse environments. Theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate the great potential of this method,  相似文献   

One important goal of image synthesis research is to accelerate the process of obtaining realistic images using the radiosity method. Two important concepts recently introduced are the general framework of projection methods and the hierarchical radiosity method. Wavelet theory, which explores the space of hierarchical basis functions, offers an elegant framework that unites these two concepts and allows us to more formally understand the hierarchical radiosity method. Wavelet expansions of the radiosity kernel have negligible entries in regions where high frequency/fine detail information is not needed. A sparse system remains if these entries are ignored. This is similar to applying a lossy compression scheme to the form factor matrix. The sparseness of the system allows for asymptotically faster radiosity algorithms by limiting the number of matrix terms that need to be computed. The application of these methods to 3D environments is described in4. Due to space limitations in that paper many of the subtleties of the construction could not be explored there. In this paper we discuss some of the mathematical details of wavelet projections and investigate the application of these methods to the radiosity kernel of a flatland environment, where many aspect are easier to visualize.  相似文献   

We propose an efficient method for editing bidirectional texture functions (BTFs) based on edit propagation scheme. In our approach, users specify sparse edits on a certain slice of BTF. An edit propagation scheme is then applied to propagate edits to the whole BTF data. The consistency of the BTF data is maintained by propagating similar edits to points with similar underlying geometry/reflectance. For this purpose, we propose to use view independent features including normals and reflectance features reconstructed from each view to guide the propagation process. We also propose an adaptive sampling scheme for speeding up the propagation process. Since our method needn't any accurate geometry and reflectance information, it allows users to edit complex BTFs with interactive feedback.  相似文献   

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