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Ultraspatially resolved synchrotron radiation based infrared microspectroscopy is able to detect the structure features of a food or feed tissue at cellular and molecular levels. However, to date, this advanced synchrotron-based technique is almost unknown to food and feed scientists. The objective of this article was to introduce this novel analytical technology, ultra-spatially resolved synchrotron radiation based infrared microspectroscopy (SR-IMS) to food, feed, conventional nutrition, and molecular nutrition scientists. The emphasis of this review focused on the following areas: (1) Principles of molecular spectroscopy for food and feed structure research, such as protein molecular structure, carbohydrate conformation, heating induced protein structure changes, and effect of gene-transformation on food and feed structure; (2) Molecular spectral analysis methodology; (3) Biological applications of synchrotron SR-IMS and DRIFT spectroscopy; and (4) Recent progress in food, feed and nutrition research program. The information described in this article gives better insight in food structure research progress and update.  相似文献   

Unlike traditional “wet” analytical methods which during processing for analysis often result in destruction or alteration of the intrinsic protein structures, advanced synchrotron radiation‐based Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy has been developed as a rapid and nondestructive and bioanalytical technique. This cutting‐edge synchrotron‐based bioanalytical technology, taking advantages of synchrotron light brightness (million times brighter than sun), is capable of exploring the molecular chemistry or structure of a biological tissue without destruction inherent structures at ultra‐spatial resolutions. In this article, a novel approach is introduced to show the potential of the advanced synchrotron‐based analytical technology, which can be used to study plant‐based food or feed protein molecular structure in relation to nutrient utilization and availability. Recent progress was reported on using synchrotron‐based bioanalytical technique synchrotron radiation‐based Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy and diffused reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy to detect the effects of gene‐transformation (Application 1), autoclaving (Application 2), and bio‐ethanol processing (Application 3) on plant‐based food and feed protein structure changes on a molecular basis. The synchrotron‐based technology provides a new approach for plant‐based protein structure research at ultra‐spatial resolutions at cellular and molecular levels.  相似文献   


The cutting-edge synchrotron radiation based and globar-sourced vibrational infrared microspectroscopy have recently been developed. These novel techniques are able to reveal structure features at cellular and molecular levels with the tested tissues being intact. However, to date, the advanced techniques are unfamiliar or unknown to food and feed scientists and have not been used to study the molecular structure changes in cool-climate cereal grain seeds and other types of bio-oil and bioenergy seeds. This article aims to provide some recent research in cool-climate cereal grains and other types of seeds on molecular structures and metabolic characteristics of carbohydrate and protein, and implication of microstructure modification through heat-related processing and trait alteration to bio-functions, molecular thermal stability and mobility, and nutrition with advanced molecular techniques- synchrotron radiation based and globar-sourced vibrational infrared microspectroscopy in the areas of (1) Inherent microstructure of cereal grain seeds; (2) The nutritional values of cereal grains; (3) Impact and modification of heat-related processing to cereal grain; (4) Conventional nutrition evaluation methodology; (5) Synchrotron radiation-based and globar-sourced vibrational (micro)-spectroscopy for molecular structure study and molecular thermal stability and mobility, and (6) Recent molecular spectroscopic technique applications in research on raw, traits altered and processed cool-climate cereal grains and other types of seeds. The information described in this article gives better insights of research progress and update in cool-climate cereal grains and other seeds with advanced molecular techniques.  相似文献   


To date, advanced synchrotron-based and globar-sourced techniques are almost unknown to food and feed scientists. There has been little application of these advanced techniques to study blend pellet products at a molecular level. This article aims to provide recent research on advanced synchrotron and globar vibrational molecular spectroscopy contributions to advances in blend pellet products research on molecular structure and molecular nutrition interaction. How processing induced molecular structure changes in relation to nutrient availability and utilization of the blend pellet products. The study reviews Utilization of co-product components for blend pellet product in North America; Utilization and benefits of inclusion of pulse screenings; Utilization of additives in blend pellet products; Application of pellet processing in blend pellet products; Conventional evaluation techniques and methods for blend pellet products. The study focus on recent applications of cutting-edge vibrational molecular spectroscopy for molecular structure and molecular structure association with nutrient utilization in blend pellet products. The information described in this article gives better insight on how advanced molecular (micro)spectroscopy contributions to advances in blend pellet products research on molecular structure and molecular nutrition interaction.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to reveal protein structures of feed tissues affected by heat processing at a cellular level, using the synchrotron-based Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy as a novel approach, and quantify protein structure in relation to protein digestive kinetics and nutritive value in the rumen and intestine in dairy cattle. The parameters assessed included 1) protein structure α-helix to β-sheet ratio; 2) protein subfractions profiles; 3) protein degradation kinetics and effective degradability; 4) predicted nutrient supply using the intestinally absorbed protein supply (DVE)/degraded protein balance (OEB) system for dairy cattle. In this study, Vimy flaxseed protein was used as a model feed protein and was autoclave-heated at 120°C for 20, 40, and 60 min in treatments T1, T2, and T3, respectively. The results showed that using the synchrotron-based Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy revealed and identified the heat-induced protein structure changes. Heating at 120°C for 40 and 60 min increased the protein structure α-helix to β-sheet ratio. There were linear effects of heating time on the ratio. The heating also changed chemical profiles, which showed soluble CP decreased upon heating with concomitant increases in nonprotein nitrogen, neutral, and acid detergent insoluble nitrogen. The protein subfractions with the greatest changes were PB1, which showed a dramatic reduction, and PB2, which showed a dramatic increase, demonstrating a decrease in overall protein degradability. In situ results showed a reduction in rumen-degradable protein and in rumen-degradable dry matter without differences between the treatments. Intestinal digestibility, determined using a 3-step in vitro procedure, showed no changes to rumen undegradable protein. Modeling results showed that heating increased total intestinally absorbable protein (feed DVE value) and decreased degraded protein balance (feed OEB value), but there were no differences between the treatments. There was a linear effect of heating time on the DVE and a cubic effect on the OEB value. Our results showed that heating changed chemical profiles, protein structure α-helix to β-sheet ratio, and protein subfractions; decreased rumen-degradable protein and rumen-degradable dry matter; and increased potential nutrient supply to dairy cattle. The protein structure α-helix to β-sheet ratio had a significant positive correlation with total intestinally absorbed protein supply and negative correlation with degraded protein balance.  相似文献   

This paper aimed to review synchrotron-based and globar-sourced molecular infrared (micro)spectroscopy contributions to advances in new hulless barley (with structure alteration) research on molecular structure, molecular nutrition, and nutrient delivery in ruminants. It reviewed recent progress in barley varieties, its utilization for animal and human, inherent structure features and chemical make-up, evaluation and research methodology, breeding progress, rumen degradation, and intestinal digestion. The emphasis of this review was focused on the effect of alteration of carbohydrate traits of newly developed hulless barley on molecular structure changes and nutrient delivery and quantification of the relationship between molecular structure features and changes and truly absorbed nutrient supply to ruminants. This review provides an insight into how inherent structure changes on a molecular basis affect nutrient utilization and availability in ruminants.  相似文献   


Mycotoxin contamination has been a worldwide problem for food and feeds production for a long time. There is an obviously increased focus of the food and feed industry toward the reduction of mycotoxin concentration in both the raw materials and finished products. Therefore, both effective qualitative and quantitative techniques for the determination of mycotoxins are required to minimize their harmful effects. Conventional wet chemical methods usually are time-consuming, expensive, and rely on complex extraction and cleanup pretreatments. Synchrotron-based and globar-based molecular spectroscopy have shown great potential to be developed as rapid and nondestructive tools for the determination of molecular structure, molecular nutrition and mycotoxins in feed and food. This article reviews the common types of mycotoxins in feed and food, their toxicity, as well as the conventional detection methods. The principle of advanced molecular spectroscopy techniques and their application prospects for mycotoxin detection are discussed. Recent progress in food and feed research with molecular spectroscopy techniques is highlighted. This review provides a potential and insight into how to determine the structure and mycotoxins of feed and food on a molecular basis with advanced Synchrotron-based and globar-based molecular (micro) spectroscopy.  相似文献   

亚麻籽胶作为新型的天然功能性胶体,是主要存在于亚麻籽壳表面的一种阴离子杂多糖,具有凝胶、乳化、增稠等特性,被当作一种绿色添加剂广泛应用于食品加工中,以提高产品品质。同时作为一类水溶性膳食纤维,亚麻籽胶还具备减轻体重、调节肠道菌群、降低血糖及胆固醇等生理功能,故其在食品中不仅作为稳定剂、乳化剂、增稠剂等角色,也兼具营养功能。本文综述了亚麻籽胶的提取、成分组成及其功能特性,总结了近几年亚麻籽胶的生理功能研究进展,阐述了亚麻籽胶在食品加工领域中不同应用方向的国内外最新研究,以期为亚麻籽胶在食品加工中的深入开发与应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

亚麻籽胶是一种阴离子杂多糖,主要存在于亚麻籽外种皮最外层,含量占亚麻籽重量9%左右。作为一种亲水性胶体,亚麻籽胶具有黏稠性、乳化性、胶凝性、抗氧化等特性,能够作为一种食品添加剂与食品体系中其它组分产生交互作用协同提高食品加工特性。此外,作为一种水溶性膳食纤维,亚麻籽胶还具有降血糖、降血脂、调节肠道菌群和减肥等作用。该文主要探究亚麻籽胶精细结构、功能特性、生物活性和应用等方面最新研究进展,以期为亚麻籽胶高值化加工和利用提供参考。  相似文献   

甲壳类水产品是亚洲地区最主要的致敏食物。食物过敏主要由摄入的食品致敏原引起,而食物致敏原的结构不仅与抗原表位的形成有关,也决定了其在食品加工和体内消化过程的稳定性。本文针对甲壳类水产品,首先阐述了甲壳类水产食物过敏及致敏原的研究进展;进一步对甲壳类水产食物致敏原的分子结构及其与致敏性的构效关系展开论述,并基于此提出了致敏原脱敏策略。目前已鉴定的甲壳类水产食物致敏原大部分属于肌动蛋白结合蛋白、磷酸原激酶和EF手型钙离子结合蛋白3个家族。针对不同蛋白质家族致敏原的结构特点,通过食品加工技术消减致敏性或利用分子生物学手段获得低致敏性衍生物都是防控食物过敏的重要途径。但甲壳类水产食物致敏原的结构信息有待完善,其与致敏性的构效关系也仍是未来致敏原研究的重要方向。本文综合阐述了甲壳类水产食物致敏原结构特性及其与致敏性的构效关系,以期为甲壳类水产食物致敏原的系统研究和食品脱敏方法的建立提供思路。  相似文献   

Thirty-eight midlactating Holstein cows averaging 597 kg of body weight (SD = 59) were used to determine the effects of dietary flaxseed on protein requirement and N excretion in urine and feces. Milk yield and composition, intake, and digestibility were also determined. Cows were allotted from wk 20 to 30 of lactation to 1 of 4 TMR containing 1) no flaxseed (control) and 16% protein (MPC), 2) whole flaxseed and 16% protein (MPF), 3) no flaxseed (control) and 18% protein (HPC), and 4) whole flaxseed and 18% protein (HPF). Cows fed high protein diets had greater feed intake than those fed medium protein diets (20.2 vs. 18.4 kg/d), and cows fed no flaxseed had greater dry matter intake than those fed flaxseed (20.1 vs. 18.5 kg/d). Milk yield was lower for cows fed MPF (20.3 kg/d) than for those fed HPC (24.4 kg/d), HPF (24.9 kg/d), or MPC (24.0 kg/d). Milk protein and lactose concentrations were similar for cows fed MPC and HPC, but flaxseed decreased milk protein concentration in cows fed MPF or HPF compared with cows fed the control diets. Milk fat concentration was similar in cows fed diets with or without flaxseed, but it was decreased by higher protein concentration. Digestibility was generally reduced when diets contained flaxseed and lower protein concentration. Dietary protein had no effect while dietary flaxseed increased fecal N excretion. Retention of N was lower in cows fed flaxseed compared with cows fed the control diets. Feeding flaxseed decreased milk concentrations of short- and medium-chain fatty acids and increased those of long-chain fatty acids. Flaxseed had no effect on the dietary requirement of N by midlactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

Whole flaxseed (flour) as a good source of omega-3 fatty acid and phytochemicals with excellent nutritional and functional attributes has been used to enrich foods for health promotion and disease prevention. However, several limitations and contemporary challenges still impact the development of whole flaxseed (flour)-enriched products on the global market, such as naturally occurring antinutritional factors and entrapment of nutrients within food matrix. Whole flaxseed (flour) with different existing forms could variably alter the techno-functional performance of food matrix, and ultimately affect the edible qualities of fortified food products. The potential interaction mechanism between the subject and object components in fortified products has not been elucidated yet. Hence, in this paper, the physical structure and component changes of flaxseed (flour) by pretreatments coupled with their potential influences on the edible qualities of multiple fortified food products were summarized and analyzed. In addition, several typical food products, including baked, noodle, and dairy products were preferentially selected to investigate the potential influencing mechanisms of flaxseed (flour) on different substrate components. In particular, the altered balance between water absorption of flaxseed protein/gum polysaccharides and the interruption of gluten network, lipid lubrication, lipid–amylose complexes, syneresis, and so forth, were thoroughly elucidated. The overall impact of incorporating whole flaxseed (flour) on the quality and nutritional attributes of fortified food products, coupled with the possible solutions against negative influences are aimed. This paper could provide useful information for expanding the application of whole flaxseed (flour) based on the optimal edible and nutritional properties of fortified food products.  相似文献   

Flaxseed: a potential source of food, feed and fiber   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Flaxseed is one of the most important oilseed crops for industrial as well as food, feed, and fiber purposes. Almost every part of the flaxseed plant is utilized commercially, either directly or after processing. The stem yields good quality fiber having high strength and durability. The seed provides oil rich in omega-3, digestible proteins, and lignans. In addition to being one of the richest sources of α-linolenic acid oil and lignans, flaxseed is an essential source of high quality protein and soluble fiber and has considerable potential as a source of phenolic compounds. Flaxseed is emerging as an important functional food ingredient because of its rich contents of α-linolenic acid (ALA), lignans, and fiber. Lignans appear to be anti-carcinogenic compounds. The omega-3s and lignan phytoestrogens of flaxseed are in focus for their benefits for a wide range of health conditions and may possess chemo-protective properties in animals and humans. This paper presents a review of literature on the nutritional composition of flaxseed, its health benefits, and disease-prevention qualities, utilization of flaxseed for food, feed, and fiber, and processing of flaxseed.  相似文献   

Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) is rich in soluble and insoluble dietary fibres. Recent study in our research group discovered that the kernel of flaxseed contained about 20% (w/w) of dietary fibres, which has not been reported before. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images revealed that flaxseed kernel dietary fibres (FKDF) are mostly in the supporting structure of the cell walls. To study the structure and physicochemical properties of FKDF, a modified sequential extraction and fractionation procedure was utilised, and five separate FKDF fractions were obtained as flaxseed kernel (FK) water-extracted polysaccharides (FK-WP), FK EDTA-extracted polysaccharides (FK-EP), FK Na2CO3-extracted polysaccharides (FK-NP), FK 1 M KOH-extracted polysaccharides (FK-KPI), and FK 4 M KOH-extracted polysaccharides (FK-KPII). FKDF fractions were all water-soluble. The average molecular weight of FK-WP was 486 kDa, FK-EP 593 kDa, FK-NP 704 kDa, FK-KPI 770 kDa, and FK-KPII 1660 kDa. Monosaccharide compositions were different among FKDF fractions; alkaline solution extracted FKDF fractions had relatively higher percentage of arabinose, but relatively lower content of glucose compared with FK-WP and FK-EP. All FKDF fractions had the ability to lower the surface tension of water, among which FK-KPI exhibited the best surface activity. Rheological properties showed that FKDF fractions had low viscosity and 2% (w/v) FKDF water solution exhibited viscoelastic behaviour at 25 °C. Those findings could benefit the related food industries for providing healthier and more value-added flaxseed products.  相似文献   

Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) provides multiple nutritional benefits, including high quality protein, dietary fiber, and is the most abundant source of α-linolenic acid (C18:3). However, the presence of anti-nutritional factors, such as cyanogenic compounds, restricts flaxseed's consumption as a food or feed. This study investigated the reduction of cyanogenic compounds, measured as hydrocyanic acid (HCN), in full-fat flaxseed using extrusion processing without a die by following the response surface methodology. The ranges of processing variables selected were: barrel exit temperature of 76.3–143.6°C; screw speed of 59.6–160.5 rpm; and feed rate of 26.4–93.6 kg/h. The experimental values of HCN reduction obtained were from 60.8 to 86.6%. Optimum extrusion conditions of barrel exit temperature, screw speed, and feed rate were found to be 143.6°C, 133.5 rpm, and 57.8 kg/h for maximum (89.1%) reduction of HCN. This effect was mainly dependent on barrel exit temperature, whereas screw speed and feed rate had no or minimal effect. The mutual interaction effect of barrel exit temperature and screw speed was found to be significant (p ≤ 0.01). The degree of correlation (R2) for HCN reduction was 97.2%, which showed the validity of applied second-order response model. The results of this study demonstrated that significant reduction of HCN in flaxseed can be achieved commercially using an extruder without a die.  相似文献   

蛋白凝胶是一种水分含量高的三维蛋白网络,在食品、医药、工业等领域均有广泛应用。膳食纤维具有良好的理化和生理特性,通过添加膳食纤维来改善凝胶质地的研究逐渐成为关注焦点。为了更好地了解膳食纤维-蛋白复合凝胶的研究进展,本文重点阐述膳食纤维的分类、结构和功能特性,总结膳食纤维对蛋白凝胶特性的影响,解释其影响机制,对纤维-蛋白凝胶在食品、医药等领域中的应用进行概述,并提出其未来的发展方向。本文可为纤维-蛋白凝胶的制备和应用提供依据。  相似文献   

显微红外光谱技术兼具测试速度快、样品无损、可视化、微区化、精细化、灵敏化、图谱合一化等优点,是传统的红外光谱技术所无法比拟的,目前在高分子材料、侦探、法医、化学化工、医学、电子等领域已得到广泛的应用。本文介绍了红外光谱的原理,红外光谱技术及显微红外光谱技术的发展,概述了显微红外光谱技术在高分子多层膜成分鉴定、高分子老化机制、高分子相容性、高分子纤维、高分子结晶性及高分子溶解性等领域研究中的应用。  相似文献   

谷氨酰胺转氨酶(Transglutaminase, EC,TGase)是一种可催化蛋白质间形成异肽键使蛋白质改性的天然酶制剂。该酶可以催化蛋白质发生交联、脱酰胺和糖基化反应,在改善食品的硬度、粘性、弹性和持水力等方面具有较大的应用潜力。它的交联性可应用于:制造奶酪和其他乳制品、肉制品加工、生产可食性薄膜及微胶囊等。本文综述了TGase的分子结构、作用机理以及近年来国内外利用该酶在食品工业中改善食品品质的研究进展,以期为TGase在改善蛋白质功能性质、提升食品品质等方面的研究工作提供有效参考。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of processing and dietary inclusion level of flaxseed on broiler performance and nutrient utilisation. Flaxseed was included in the diet fed to day‐old broilers for the first 3 weeks as whole seed, ground seed, autoclaved whole seed, ground autoclaved whole seed or whole seed pelleted with the other ingredients, at levels of 0, 100, 120 and 140 g kg?1. Chicks fed the pelleted flaxseed‐containing diets had heavier body weights, consumed more feed and had better feed/gain ratios than those fed the other flaxseed‐containing diets during the 3 weeks period (P < 0.01). The flaxseed level in the diet also had very significant (P < 0.01) effects on body weight and feed/gain ratio at the end of weeks 1 and 3, with the diets containing 100 g kg?1 flaxseed resulting in better performance than the other flaxseed‐containing diets. Among the flaxseed containing diets, the pelleted diets led to higher apparent ether extract digestibilities, with values of 778 and 770 g kg?1 for the diets containing 100 and 140 g kg?1 flaxseed respectively. This better utilisation of ether extract by young broilers may explain the significantly (P < 0.05) higher AMEn (apparent metabolisable energy) value of 2924 kcal kg?1 for the pelleted 140 g kg?1 flaxseed‐containing diet. This was 15.4–17.5% higher than for the diets with the same level of flaxseed but provided as raw or autoclaved whole seed. The pelleting of flaxseed allowed an inclusion rate of 100 g kg?1 without any reduction in the performance and nutrient utilisation of broilers. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

目的:研究黑枸杞提取物对抗乙肝病毒的作用并检测其抗氧化活性。方法:体外培养HepG22.2.15细胞,MTT法检测黑枸杞提取物对HepG22.2.15细胞的细胞毒作用,双抗体夹心法检测HepG22.2.15细胞培养液中HBsAg和HBeAg的表达。测定黑枸杞不同浓度提取物的还原能力和对羟自由基、DPPH自由基的清除能力。结果:MTT法检测黑枸杞提取物对HepG22.2.15细胞无明显细胞毒作用。与阴性对照组比较,黑枸杞提取物对HepG22.2.15细胞HBsAg和HBeAg的表达有抑制作用(p<0.05)。且随着黑枸杞提取物浓度的增加,其还原能力与清除羟自由基、DPPH自由基的能力逐渐增强。结论:黑枸杞提取物对乙肝病毒有抑制作用,并且有着良好的抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

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