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在三维场景处理中,如何快速选择可见面片是提高场景显示速度的关键。基于切片的可视面片选择方法能够有效地减少选择可见面片时的计算量,但是该算法的计算结果是基于直线的视线传达,无法真实再现人眼的视角特征。本人提出了基于切片的一种改进算法,能够快速的计算出上层切片可视部分在下层切片上的投影边界,实现了切片算法的视角改进。  相似文献   

在虚拟现实中,对于遮挡率很高的场景,大部分面片并不可见,针对这种情形,提出了基于屏幕填充的加速算法,算法对场景中的各面片按从前往后的次序绘制,着重于对可见面的检测,从而避免了对大量不可见面的判断和测试,将其应用于复杂场景的实时绘制,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

加快光线跟踪计算的网格优化划分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网格是一类重要的光线跟踪加速结构,其结构简单、能快速创建.但是网格划分的尺度对光线跟踪的效率有很大的影响.针对此,提出一种代价预估计算方法.以度量网格划分对光线跟踪计算效率的影响,并由此计算网格优化划分的分辨率,首先根据模型类型和网格使用方式计算几种场景参数,分别预估网格创建、跟踪和空间的开销;然后根据不同应用需求,以相应的预估代价最小来进行网格的优化划分.与已有方法不同,文中方法考虑了场景中面片分布类型对网格划分的影响,提高了度量计算的精度;还综合考虑了网格创建时间、空间需求等因素,以便度量计算能根据绘制任务的不同进行相应的优化处理.该方法能更好地提高绘制效率,特别是能处理动态场景和面片非均匀分布的复杂场景,而这些是已有方法难以处理的.实验结果表明,文中方法的预估网格优化分辨率与实际的最优分辨率很接近,优于已有的类似工作.  相似文献   

细节层次模型(LOD)是指对同一个场景或场景中的物体,使用具有不同细节的方法得到一组模型,供绘制时使用.建立LOD模型能很有效地降低数据量和复杂度,实现三维场景的实时处理.以研究多层次细节模型快速生成算法为目的,在分析当前多层次细节模型生成算法的基础上,构建了三角形面片的权值计算公式,设计和实现了基于面片删除操作的LOD算法,详细描述了算法的设计,给出了算法实现所需的关键公式,最后给出了算法的应用实例和对算法时间效率的分析.此算法的最大特点是在不同的层次细节模型之间快速地平滑过渡.从试验结果和分析可见,该算法可以满足大的3D模型快速生成和交互的需要,同时也证明了算法的正确性和实用性.  相似文献   

针对图像空间绘制技术中可见性积分的计算不能达到实时,并且无法捕捉由面光源上辐射度变化引起的着色点亮度变化这两个问题,提出了一种基于自适应的空间划分技术的、在图像空间中对动态面光源效果进行绘制的方法.该方法将场景中的物体根据深度及分布情况,自适应地划分为非均匀的体素,同时构建场景中深度和法向变化量的多级纹理,并利用存储在这些体素和纹理中的信息对着色点进行快速的可见性积分和相应的光照度计算.  相似文献   

地理信息系统(GIS,Geographic Information System)是人们时客观世界理解经过一系列处理后在计算机上一种数字化.图像化的实现.对于复杂现实世界,一方面人们希望GIS包含充足的数据.另一方面又期望从中能方便地选择所需要的数据,为尽可能地包含信息,又要能方便快速选取,这就要求人们以一种高效的数据组织方式--GIS数据模型.GIS的一个特性就是海量的空间数据,为达到快速查询目的对其进行空间索引是必然的.而R树于1984年Guttman提出以来被广泛的运用于原型研究和空间数据库系统中.笔者介绍了一种基于R树的空间GIS数据模型索引的设计(基于R树的内存索引).  相似文献   

细节层次模型(LOD)是指对同一个场景或场景中的物体,使用具有不同细节的方法得到一组模型,供绘制时使用。建立LOD模型能很有效地降低数据量和复杂度,实现三维场景的实时处理。以研究多层次细节模型快速生成算法为目的,在分析当前多层次细节模型生成算法的基础上,构建了三角形面片的权值计算公式,设计和实现了基于面片删除操作的LOD算法,详细描述了算法的设计,给出了算法实现所需的关键公式,最后给出了算法的应用实例和对算法时间效率的分析。此算法的最大特点是在不同的层次细节模型之间快速地平滑过渡。从试验结果和分析可见,该算法可以满足大的3D模型快速生成和交互的需要,同时也证明了算法的正确性和实用性。  相似文献   

镜面反射和折射场景的真实感图形绘制一直是计算机图形学领域具有挑战性的研究课题之一.虽然传统的光线跟踪算法可以绘制出逼真的效果,但是计算量大、耗时长.为了快速地进行真实感图形的绘制,基于光学映射虚对象的概念,提出了一种基于二次曲面(球体、圆柱体等)反射折射场景的快速绘制技术,并给出了求解二次曲面物体反射和折射虚物体的计算公式,由于该技术可利用图形硬件像绘制实际物体一样绘制这些虚物体,从而可实现基于图形硬件加速的快速光线跟踪.实验证明,这种方法可以在普通图形加速卡上实现镜面反射和折射现象的快速绘制,从而极大地提高了真实感图形绘制的速度,特别适用于建筑物漫游、动画和虚拟现实等要求快速绘制的领域.  相似文献   

近年来,图像空间的线绘制技术在绘制质量和算法鲁棒性方面取得了长足的进步.但是,图像空间的线绘制算法不能生成特征线的空间几何信息,因而应用面不如物体空间的线绘制技术广泛.针对现有物体空间线绘制算法的绘制效果和绘制速度还远不如图像空间算法,提出一种物体空间线绘制算法.在预处理阶段,采用网格模型的高斯差分算子计算法向拉普拉斯;在实时绘制时,通过计算法向拉普拉斯与视线方向的点积,从而快速计算特征线的三维几何.在该算法框架下,进一步提出各向异性的高斯差分算子,在计算法向拉普拉斯时对于特征线的梯度方向和切线方向做不同的滤波处理,从而更好地反映特征线的走向.实验结果表明,文中算法比现有的其他物体空间线绘制算法更加鲁棒,对于包含几何噪声和非均匀网格化的三维模型,其生成的线绘制结果更加光顺,能更清晰地揭示模型的形状特征;在实时绘制效率方面,能实时生成包含上百万三角面片的网格模型的线绘制结果.  相似文献   

提出了一个结合层次遮挡图像缓存的快速消隐绘制算法,本算法首先利用空间连贯性对场景实行快速保守的消隐,对可能可见的近景、中景使用几何绘制,对可能可见的远景实现了基于图像和几何混合的加速绘制,实验表明,由于充分利用了空间连贯性和图像简化技术,本算法效果良好,可适合各种复杂度场景的快速绘制。  相似文献   

Automatic Camera Placement for Image-Based Modeling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present an automatic camera placement method for generating image-based models from scenes with known geometry. Our method first approximately determines the set of surfaces visible from a given viewing area and then selects a small set of appropriate camera positions to sample the scene from. We define a quality measure for a surface as seen, or covered, from the given viewing area. Along with each camera position, we store the set of surfaces which are best covered by this camera. Next, one reference view is generated from each camera position by rendering the scene. Pixels in each reference view that do not belong to the selected set of polygons are masked out.
The image-based model generated by our method, covers every visible surface only once, associating it with a camera position from which it is covered with quality that exceeds a user-specified quality threshold. The result is a compact non-redundant image-based model with controlled quality.
The problem of covering every visible surface with a minimum number of cameras (guards) can be regarded as an extension to the well-known Art Gallery Problem. However, since the 3D polygonal model is textured, the camera-polygon visibility relation is not binary; instead, it has a weight — the quality of the polygon's coverage.  相似文献   

From Multiple Stereo Views to Multiple 3-D Surfaces   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  

目的 大部分材质表面都具有一定的细微结构,而这些细微结构的存在增加了真实感图形绘制的复杂性.方法 首先将材质表面的细微结构分为3类:宏观结构、介观结构和微观结构,并对每类结构分别建模:宏观结构采用三角面片建模,介观结构则采用法向图表示,而微观结构直接采用单一的粗糙度表达.然后针对每种结构,分别获得它们的法向分布函数(NDF),并用混合vMF分布拟合.最终屏幕空间每个像素内的法向分布用3个尺度NDF的卷积操作近似获得.此外,在处理环境光照时引入抛物面图(PM)和summed-area table(SAT),满足了动态场景的实时绘制需求.结果 实验结果表明本文方法可以在不同视点范围下生成高真实感的反射效果,并获得实时的绘制性能.结论 本文提出的实时绘制方法能够处理表面材质结构复杂的3维模型在环境光下的真实感反射效果,并支持动态光照和形变物体.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a novel method for high‐quality rendering of scenes with participating media. Our technique is based on instant radiosity, which is used to approximate indirect illumination between surfaces by gathering light from a set of virtual point lights (VPLs). It has been shown that this principle can be applied to participating media as well, so that the combined single scattering contribution of VPLs within the medium yields full multiple scattering. As in the surface case, VPL methods for participating media are prone to singularities, which appear as bright “splotches” in the image. These artifacts are usually countered by clamping the VPLs' contribution, but this leads to energy loss within the short‐distance light transport. Bias compensation recovers the missing energy, but previous approaches are prohibitively costly. We investigate VPL‐based methods for rendering scenes with participating media, and propose a novel and efficient approximate bias compensation technique. We evaluate our technique using various test scenes, showing it to be visually indistinguishable from ground truth.  相似文献   

A fast display method for volumetric data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Presented is a fast display method for volumetric data sets, which involves a slicebased method for extracting potentially visible voxels to represent visible surfaces. For a given viewing direction, the number of visible voxels can be trimmed further by culling most of the voxels not visible from that direction. The entire 3D array of voxels is also present for invasive operations and direct access to interior structures. This approach has been integrated on a low-cost graphic engine as an interactive system for craniofacial surgical planning that is currently in clinical use.  相似文献   

Indirect illumination involving with visually rich participating media such as turbulent smoke and loud explosions contributes significantly to the appearances of other objects in a rendering scene. However, previous real‐time techniques have focused only on the appearances of the media directly visible from the viewer. Specifically, appearances that can be indirectly seen over reflective surfaces have not attracted much attention. In this paper, we present a real‐time rendering technique for such indirect views that involves the participating media. To achieve real‐time performance for computing indirect views, we leverage layered polygonal area lights (LPALs) that can be obtained by slicing the media into multiple flat layers. Using this representation, radiance entering each surface point from each slice of the volume is analytically evaluated to achieve instant calculation. The analytic solution can be derived for standard bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (BRDFs) based on the microfacet theory. Accordingly, our method is sufficiently robust to work on surfaces with arbitrary shapes and roughness values. In addition, we propose a quadrature method for more accurate rendering of scenes with dense volumes, and a transformation of the domain of volumes to simplify the calculation and implementation of the proposed method. By taking advantage of these computation techniques, the proposed method achieves real‐time rendering of indirect illumination for emissive volumes.  相似文献   

Recent advances in computer graphics have allowed the synthesis of realistic scenes consisting of surfaces and their coverings. This can be exploited in image displays, which provide a powerful way of gaining an appreciation of the spatial nature of scientific data. If data variables are represented by the naturally observed properties of realistic scenes, a better appreciation of the data can be attained. This paper shows how sophisticated colour graphics techniques can be incorporated within an image display system to produce realistic three-dimensional scenes. Examples of coloured surfaces representing geoscientific data are shown, and the value, in a graphics context, of the techniques developed for the display of image data is discussed.  相似文献   

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