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由长三角电动工具行业实验室联盟组织举办的"全国电动工具行业优秀企业实验室"评选活动正在开展,该活动旨在更好地宣传电动工具企业实验室围绕企业战略定位,发挥其在企业发展方面的支撑与带动作用;同时也为了更好地促进电动工具企业实验室对产品技术研发的支持,提升市场开拓过程中的品牌效应,增强客户对企业产品质量的信心;利于进一步提升电动工具企业实验室的运营和管理水平,交流实验室管理经验.活动评选内容包括对实验室运营管理、设备设施、人员能力、研发支持、科研项目、知识产权以及参与标准制修订等方面所做出的实际工作进行考核和选拔,综合展示实验室复合实力.作为活动支持媒体,《电动工具》期刊将分三批对参加评选的企业实验室做交流展示.  相似文献   

由长三角电动工具行业实验室联盟组织举办的"全国电动工具行业优秀企业实验室"评选活动正在开展,该活动旨在更好地宣传电动工具企业实验室围绕企业战略定位,发挥其在企业发展方面的支撑与带动作用;同时也为了更好地促进电动工具企业实验室对产品技术研发的支持,提升市场开拓过程中的品牌效应,增强客户对企业产品质量的信心;利于进一步提升电动工具企业实验室的运营和管理水平,交流实验室管理经验.活动评选内容包括对实验室运营管理、设备设施、人员能力、研发支持、科研项目、知识产权以及参与标准制修订等方面所做出的实际工作进行考核和选拔,综合展示实验室复合实力.作为活动支持媒体,《电动工具》期刊将分三批对参加评选的企业实验室做交流展示.  相似文献   

本文通过分析《企业内部检测实验室认可指南》的要求, 探讨企业内部实验室和第三方实验室的差异分析、指南应用效果和指南应用的意见3个方面, 指导企业内部实验室提高运作效率, 保障检验结果有效性。此次应用分析可以不断推动企业内部实验室管理工作的科学发展, 同时也为认可评审员把握评审尺度, 有助于推动全国企业内实验室的认可发展。  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯近日,山东省首批企业重点实验室评审结果揭晓,全省共批准立项建设35个企业重点实验室,华泰集团有限公司申报的造纸废弃物综合利用重点实验室榜上有名,成为东营市首家省级企业重点  相似文献   

正随着我国检验检测行业的快速发展,企业实验室发展也进入了关键时期。当前,企业实验室面对的检验检测委托任务覆盖专业面较广,客户质量要求较高,这些都为企业实验室的发展造成了一定压力。在这种情况下,企业实验室唯有优化质量管理体系,将检验检测质量与服务质量变为企业在市场上的代名表词,才能够促进企业的健康发展。社会快速发展的今天,随着检验检测市场的开放,检验检测行业已经  相似文献   

参与实验室认可提升企业药品检验能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国药品生产企业部分检验实验室管理水平低下,参与实验室认可,可有效地提升企业的检验能力。  相似文献   

就本人多年实验室药品管理工作实践,从化学药品、试剂的分类、性质、存放场所等因素进行分析,对企业实验室药品管理提出建议,规范企业实验室管理建设。  相似文献   

如果将保证乳品质量安全看作是一场乳品企业的持久保卫战的话,那么实验室就是这场战争的重要阵地。乳品企业的实验室是贯穿整个乳品生产的重要环节,从奶源的监控到产品的过程控制,再到最后的成品检测均离不开实验室的帮助,乳品企业的实验室能力为乳品质量安全提供了有力的保障。  相似文献   

企业实验室的检测质量是企业赖以生存的保证,是企业占领检测市场的重要条件,是为消费者提供放心食品的前提,是衡量企业的质量管理、技术能力的标尺。为了保证检测结果的准确性,检测过程的质量控制显得尤为重要。本文根据从事实验室检测工作的实践经验,从实验检测方法、设施和环境、人员素质、仪器设备等方面就如何提高实验室检测质量进行了论述,为全面提高实验室的工作质量提供依据。  相似文献   

科研实验室是研究型企业必备的部分,为保持科技型企业可持续发展核心部分。造纸化学品实验室由于实际技术开发需要,存在不同类型和规格的化学试剂,由于化学试剂自有特性导致相应的存在一定程度的危险,成为实验室一定的安全隐患,因此做好化学实验室的化学试剂安全管理十分重要。  相似文献   

Concentrations of dry matter, nitrogen and major mineral constituents in samples of Cox's Orange Pippin and Crispin fruit from interplanted trees were measured for 4 years. Similar measurements were made over a 6 year period in Cox and Spartan fruit samples from trees interplanted in another orchard. Concentrations varied greatly in all varieties from year to year. In comparison with Cox, fruit calcium concentrations were higher for a given mean mass per apple in Crispin in all years and in Spartan for 4 of the 6 years at harvest. Concentrations of nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus were lower in Crispin and Spartan than in Cox fruit at harvest in all years, but dry matter and sodium concentrations differed only in some years. Changes in concentrations during fruit growth were measured in 2 years for each comparison. Differences between nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations in either Crispin or Spartan and Cox apples were evident throughout fruitlet enlargement in both years. Calcium concentrations were higher in Crispin and Spartan fruitlets than in Cox fruitlets of equivalent mass. Variations in the concentrations of potassium, magnesium and calcium from tree to tree were greater for Cox than Crispin samples but relationships between potassium and magnesium concentrations were similar for both varieties.  相似文献   

不同生态条件下的烤烟硼营养研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
在我国7个主产烟省采用"统一栽培法",研究了各生态条件下烤烟营养中硼的积累与分配规律.试验结果表明,烤烟叶片、烟杈(芽)中硼含量明显高于根、茎,其含量以北方高于南方;而根、茎中硼含量正好相反.硼素的积累过程呈明显的Logistic生长曲线关系.大田生长前期南北烟区烟株中硼素积累特征基本一致,但在栽后30 d以后北方烟区烟株中积累量和积累速率远远高于南方烟区.烟株中硼素积累量占全株总积累量的比例为栽后60 d以前南方烟区高于北方烟区,以后则是北方烟区高于南方烟区.在我国南北烟区烟株含硼量(浓度)无明显的差异,但硼积累量差异明显.土壤pH、全氪和速效氮对烟株硼的积累有一定的促进作用,土壤有机质升高则对烟株中硼的积累不利;平均气温、最高温度、10cm地温和日照时数与烟株硼的积累呈正相关.  相似文献   

采用分光光度法测定鸡肉中的羟脯氨酸(Hyp)含量。结果表明:鸡肉中的羟脯氨酸的含量以农家饲养的土鸡含量为最高,达0.22%,其次为市场购买后再于农家饲养的鸡肉,达0.15%;对于同一鸡肉样品,鸡腿肉中的羟脯氨酸含量明显高于鸡胸肉中羟脯氨酸含量。该方法测定的标准偏差为0.00443,变异系数为3.50%,平均回收率分别为89.5%。  相似文献   

Reduced and oxidised glutathione, cysteine, cystine and traces (too small to quantify) of γ-glutamyl-cysteine and cysteinylglycine were detected, in about the same amounts, in extracts of the embryos of dormant and mature barleys. During micromalting the levels of the thiols and disulphides altered in various ways, but altered in the same ways in dormant and mature samples of grain until germination began. An early decline in the glutathione content of embryos was mirrored by a rise in the amount in degermed grains. Histochemical tests and analyses of isolated tissues showed that in the quiescent grains thiols were concentrated in the embryo (particularly the scutellum) and in the aleurone layer and isolated embryos released thiols into an incubation medium. We conclude that the endogenous thiols and disulphides are not obviously involved in the regulation of dormancy.  相似文献   

Trace element concentrations were determined in meat, kidney and liver tissue of cattle, which had resided more than 18 months in areas historically contaminated by emissions from the non-ferrous metal industry or in regions with normal background metal contamination levels in Belgium. Trace element levels were determined by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. Lead, arsenic and cadmium concentrations in meat were low for all cattle. Concentrations in kidneys were, respectively, 1.8-, 2.2- and 2.5-fold higher in cattle from the contaminated areas compared to animals from reference areas. The European maximum level for cadmium in kidney was exceeded by 75% of the kidneys from contaminated areas and 47% of the kidneys from reference areas. Lead, arsenic and cadmium concentrations in bovine livers from contaminated areas were increased by a factor of 2.3. Zinc levels in livers and kidneys were within normal ranges, but 20% higher in the contaminated areas compared to reference areas. Copper levels in livers were high in all areas. Dairy cattle accumulated significantly higher levels of cadmium in kidneys and of lead in liver and kidneys than did beef cattle.  相似文献   

分析了我国纺织机械器材行业的现状,纺织器材行业取得的成绩及存在的不足,指出近年来,我国纺织器材行业在生产组织方式、创新能力及产品水平、品牌意识等方面都有长足进步,部分产品已达国际先进水平,但仍存在整体水平偏低、企业规模小、数量多、同质化严重、研发能力不强等不足;说明纺织器材行业要加快技术水平提升,树立精品观念,走差异化道路、向服务模式转型,建立产业创新技术联盟等多种合作方式。  相似文献   

Mycotoxins in botanicals and dried fruits: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Botanicals are used in many countries for medicinal and general health-promoting purposes. Numerous natural occurrences of mycotoxins in botanicals and dried fruits have been reported. Aflatoxins or ochratoxin A (OTA) have been found in botanicals such as ginseng, ginger, liquorice, turmeric, and kava-kava in the USA, Spain, Argentina, India, and some other countries, while fumonisins have been found in medicinal wild plants in South Africa and in herbal tea and medicinal plants in Turkey. Zearalenone was identified in ginseng root. Dried fruits can be contaminated with aflatoxins, OTA, kojic acid, and, occasionally, with patulin or zearalenone. One main area of concern is aflatoxins in dried figs; bright greenish yellow fluorescence under ultraviolet light is associated with aflatoxin contamination. OTA in dried vine fruits (raisins, sultanas, and currants) is another concern. There are also reports of aflatoxins in raisins and OTA in dried figs, apricots, dried plums (prunes), dates, and quince. Maximum permitted levels in the European Union include 4 µg kg-1 for total aflatoxins in dried fruit intended for direct consumption and 10 µg kg-1 for OTA in dried vine fruit. This review discusses the occurrence of mycotoxins in botanicals and dried fruits and analytical issues such as sampling, sample preparation, and methods for analysis. Fungal contamination of these products, the influence of sorting, storage, and processing, and prevention are also considered.  相似文献   

朱文优  聂尧  徐岩 《食品与机械》2017,33(10):16-22
采用高通量测序技术和多元统计方法,对比研究夏秋两季高温大曲生产过程中的真菌群落结构及其演变。结果表明,夏季大曲的主要真菌有14个属,秋季大曲有17个属,且夏季大曲的主要真菌在秋季大曲中均存在;Pichia、Saccharomycopsis和Wickerhamomyces是夏秋两季大曲生产起始的主要真菌,其中Pichia是秋季大曲生产全程的主要真菌类群,Thermoascus是夏季大曲发酵后期的优势真菌类群;秋季大曲生产过程中真菌类群数量更多,而夏季大曲真菌物种分布更均匀;夏秋两季大曲生产过程可分为2个阶段,分别以8d和12d为分界线,秋季大曲生产过程更易受外界条件影响,特别是生产前期。  相似文献   

Chlorpropham was given in the diet to provide levels of 0 (control), 500, 1,000, and 2,000mg/kg from 5 weeks of age of the F0 generation to 9 weeks of age of the F1 generation in mice, and selected reproductive and neurobehavioural parameters were measured. There were no adverse effects of chlorpropham on either litter size or litter weight and sex ratio at birth. The average body weight of offspring was significantly reduced in the middle-dose group at postnataldays (PNDs) 0 and 4 in female offspring, and was significantly increased in the middle-dose group at PND 14 in male offspring. In neurobehavioural parameters, surface righting at PND 4 was significantly affected in a dose-related manner, and negative geotaxis at PND 4 was significantly accelerated in a dose-related manner in female offspring. In male offspring, surface righting at PND 7 was significantly depressed in the middle-dose group, and olfactory orientation at PND 14 was significantly affected in the low- and middle-dose groups. The dose levels of chlorpropham in the present study produced few adverse effects in reproductive and neurobehavioural parameters in mice.  相似文献   

Xuetong  Fan 《Journal of food science》2005,70(7):e409-e414
The formation of furan in freshly prepared apple and orange juices as affected by ionizing radiation and thermal treatments was studied using a newly developed solid‐phase microextraction method coupled with gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS). Results show that furan levels increased linearly as radiation dose increased from 0 to 5 kGy. Irradiation induced more furan in apple juice than in orange juice. During post‐irradiation storage at 4 °C, furan levels increased in both apple and orange juices, particularly in the 1st 3 d. On the other hand, irradiation degraded deuterated furan (d4‐furan) spiked in water and fruit juices. The rate of degradation as a function of radiation dose was the highest in water and the lowest in orange juice. Submerging the juice samples in boiling water for 5 min induced higher amounts of furan in orange juice than in apple juice, but autoclaving (121 °C, 25 min) resulted in more furan formation in apple juice than in orange juice. Results reported here suggest that both ionizing radiation and thermal treatments induce furan formation in fruit juices.  相似文献   

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