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通过对高架车站站点综合开发方法和实践的分析研究,总结出了典型的开发类型,阐述了"公共平台"与"出入口结合"两种开发形式的特点,为城市重要节点中的高架车站开发提供了思路。  相似文献   

"经济开发策略与行动规划"是针对传统规划存在的普遍问题而提出的一种切实可行的改进方法,是将传统规划的空间属性研究向市场开发层面延伸的一种尝试.经济开发策略旨在提高项目投资的决策支持,而行动规划则关注整个规划的实施过程,二者的结合有助于提高规划的可操作性.结合案例分析,尝试具体阐述"经济开发策略与行动规划"的研究方法与工作流程.  相似文献   

在福建省级课题"闽北地方文化资源在小学美术(版画)教学中的开发与利用"的研究过程中,课题组采用"明确研究内容,厘清研究思路,运用有效方法,提升研究实效"的策略,建立了闽北地方文化资源在小学美术教学中的开发架构,形成课程体系,建构课题,实施"五环"教学,提升了课题的研究效益与价值,促进了教师专业团队的成长。  相似文献   

开发控制是规划实施的重要组成部分,而我国的规划管理强调"控规-许可"的硬羁束作用,试图用规划替代开发控制,忽视了许可过程具有多方利益博弈和协调过程的特征;并且在可持续发展的理念下,生态环境等影响规划决策的因素需要以"非人类"参与者的身份介入开发控制过程,而不是依赖"政府"这个假定的公共利益代理人;况且,分税制下的地方政府更符合"经济人"的假设,在此背景下开发控制研究需要新的理论解释框架.本论文将行动者网络理论与城市政体理论融合,运用"行动者关联法"剖析开发控制的程序结构,结合开发控制的目标与控制方式,将许可程序概括为四个程序阶段并提炼关键特征;针对每个程序阶段识别相关的人类行动者与非人类参与者,构建开发控制的行动者网络结构.开发控制程序结构研究可以为我国国土空间规划的规划实施和开发控制制度变革提供理论的指引和参照性框架.  相似文献   

中国建筑文化研究会古城文化研究院(简称"中国古城文化研究院")是专注古城相关问题的专业学术研究与产业开发研究的机构。依托中国建筑文化研究会、《建筑与文化》杂志,中国古城文化研究院专注研究与古城有关的古城文化与建筑保护、古城改造与开发、古城开发与区域经济等相关议题,举办大型调研、论坛、资源对接等国内外交流活动,全面推动中国古城研究与国际古城研究的交流互动,提升中国古城与文化旅游开发的研究水准。  相似文献   

我国已建立以颁发"两证一书"为主要内容的开发控制体系,既往研究指出现有开发控制体系存在制度约束力不足、行政人员罔置规划和随意调整规划指标等问题。但是,这些研究主要采用理论辨析、经验总结和个案分析方法,其研究结果是否能够反映现有开发控制体系的整体运行效果仍值得质疑。本文以制度主义"结构—参与者"模型为基本分析框架,以北京市朝阳区住宅开发项目为例,通过定量分析得出现有开发控制体系中,房地产开发企业所拥有的政治和经济资源会影响其获取住宅用地的开发权,但对开发过程中规划指标调整的作用并不明显,与住宅项目"两证一书"审批过程确定性相关的主要因素为土地出让方式、单位面积土地出让金和颁发项目选址意见书与用地规划许可证的间隔时间。  相似文献   

<正>从2016年3月开始,甘肃省临潭县第一中学开展了"校本课程‘临潭乡土历史’的开发与研究"省级课题研究工作。该校本课程的开发与实施是对义务教育国家课程"中国历史"及地方课程"甘肃历史"的补充与拓展,旨在激发学生学习历史的兴趣和潜能,促进学生的特长和个性发展,最终全面提高学生的人文素养。一、开发构想(1)开发基础。校本课程就是在国家课程纲要的指导下,依据学校自身的办学理念,利用本地的资源优势自主  相似文献   

人类对地下空间资源的进一步开发与利用,有效整合了城市地上地下空间环境,取得了较好的空间规模效益。基于地下空间开发的不可逆性,通过对地下空间的竖向分层、开发强度和布局模式进行研究,提出"中心联结"、"整体网络"和"轴向滚动"模式将是我国城市地下空间开发建设的主要模式,"次聚焦点"模式将是我国特大城市的新城地下空间开发建设的重要模式。  相似文献   

随着优惠"三农"政策的推广与实施, "新型乡村经济建筑材料研究与开发"被列入国家"十一五"科技支撑计划项目,并就此展开多项研究.新型乡村建设是实施"三农"政策的重要组成部分,为了保护现有的耕地面积,节约和合理利用土地资源,国家大力倡导开发使用新型墙体建材,装饰砌块材料是各种新型墙体建材中针对村镇乡村建设专项研究推荐应用的经济建筑材料之一.  相似文献   

世界主要地区的城市和郊区开发存在诸多区别。多数研究关注的都是"美洲"、"非洲"或"中国"的城市,而鲜有涉及研究其他地区的郊区开发问题。这就表明,既然国家或区域之间都具有自身特殊性,那相互之间的比较研究就可能会难以做到、或无价值。为了系统地研究郊区开发,本文提出了一个包括三种分析路径的研究框架:(1)塑造郊区土地开发及其再开发的进程;(2)开发与再开发的形式;(3)相关的政策或规划议题。首先,研究土地在郊区开发中的作用时,我们需要对开发条件的类型进行研究。其次,我们认为,尽管地方及区域之间存在着诸多差异,但这一分析框架适用于任何北方(发达)国家和南方(发展中或落后)国家的城市环境之中。  相似文献   

Development of High Performance Aerogel Concrete Because of requirements for thermal insulation the realization of single‐leaf walls made of normal concrete is not feasible for a couple of decades. Thus, additional means such as external thermal insulation systems or cavity walls with core insulation are normally necessary, which are accompanied by creative, constructive or economical disadvantages. Previous attempts to produce single‐leaf walls with lightweight concretes lead to huge wall thicknesses due to the low compressive strength or the higher thermal conductivities of lightweight concretes. By embedding silica aerogel granules in a high strength cement matrix, the Institute for Structural Concrete (ISC) at the University of Duisburg‐Essen developed a High Performance Aerogel Concrete (HPAC) in cooperation with the Institute of Materials Research of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The HPAC exhibits a remarkable relation between compressive strength and thermal conductivity [1]. The following report covers the mechanical and the building physics properties of the new material.  相似文献   

This study estimates what would happen to one local Housing Authority (HA)-the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC), Maryland-if the public housing program were transformed to: eliminate certain key aspects of Federal government regulation, especially with respect to occupancy and rent rules; end Federal operating subsidies to HAs; provide current public housing residents with a portable housing certificate under the Section 8 Existing Housing program, permitting them to choose whether to use it in HA developments or in the private market; and require HAs to compete in the marketplace for residents and revenues. Martin Abravanel is a Senior Research Associate at the Urban Institute. Terrence Connell is Manager of the Statistical Analysis Team, Real Estate Assessment Center, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Deborah Devine is a Social Science Research Analyst in the Program Monitoring and Research Division, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Debra Gross is Director of Research, Council of Large Public Housing Authorities. Lester Rubin is a Social Science Research Analyst in the Program Monitoring and Research Division, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.  相似文献   

A town as sensitive architecturally as Karlovy Vary, the former Carlsbad Spa, calls for special treatment. This article by an architect at the Research and Development Institute for Municipal Development, in Prague, explains how old apartment buildings are being modernised behind the Art Nouveau facades of this evocative town.  相似文献   

中国建材集团围绕国家、行业以及集团自身加快转变经济发展方式、推动行业转型升级的需求,科学制定了集团"十二五"科技发展规划。集团在各板块领域通过强化产研合作,重点推广应用企业技术成果,取得了显著的成绩,这在很大程度上得益于集团科技发展规划的战略定位和方向指引。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the initial findings of a current study into the UK Construction Industry's attitude towards innovation and Research and Development.  相似文献   

A Kenyan/Anglo research project starting in 1980 between the Building Research Establishment, BRE, and the Housing Research and Development Unit, HRDU, University of Nairobi. A prototype medical clinic has been built using stabilized murram and was constructed at a floor area cost of £31 per m2 compared with £65 for concrete blockwork.  相似文献   

From limited laboratory experiments performed by both the NBS and CPSC on the effects of thermal insulation on residential electrical systems, they have hypothesized that thermal insulation can change an existing electrical deficiency into a fire hazard. Research and Development Division  相似文献   

Many countries now see their national housing needs as a question of quality rather than numbers. But can they be sure in either case that their arithmetic is correct? Sometimes a wider perspective highlights defects in particular national statistics, and this penetrating review of European and North American experience may suggest arresting subjects for debate in certain countries. The author is international research co-ordinator in the Office of Policy Development and Research, US Department of Housing and Urban Development. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the Department.  相似文献   

Friction loss studies using polyethylene oxide injected into a 0.0127-m fire hose show about a forty-five percent reduction in friction loss. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Energy Research & Development Administration.  相似文献   

李笑然 《山西建筑》2007,33(10):114-115
对混凝土非线性分析中本构关系的研究现状作了介绍与评述,并对线弹性类、非线弹性类及基于弹塑性理论的混凝土模型进行了分析,最后对其今后的发展趋势进行了展望,为其进一步的研究分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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