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针对CAE工程分析中网格模型的特点,提出了一种符合CAE特点的网格模型特征重建方法。鉴于CAD模型中的设计细节在CAE分析中可以忽略的特点,对CAD模型中的小圆角、倒角、小凸台等非结构性设计特征,采用基于面片法矢迭代滤波方法进行识别和滤除。算法首先识别出这些特征区域,然后根据非特征区域面片法矢调整特征区域法矢并更新顶点坐标,进行特征重建,最终得到符合CAE要求的网格模型。  相似文献   

针对心内膜三维标测系统中心内膜模型网格切割模块,提出一种新的交互式网格切割算法。系统在载入心内膜三维几何模型后初始化切割平板模型,由用户交互移动切割平板和旋转切割平板的法线。借助矩阵变换,针对心内膜三维几何模型实现能反映用户切割意图和保持网格细节特征的网格切割,而且切割平板可以消除锯齿效应。实验对比结果证明,该算法对于心内膜三维几何模型可以实现令用户满意的实时无锯齿交互式网格切割。  相似文献   

姜旭东  盛斌  马利庄  申瑞民  吴恩华 《软件学报》2016,27(10):2473-2487
规则化的布尔运算被广泛应用在三维建模系统中.近年来,随着图形硬件的发展,基于三角网格的规则化布尔算法由于输出结果能直接被图形硬件处理,表现出了明显的优势.但是传统的算法由于采用CSG树局部评估策略,使得面片在相交测试中反复被切割,并且由于面片分类在切割后的模型之间直接进行,导致算法无法在保证鲁棒性的同时实现高性能.为了避免这些问题,本文呈现了一种CSG树全局评估算法来统一执行单次和连续布尔运算.算法由两部分组成:自适应的延迟切割和全局化面片分类.在自适应的延迟切割阶段,算法通过仔细处理多个三角面片相交导致的各种情况使得延迟切割被扩展到整个CSG树来避免由于面片的反复切割带来的数值误差累积并利用自适应的八叉树使得相交测试能在线性时间内完成.在全局化面片分类阶段,算法通过分治法使得分类始终在切割后的面片和原始输入模型之间进行来保证分类的精度;通过结合组分类策略和自适应的八叉树来进一步优化了分类性能。实验结果表明,本文提出的算法无论是在执行单次或连续布尔运算时都能在保证鲁棒性同时性能优于其他的算法,因此本文算法可广泛应用于交互式建模系统中,如数字雕刻、计算机辅助设计和制造(CAD/CAM)等.  相似文献   

局部纹理映射可以增添三维模型的局部细节,加强模型的真实感。为了实现对三维模型的局部特征描写,增强局部纹理映射的用户可交互性,提出一种基于区域增长和平面投影的方法来实现三角网格模型的局部纹理映射。区域增长是以指定的三角面片为初始种子面片,搜索与种子面片共顶点的增长规则扩散出待映射区域。算法不仅保证了选取区域的完整性,不会出现缺角的情况;同时用户可以改变待映射区域的位置和大小。采用平面投影法对待映射区域进行纹理映射,将三维顶点投影到基准平面上,建立二维坐标系与纹理坐标系的关系,从而确定三维顶点和纹理坐标的对应关系。算法成功应用于实验,表明该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

为了提高复杂3D外形的边界层网格生成速度,提出一种基于离散中轴面的前沿分块层进算法.以闭合的边界三角形网格作为输入,在内部生成只含边界点的约束Delaunay三角化背景网格,聚集所有四面体的外心构成离散的中轴面.根据边界面片离中轴面的距离,将边界面片分为2类:快速推进的开阔区域面片和逐层推进的狭窄区域面片.在IntelXeonX5650CPU的单核上对NASA通用研究模型的边界层网格剖分结果表明,该算法的剖分效率是传统层进法或膨胀法的10倍以上,且完成106量级边界面片的分块只用了若干秒.  相似文献   

针对由三角面片构成的医学表面网格数据,提出了一种简单可靠的网格切割算法。在移动切割工具的过程中采用OBB包围盒树进行碰撞检测。为了简化切割过程中OBB树的更新仅在首次发生碰撞时对由OBB计算得到的碰撞面计算碰撞点,在后续过程中通过切割工具的移动方向和网格的AIF数据结构计算碰撞面和碰撞点。网格切割算法采用顶点移动的方法,该法可以避免畸形三角面片的产生。实验结果表明,提出的算法能够很好的仿真医学导航系统中的切割过程。  相似文献   

孙晓鹏  纪燕杰  魏小鹏 《软件学报》2010,21(Z1):183-193
提出一种新的基于网格边界几何信息的快速分割算法,首先按照原始网格模型面片的拓扑关系建立对偶图,并根据网格面片的几何信息设定顶点权和边权;使用k-way 多级分割方法在对偶图上进行快速分割,得到预分割区域以及各分割区域的初始边界;然后定义分割片的特征边界和边界强度函数,用以表示各预分割区域边界上的形变模型;通过最小化形变模型的能量函数,推动初始边界向特征边界运动,最终得到符合最小值法则的有意义的子网格.实验结果表明,该算法快速有效,适用于各种局部边缘特点较显著的三角网格模型.  相似文献   

位移蝶形细分面片的渐进传输   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着三维激光扫描和建模技术的不断进步,三维网格模型的数据量越来越大.与此同时,无处不在的智能计算要求数据必须能够在网络上进行快速的传输,现有的三维网格渐进传输技术无论是基于任意拓扑结构网格的渐进网格技术,还是基于参数化细分面片的渐进传输技术,都存在着传输数据量大、渐进显示效果差的问题,针对这些缺点,提出了首先利用位移蝶形细分面片重建原来的网格模型,然后对于重建后的位移蝶形细分面片设计了一种新的数据简化方法,进而构造了一种渐进传输算法,该算法在减少传输数据总量的同时,提高了渐进传输的视觉效果。  相似文献   

一种网格融合算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速建模是三维游戏动画领域的重要技术,从已有模型经过修改、编辑、融合构建出新的模型是一种高效的建模方法.本文提出了一种网格模型融合算法,该算法首先将需要的部分网格从源模型上交互剪切下来,并将其配准对齐;然后将两网格模型转化成点模型表示,并将点模型转化成RBF隐函数表示;再对两隐函数进行布尔运算;最后将布尔运算生的隐函数曲面在两网格接合区域进行三角形化,得到最终的网格模型.算法定义了隐函数曲面的影响区域,有效控制融合过渡.采用边界扩展的三角形化方法,保留了融合区域以外源模型的特征.实验结果表明,本文算法具有很好的网格融合结果,可用于游戏动画中快速造型.  相似文献   

蝶形细分面片的光顺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
使用蝶形细分法细分一般的初始控制网格得到的细分面片光滑而不光顺 ,面片的视觉效果很差 ,而运用现有的光顺技术 ,又只能直接光顺细分以后的结果 ,其需要保存的数据不仅量大 ,而且会引入误差 .针对这一问题 ,提出了一种新的光顺方法 ,即通过调整初始网格顶点位置来光顺细分以后的结果 .在添加合适的约束后 ,该方法不仅可以在光顺细分面片的同时 ,降低细分面片和三维真实物体表面之间的逼近误差 ,而且由于最终输出的是初始控制网格 ,故需要保存的数据量小 .  相似文献   

Ray representation (Ray-rep) of a solid has been studied and used in the solid modeling community for many years because of its compactness and simplicity. This paper presents a parallel approach for mesh surface modeling from multi-material volume data using an extended Ray-rep as an intermediate, where every homogeneous region is enclosed by a set of two-manifold surface meshes on the resultant model. The approach consists of three major algorithms: firstly, an algorithm is developed to convert the given multi-material volumetric data into a Ray-rep for heterogeneous solid; secondly, filtering algorithm is exploited to process the rays of heterogeneous solid in parallel; and lastly, the adaptive mesh surfaces are generated from the Ray-rep through a dual-contouring like algorithm. Here the intermediate surfaces between two constituent materials can be directly extracted without building the volumetric mesh, and the manifold topology is preserved on each surface patch. Furthermore, general offset surface can be easily computed in this paradigm by designing a special parallel operator for the rays.  相似文献   

Inversion of high-frequency surface wave dispersion curves is challenging for most local-search methods due to its high nonlinearity and to its multimodality. In this paper, we implemented an investigation to fully exploit and utilize the potentiality of pattern search algorithms and to further enhance their performance for surface wave analysis. We first investigate effects of different inversion strategies, initial mesh size and final mesh size, expansion factor, and contraction factor, as well as inclusion of noise in surface wave data on the performance of the approaches, by three synthetic earth models. Then, a comparative analysis with genetic algorithms is made to further highlight the advantages of the proposed inverse procedure. Finally, the insights issued from this analysis are verified by a real-world example from Henan, China.Results from both synthetic and field data demonstrate: (a) generalized pattern search (GPS) algorithm with the maximal positive basis set 2N vectors works better than GPS algorithm with the minimal positive basis set N+1 vectors; (b) if one gets a suitable initial mesh size by taking some experimentation, then setting expansion factor Λ=1 (i.e., not allow expansions) and contraction factor θ=1/2 can greatly enhance the performance of pattern search algorithms. This is particularly true as the algorithm converges and final mesh size should go to zero; and (c) pattern search algorithms possess stronger immunity with respect to noise and should be considered good not only in terms of accuracy but also in terms of computation effort, especially when compared to the application of genetic algorithms to Rayleigh wave inversion.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of interactively finding the cutting contour to extract components from a given mesh. Some existing methods support cuts of arbitrary shape but require careful and tedious input from the user. Others need little user input however they are sensitive to user input and need a postprocessing step to smooth the generated jaggy cutting contours. The popular geometric snake can be used to optimize the cutting contour, but it cannot deal with the topology change. In this paper, we propose a geodesic curvature flow based framework to overcome all these problems. Since in many cases the meaningful cutting contour on a 3D mesh is locally shortest in the sense of some weighted curve length, the geodesic curvature flow is an ideal tool for our problem. It evolves the cutting contour to the nearby local minimum. We should mention that the previous numerical scheme, discretized geodesic curvature flow (dGCF) is too slow and has not been applied to mesh segmentation. With a careful observation to dGCF, we devise here a fast computation scheme called fast geodesic curvature flow (FGCF), which only needs to solve a smaller and easier problem. The initial cutting contour is generated by a variant of random walks algorithm, which is very fast and gives reasonable cutting result with little user input. Experiment results on the benchmark mesh segmentation data set show that our proposed framework is robust to user input and capable of producing good results reflecting geometric features and human shape perception.  相似文献   

《Computers & Structures》2006,84(26-27):1673-1683
This paper describes the generation of chordal surfaces for various shell structures, such as automobile bodies, plastic injection mold components, and sheet metal parts. After a single-layered tetrahedral mesh is generated by the advancing front method, the chordal surface is generated by cutting the tetrahedral mesh. One or more shell elements are generated at each tetrahedral element, and the chordal surface is constructed with triangular or quadrilateral shell elements. This algorithm has been tested on several models with rib structures.  相似文献   

Drawing on air: input techniques for controlled 3D line illustration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stretch-free surface flattening has been requested by a variety of applications. At present, the most difficult problem is how to segment a given model into nearly developable atlases so that a nearly stretch-free flattening can be computed. The criterion for segmentation is needed to evaluate the possibility of flattening a given surface patch, which should be fast computed. In this paper, we present a method to compute the length-preserved free boundary (LPFB) of a mesh patch, which speeds up the mesh parameterization. The distortion on parameterization can then be employed as the criterion in a trial-and-error algorithm for segmenting a given model into nearly developable atlases. The computation of LPFB is formulated as a numerical optimization problem in the angle space, where we are trying to optimize the angle excesses on the boundary while preserving the constraints derived from the closed-path theorem and the length preservation.  相似文献   

Stretch-free surface flattening has been requested by a variety of applications. At present, the most difficult problem is how to segment a given model into nearly developable atlases so that a nearly stretch-free flattening can be computed. The criterion for segmentation is needed to evaluate the possibility of flattening a given surface patch, which should be fast computed. In this paper, we present a method to compute the length-preserved free boundary (LPFB) of a mesh patch which speeds up the mesh parameterization. The distortion on parameterization can then be employed as the criterion in a trial-and-error algorithm for segmenting a given model into nearly developable atlases. The computation of LPFB is formulated as a numerical optimization problem in the angle space, where we are trying to optimize the angle excesses on the boundary while preserving the constraints derived from the closed-path theorem and the length preservation.  相似文献   

LOD(Level of Detail)models are widely used recently to accelerate the rendering of 3D scenes.An algorithm that creates multiple levels of detail for 3D scene y merging near-coplanar faces is presented in this paper,First a Gauss sphere is defined for the model of scene and it is divided into meshes near-uniformly.Then,the faces of objects are attached to the respective spherical meshes according to their normal direction.If faces attached to the same mesh are connected with each other,they are merged to form a near coplanar patch (Superface),Isolated vertices inside the patch are removed and the patch is retriangulated.To further imporve the simplification,vicinity vertices on the boundary of the surface patch are merged.In the algorithm,a planar separate rule planar-enneatree is adopted to set up a hierarchical structure of the Gauss sphere,which is used to support the hierarchical model of the scene(LOD),the experimental result shows that the algorithm can achieve desired simplification effects.  相似文献   

在Catmull算法中,其各子曲面片在每一像素中覆盖面积的计算是在分割曲面片的过程中用解析的方法得到的,其计算复杂,时间耗费较大。对此本文提出了一种新的解决办法,该方法利用A缓冲器技术来进行面积的计算,有效地克服了边界像素中的图形走样现象,大大减少了原算法的计算耗费,具有非常实用的价值。  相似文献   

Given a molecule, which consists of a set of atoms, a molecular surface is defined for a spherical probe approximating a solvent molecule. Molecular surface is used for both the visualization of the molecule and the computation of various molecular properties such as the area and volume of a protein, which are important for studying problems such as protein docking and folding.In this paper, we present an O(n) time algorithm, in the worst case, for triangulating molecular surface based on the combinatorial information provided by the β-shape of the molecule with n atoms. The proposed algorithm takes advantage of the concise representation of topology among atoms stored in the β-shape.A molecular surface consists of two parts: a blending surface consisting of blending patches and a (solvent) contact surface consisting of (solvent) contact patches. For each blending patch, the algorithm uses compact masks for the construction of a triangular mesh in O(c) time in the worst case, where c is the number of point evaluations on the blending patch. For each contact patch, the algorithm uses a template, for each atom type, for the triangulation of the boundary of the atom. Then, the triangular mesh is trimmed off by hyperplanes where each hyperplane corresponds to an arc of the boundary of the contact patch. The triangulation of a contact patch takes O(c) time in the worst case, where c is the number of point evaluations on the boundary of an atom. Since there are at most O(n) patches, the worst case time complexity is O(n).The proposed algorithm also handles internal voids and guarantees the watertightness of the produced triangular mesh of a molecular surface. In addition, the level-of-detail is easily achieved as a by-product of the proposed scheme. The proposed algorithm is fully implemented and statistics from experiments are also collected.  相似文献   

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