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李健  杨镖镖  张皓若 《计算机仿真》2021,38(3):292-297,486
针对目前人体形变模型中姿态估计算法容易出现误差、信息缺失等问题,提出一种利用深度相机获取的人体三维信息来优化模型的方法.通过深度相机Kinect获取的三维骨架信息,与SMPL模型进行配准,修正原始的模型姿态,得到一个接近人体真实姿态的模型.实验结果表明,融合人体三维信息后,模型的准确性得到一定程度上的提高.  相似文献   

使用Kinect快速重建三维人体   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
三维人体模型广泛应用在多媒体工业,如动漫产业、游戏创作、电影制作等.针对传统三维扫描仪价格昂贵、操作复杂等缺点,提出一种基于低廉的深度摄像机(如微软Kinect)重建三维人体模型.该方法使用迭代最近点查找确定输入点云与可变模型之间的对应点对,将可变形人体模型拟合扫描点云数据,迭代生成高精度的三维人体模型.实验结果表明,文中方法能够使用Kinect深度摄像机快速重建出高精度的三维人体模型.  相似文献   

通过Kinect体感仪,实现人体三维重建.使用Kinect体感仪,扫描获取人体三维数据,利用深度数据转换算法实现二维顶点的三维化,再通过红外相机姿态跟踪算法进行顶点集配准,求解出相机每次的相对位移与转动角度,实现相机姿态跟踪,并将每次拍摄到的点集转换到同一全局坐标系下,使用晶格化显示集成算法将点云集成到提前划分好精度及尺寸的体素晶格中,最后利用投影映射算法获得可视化的人体三维立体模型.使用Kinect体感仪及三脚架等辅助设备方便快捷地获取人体三维重建结果,并通过3D打印技术对模型进行输出.该研究实现了人体三维重建中人体扫描、处理、重建、输出全流程.  相似文献   

针对RGB-D扫描数据获取和人体三维重建过程中存在扫描数据分辨率不高、噪声干扰影响较大、配准误差较大等问题,提出一种基于累积误差极小的RGB-D扫描数据全局配准的人体模型三维重建方法.首先采集人体扫描数据并进行预处理,去除噪声和背景;然后利用基于三维点特征描述符匹配求解局部扫描数据的粗略配准,并通过最近点迭代的方法进行精细配准;再构建局部配准数据加权图,通过最小生成树方法合并局部相邻帧数据来减少全局误差传播的影响,利用环闭合的方法解决累积误差问题并得到全局刚体配准结果;通过对全局刚体配准后的数据依次进行非刚体变换并不断融合配准后数据,解决扫描过程中的移动问题,进一步减少全局累积误差;最后利用全局配准结果和扫描数据中的颜色信息生成融合颜色信息的人体三维重建模型.利用2台Kinect设备扫描获取的人体全方位扫描数据进行实验的结果表明,该方法能够方便、高效地重建具有高度真实感的三维人体,而且重建生成的三维人体测量尺寸与真实人体尺寸之间的误差较小.  相似文献   

使用Kinect采集的深度数据,进行了轴类零件三维重建算法的研究。首先借助Kinect获取深度和彩色数据,通过坐标转换将深度信息转换成三维点云数据;其次提取出感兴趣目标的点云数据,根据点云数据的噪声特点,并对其进行滤波降噪处理;然后进行点云分割获得点云集,最后对各点云集进行结构参数化分析。实验结果表明,本文算法能够精确、高效地实现轴类零件的重建。  相似文献   

针对三维物体重建过程中存在的配准精度差问题,提出一种改进的 IC P算法。先利用动态设定的距离函数阈值,再利用高斯曲率相似性,去除错误匹配点对,在迭代结束后给出结果评价准则,提高ICP算法的精度。在使用Kinect相机采集到点云数据后,利用改进的IC P算法进行局部配准,将局部配准的结果应用于全局配准,得到完整的三维物体模型。实验结果表明,该算法配准精度高,能有效地应用于三维物体重建。  相似文献   

随着机器视觉理论的发展和硬件技术的进步,三维重建在生产、生活中的应用越来越广泛,基于Kinect传感器的三维重建得到广泛的应用。针对于现有的Kinect传感器获得的深度图像深度信息丢失的问题,提出了一种新的基于均值滤波的方法对深度图像进行去噪,并对深度图像进行预处理,获取三维点云,用迭代最近点(Iterative Closest Point,ICP)算法完成点云的精确配准,从而得到配准后物体表面三维点云,并完成物体的三维重建。  相似文献   

为了高效、高精度、低成本地实现对物体的全视角三维重建, 提出一种使用深度相机融合光照约束实现全视角三维重建的方法。该重建方法中,在进行单帧重建时采用RGBD深度图像融合明暗恢复形状(Shape from shading,SFS)的重建方法, 即在原有的深度数据上加上额外的光照约束来优化深度值; 在相邻两帧配准时, 采用快速点特征直方图(Fast point feature histograms, FPFH)特征进行匹配并通过随机采样一致性(Random sample consensus, RANSAC)滤除错误的匹配点对求解粗配准矩阵, 然后通过迭代最近点(Iterative closest point, ICP)算法进行精配准得出两帧间的配准矩阵; 在进行全视角的三维重建时, 采用光束平差法优化相机位姿, 从而消除累积误差使首尾帧完全重合, 最后融合生成一个完整的模型。该方法融入了物体表面的光照信息,因此生成的三维模型更为光顺,也包含了更多物体表面的细节信息,提高了重建精度;同时该方法仅通过单张照片就能在自然光环境下完成对多反射率三维物体的重建,适用范围更广。本文方法的整个实验过程通过手持深度相机就能完成,不需要借助转台,操作更加方便。  相似文献   

三维人体测量技术中,人体表面情况较为复杂以及存在视觉盲点,使得测量范围有限的Kinect技术无法通过一次测量完成对整个人体表面点云的获取工作。为了得到与原模型一致的分块点云数据和解决Kinect直接获取的点云坐标与实际不相符的问题,研究了基于Kinect对人体的不同区域的测量,首先推导出合理的坐标变换公式对点云进行处理。然后,使用三点对齐法和Delaunay三角剖分法实现分块点云的拼接和三维人体模型的重建。最后,运用Matlab平台进行仿真。实验结果表明,该算法简化了传统三维人体建模的复杂性,能够精确地提取人体深度图像,且模型的恢复程度较好。  相似文献   

使用Kinect可以方便地获取物体的纹理图像和三维点云数据。研究一种通过获取纹理图像的特征点进行快速三维点云数据配准的算法.并最终应用到室内环境的三维场芾重建中。实验表明,此算法具有直观、实现简单、运算量小等优点。  相似文献   

以Kinect为代表的深度图像传感器在肢体康复系统中得到广泛应用.单一深度图像传感器采集人体关节点数据时由于肢体遮挡、传感器数据错误和丢失等原因降低系统可靠性.本文研究了利用两台Kinect深度图像传感器进行数据融合从而达到消除遮挡、数据错误和丢失的目的,提高康复系统中数据的稳定性和可靠性.首先,利用两台Kinect采集患者健康侧手臂运动数据;其次,对两组数据做时间对准、Bursa线性模型下的坐标变换和基于集员滤波的数据融合;再次,将融合后的健康侧手臂运动数据经过“镜像运动”作为患侧手臂运动指令;最后,将患侧运动指令下发给可穿戴式镜像康复外骨骼带动患者患侧手臂完成三维动画提示的康复动作,达到患者主动可控康复的目的.本文通过Kinect与VICON系统联合实验以及7自由度机械臂控制实验验证了数据融合方法的有效性,以及两台Kinect可有效解决上述问题.  相似文献   

We propose a framework to reconstruct the 3D pose of a human for animation from a sequence of single-view video frames. The framework for pose construction starts with background estimation and the performer?s silhouette is extracted using image subtraction for each frame. Then the body silhouettes are automatically labeled using a model-based approach. Finally, the 3D pose is constructed from the labeled human silhouette by assuming orthographic projection. The proposed approach does not require camera calibration. It assumes that the input video has a static background, it has no significant perspective effects, and the performer is in an upright position. The proposed approach requires minimal user interaction.  相似文献   

利用深度传感器估计三维人体姿态是计算机视觉领域的一个重要问题,在人机交互、虚拟现实和动画设计等领域有重要的应用价值.针对该问题的主流方法是自底向上的方法,这类方法一般采用分类、回归或检索技术,可以直接从深度数据中估计三维肢体姿态,在人机交互中得到了很广泛的应用.但是这类方法依赖于大规模的姿态数据库,而且结果不够精确.本文提出一种结合个性化人体建模和深度数据的三维姿态估计方法,首先对运动对象建立三维虚拟人模型,然后利用该个性化的虚拟人模型与深度数据之间的点匹配关系构造姿态优化的目标函数,通过迭代优化目标函数,估计出与深度数据相吻合的三维姿态.与传统方法相比,本文方法不需要任何姿态数据库.实验表明,本文方法得到的结果更加精确.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method for recovering consistent depth maps from a video sequence. We propose a bundle optimization framework to address the major difficulties in stereo reconstruction, such as dealing with image noise, occlusions, and outliers. Different from the typical multi-view stereo methods, our approach not only imposes the photo-consistency constraint, but also explicitly associates the geometric coherence with multiple frames in a statistical way. It thus can naturally maintain the temporal coherence of the recovered dense depth maps without over-smoothing. To make the inference tractable, we introduce an iterative optimization scheme by first initializing the disparity maps using a segmentation prior and then refining the disparities by means of bundle optimization. Instead of defining the visibility parameters, our method implicitly models the reconstruction noise as well as the probabilistic visibility. After bundle optimization, we introduce an efficient space-time fusion algorithm to further reduce the reconstruction noise. Our automatic depth recovery is evaluated using a variety of challenging video examples.  相似文献   

The progression in the field of stereoscopic imaging has resulted in impressive 3D videos. This technology is now used for commercial and entertainment purposes and sometimes even for medical applications. Currently, it is impossible to produce quality anaglyph video using a single camera under different moving and atmospheric conditions with the corresponding depth, local colour, and structural information. The proposed study challenges the previous researches by introducing single camera based method for anaglyph reconstruction and it mainly concentrates on human visual perception, where as the previous methods used dual camera, depth sensor, multi view, which demand not only long duration they also suffer from photometric distortion due to variation in angular alignment. This study also contributes clear individual image without any occlusion with another image. We use an approach based on human vision to determine the corresponding depth information. The source frames are shifted slightly in opposite directions as the distance between the pupils increases. We integrate the colour components of the shifted frames to generate contrasting colours for each one of the marginally shifted frames. The colour component images are then reconstructed as a cyclopean image. We show the results of our method by applying it to quickly varying video sequences and compare its performance to other existing methods.  相似文献   

Generating a visually appealing human motion sequence using low‐dimensional control signals is a major line of study in the motion research area in computer graphics. We propose a novel approach that allows us to reconstruct full body human locomotion using a single inertial sensing device, a smartphone. Smartphones are among the most widely used devices and incorporate inertial sensors such as an accelerometer and a gyroscope. To find a mapping between a full body pose and smartphone sensor data, we perform low dimensional embedding of full body motion capture data, based on a Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model. Our system ensures temporal coherence between the reconstructed poses by using a state decomposition model for automatic phase segmentation. Finally, application of the proposed nonlinear regression algorithm finds a proper mapping between the latent space and the sensor data. Our framework effectively reconstructs plausible 3D locomotion sequences. We compare the generated animation to ground truth data obtained using a commercial motion capture system.  相似文献   

针对计算机图形学和视觉领域研究热点--三维场景重建,首先分析了 Kinect v2 (Kinect for Windows v2 sensor)获取深度图像的原理,说明深度图像噪声的来源。然后根据获取 深度图像的原理设计一种算法对点云采样范围进行裁剪。其次对点云离群点进行去除,填补点 云孔洞,以提高重建质量。常见的三维场景重建大都采用了 KinectFusion 的一个全局立方体方 案,但只能对小范围内的场景进行重建。对此设计了一种对大场景进行点云匹配的 ICP 算法。 最后对点云进行曲面重建,实现一套低成本、精确的针对大场景的三维重建系统。  相似文献   

We present a system to reconstruct subject‐specific anatomy models while relying only on exterior measurements represented by point clouds. Our model combines geometry, kinematics, and skin deformations (skinning). This joint model can be adapted to different individuals without breaking its functionality, i.e., the bones and the skin remain well‐articulated after the adaptation. We propose an optimization algorithm which learns the subject‐specific (anthropometric) parameters from input point clouds captured using commodity depth cameras. The resulting personalized models can be used to reconstruct motion of human subjects. We validate our approach for upper and lower limbs, using both synthetic data and recordings of three different human subjects. Our reconstructed bone motion is comparable to results obtained by optical motion capture (Vicon) combined with anatomically‐based inverse kinematics (OpenSIM). We demonstrate that our adapted models better preserve the joint structure than previous methods such as OpenSIM or Anatomy Transfer.  相似文献   

Optimization-based key frame extraction for motion capture animation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we present a new solution for extracting key frames from motion capture data using an optimization algorithm to obtain compact and sparse key frame data that can represent the original dense human body motion capture animation. The use of the genetic algorithm helps determine the optimal solution with global exploration capability while the use of a probabilistic simplex method helps expedite the speed of convergence. By finding the chromosome that maximizes the fitness function, the algorithm provides the optimal number of key frames as well as the low reconstruction error with an ordinary interpolation technique. The reconstruction error is computed between the original motion and the reconstruction one by the weighted differences of joint positions and velocities. The resulting set of key frames is obtained by iterative application of the algorithm with initial populations generated randomly and intelligently. We also present experiments which demonstrate that the method can effectively extract key frames with a high compression ratio and reconstruct all other non key frames with high quality.  相似文献   

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