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2Cr13钢高周疲劳微塑性损伤特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了2Cr13马氏体不锈钢高周疲劳载荷作用下微观塑性变形的演变过程,在三种选定循环载荷作用下,在疲劳裂纹萌生前试样一直处于弹性变形阶段,而且弹性模量基本不变,在1/2寿命时,普遍观察到局部微观考变形特征。有些板条内存在含扭折对的平行螺位错束或十字交叉网状位错组态,一些细长碳化物周围塞积了棱柱或滑移型位错环。达到疲劳寿命时,有些区域内形成位错胞状结构,经过高周疲劳实验的薄膜试样在透射电镜下进行动态  相似文献   

DD98M镍基单晶高温合金900℃高周疲劳行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了无Re第二代单晶高温合金DD98M在900℃时的高周疲劳性能.结果表明:该合金的疲劳寿命随着应力水平的升高而减小,且缺口降低了合金的疲劳强度和疲劳寿命,900℃时光滑和缺口试样的疲劳强度分别为574和360 MPa;利用扫描电镜(SEM)观察疲劳试样的断口形貌,发现缺口试样为多裂纹源断裂,裂纹主要萌生于缺口根部应力集中区域,而光滑试样为单一裂纹源断裂,裂纹源起始于试样表面、次表面疏松处或碳化物处;利用透射电镜(TEM)观察疲劳变形后的位错组态,发现光滑试样中主要以基体通道中的位错滑移为主,高应力水平下会出现位错对切割γ′相,而缺口高周疲劳在高应力下主要变形机制为不全位错切割γ′相形成层错.  相似文献   

概述了直接、间接和复合孔挤压强化的研究现状,从残余应力与微观组织的角度总结了孔挤压强化的抗疲劳强化机理,基于孔结构的疲劳寿命和断口形貌详细分析了孔挤压强化的疲劳性能。研究结果表明,孔挤压强化的孔结构孔壁形成残余压应力,孔结构受到外加交变载荷时孔壁残余压应力能够抵消部分外加交变载荷产生的拉应力,降低了受载孔结构孔壁的应力峰值和平均应力;孔挤压强化的孔结构孔壁发生剧烈的塑性变形,孔壁微观组织发生细化,形成位错胞状结构,能够抑制晶粒的位错滑移,延缓了疲劳裂纹萌生,增大了疲劳裂纹萌生的门槛值,降低了疲劳裂纹扩展速率;在残余应力和微观组织的共同作用下,提高了孔挤压强化孔结构的疲劳寿命。最后,展望了孔挤压强化的发展趋势和研究问题。  相似文献   

通过高周疲劳性能测试和组织形貌观察,研究了K416B镍基高温合金700℃的高周疲劳行为.结果表明,在700℃和应力比R=-1条件下,合金疲劳寿命随着应力的升高而减小,高周疲劳强度为175 MPa;在低应力条件下,形变位错在γ基体中发生不同取向滑移,随着应力增加,位错剪切γ'相,形成层错;在拉压高周疲劳期间,合金中开动多个滑移系,并沿不同方向发生扭曲变形,在γ+γ'共晶及碳化物附近产生应力集中,致使裂纹源萌生于合金表面附近的共晶及块状碳化物处.随着高周疲劳进行,裂纹在扩展区沿枝晶间扩展,并在瞬断区发生典型的解理断裂.  相似文献   

通过对Ti-6Al-4V合金板材预制一定深度的疲劳裂纹,研究母材与焊缝区疲劳裂纹尖端的TEM显微形态。结果表明:经历疲劳循环后,位错密度大大增加,α/β相界面位错密度高,易成为位错形核的源区;在周期性疲劳载荷的作用下,位错以源区为原点呈放射状向四周发散运动;在焊缝区马氏体板条之间的细碎相之间,位错聚集严重,说明细碎相也易成为位错萌生的源区,从而成为疲劳裂纹形核的源区;在焊缝区马氏体板条宽度越窄,位错聚集密度越高,易成为疲劳裂纹萌生的位置。此外,TEM观察证实了裂纹尖端存在一定尺寸的塑性变形区。通过焊接接头分区的TEM对比分析,获得焊缝区比母材区更易萌生疲劳裂纹的相关证据。  相似文献   

研究了双尺寸板条组织的Ti-22Al-25Nb合金在650 ℃和700 ℃下的高周疲劳行为,采用升降法测试了合金的高温高周疲劳强度极限,当应力比R=-1,循环周次Nf=107次时,650 ℃和700 ℃的疲劳强度极限分别为470 MPa和400 MPa。对于双板条组织的Ti-22Al-25Nb合金,其疲劳裂纹既可萌生于试样表面,也可萌生于次表面,并且高周疲劳裂纹在次表面形核的试样具有更高的疲劳寿命。此外,研究发现双尺寸板条组织在高温高周疲劳损伤过程中以胞状析出的形式发生B2→β+O相变,形成组织中的不均匀区域,促使疲劳裂纹在此优先形核。  相似文献   

研究7449-T7951合金的高周疲劳及裂纹萌生行为。在室温下,采用光滑及缺口试样进行疲劳寿命测试,应力比(R)分别为0.5和1.0。采用金相显微镜、扫描电镜及透射电镜对该合金的微观组织及疲劳试样断口进行分析,以揭示其疲劳裂纹萌生机理与合金微观组织之间的关系。结果表明:7449-T7951合金具有优异的疲劳性能;应力比为0.5和1.0时,光滑试样的疲劳寿命极限(σN)分别为349和134 MPa,而缺口试样的σN(缺口系数Kt=3.0)分别为138和70 MPa。其裂纹萌生行为受合金中粗大第二相、析出相、晶界和位错(滑移带)的共同影响。  相似文献   

钱昂  金平  谭晓明  王德  王鹏 《表面技术》2019,48(9):158-166
目的 提高AerMet100钢的疲劳寿命,研究喷丸对其表面完整性和疲劳性能的影响。方法 通过表面完整性测试,分析喷丸对其表面形貌、粗糙度、晶粒度、硬度、残余应力和显微组织的影响。开展疲劳试验,观察疲劳断口形貌,分析喷丸对其疲劳性能的影响。结果 喷丸后,试样表面产生明显塑性变形,粗糙度有所增加,晶粒得到细化,硬度增大,形成约140 μm的残余压应力层;此外,形成了交错的马氏体板条,强化层内位错增多,产生细化的马氏体板条以及孪晶。疲劳试验中,未喷丸试样寿命均值为163 566周次,喷丸试样寿命均值为209 552周次,平均增幅达28.1%。喷丸试样断口分布有多个裂纹源,裂纹扩展路径曲折,在断口边缘形成了凹凸不平的台阶,消耗了更多的能量。试样强化层内的裂纹扩展区总体形貌较为无序和杂乱,疲劳条带较未喷丸试样更为细密,表明其裂纹扩展速度较慢。结论 喷丸后,AerMet100钢的疲劳抗力增加,疲劳寿命显著提高。  相似文献   

研究不同等效应变幅下ZL101铝合金在多轴比例和非比例载荷下的低周疲劳行为,并用透射电镜观察合金的疲劳行为中的位错结构。结果表明:合金在两种加载方式下均表现为循环硬化;在非比例载荷下合金表现出附加强化,但程度不明显;合金的疲劳寿命随等效应变幅的增加而降低,合金在非比例加载下的疲劳寿命低于比例加载时的疲劳寿命。对位错结构的观察表明,随等效应变幅度的提高,合金的低周疲劳位错结构从交叉位错带转化为位错胞,合金在非比例加载下更易形成位错胞结构。  相似文献   

董世柱  李丽 《焊接》2005,(8):25-28
研究的是在循环拉伸载荷的作用下,16Mn钢焊缝中疲劳位错结构的形态及形成过程。通过透射电子显微镜对疲劳试验后的试样进行观察及仔细分析,发现在铁素体的晶粒内,随循环次数的增加,疲劳位错的结构在不断地发生变化,其表现出的形态有位错缠结、位错条带、“胞块”状的位错结构、位错胞及亚晶。  相似文献   

转向架用SMA490BW钢焊接接头超高周疲劳性能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
采用超声疲劳试验方法对SMA490BW钢焊接接头的超高周疲劳性能进行研究,通过X射线应力仪对焊接试样残余应力进行测试,采用扫描电镜对疲劳裂纹的萌生、扩展及疲劳断裂机理进行观察和分析. 结果表明,SMA490BW钢母材的疲劳性能远高于焊接接头,在1 × 108循环周次条件下,接头的疲劳强度为141 MPa,仅为母材的44.2%. 接头裂纹主要萌生于焊趾表面缺陷处,疲劳断裂机理表现为准解理断裂, 并伴有塑性变形痕迹. 焊趾处几何不连续造成的应力集中和焊缝及其附近区域一定的残余拉应力,以及接头各微区组织和性能的不均匀性,是导致焊接接头疲劳性能偏低的主要原因.  相似文献   

Fatigue properties of rolled AZ31B magnesium alloy plate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fatigue strength, crack initiation and propagation behavior of rolled AZ31B magnesium alloy plate were investigated. Axial tension-compression fatigue tests were carried out with cylindrical smooth specimens. Two types of specimens were machined with the loading axis parallel (L-specimen) and perpendicular (T-specimen) to rolling direction. Monotonic compressive 0.2% proof stress, tensile strength and tensile elongation were similar for both specimens. On the other hand, monotonic tensile 0.2% proof stress of the L-specimen was slightly higher than that of the T-specimen. Moreover, monotonic compressive 0.2% proof stresses were lower than tensile ones for both specimens. The fatigue strengths of 107 cycles of the L- and T-specimens were 95 and 85 MPa, respectively. Compared with the monotonic compressive 0.2% proof stresses, the fatigue strengths were higher for both specimens. In other words, the fatigue crack did not initiate and propagate even though deformation twins were formed in compressive stress under the cyclic tension-compression loading. The fatigue crack initiated at early stage of the fatigue life in low cycle regime regardless of specimen direction. The crack growth rate of the L-specimen was slightly lower than of the T-specimen. Consequently, the fatigue lives of the L-specimen were longer than those of the T-specimen in low cycle regime.  相似文献   

A new ultrasonic three-point bending fatigue test device was introduced to investigate fatigue life ranging up to 10^10 cycles and associated fr'dcture behavior of Ti-Al alloy. Tests were performed at a frequency of 20 kHz with stress ratio R=0.5 and R=0.7 at ambient temperature in air. Three groups of specimens with different surface roughness were applied to investigate the effect of surface roughness on fatigue life. Furthermore, optical microscopy(OM) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM) were used for microstructure characteristic and fracture surface analysis. The S-N curves obtained show that fatigue failure occurs in the range of 10^5-10^10 cycles, and the asymptote of S-N curve inclines slightly in very high cycle regime, but is not horizontal for R=0.5. Fatigue limit appears after 10s cycles for R=0.7. Surface roughness (the maximum roughness is no more than 3 μm) has no influence on the fatigue properties in the high cycle regime. A detailed investigation on fatigue fracture surface shows that the Ti-Al alloy studied here is a binary alloy in the microstructure composed of α2-Ti3Al and γ-Ti-Al with fully lamellar microstructure. Fractography shows that fatigue failures are mostly initiated on the surface of specimens, also, in very high cycle regime, subsurface fatigue crack initiation can be found. Interlamellar fatigue crack initiation is predominant in the Ti-Al alloy with fully lamellar structure. Fatigue crack growth is mainly in transgranular mode.  相似文献   

The effects of recrystallization on low cycle fatigue behavior were investigated on directionally solidified Co-base superalloy DZAOM.Optical microscopy and SEM were used to examine the mierostructure and fracture surface of the specimens.The mechanical testing results demonstrated that the low cycle fatigue property of DZ40M significantly decreased with the partial reerystallization.Fatigue cracks initiate near the carbides and the grain boundaries with slip-bands.Both the fatigue crack initiation and propagation can be accelerated with the occurrences of recrystallized grain boundaries.  相似文献   

采用自约束热疲劳试验法,结合SEM、EDS以及Jmat-pro热力学计算软件等研究了碳含量(0.35%和0.71%)变化对4Cr5Mo2V型热作模具钢冷热疲劳性能的影响。结果表明:提高含碳量后,钢中析出大量细小弥散的MC型碳化物,从而使0.71%C钢的抗回火软化性能和热稳定性能均强于0.35%C钢;冷热疲劳循环1000次后,提高碳含量推迟了疲劳裂纹的萌生,当循环次数增加到2000次后,虽然0.71%C钢表面和基体的软化程度均弱于0.35%C钢,但该钢存在较多尺寸较大且呈聚集状态分布的未溶碳化物,这些碳化物在应力的作用下与基体脱离,脱离处成为裂纹扩展的通道,从而促进了疲劳裂纹萌生和扩展。  相似文献   

通过恒应力和恒塑性应变控制疲劳实验,比较了等通道转角挤压四道次的Al—0.7%Cu(质量分数)合金的疲劳寿命、表面变形形貌、疲劳开裂和疲劳断口.结果表明:样品发生明显的循环软化,致使应变和应力疲劳寿命在高、低应力范围存在差别.在应变控制疲劳样品中,塑性变形既可由剪切带来承担,也可以由剪切带和形变带共同承担,进而疲劳裂纹分别沿剪切带或形变带萌生.而应力控制疲劳的塑性变形只集中在剪切带中,并导致剪切疲劳开裂.疲劳断口上存在典型的疲劳裂纹萌生区、缓慢扩展区、快速扩展区和最后瞬断区.  相似文献   

Fatigue behavior of aluminum alloy 5454- H32 was studied under laboratory air and 3 % NaCl solution environment using smooth cylindrical and notched plate specimens. Presence of 3 % NaCl environment during fatigue loading drastically reduced alloy fatigue life. The deleterious effect was pronounced in both types of specimens in the long- life regions, where the fatigue lives were lowered by as much as a factor of 10. However, the sharply notched specimens showed only a modest reduction in fatigue life in corrosive environment. The severe influence of the corrosive environment in the long- life (low- stress) regime cannot be explained merely by the early initiation of the fatigue crack from surface pits; the environmental contribution in the early crack growth regime must also be considered an important factor. Fracture surface studies revealed extensive pitting and some secondary cracking in the crack initiation region. It was shown that lowered fatigue life in Al 5454- H32 occurs by early initiation of fatigue cracks from surface pits. In addition, a corrosion pitting and secondary cracking process may be operative in the small crack growth region. This could have enhanced the early crack growth rate and thus contributed to the lower fatigue life in the long- cycle region.  相似文献   

This paper describes corrosion fatigue for notched specimens in dilute sulfuric acids. The acids are typical corrosion environments of condensate from coal vapor in a coal cargo hold. Fatigue data were consolidated as the relationships between the equivalent stress at a notch root and a fatigue crack initiation life. Life in dilute sulfuric acids was shorter than that in seawater because of the severe dissolution of iron. Long term corrosion fatigue was also estimated from the relationship between the stress intensity factor range to the fatigue crack initiation and the life. Corrosion wastage was considered as an estimate of the fatigue crack initiation life.  相似文献   

孙明如 《焊接学报》1999,20(4):264-271
对十字接头分别进行恒辐轴向载荷和变载荷历程疲劳试验,接头疲劳裂纹通常开始发生在焊缝根部,但如果接头变形引起的弯曲应力较大,疲劳裂纹也可能发生在焊缝趾部。本研究试图找出影响焊接接头疲劳寿命各参数之间的相互关系,并利用作者引伸的焊接接头疲劳裂纹起始-扩展模型较精确地预测复杂焊件的疲劳寿命。该模型把疲劳裂纹起始寿命看成是疲劳裂纹萌生,早期生成并聚合成主疲劳裂纹的循环次数,利用应变控制疲劳数据和Palmg  相似文献   

针对水泥挤压辊的压缩疲劳工况,采用自行设计的双切口疲劳试样,试验了45钢母材上堆焊六种Fe-C-Cr-Nb合金的压缩疲劳行为. 对疲劳试样表面进行原位观察和激光共聚焦裂纹分析,切口的应力应变集中促进其下方热影响区(HAZ)局部滑移线聚集并形成塑性变形区,同时在切口底部边缘萌生疲劳裂纹,穿过堆焊合金扩展进入HAZ. 疲劳裂纹还在熔合线萌生并扩展,最后导致疲劳失效. 试验结果表明,疲劳试样的a-N曲线近似为直线. 堆焊合金基体组织主要为高硬度马氏体时,疲劳裂纹扩展速率大,疲劳寿命仅5万次;基体组织为较软的铁素体或奥氏体时,裂纹扩展速率小,疲劳寿命长达54万次.  相似文献   

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