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介绍基于JSP的在线参考咨询服务系统的设计思想、系统功能结构、基本流程与实现方法.经过测试,该系统已实现了FAQ查询、网上咨询、较完整的后台管理等功能.通过该系统,读者可以方便地使用网上咨询服务,图书馆的服务功能得到扩展,大大提高了服务效率.  相似文献   

基于ITIL服务支持管理流程的各个方面,对IT运维服务管理进行了探析,并在原有流程的基础上提出了从项目开发到最终运行全阶段的运维管理框架.该框架包括开发维护和运行维护两部分,开发阶段通过文档管理、项目动态、进度监控和知识管理将项目开发时的任务和解决方案进行记录,并控制开发进度;维护阶段按照事件管理、问题管理、配置管理和知识管理这样的流程监控系统的运行状况,快速及时地解决系统运行时的故障.IT系统通过服务台将自身的运维信息反馈到运维部门,方便了运维部门进行统一管理.  相似文献   

根据一个网络层网管系统对性能管理模块客户端的实际需求,运用MVC设计思想,以消息驱动方式作为数据处理流程线索,设计了网络层网管系统中的性能管理客户端模块.这种客户端设计方案不仅使逻辑处理流程清晰,便于今后的扩充和维护,而且可以方便地应用到电信网管系统的其它应用模块客户端设计中.该网管系统已用Java语言实现.  相似文献   

CAXA实体设计2006在2005的基础上新增加了很多辅助功能,尤其是在三维创新设计方面,新增加的功能使用户能够更快、更方便地进行三维创新设计.另外,CAXA实体设计2006内部集成了CAXA协同管理组件,可以更方便地管理、共享设计结果.  相似文献   

张学烨  周欢娣 《微机发展》2012,(3):199-202,206
针对多式联运物流信息平台的需求特点,设计了基于工作流技术实现多式联运业务的全流程信息化管理。本项目基于SOA架构,结合XML技术实现跨网、异构、多平台环境下的数据交换;同时引入EDI技术实现多式联运管理的各个业务流程,有效解决了多式联运系统中涉及人员多、环节多、流程复杂、安全控制困难等问题;多式联运运输链生成为本平台的核心功能之一,使用高效的寻路算法,能够使用户方便与快捷地使用该平台。同时以此为基础,能够为类似的平台进一步的扩展提供理论基础。  相似文献   

讨论了工作流管理系统中Petri网建模技术的基本特点,并利用Petri网建立了企业生产管理中人力资源管理的模型.该模型可作为工作流管理系统中的一个子模型,一旦企业的业务过程发生了变化,用户可通过面向对象的Petri网对业务过程的流程进行修改,修改后的流程将自动地应用在工作流管理系统中.此模型满足了企业建立特定资源模型的需要,实现了业务流程重组的要求,具有适用性和灵活性,为人力资源的自动化办公提供了方便.  相似文献   

远程医疗是计算机网络技术在医学领域中的应用.随着计算机网络技术和信息技术的快速发展,远程医疗系统得到了广泛的关注.详细分析了远程医疗会诊活动流程,设计了一种基于B/S模式的远程医疗实时会诊方案,并利用 .NET技术实现了远程诊断、会诊、在线指导等功能.测试表明,系统操作简单方便,易于维护管理,能很好地完成会诊工作.  相似文献   

本文描述了通用异步收发机UART(Universal Asynchronous Receive Transmitter)核的一种优化设计实现的设计流程.通过采用划分功能模块使结构直观清晰并且简化了设计流程.该UART核采用VerilogHDL语言描述其功能,对RTL级实现优化,解决了多时钟、亚稳态和毛刺等问题.用SYNOPSYS软件仿真、验证和综合、优化生成的IP(Intellectual Property)核可以很方便地嵌入到ASIC/SoC设计中.  相似文献   

简要介绍门诊"一卡通"的就诊流程、功能和意义,方便了患者就医,规范了医院管理,提高了医院的效益。  相似文献   

帧缓冲FrameBuffer图像处理技术,可以方便灵活地操纵液晶屏,实现液晶屏局部刷新无闪烁,同时为上层应用的开发带来很大的方便。鉴于此,提出了一种基于FrameBuffer的图片处理系统的开发流程,并在Mini2440开发板上实现了流程中的具体模块功能。  相似文献   

知识管理与业务流程具有内在相关性,这种相关性要求将知识管理机制与业务流程有机结合起来.为此,首先分析了业务流程实施对知识管理提出的要求,指出知识管理机制在业务流程中的知识利用方面应提供知识支持和协作支持,在知识创新方面则应提供知识创新支持和知识分类支持.然后在此基础上提出了一种知识管理机制与业务流程的集成方法,并详细说明了其在信息系统层面上的实现方式.  相似文献   

基于jBPM的业务流程是面向过程的,不方便业务人员对信息的提取、分析。所以,以数据为中心的流程管理技术就应运而生。Artifact是记录业务流程的数据实体,围绕Artifact的业务流程管理正在成为业务流程管理研究的一个热点。jBPM流程能够很好的描述业务流程,为其提供分析、实施的基础。把Artifact的业务流程管理技术和jBPM的业务流程管理技术结合在一起,可以为系统模型的设计和实现提供方便同时为代码自动生成提供参考基础,体现了敏捷开发的思想。  相似文献   

e-Business process interleaving: Managerial and technological implications*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The emergence of Internet as the hub of e-business has made business process integration another important frontier of information management and technology. As a result, the management of inter-organizational business processes is now a major concern of corporate managers. We envision that the new and complex ways of interactions among business partners in a supply web will need to be managed effectively as the next generation of the Internet makes cross company workflow a reality. Consequently, business managers are confronted with new issues and new decisions in the strategic and operational aspects of process integration. To facilitate the understanding of these issues, we introduce a new paradigm of business computing referred to as E-business Process Interleaving, which emphasizes the complex and dynamic integration of e-business processes across company boundaries. In this paper, we outline various impacts of this new phenomenon on information management and technology and investigate the enabling technologies of e-business process interleaving. We believe that our work can help the development of the next generation of corporate information infrastructure that enables greater degree of e-business process integration.This research was partly supported by CITM grants including the DoD contract (2000–2001), N00244-00-C0108, and by the State of California NGI Program.  相似文献   

三峡工程生态与环境信息系统具有多学科、多层次、综合性特点,业务流程建模是建设这种大型复杂系统的有效手段。在分析三峡监测系统管理现状及业务构成的基础上,将三峡信息系统中业务划分为两大类,并采用两种不同的方法实现了系统的业务流程建模。对于管理型业务流程应用RATIONAL ROSE的UML的活动框图建模。针对系统中复杂生态环境业务流程,通过综合常用建模方法的优势,改进了通用业务流程描述元素,形成了一种新的业务流程建模方法,该方法运用面向对象的设计思想,采用逐层细化的策略,从数据、过程、功能与信息表达等方面对业务模型进行定义和描述,对专业人员来讲操作方便、简单。文中还给出了两种方法的建模过程、实例,以及系统相应的实现界面。实验证明,该方法在三峡工程生态与环境信息系统的业务流程分析中都得到了较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

In many modern enterprises, explicit business process de nitions facilitate the pursuit of business goals in such ways as best practice reuse, process analysis, processe ciency improvement, and automation. Most real-world business processes are large and complex. Successfully capturing, analysing, and automating these processes requires process de nition languages that capture a variety of process aspects with a wealth of details. Mostcurrent process modelling languages, such as Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN),focus on structural control ows among activities while providing inadequate support for other process de nition needs. In this paper, we rst illustrate these inadequacies through our experiences with a collection of real-world reference business processes from the Aus-tralian lending industry. We observe that the most signi cant inadequacies include lack of resource management, exception handling, process variation, and data ow integration.These identi ed shortcomings led us to consider the Little-JIL language as a vehicle forde ning business processes. Little-JIL addresses the afore-mentioned inadequacies with a number of innovative features. Our investigation concludes that these innovative features are e ective in addressing a number of key reference business process de nition needs.  相似文献   

The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) foresees a future Internet incorporating smart physical objects that offer hosted functionality as IoT services. These services when integrated with the traditional enterprise level services form the creation of ambient intelligence for a wide range of applications. To facilitate seamless access and service life cycle management of large, distributed and heterogeneous IoT resources, service oriented computing and resource oriented approaches have been widely used as promising technologies. However, a reference architecture integrating IoT services into either of these two technologies is still an open research challenge. In this article, we adopt the resource oriented approach to provide an end-to-end integration architecture of front-end IoT devices with the back-end business process applications. The proposed architecture promises a programmer friendly access to IoT services, an event management mechanism to propagate context information of IoT devices, a service replacement facility upon service failure, and a decentralized execution of the IoT aware business processes.  相似文献   

In order for enterprises to collaborate at the business-process level, they must deal with two kinds of processes: the public conversation processes specifying inter-enterprise document flows, and the private business processes specifying local workflows of document manipulation and other related tasks. The provisioning, interaction and integration of conversation management and business process management, have become the common interest of the e-business industry. In this paper we discuss the relationship and interaction between conversation management and business process management; point out the difference between public conversation processes (e.g. BPSS processes) and peer-conversation processes (e.g. BPEL4WS processes). We then illustrate our collaborative process management system that has functionally separated conversation manager and business process manager. The conversation manager is based on the ebXML BPSS standard; it is used for validating document exchange at run-time and for activating corresponding process tasks. We have also proposed the conversation model driven asynchronous task activation mechanism for interaction between a conversation process and the coupled business process dynamically. With this mechanism, generic APIs between the conversation manager and the business process manager can be easily defined and used by multiple plugged-in conversation managers.  相似文献   

Although workflow has been widely used to support the modeling and execution of business process, the majority of current workflow management systems are not designed and suited for supporting dynamic business processes. One of the deficiencies is the inability to model realistically the organization of an enterprise to manage the dynamic human-centric business processes. A framework for workflow-enabled dynamic business process management is described in the paper. It includes an organizational model and an authorization model for supporting dynamic business processes. More specifically, authorization policies are expressed in an SQL-like language which can be easily rewritten into query sentences for execution. In addition, the framework supports dynamic integration and execution of multiple access control polices from disparate enterprise resources. Finally, a prototype implementation of the dynamic business process management framework is described.  相似文献   

该文采用B/S架构技术,依据现代化饭店信息管理业务需求,进行了饭店管理模拟教学系统的研究,以方便饭店管理专业的学生进行现代化饭店行业业务流程的学习和模拟实践。  相似文献   

To facilitate business collaboration and interoperation among enterprises, it is critical to discover and reuse appropriate business processes modeled in different languages and stored in different repositories. However, the formats of business process models are very different, which makes it a challenge to fuse them in a unified way without changing their original representations and semantics. To solve this problem, this paper uses semantic interoperability technique which is able to transform heterogeneous process models into uniform registered items. Based on the general and unambiguous metamodel for process model registration (PMR for short) in ISO/IEC 19763-5 that we proposed before, in this article, we provide a generic process model registration framework for registering heterogeneous business process models to facilitate semantic discovery of business processes across enterprises, and promote process interoperation and business collaboration. Considering that Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) is a popular process model widely used in the industry, we focus on the mapping rules and related specific transformation algorithms from EPC to PMR as an instantiation of our framework and develop an automatic process model registration tool for EPC. Moreover, we conduct a series of experiments to verify the correctness and efficiency of our proposed framework by leveraging the real data set of 604 EPCs from SAP.  相似文献   

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