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姜油树脂的微胶囊化研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了用作调味料的速释型姜油树脂微胶囊的生产工艺。以姜油树脂为心材 ,大豆蛋白和麦芽糊精 (DE =14 )为壁材 ,经喷雾干燥制得姜油树脂微胶囊。较优的工艺参数为大豆蛋白与麦芽糊精的比例 1∶2 ,心材添加量为 2 11% ,原料液固形物含量为2 0 % ,均质压力为 30MPa (常温 ,均质 4次 ) ,喷雾干燥塔进风口风温 10 0℃ ,出风口风温 70~ 80℃。在此基础上制得的微胶囊产品的溶解性和释放性能满足调味的要求  相似文献   

研究了葡萄籽油微胶囊的制备工艺及其氧化稳定性,以葡萄籽油为芯材,阿拉伯胶与麦芽糊精为壁材,在复合乳化剂的作用下进行乳化,以喷雾干燥法得到微胶囊产品并测定其氧化稳定性。研究表明阿拉伯胶与麦芽糊精重量比为3∶1,乳化剂浓度为10%,芯壁比为1∶2,温度为45℃,均质速度为12000r/min,乳化时间为12 min时制备得到稳定的葡萄籽油乳液,在进风温度180℃、出口温度80℃、进料速率5mL/min条件下喷雾干燥得到葡萄籽油微胶囊,葡萄籽油微胶囊化效率达到72.56%,60℃条件下贮藏葡萄籽油微胶囊的氧化速率明显降低,贮存性能和抗氧化性显著提高。  相似文献   

将葱白粉碎至40~60目,用食用酒精为溶剂,提取葱白油树脂.通过正交实验对提取条件进行优化,结果表明:葱白油树脂的乙醇最佳提取条件为:温度70 ℃、提取5 h,料液比1∶20提取油树脂.以葱白油树脂为心材,阿拉伯胶和糊精为壁材(心材∶壁材为1∶3),经乳化、均质、喷雾干燥得葱白油树脂微胶囊.喷雾前乳化液粘度为107 MPA.S,微胶囊产品呈浅黄色粉末,含水率为6%,心材包埋率为95.85%.  相似文献   

喷雾干燥法制备微胶囊化杜仲籽油的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用阿拉伯胶和麦芽糊精作微胶囊壁材,对喷雾干燥法制备杜仲籽油微胶囊的技术进行研究.结果表明,杜仲籽油微胶囊的优化配方为:阿拉伯胶与麦芽糊精配比1:1,心材与壁材比率2:3,乳化液浓度25%(W/V);喷雾干燥最佳工艺条件为:进风温度180 ℃,出风温度80℃,均质压力35 MPa;在此条件下,杜仲籽油微胶囊的包埋效率可稳定在84%~86%,经微胶囊化处理的杜仲籽油,氧化稳定性显著增强,微胶囊产品的颗粒外形较圆整,表面光滑,大小分布较均匀.  相似文献   

姜油树脂的微胶囊化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了用作调味料的速释型姜油树脂微胶囊的生产工艺。以姜油树脂为心材,大豆蛋白和麦芽糊精(DE=14)为壁材,经喷雾干燥制得姜油树脂微胶囊。较优的工艺参数为大豆蛋白与麦芽糊精的比例1:2,心格添加量为2.11%,原料液固形物含量为20%,均质压力为30MPa(常温,均质4次),喷雾干燥塔进风口风温100℃,出风口风温70-80℃。在此基础上制得的微胶囊产品的溶解性和释放性能满足调味的要求。  相似文献   

实验以提取的芥末油为芯材,以阿拉伯胶和麦芽糊精作为壁材,经乳化、均质和喷雾干燥将芥末油树脂制成微胶囊,研究表明包埋芥末油树脂的最佳工艺条件为∶阿拉伯胶∶麦芽糊精为2∶8,芯材∶壁材为1∶3,固形物含量为35%,均质压力26MPa、进料速度15 r/min、进出口风温度235℃/90℃,包埋率可达到93.1%.  相似文献   

目的:研究复合壁材组分配比对蛋黄卵磷脂微胶囊贮藏稳定性的影响,以确定壁材组分的最佳配比。方法:以蛋黄卵磷脂为芯材,麦芽糊精和阿拉伯胶(质量比1∶3,1∶1,3∶1)为壁材,采用喷雾干燥法制备蛋黄卵磷脂微胶囊。研究不同配比壁材条件下制备的蛋黄卵磷脂微胶囊的理化性质及微观形态的差异。通过加速氧化试验,分析蛋黄卵磷脂微胶囊的包埋率、色差(L~*,a~*,b~*)及硫代巴比妥酸反应物(TBARS值)的变化情况。结果:蛋黄卵磷脂微胶囊的溶解度、流动性和表面形态均良好,壁材中麦芽糊精和阿拉伯胶的质量比为1∶3和3∶1时,包埋率较高,分别为66.40%和66.52%。随着壁材中麦芽糊精比例的增加,微胶囊的包埋率、色泽更加稳定,且蛋黄卵磷脂的氧化程度降低。结论:复合壁材中麦芽糊精和阿拉伯胶的质量比为3∶1时,蛋黄卵磷脂微胶囊的贮藏稳定性较好。  相似文献   

姜油树脂微胶囊化的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以生姜为原料、经超临界CO2萃取而得的姜油树脂为心材,以β-环状糊精为壁材,经乳化、均质、干燥制成姜油树脂微胶囊,着重研究了姜油树脂微胶囊化的工艺因素。  相似文献   

采用喷雾干燥法和复合凝聚法制备仔稚鱼微胶囊饲料。喷雾干燥法选用的壁材分别为明胶、明胶和麦芽糊精的复合物(1∶1);复合凝聚法选用的壁材是明胶和阿拉伯胶的复合物(1∶1)。结果显示,喷雾干燥法、复合凝聚法制备的微胶囊饲料粒径较小,大部分小于178μm。扫描电镜显示喷雾干燥法有较好的包埋效果,明胶为壁材的微胶囊表面有褶皱,明胶和麦芽糊精为壁材的微胶囊表面有许多小孔;明胶和阿拉伯胶复合凝聚的微胶囊出现粘连,没有明显的包埋效果。壁材明胶、明胶和麦芽糊精复合物、明胶和阿拉伯胶复合物3种微胶囊的脂类包埋率分别为26.59%、18.07%、26.37%,于20℃在3.5%NaC l溶液中放置30 m in氮保留率分别为36.03%、24.93%、27.47%。喷雾干燥过程中包膜维生素C的保留率仅为20.51%。  相似文献   

采用喷雾干燥法将南瓜籽油进行微胶囊化,通过单因素和正交实验确定最佳的复合壁材配比、芯壁材配比及乳化剂的添加量,得到南瓜籽油微胶囊化的最佳工艺条件。结果表明,南瓜籽油微胶囊制备的最佳条件为阿拉伯胶与麦芽糊精的质量比为1:1、芯材与壁材的质量比为1:5、乳化剂的添加量为3.5%,此时南瓜籽油微胶囊的包埋率为81.05%。  相似文献   

以阿拉伯胶和麦芽糊精为壁材,以无花果的乙醇提取物为芯材,用喷雾干燥法制取无花果微胶囊粉。通过正交试验分析,确定了最佳生产工艺条件:芯材与壁材的比例为1:4,阿拉伯胶与麦芽糊精的比例为1:1,固形物浓度为30%,乳化剂用量为0.3%,30 MPa均质2遍,进风温度为200℃,出风温度为81℃。生产出的微胶囊无花果粉色泽、溶解性好,水、表面油含量低,无甚粘壁现象,适合于工业化生产。  相似文献   

原花青素的微胶囊化研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了原花青素喷雾干燥微胶囊化工艺。选用阿拉伯胶和麦芽糊精做为原花青素微胶囊壁材(阿拉伯胶占40%),按芯壁材比为30%、混合物中固形物浓度为20%的组成比例来混合各种材料并经均质处理后进行喷雾干燥。喷雾干燥工艺条件为:进风温度180℃,出风温度88℃,此时产品微胶囊化效率可达88.44%。  相似文献   

代亨燕  刘春梅  谭书明 《食品科学》2010,31(14):299-304
研究蔬菜固体保鲜剂的保鲜效果。采用丁香、花椒、大蒜、生姜4 种天然香辛料精油,通过微胶囊技术分别制成挥发性保鲜剂,让其挥发性释放于黄瓜表面,于常温(25℃± 5℃)条件下贮藏30d,定期测定黄瓜的腐烂率、失重率、呼吸强度、总糖和叶绿素含量并观察其变化规律。结果表明:4 种天然香辛料精油制成的保鲜剂对黄瓜都有显著的保鲜效果,其中用丁香精油制成的保鲜剂保鲜效果最好,花椒次之,大蒜保鲜效果最差。  相似文献   

肉桂醛微胶囊的制备工艺   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了以阿拉伯树胶和麦芽糊精为壁材 ,喷雾干燥法制备微胶囊化肉桂醛的工艺条件 .探讨了壁材组成、乳化剂用量、固形物质量分数、芯壁比、进风温度、进料速度、喷射压力等对微胶囊化效果的影响 .经过正交试验 ,确定了最佳工艺条件 .实验结果表明 ,阿拉伯胶和麦芽糊精的最佳质量配比为 1∶1,蒸馏单甘酯的用量为 0 .4 g/dL ,固形物质量分数为 4 0 % ,芯材与壁材的配比为 1mL∶10 g ,肉桂醛微胶囊化的最佳喷雾干燥条件为进风温度 2 2 5℃ ,进料流量 2 10mL/h ,喷射压力0 .18MPa .实验还表明 ,肉桂醛微胶囊产品有一定的缓释抑菌效果 .  相似文献   

As by‐products of grape juice and wine production, grape seeds are a rich source of procyanidins but are usually discarded as waste. We have treated grape seeds with supercritical fluid extraction to remove the oils and have extracted the procyanidins from the residues. In order to extend the shelf life, micro‐encapsulating methods for procyanidins were studied: the use of gum arabic and maltodextrin as wall materials (the contents of arabic gum and maltodextrin were 40% and 60%, respectively). The raw materials were then mixed (the ratio of core substance to wall material was 30:70 w/w and the content of the slurry was 20% w/v). After homogenisation, spray drying was used to prepare microcapsules. The micro‐encapsulation efficiency was up to 88.84%. Analysis of the product showed that the procyanidin was not changed during the processing and the procyanidin microcapsule membrane was uninterrupted and with fairly good integrity. The stability of the products was also obviously improved. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

本文研究了喷雾干燥制备二氢杨梅素微胶囊的壁材组成优化,选用阿拉伯胶和麦芽糊精作为二氢杨梅素微胶囊的壁材,结果表明,当微胶囊壁材组成为:二氢杨梅素与壁材的比例为15:85(m/m),阿拉伯胶与麦芽糊精的比例为70:30(m/m),乳化剂添加量为0.5 %(v/m)时,该壁材具有较好的性能.  相似文献   

This work aimed to produce and encapsulate protein hydrolysates of buffalo origin using spray drying with gum arabic and maltodextrin as encapsulating agents. The following core ratios were applied: encapsulating agent in the ratios of 1:10 and 1:15, with 50% gum arabic and 50% maltodextrin (50:50), and 70% gum arabic and 30% maltodextrin (70:30). The encapsulated particles were between 2.0 and 20.0 μm. The encapsulation efficiency of the samples was above 95% at the initial time. After 45 days of storage, encapsulation efficiency decreased to values below 60%. The 70:30 samples showed a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in hygroscopicity, moisture and water activity compared with free hydrolysates. The encapsulation process increased the values of oil retention, emulsifying activity and solubility of whey protein hydrolysates for all proportions evaluated, both at the initial time and after 45 days of storage. The branched-chain amino acid concentration was higher in samples encapsulated at the 1:10 ratio. The spray drying encapsulation of buffalo protein hydrolysates with suitable encapsulating agents improves the techno-functional characteristics of these hydrolysates, hence expanding their use in different food matrices and enabling the use of buffalo cheese whey.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the effect of different carrier agents (maltodextrin, gum arabic or a blend of both carrier agents) on the physicochemical properties of blackberry powder produced by spray drying. Moisture content, anthocyanin retention, antioxidant activity, colour parameters, bulk and absolute density, porosity, wettability, sorption isotherms, particle size and morphology of blackberry powders were evaluated. The use of maltodextrin resulted in less hygroscopic powders with lower moisture content and better reconstitution properties. Powders produced with maltodextrin or a blend of maltodextrin and gum arabic presented the best anthocyanin retention and the highest antioxidant activity. Experimental data of water adsorption were well fitted to GAB model. All the samples exhibited a large number of irregular particles with spherical shapes. However, particles produced with gum arabic were smaller and showed more dented surfaces, which probably contributed to the increase in wettability values and lower pigments retention.  相似文献   

In this study, shrimp larvae diets were microencapsulated using as wall materials gum arabic, mesquite gum and maltodextrin at pH values of 4.0 and 8.0 and in a diet-to-wall material ratio of 1:2 and 1:3. The microencapsulated diets were then put in seawater in order to determine their dissolution and floatability rates. The experimental dissolution data followed a first-order kinetics model, whilst the experimental floatability data followed a first-order decay kinetics model. As a result, it was determined that the best microcapsules could be selected by using the characteristic dissolution and floatability parameters as screening criteria, without having to carry out cumbersome bioassays with all the experimental diets.  相似文献   

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