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近年来在"新农村建设"和"三集中"等系列政策的引导下,我国村庄人居环境呈现出新的发展特征,村庄规划在社会经济发展中的重要性不言而喻。由于在单个自然村的层面编制村庄整治规划有较大的局限性,因此编制区域村庄整治规划成为一个比较独特的规划实践和议题。本文通过以玉山县旅游通廊沿线村庄整治规划编制为例,对区域村庄的整治规划编制进行阐述,从而为区域村庄整治规划编制提供参考。  相似文献   

本文立足于国家城乡统筹的大背景,通过对国家相关政策的解读与农村发展现状的分析,探讨了新时期村庄建设发展的新特征与新要求;同时结合现阶段村庄规划的重点由“以发展为目标”向“以整治为核心”转变的实际情况,针对村庄规划编制中技术规范缺失,规划重点转向整治、“综合性”向“实操性”转变的特点,结合《广东省村庄整治规划编制指引》的研究与广东的实践,提出村庄规划编制在技术规范、主体内容、成果形式等方面的新思路。  相似文献   

浙江江山:村庄规划为龙头 建设农村新社区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、村庄规划编制的指导思想、基本原则 为将示范村、整治村建成起点较高的现代化新农村,江山市在新一轮村庄规划修编中力求在理念、方法上有所突破、有所创新.  相似文献   

针对永川区面临的机遇与挑战,结合《重庆市永川区联系点村庄整治实施方案》的编制实践,提出一种在区域协调思想指导下的切合永川区实际的县域村庄整治模式,以丰富新农村建设的内容。  相似文献   

随着社会主义新农村建设工作的进一步开展.全国上下正在进行声势浩大的村庄整治工作.为了贯彻好村庄整治基本原则中的"四节"原则,需要从村庄整治的规划阶段就应该体现建筑节能的思想,并且对于既有建筑和新建建筑应有不同的建筑节能措施和方法.  相似文献   

随着社会主义新农村建设工作的进一步开展。全国上下正在进行声势浩大的村庄整治工作。为了贯彻好村庄整治基本原则中的“四节”原则,需要从村庄整治的规划阶段就应该体现建筑节能的思想。并且对于既有建筑和新建建筑应有不同的建筑节能措施和方法。  相似文献   

沈建超 《山西建筑》2024,(1):44-46+98
系统梳理村庄规划与土地综合整治的衔接、融合机制研究,发现缺乏从村庄规划具体编制内容方面传导或约束土地综合整治方案编制的研究内容。在此背景下,从农用地整理、建设用地整理、乡村生态保护修复、人居环境整治、产业布局引导五个方面构建村庄规划与土地综合整治方案编制的耦合路径,借鉴控制性详细规划管控方式,提出整治分区-管控指标的村庄规划向土地综合整治传导的技术方法。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实全国改善农村人居环境工作会议的精神、指导各地结合农村实际提高村庄整治水平,住房和城乡建设部编制了《村庄整治规划编制办法》(以下简称《办法》),并于近日发布施行,  相似文献   

记者从广西建设厅村镇处获悉,由区建设厅制定的《广西壮族自治区新农村建设村庄整治规划技术导则(试行)》(以下简称“导则”)已于近日正式实施。该导则为广西社会主义新农村建设村庄整治规划工作做出技术上的指导,并对村庄整治规划的编制提出了具体要求,使村庄整治规划的编制有章可循。  相似文献   

自国土空间规划体系建立以来,强化生态文明理念、统筹全域全要素空间成为规划关注的重点方向,国土综合整治在新时期也应与国土空间规划构建起更为密切的关系。村庄规划涉及乡村地区复杂的资源环境与土地关系,国土空间综合整治思维对于村庄规划编制与实施具有重要的意义。结合武汉市村庄规划实施推进的实践工作,论述村庄规划应结合国土空间综合整治完成乡村发展定位、落实基本农田保护、统筹全域空间、引导产业发展、形成合理布局等内容,并将国土空间综合整治作为规划实施重要的促进手段。  相似文献   

Following nearly three decades of urban sprawl, China's urbanization has entered a new era of land redevelopment that encompasses built-up land in villages in a manner that is unprecedented. Village redevelopment involves both dramatic institutional change and governance restructuring. The extant literature on this redevelopment focuses primarily on top-down initiatives launched by urban governments, paying little attention to villages' responses as actual landholders. Through a case study of village redevelopment in Nanhai, this paper examines villages' behaviour during periods of institutional change and their interactions with urban governments to shape final outcomes. Institutional uncertainty emerges during path-dependent institutional change, as revealed through the absence of effectively executed planning control and unclearly defined profit sharing. As a result, villages and urban governments sign incomplete contracts for entire redevelopment plans. Such agreements result in disordered competition for land rents that take the form of villages ‘holding up’ the government that has previously made a commitment to the village pursuant to the contracts. Villages maximize their profits and attenuate the government's role in ensuring public revenue, whereas government compromises related to development control challenge the capacity of limited public governance. The government's concessions related to profit distribution result in increased inequality between more prosperous villages and other groups, such as migrant populations and remote rural villages. Research findings contribute to a comprehensive understanding of newly created governance in redevelopment and call for a critical evaluation of existing urban renewal policies to ensure that urbanization is an inclusive process.  相似文献   

翁一峰  鲁晓军 《城市规划》2012,36(10):63-67
指出能否促进"村民环境自治"是判断村庄整治成功与否的核心标准之一,并从经济、社会和环境三个角度对促进村民自治的动力机制进行分析,指出"明晰村民责任包干区"、"村民全过程参与"和"经济实用的环境设计"是促进"村民环境自治"的三个重要手段。从基于村民需求导向的现状调研、开展经济实用的村庄环境设计、划定权责清晰的管理范围边界以及强化村庄整治的村民参与四个方面对村庄整治规划方法进行介绍,指出村庄整治的意义不仅是物质环境改善,更应视作促进乡风文明、提高村民自治能力、引导村庄永续发展的重要平台。  相似文献   

方茂青  田密蜜 《华中建筑》2010,28(8):171-173
随着社会经济的发展,古村落的保护与发展日益成为社会关注的重要内容。通过研究分析古村落和古村落景观的概念、浙江古村落景观风格和古村落保护的意义,针对当前古村落景观保护中存在的问题,以浙江履坦古镇景观改造设计为例,探讨在当前历史任务下,如何实现浙江古村落景观的保护与发展,以使古村落在新时期焕发新的生机和活力。  相似文献   

当前各地城市出现大量城中村改造项目,城中村居民的社会融合问题备受关注。基于2010-2013年广州典型城中村和复建房社区的问卷数据,主要采用计量研究方法,探讨改造对居民归属感、邻里交往和社区参与的作用机制。实证表明,改造对居民社区情感有重要影响,正全面重塑其影响机制:复建房社区的归属感远高于城中村社区,其归属感主要受"居住满意度"影响;邻里熟悉度主要受"与未成年子女同住"、"教育程度"和"居住年限"等因素影响;邻里互助主要受"人均家庭收入"影响;而社区参与度则主要受"户籍"影响。此外,复建房社区中的社区归属感、邻里熟悉和邻里互助三者与社区参与的相互作用力有所减弱。本文指出,城中村改造的后续工作应把重点置于复建房社区内各群体的社区融合之上,着力培育社区情感。  相似文献   

Studies on the renovation and governance of urban villages have become the interest of human geography since the 1990s.However up to now,there is little literature focusing on the development patterns and dynamic mechanism of the spatial evolution of urban villages based on the theoretical system of urban spatial structure,and there are few scholars doing analyses on the relationship between urban villages and general urban areas in terms of spatial development.In this paper,Shenzhen,the most representative city of China in terms of urban village development,is taken as a case for exploring the characteristics and modes of the spatial evolution of urban villages.With census data of urban village construction in 1999 and 2004 in terms of built-up area,floor area,and construction intensity,the spatial and temporal evolution of the 91 administrative urban villages in the original Shenzhen Special Economic Zone have been analyzed in comparison with that of Shenzhen’s general urban areas.It is indicated that the spatial evolution of urban villages matches with the general rules of the spatial development of general urban areas in three aspects.First,land expansion is the most remarkable mode of spatial evolution in the early stage of development;second,in the period of rapid development,there is the obvious tendency of "distance-decay" in terms of construction intensity accompanied by some anomalous fluctuations at certain points;third,renewal and redevelopment are carried out gradually in the mature stage of development.However,because of historical and institutional restrictions,the spatial evolution of urban villages shows its unique characteristics in the aspects of original spatial distribution and spatial expansion mode in the period of rapid development,etc.The outcomes of this study would help not only enrich the theoretical study on the evolution mode of urban spatial structure,but also strengthen the administration over urban villages,in particular with the suggestions that the spatial evolution of urban villages as a type of urban space should not be the same as that of general urban areas and its unique characteristics should not be ignored;specific rules should be set up to guide the rational spatial evolution of urban villages according to the economic development of the city,as well as the housing demands of various kinds of residents.  相似文献   

界定明晰的产权在保持城市有序有效发展的过程中起着关键的作用,同时产权又是为制度所定义的。在旧城更新中,通过制度对产权的明确与限制,可以约束参与者的个体行为,从而实现整个城市发展的公共目标。本文通过对新加坡牛车水和广州金花街两个典型改造案例的比较,说明不同的发展目标和现状产权结构决定了旧城更新中不同的制度定义,而新设计的制度与基于原有制度的路径依赖则决定了旧城更新中的差异行为。以此为基础,文章强调清晰明确的产权定义是有效推动旧城有序更新的关键,而规划应作为明晰产权的重要环节在旧城更新中起到更大的作用。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,城市土地开发与再开发逐渐成为中国城市发展的重要研究方向。为系统总结土地再开发研究现状,针对中国知网的中文核心、CSSCI、CSCD数据库,基于CiteSpace对国内城市土地再开发研究进行知识图谱分析。结果显示:①研究方法上,从量化分析到政治经济学和制度经济学的介入;②模式转型上,从“房地产化”到城市竞争力提升;③动力机制上,从房屋、地块开发动力到成片开发动力转变;④利益博弈上,从地方政府主导到多元利益主体合作转变。现有研究仍存在部分西方“舶来”理论在中国语境下的认识不够深刻、成片土地再开发的博弈关系及机制挖掘亟待深入、对地方政府在土地再开发中的角色认知的关注度不足等问题。未来土地再开发研究可关注以下方向:一是结合中国语境深化理论研究,二是深入挖掘土地再开发背后的空间生产机制,三是深化土地再开发的政府角色认知等。  相似文献   

张杰 《规划师》2010,26(3):74-78
通过对旧城中低收入家庭经济适用房安居困境的分析,揭示经济适用房制度上的种种缺失,促使经济适用房由公共物品向非公共物品嬗变,并因此具有市场竞争性与排他性,成为社会利益群体博弈的对象。其根源在于政府职能的扭曲,致使经济适用房不是由政府主导,而是受制于开发商。解决经济适用房制度困境的核心在于政府职能的回归,即建构以政府为主导的建设与管理模式。此外,经济适用房制度的修正与完善需要通过整个社会各利益群体的努力才能完成。  相似文献   

栾晓帆  陶然 《城市规划》2019,43(10):37-42
1990年代以来,中国城市通过建立土地征收-出让制度,极大地推动了工业化和城镇化的发展。随着城市边界不断扩张,农村宅基地被绕开以及大量外来人口中的中低收入人群的住房需求,共同刺激了大批城中村的出现。近年来,出于追求经济利益与提升城市形象的目的,政府试图加快城中村改造与城市更新,但常常推进缓慢,加剧社会矛盾。本研究引入"反公地困局"的概念及相关理论对目前城中村改造的困境进行分析,将其归纳为民间频发性"钉子户"导致的"漫天要价类反公地困局",以及政府常态性"多机构管制"所带来的"九龙治水类反公地困局";并提出未来需要通过两步博弈的机制设计来重设拆迁谈判机制,有效遏制"钉子户困局",同时通过"放权简政"式的规划体制创新来全面破解"多机构管制困局"。  相似文献   

Under the context of economy new normal and rapid urbanization, the shift of economic growth, structural adjustment pains as well as pre-stimulus digestion comes coincidentally. The boundary red line of urban growth, the red line of the number of basic farms and the ecology red line makes the local to conserve land. Land stock for village and town construction is a huge amount of potential resources. Redevelopment of land for village and town construction provides ensured land security for the smooth progress of urbanization. Combining village and town construction land use characteristics and making in-depth analysis of the difficulties in the redevelopment of village and town construction and its inner mechanism, policies and suggestions were proposed for the redevelopment of village and town construction land in terms of land property, land price, market allocation, planning, surveillance and so on, so as to provide valuable reference for the smooth redevelopment of village and town construction land, and the system design of villages and towns.  相似文献   

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