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Computer-Generated Graphite Pencil Rendering of 3D Polygonal Models   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Researchers in non-photorealistic rendering have investigated the display of three-dimensional worlds using various display models. In particular, recent work has focused on the modeling of traditional artistic media and styles such as pen-and-ink illustration and watercolor painting. By providing 3D rendering systems that use these alternative display models users can generate traditional illustration renderings of their three-dimensional worlds. In this paper we present our graphite pencil 3D renderer. We have broken the problem of simulating pencil drawing down into four fundamental parts: (1) simulating the drawing materials (graphite pencil and drawing paper, blenders and kneaded eraser), (2) modeling the drawing primitives (individual pencil strokes and mark-making to create tones and textures), (3) simulating the basic rendering techniques used by artists and illustrators familiar with pencil rendering, and (4) modeling the control of the drawing composition. Each part builds upon the others and is essential to developing the framework for higher-level rendering methods and tools. In this paper we present parts 2, 3, and 4 of our research. We present non-photorealistic graphite pencil rendering methods for outlining and shading. We also present the control of drawing steps from preparatory sketches to finished rendering results. We demonstrate the capabilities of our approach with a variety of images generated from 3D models.  相似文献   

一种流体艺术风格的自适应LIC绘制方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
把LIC算法应用到非真实感绘制中,提出一种自适应流体艺术图的LIC绘制方法.对源图像亮度分量计算切矢量场,然后对其进行增强、平滑处理获得结构矢量场;通过随机扰动源图像获得纹理参考图像;根据结构矢量场和纹理参考图像的局部特征产生可变的LIC积分步长和步数,自适应地处理纹理参考图像;最后对绘制效果进行颜色渲染,生成具有丰富颜色特征的流体艺术图.实验表明,该方法能够较好地模拟诸如梵高画的流体艺术风格,呈现生动、灵活的波动感.  相似文献   

目的 对不同艺术风格的模拟和绘制是非真实感绘制技术的主要任务之一,目前非真实感绘制技术已对油画、水彩画、中国书法等国内外艺术风格进行了模拟,然而对粉笔化艺术风格的模拟方法并不多见。本文提出了一种基于滤波扩散和线积分卷积(LIC)的粉笔画艺术风格绘制技术。方法 首先输入2维目标图像,通过对目标图像二值化处理、边缘提取操作,获得连续、光滑的边缘信息,并采用滤波扩散技术对边缘图像进行扩散处理,模拟粉笔画中笔划的毛糙效果,同时通过采用图像增强方法增强了笔划的细节信息;其次,由于真实粉笔画在创作时,粉笔颜料黏附在图像局部区域,形成具有方向的笔刷纹理效果,算法通过在目标图像中添加白噪声,基于线积分卷积LIC产生具有方向的粉笔画笔刷纹理,并通过形态学膨胀处理获得粉笔画的笔划纹理,模拟出粉笔画中笔划的笔触特征。再次,真实的粉笔画艺术效果往往在黑板、木材等材质中创作,算法将产生的笔刷纹理图像、色彩信息以及边缘图像通过图层映射方法,映射到黑板材质等输入背景图像中,产生最终的粉笔画艺术效果图像。结果 通过对输入2维图像进行实验,模拟出具有粉笔画艺术效果的结果图像,突出了粉笔画的线条细节信息和笔划艺术特征。结论 提出了一种粉笔画艺术效果模拟算法,非真实感绘制领域的有效补充,算法简单有效,能模拟出真实的粉笔画艺术效果,增强了艺术表现力。  相似文献   

论文提出了一种基于GPU 的对三维场景进行实时水彩画效果渲染的方法。 该方法的大部分过程使用图像空间的技术实现。算法将画面分为细节层、环境层、笔触层分 别渲染,再进行合成。在过程中使用环境遮挡、shadow mapping 等技术进行快速的阴影计算, 并使用图像滤镜的方法模拟水彩的多种主要特征。由于该方法以图像空间的技术为主,因此 可以利用GPU 并行处理的特点对计算过程进行加速,进而达到实时的渲染速度。最后建立 动画脚本分析系统,进行实时动画渲染,表明该方法在计算机动画、游戏等数字娱乐产业领 域有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

In computer graphics, non-photorealistic rendering(NPR) is an important branch. NPR technology is to achieve a variety of artistic effects through the computer, such as oil painting, cartoon, watercolor and other effects. The purpose of this paper is to automatically convert the 3D model into two-dimensional Chinese ink painting effect on graphics processing unit(GPU), and has improved the traditional algorithm that has some lacks of rendering effect. The algorithm is divided into two major steps: contour line rendering, and interior rendering. For contour line rendering, on the basis of the traditional extraction of contours, this paper adds self-bold, particle diffusion and other steps. For interior rendering, on the basis of the traditional layered rendering of diffuse lighting, two methods are added. The first method is based on the mean filtering, and the filter kernel is stratified by the principle of percentage-closer soft shadows(PCSS). The second method is Noise texture mapping, to obtain an ink diffusion effect.  相似文献   

系统可实时绘制中国山水画中常见的物体并生成视频输出,它包括5个模块:多通道技术和新型国画山光照模型的山峦绘制模块、基于位移映射的云层模拟、基于纹理运动的瀑布绘制模块、基于广告牌技术的树木绘制模块和实时视频输出模块.前面4个模块利用GPU可编程特性控制其流水线,对任意三维场景,可实时绘制水墨画效果;用户可根据需要对系统中的各个绘制模块进行配置并实时漫游.  相似文献   

近年来提出的云的真实感绘制算法大多采用纹理操作进行绘制,绘制算法复杂,渲染过程较长,对计算机硬件的要求高,不能完全满足飞行仿真的实时性要求。为解决上述问题,从光的单一散射出发,考虑云和大气粒子引起的光衰减率,采用阴影切片的方法分割体数据,在太阳照射方向上和视点观察方向上对切片数据进行分析,从而快速绘制出真实感三维云。仿真结果表示,生成的三维云效果真实,具有良好的实时性,能够满足飞行仿真及其他领域的要求。  相似文献   

交互式三维医学图像可视化系统MedVis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了我们开发的三维医学图像可视化系统MedVis。绘制的实时性和系统的交互性是设计MedVis的两个重要原则。  相似文献   

本文综合利用虚拟现实技术、传感器技术、电机控制技术和虚拟人技术,建立和实现了以传统跑步机为基础的多媒体健身平台。首先介绍了大规模三维场景模型生成的方法,以及以OSG开源场景图形程序为接口实现三维场景渲染的技术,然后设计并实现了多角色虚拟人的运动算法,最终达到用户、虚拟场景及虚拟人之间的动态交融,使得用户可以沉浸于场景之中。  相似文献   

目的 目前学者已经设计了很多模拟油画、水彩、水墨等风格的非真实感绘制方法,而能够生成彩色素描的算法还不是很多。针对这一课题,在前人工作的基础上,结合线积分卷积与双色调映射技术,改进了一种彩色素描模拟方法。方法 首先基于K-means聚类对彩色图像进行分割,通过计算色彩差异性为每个区域指定两种基本色,并利用双色调映射技术计算每种颜色的密度。而后利用线积分卷积分别生成两个基本色层的素描纹理,并将两层纹理相融合来生成彩色纹理。与此同时,利用霓虹变换生成素描轮廓线。最后,将轮廓与彩色纹理相融合来得到彩色素描效果。结果 实验结果表明,本文方法能够实现由彩色图像到彩铅画的自动、实时转化。结论 本文方法从轮廓和纹理两个角度模拟了真实的彩铅绘画过程。基于K-means聚类的分割方法得到的结果能够更好地反映彩色图像的颜色分布特性。通过色彩差异性计算指定基本色的策略提高了该环节的效率,满足了实时性要求。由于粉笔、蜡笔等绘画风格的调色与彩铅画类似,本文不同颜色层上下叠加的方式可以扩展到对其他介质绘画的模拟当中。  相似文献   

Existing algorithms for rendering subsurface scattering in real time cannot deal well with scattering over longer distances. Kernels for image space algorithms become very large in these circumstances and separation does not work anymore, while geometry-based algorithms cannot preserve details very well. We present a novel approach that deals with all these downsides. While for lower scattering distances, the advantages of geometry-based methods are small, this is not the case anymore for high scattering distances (as we will show). Our proposed method takes advantage of the highly detailed results of image space algorithms and combines it with a geometry-based method to add the essential scattering from sources not included in image space. Our algorithm does not require pre-computation based on the scene's geometry, it can be applied to static and animated objects directly. Our method is able to provide results that come close to ray-traced images which we will show in direct comparisons with images generated by PBRT. We will compare our results to state of the art techniques that are applicable in these scenarios and will show that we provide superior image quality while maintaining interactive rendering times.   相似文献   

Light field display (LFD) is considered as a promising technology to reconstruct the light rays’ distribution of the real 3D scene, which approximates the original light field of target displayed objects with all depth cues in human vision including binocular disparity, motion parallax, color hint and correct occlusion relationship. Currently, computer-generated content is widely used for the LFD system, therefore rich 3D content can be provided. This paper firstly introduces applications of light field technologies in display system. Additionally, virtual stereo content rendering techniques and their application scenes are thoroughly combed and pointed out its pros and cons. Moreover, according to the different characteristics of light field system, the coding and correction algorithms in virtual stereo content rendering techniques are reviewed. Through the above discussion, there are still many problems in the existing rendering techniques for LFD. New rendering algorithms should be introduced to solve the real-time light-field rendering problem for large-scale virtual scenes.  相似文献   

简笔画艺术在现代很多领域中发展十分迅速,广泛应用于书刊杂志、影视动画、招贴广告、商品包装、环境装饰与设计、园林景观、城市规划与建筑设计等领域,其内容丰富、数量可观。如何快速、准确地绘制任一图像的简笔画效果是我们在本文中要讨论的问题,而用计算机来快速实现简笔画绘制在当今计算机图形图像处理领域尚未实现。针对目前的状况,本文提出一种利用计算机来模拟生成简笔画的新方法,让这一艺术形式能在计算机上得到重现。  相似文献   

尽管水彩画属于西方画种,但在中国文化背景下,我们应该将汉民族的传统文化审美精神注入西方绘画的写实技巧之中,让它独具风貌,焕发出中国艺术精神的内在光辉。让当代水彩画成为有民族生命力的独特的画种,中国的水彩画还有很大的潜力。  相似文献   

医学图像三维重建技术具有重要的学术意义和应用价值。变换域体绘制是该重建技术的一个新兴的重要分类,目前它已成为一个热点研究方向。综述了变换域体绘制下的傅里叶体绘制、哈特里体绘制、小波域射线投射法、小波足迹法典型算法的算法思想和优缺点,而且通过列表与其它三维医学图像可视化算法的特点及性能进行了分析比较,从而得出变换域体绘制具有绘制速度快、图像品质高等其它绘制算法不可比拟的优点及其相应的改进之处。  相似文献   

The commonly used solution for real-life 3D model representation is polygonal spatially consistent geometry, with texture, and, optionally, bump or displacement maps attached. Although the idea of displacement mapping is well known, there are just a few approaches to its efficient implementation. In this paper we develop a technique that allows for efficient representation and rendering of 3D models by getting a new angle on the displacement mapping concept. We introduce a new primitive that is defined as the range image of a small part of the model's surface; therefore, it is called a spatial patch. The whole model is just a collection of patches with no connectivity information between them. Such a representation can be directly acquired by 3D scanning machinery, and stored in a compact uniform form. It also allows for efficient visualization, which is the major focus of this paper. Thus, we present the logical structure of a rendering unit based on conventional z-buffering, and discuss the involved algorithms in detail. These algorithms benefit from modern features of computing units for which we believe the proposed technique can be used in a wide range of applications dealing with real-life 3D data.  相似文献   

针对水彩画独特纹理和复杂艺术效果,提出一种新的仿真模拟水彩画的方法,该方法基于颜料的扩散,也是水彩画模拟过程中最重要的一个环节。根据输入原图像所提供的重要信息,运用图像处理的方法,实现了两个最基本的绘制技术(即湿到干和湿到湿的绘制)所表现出的水彩画独有艺术效果,如:边缘暗色化、颜料颗粒扩散、流动图案及平滑光照等,最后加入纸张纹理,使最终产生的非真实感水彩画更加接近于传统水彩画的效果。  相似文献   

现有的对半透明物体的绘制算法中大部分都是为均质材质设计的,虽然有少数算法可以绘制非均质材质,但效率不高,为此提出一种图形硬件加速的动态非均质半透明物体的实时绘制算法.首先将模型的采样点组织成八叉树的形式,将双向次表面散射反射函数(BSSRDF)表达绑定为顶点属性,同时充分利用图形硬件的并行性来实现八叉树的快速建立和遍历;然后以树的结点之间的空间距离和材质的相似度为准则提出一种新的采样方法来提高表面积分的效率.由于整个过程不需要任何预计算,因此该算法可以很容易地扩展到动画场景或者变化的材质,并且还可以灵活地选择BSSRDF的表达方式.实验结果表明,文中算法可以达到实时的绘制帧率和良好的视觉效果.  相似文献   

Image‐based rendering techniques are a powerful alternative to traditional polygon‐based computer graphics. This paper presents a novel light field rendering technique which performs per‐pixel depth correction of rays for high‐quality reconstruction. Our technique stores combined RGB and depth values in a parabolic 2D texture for every light field sample acquired at discrete positions on a uniform spherical setup. Image synthesis is implemented on the GPU as a fragment program which extracts the correct image information from adjacent cameras for each fragment by applying per‐pixel depth correction of rays. We show that the presented image‐based rendering technique provides a significant improvement compared to previous approaches. We explain two different rendering implementations which make use of a uniform parametrisation to minimise disparity problems and ensure full six degrees of freedom for virtual view synthesis. While one rendering algorithm implements an iterative refinement approach for rendering light fields with per pixel depth correction, the other approach employs a raycaster, which provides superior rendering quality at moderate frame rates. GPU based per‐fragment depth correction of rays, used in both implementations, helps reducing ghosting artifacts to a non‐noticeable amount and provides a rendering technique that performs without exhaustive pre‐processing for 3D object reconstruction and without real‐time ray‐object intersection calculations at rendering time.  相似文献   

文中主要研究了CAD领域中的表达型绘制技术,针对机械零件的转折润饰的特点,提出了以表面特性解释为基础的表达型绘制方法,进而系统地研究了基于区域特性来模拟不同表面润饰的各种手法和关键算法,并完成了一个实验系统RETOUCH。  相似文献   

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