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导助航信息的三维可视化为船员提供清晰、直观的画面,方便船员准确地判断和掌握船舶所处的空间位置、水文环境、行进方向等重要信息。分析了整个三维可视化系统的体系结构;对导助航信息三维可视化的关键技术进行了研究,通过斜墨卡托投影实现地理坐标系到世界坐标系的坐标转换;提出一种方法计算航标位置、偏转角度用以指示锚地位置、船舶停靠方式;通过几何对象可视化进行导助航信息的动态展示。实验结果表明,该系统能够很好地解决船舶雾天通航因能见度低所造成的滞航问题,引导船舶航行和定位。  相似文献   

为了实现无人直升机地面站系统的空间数据处理、三维可视化和导航的功能,提出了基于3D GIS无人直升机地面站系统软件设计及其实现的方法.首先对无人直升机的整体系统框架进行说明,然后对地面站系统的软件框架设计和各个功能模块做了详细的分析,在此基础上重点分析了利用World Wind Java软件开发包来实现3D GIS导航的过程.整个地面站软件系统使用Java语言编写,嵌入3DGIS.最后以实例证明了该地面站系统软件的可行性,并且具有良好的可移植性和可扩充性.  相似文献   

本文研制了立体地形图,并将等高线、地图与其配准,三图合一成为市体导航图;并以立体导航图为底图,将手持GPS与笔记本计算机连接实时采集空间数据进行立体导航,确立了实时立体导航系统;并将该系统应用于帽儿山地苑的采伐迹地调查。实践证明这一系统有很强的实用性和准确性,体现了“3S”技术集成的特点,可用于车载。  相似文献   

使用MapX在无人机导航系统中添加能够处理矢量地图数据的地理信息模块,可以显著地提升系统的性能;文章对如何在矢量地图下进行无人机导航与任务规划进行了研究,完成对地理信息系统中矢量地图的基本控制和操作,并在地理信息图上进行航线的设定与修改;另外,针对二维矢量地图无法对无人机进行三维空间定位的问题,文章通过在无人机导航系统中添加高度位置显示模块,用二维平面地图与高度图相结合的方式来实现对无人机位置的三维定位;通过在无人机仿真实验系统中的使用,证明了该系统能高效、直观地对无人机飞行进行监视与控制。  相似文献   

This paper presents the real-time autonomous navigation of an electric wheelchair in a large-scale urban area. Accurate self-pose localization and well-chosen motion control are crucial for application to urban areas, as electric wheelchairs move on paved roads in dynamic environments and travel along sidewalks at a brisk speed. Our system is equipped with a localization module based on a 3D map and a path planning module based on a navigation map. However, the large-scale 3D map causes a high memory load, and the embedded PC can not deal with the map data. In addition, the large-scale navigation map increases the computational cost of path planning, which causes delays in navigation. To achieve real-time navigation independent of map size, we propose a 6-DoF pose localization switching reference 3D map and a two-step path planning framework. We ran tests by using an electric wheelchair on a real street in Tokyo and found that the proposed navigation system achieved autonomous navigation for over 8.8?km in about 133 minutes. The experimental results showed that the memory load was kept constant and the path planning was performed at high frequency, regardless of the size of the map or the distance to the destination.  相似文献   

基于Web的交互式三维发布系统   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
赵学伟  沈旭昆  齐越 《计算机工程》2007,33(22):243-245,248
针对Web上三维场景漫游的需要,设计了一种基于Browser/Server结构的跨平台交互式三维发布系统。解决了漫游导航、感兴趣区域浏览、视点平滑移动、地形跟踪以及递进传输等三维浏览的关键技术,并实现了交互式的三维图形浏览器。该浏览器嵌入Web浏览器之中,采用递进传输模式;除提供场景漫游等基本操作外,还可使用二维地图导航和选取感兴趣区域浏览,自由控制光照,以及选择点、线、面等不同的外观表现手段对三维模型进行展示。  相似文献   

The proposed method computes a navigation mesh for arbitrary and dynamic 3D environments based on curvature and is robust and efficient. This method addresses a number of known limitations in state‐of‐the‐art techniques to produce navigation meshes that are tightly coupled to the original geometry, incorporate geometric details that are crucial for movement decisions, can robustly handle complex surfaces and can efficiently repair the navigation mesh to accommodate dynamically changing environments. The method is integrated into a standard navigation and collision avoidance system to simulate thousands of agents on complex 3D surfaces in real time. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nonlinear projections and implementations are largely unexplored in 3D environments. A technique for generating deformed 3D visual effects using nonlinear perspective projections allows real-time navigation of 3D environments. The authors derive their deformation algorithms from 3D nonlinear perspective projections, which consider factors such as depth, view angle, and camera position-parameters 2D distortion algorithms don't consider. Distortion from the methods is more realistic than that of the 2D image distortion. In addition, the algorithms allow partially linear magnification or nonlinear deformation of 3D views in real time with less performance degradation. The authors also developed an experimental system that lets one deform 3D virtual worlds for real-time navigation. This article is available with a short video documentary on CD-ROM.  相似文献   

在未知的三维环境中,移动机器人自主导航通常需要实时构建与环境全局一致的栅格地图,而现有大部分系统缺少地图更新策略,构建的栅格地图与实际环境不一致.文中将同步定位与建图模块获得的环境信息以点云形式提供给栅格建图模块处理,同时提出基于关键帧的高效数据结构和地图实时更新策略,实时构建可用于移动机器人自主导航的全局一致的地图.室内动态的实验数据测试表明,文中方法可以有效实时更新地图,生成与环境一致的三维栅格地图,支持其后续的自主导航操作.  相似文献   

基于内窥镜视觉导航的盆腔微创手术,往往因为病灶的复杂解剖位置以及内窥镜视野的局限性,对手术的顺利开展提出了重要的挑战。针对这个问题,设计并开发一套基于立体视觉的盆腔微创手术的增强现实(AR)导航仿真系统。首先,利用术前的CT影像重建骨盆3D模型以及盆腔的真实手术视频,生成带有纹理信息的骨盆3D模型,仿真一套具有真实轨迹的手术视频;然后,利用基于可视点颜色一致性的2D/3D配准技术,实现术前重建模型与手术视野的初始化配准。利用立体视觉跟踪算法,对手术过程中的内窥镜位置进行跟踪,根据内窥镜多自由度的变换矩阵来实现术前3D模型与手术视野的融合与增强现实导航。估计轨迹与真实轨迹的均方根误差为2.3933 mm,仿真实验表明,导航系统为视觉导航提供良好的增强现实显示效果。  相似文献   

针对智能终端传感器在三维场景导航交互中不稳定问题,提出了一种基于可变平滑归一化模型的传感器数据处理算法.根据传感器数据特点和不同滑动平滑模型数据处理的特性,将不同平滑模型进行组合,并实现平滑窗口可变;同时,运用归一化算法,对数据进行等距处理.在基于终端的三维导航交互系统的实验结果表明,所提算法对传感器低频数据处理后,数据标准方差减小了71.3%,明显地减少了数据扰动;对高频数据处理后,数据标准方差减小了7.9%,有效地保留了信号特征.所提方法能够提高智能终端在三维导航交互中的稳定性和连续性.  相似文献   

A research team created a living mobile 3D city by lightweight modeling and 3D optimizations, and implementing an efficient, scalable dynamic entity management solution. They designed a mobile 3D navigation interface and verified the system by field experiments. Based on the results, they discuss implications for future.  相似文献   

非跳跃式全景漫游算法及在X3D下的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前全景漫游系统漫游在切换视点过程中产生跳跃感的问题提出了一种实用的全景漫游算法。该算法以摄影变焦原理为基础,结合人机工程学视觉原则方面的理论,通过对观察摄像机朝向和视角的操作模拟视点的运动过程,实现漫游效果。漫游过程避免了复杂的图像变换运算,有很好的实时性。并且创建了一个运用该算法控制全景漫游的X3D场景,实验验证了该算法的可行性。  相似文献   

We present an autonomous mobile robot navigation system using stereo fish-eye lenses for navigation in an indoor structured environment and for generating a model of the imaged scene. The system estimates the three-dimensional (3D) position of significant features in the scene, and by estimating its relative position to the features, navigates through narrow passages and makes turns at corridor ends. Fish-eye lenses are used to provide a large field of view, which images objects close to the robot and helps in making smooth transitions in the direction of motion. Calibration is performed for the lens-camera setup and the distortion is corrected to obtain accurate quantitative measurements. A vision-based algorithm that uses the vanishing points of extracted segments from a scene in a few 3D orientations provides an accurate estimate of the robot orientation. This is used, in addition to 3D recovery via stereo correspondence, to maintain the robot motion in a purely translational path, as well as to remove the effects of any drifts from this path from each acquired image. Horizontal segments are used as a qualitative estimate of change in the motion direction and correspondence of vertical segment provides precise 3D information about objects close to the robot. Assuming detected linear edges in the scene as boundaries of planar surfaces, the 3D model of the scene is generated. The robot system is implemented and tested in a structured environment at our research center. Results from the robot navigation in real environments are presented and discussed. Received: 25 September 1996 / Accepted: 20 October 1996  相似文献   

提出一种融合半自主导航、决策与接口转换子系统实现多旋翼飞行器室内3维空间目标搜索的混合计算机接口系统.半自主导航子系统为决策子系统提供2维空间可行飞行方向并实现多旋翼飞行器3维空间半自主避障.决策子系统采用联合回归模型与谱功率法从6个电极所采集的运动想象脑电信号中提取时域与频域特征,并利用支持向量机完成分类.接口转换子系统采用连续小波变换检测眨眼时的眼电特征,并通过分析这些眼动特征实现水平与垂直方向的运动想象任务接口切换.实际的室内3维空间目标搜索实验验证了该系统具有较好的适应性与控制稳定性;相比其他方法,半自主导航子系统降低了控制难度,控制精度约提高±10 cm.  相似文献   

Many applications now demand interaction with visualizations of 3D scenes and data sets. Current flat 2D displays are limited in their capacity to provide this not only by the display technology but the interaction metaphors and devices used. The Desktop Bat is a device that has 5 degrees of freedom whilst retaining the simplicity of use o fa mouse. To use it for general 3D interaction several metaphors were created for the tasks of navigation and cursor manipulation and a set of experiments were conducted to determine which metaphors were the most efficient in use. Of these metaphors, a velocity control metaphor was the best for navigation and a metaphor that applied rotations and translations relative to the eyepoint coordinate system was best for object control.  相似文献   

近年来基于图像的虚拟现实技术发展迅速,它很好弥补了基于图形的三维虚拟场景构建方式中的不足。基于图像的虚拟现实技术主要包括基于图像的建模和漫游技术,本文将基于图像的漫游技术应用于汽车驾驶模拟器的视景系统,实现了一定区域内逼真的场景漫游。本文首先利用图像拼接技术实现单视点宽角度漫游,再通过图像插值和视图变形技术实现连续的多视点漫游。  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for occlusion-free animation of geographical landmarks, and its application to a new type of car navigation system in which driving routes of interest are always visible. This is achieved by animating a nonperspective image where geographical landmarks such as mountain tops and roads are rendered as if they are seen from different viewpoints. The technical contribution of this paper lies in formulating the nonperspective terrain navigation as an inverse problem of continuously deforming a 3D terrain surface from the 2D screen arrangement of its associated geographical landmarks. The present approach provides a perceptually reasonable compromise between the navigation clarity and visual realism where the corresponding nonperspective view is fully augmented by assigning appropriate textures and shading effects to the terrain surface according to its geometry. An eye tracking experiment is conducted to prove that the present approach actually exhibits visually-pleasing navigation frames while users can clearly recognize the shape of the driving route without occlusion, together with the spatial configuration of geographical landmarks in its neighborhood.  相似文献   

A 3D simulator for autonomous robotic fish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a 3D simulator used for studying the motion control and autonomous navigation of robotic fish. The simulator's system structure and computation flow are presented. Simplified kinematics and hydrodynamics models for a virtual robotic fish are proposed. Many other object models are created for water, obstacles, sonar sensors and a swimming pool. Experimental results show that the simulator provides a, realistic and convenient way to develop autonomous navigation algorithms for robotic fish.  相似文献   

This paper presents an open-source indoor navigation system for quadrotor micro aerial vehicles (MAVs), implemented in the ROS framework. The system requires a minimal set of sensors including a planar laser range-finder and an inertial measurement unit. We address the issues of autonomous control, state estimation, path-planning, and teleoperation, and provide interfaces that allow the system to seamlessly integrate with existing ROS navigation tools for 2D SLAM and 3D mapping. All components run in real time onboard the MAV, with state estimation and control operating at 1 kHz. A major focus in our work is modularity and abstraction, allowing the system to be both flexible and hardware-independent. All the software and hardware components which we have developed, as well as documentation and test data, are available online.  相似文献   

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