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Power tariff reform and power restructuring should be coordinately advanced. In the period of the power tariff reform, attention should be fully given to possible demand growth, investment characteristics and environment pressure when taking transitional measures. In the stage, focal point of the reform is to establish a rational system of sales price to power network. Moreover, it is necessary to raise the electricity price for household consumption. The highly-centralized system of state-owned power enterprises is the root-cause of some basic problems in the power industry. The system would cause a great power overproduction, squeeze out private and foreign investment and constrain efficiency improvement. Effective energy strategy and planning are a crux of dealing with crises of energy security. China needs a state-class energy administration body and should make massive research on energy economics.  相似文献   

With deepened reform of power system and marketization,power tariff has more and more become a topic of discussion,and furthermore,that the power tariff in China is high or low,reasonable or unreasonable is a top hot spot of the society.  相似文献   

The China Electricity Council published the report on the analysis of power supply and demand situation across the country in 2011 recently.According to the report it is forecasted that in 2011, China’s economy will keep steady and fast growth, and power demand will continue to increase. The electricity consumption of the whole society across the country will reach about 4 700 TWh with a year-on-year growth of about 12%, which will slow down to some extent as compared with 2010. With the implementation of industrial development, energy-saving measures and tariff policies, the growth and structure of electricity consumption will be greatly improved.  相似文献   

Increasing-block electricity tariff should not be confused with the increase of electricity tariffs. The fundamental of the increasing-block electricity pricing system is to mobilize the use value of electricity product, promote social equity, and ensure the right of people’s livelihood while saving natural resources and protecting the environment.  相似文献   

● Power tariffreform has made many important and substantialprogresses in respect ofmarketization● The benchmark tariff is a revolutionary progress made in China's power tariff reform● Coal-electricity price linkage is a transitional approach which needs further improvement● The principle of T&D pricing is "cost plus profit," but it can also be based on pro rata control● China's electricity market should choose the mode of bilateral contracting combined withcentralized market● The direction of the power tar...  相似文献   

As coal is the most important primary energy in China, SO2 , the main pollutant of coal-fired power plantsseriously pollutes the environment in the course of energy utilization and conversion. Flue gas desulphurization is inevitable in China, however, it is rather difficult to reach the stipulated standards without any compulsory administrative measures of the government. What are the exact difficulties and solutions for the desulphurization in power plants?  相似文献   

LuMin 《电气》2005,16(2):17-19
This paper introduces the situation of coal and power production, the tense supply of power coal and deteriorated coal quality in 2004, analyzes the causes of tense supply of power and coal, one of which is due to the government regulated power tariff against rapid escalation of coal price that power enterprises can hardly afford. It also presents some policy proposals to relieve the contradiction between coal and power, including to intensify macroscopic regulation between industries and regions, solve the problem of power coal transportation and reduction or exemption of tax on coal industry and circulation links, through secondary distribution to regulate profit difference among industries.  相似文献   

The "Opinions on Deepening Power Institutional Reform in the 1 lth Five-Year Period" (referred to as "Opinions" below for short) finally unveiled and appeared clearly in the vision of the public on April 6^th, 2007. Being the core of the power institutional reform, the "route map" of power tariff reform in the 1 lth Five-Year Plan period has also been clearly oriented. However, on the whole, the power tariff reform is no drastic as one imagines. With this doubt, the Journalist discussed this issue with Mr. Huang Shaozhong, deputy director of the Department of Price & Financial Supervision under the State Electricity Regulatory Commission, also a member of the Working Group of Power Institutional Reform.  相似文献   

This article introduces the history of the reform of on-grid tariff in China, the current status of and currently adopted mechanisms related to on-grid tariffs of coal-fired and renewable energy power generation facilities. The article further discusses the proposed and on-going reform and restructure in the electricity price sector, and the trial reforms in regional electricity markets.  相似文献   

Power industry is an important infrastructure for national economic and social development. In the 10th Five-Year Plan period, power institutional reform in China has gained important progress, the basic realization of separation between government and enterprises, as well as between power plants and power grids, the formation of competitive situation in power generation field and power enterprises' vitality have been strengthened; along with power tariff reform incessantly deepening, regional power market initiating and power legal construction further strengthening, the construction of power regulatory system achieving progression.  相似文献   

峰谷分时电价的实施及大工业用户的响应   总被引:53,自引:10,他引:43  
峰谷分时电价是实施需求侧管理的措施之一。文中利用电价理论及有关 经济学原理阐述了峰谷分时电价的结构、定价策略以及大用户响应的经济计量模型,并对南 京市实施峰谷分时电价以来部分大工业用户的响应进行了分析。通过对一些重点用户的响应 分析,认为合理的峰谷电价结构能收到较好的负荷调整效果,同时影响用户对峰谷电价响应 的因素是多种多样的。  相似文献   

为了在现有居民阶梯电价的基础上设计峰谷分时电价,使两种价格相结合,从而进一步引导居民合理用电,提高能源效率,提出一套阶梯电价下居民峰谷分时电价测算优化模型与方法。首先,按现行各档阶梯电价的用户覆盖范围,将全体居民户分为相对应的各子群体细分市场;其次,构造各子群体细分市场的分时电价需求响应函数并建立相应的峰谷分时电价优化目标函数集;再次,在各子群体细分市场内构建峰谷分时电价约束条件集;最后,联合目标函数及约束条件,形成各细分市场的峰谷分时电价优化模型,模型的输出结果,即为对应各阶梯的最优峰谷分时电价。算例仿真验证了模型的合理性与可行性,敏感性分析进一步揭示了各阶梯最优峰谷电价结果随需求响应变化的规律。  相似文献   

基于DSM的峰谷时段划分及分时电价研究   总被引:54,自引:11,他引:43  
峰谷分时电价是现阶段一种有效的需求侧管理(DSM)手段,有利于削峰填谷,其效果依赖于科学的峰谷时段划分和合适的分时电价。基于负荷曲线分布分析,利用模糊半梯度隶属度函数方法,从负荷曲线上各点分别处于峰时段和谷时段的可能性入手,提出了一种含有用户对分时电价反应度分析的分时电价模型,通过对该模型需求侧管理的目标函数进行优化,得到了最优化的峰谷时段划分及其相应的分时电价定价方法。对一个算例进行了仿真、分析,说明了此种方法的可行性。  相似文献   

一种可操作的DSM峰谷分时电价定价方法   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
唐捷  任震  胡秀珍 《电网技术》2005,29(22):71-75
运用经济学原理研究了峰谷分时电价的市场效应,建立了基于电力需求价格弹性矩阵的峰谷分时电价数学模型,提出了电网总售电收入(用户电费支出)对电网负荷变化的反应灵敏度概念。通过对该模型的目标函数进行优化,得到了一种可操作的峰谷分时电价定价方法。算例仿真分析表明所提出的分时电价定价方法是切实可行的,它有利于减小电网的高峰负荷,改善负荷曲线,提高系统运行的可靠性和经济性,实现资源的优化配置和电力工业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

电力需求侧管理中的分时电价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙薇  李珊 《电气应用》2008,27(6):63-66
峰谷分时电价作为现阶段一种有效的需求侧管理手段,是电力公司向用户实施的一种通过价格信号引导用户合理用电的有效经济刺激手段。它在优化电力资源配置等方面起到了积极的作用。科学合理的分时电价,能够赋予电价必要的弹性,拉大峰谷时段电价差,达到削峰填谷和提高电网负荷率的需求侧管理目标。基于负荷曲线分布分析,在初步划分峰谷时段的基础上,利用用户对电力商品的需求价格弹性矩阵,建立峰谷分时电价数学模型,并对该模型的目标函数进行优化,得到一种分时电价定价方法。对邢台供电公司的算例进行了仿真,说明了该模型的可行性。  相似文献   

对居民用户实施峰谷分时电价是错避峰的一种有效手段。通过调查问卷形式,对上海地区实施居民峰谷分时电价后,不同收入水平居民的用电情况以及扩大峰谷电价比对居民用电的影响进行了调查,并对扩大峰谷电价比所产生的避峰量给出了详细的定量分析,对不同峰谷电价比情况下的居民用户的用电成本进行了分析,建议实施三段式电价,从而让居民用户从分时电价中得到更多实惠。  相似文献   

考虑负荷率的峰谷分时电价模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
针对峰谷电价与负荷率电价的配合问题,构建了适合于大、中工商业及其他用户的考虑负荷率的峰谷分时电价模型。首先,对电力系统运行特性及供电成本展开分析,在电力系统最优规划与运行的假设条件下,建立了电力系统及负荷率分档用户的边际容量成本和边际电量成本模型。然后,应用边际成本与两部制定价理论,计及电压等级价差,构建了负荷率分档的峰谷分时电价模型。该定价模型综合反映了用户发、输、配电环节供电成本及其时变特征,具有较好的经济效率与公平性。最后,算例验证了该模型的合理性。  相似文献   

基于DSM的分时电价的确定与分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
分时电价是目前需求侧管理的一种有效的手段,其通过发挥价格杠杆作用,促使用户自觉改变用电方式,从而有效缓解峰期用电紧张的局面,实现移峰填谷的目的。该文在现有理论研究的基础上,提出了以峰时段的平均市场清算价格为基础确定峰电价,以平时段的平均市场清算价格为基础确定平电价,并以此为基础推算出谷时段电价的新型分时电价模型,将销售侧电价与上网侧电价联系了起来,从一种有效的途径将分时电价市场化,并通过对该模型的目标函数进行优化,得到了最佳的峰谷时段划分以及各个时段相应的电价。基于此开发的分时电价分析软件的成功运用,证明  相似文献   

电价信号作为引导用电侧电力消费模式的市场化手段.在电力需求侧管理中具有不可替代的作用。在分析深圳市电价机制特点的基础上.提出了完善深圳市峰谷电价机制的具体做法.建立了具有优化电力资源配置能力的新峰谷电价机制。  相似文献   

This paper presents a near optimal hoist scheduling and control program for rock winders found in South African deep level mines in the context of demand side management and time-of-use (TOU) tariffs. The objective is to achieve a set hoist target at minimum energy cost within various system constraints. The development of a discrete dynamic and constrained mixed integer linear programming model for a twin rock winder system is presented on which a half-hourly model predictive control (MPC) algorithm containing an adapted branch and bound methodology is applied for near optimal scheduling. Simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the control program by minimising the energy costs through scheduling according to the TOU tariff and controlling output and ore levels within their boundaries even in the case of significant random delays in the system. Scheduling according to the TOU tariff shows a possible 30.8% reduction in energy cost while approximately 6 h of delays in the system resulted in a mere 14% increase in energy cost.  相似文献   

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