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乳制品废水在酸沉和离心预处理后,通过微滤、超滤、纳滤、反渗透截留废水中的微生物、蛋白质和乳糖等物质,即可达到回用或排放要求。大豆乳清废水经沉淀和离心处理后,采用超滤回收废水中的蛋白质,再用纳滤脱盐、回收低聚糖,滤液过反渗透膜即可达到回用或排放要求。味精废水采用超滤和反渗透双膜法,或用陶瓷膜和电渗析结合处理后,得到的滤液既可再次用于工艺生产。在生产酱油和食醋时,采用微滤、纳滤、陶瓷膜、电渗析处理,不仅能够改善酱油和食醋的风味,还能延长其储藏周期。最后,对膜分离技术治理食品工业废水的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

丝绸废水中蛋白质回收及超滤处理技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对丝绸精炼废水中含有大量溶解性丝胶蛋白质,利用其两性特点,经过酸析提取粗丝胶蛋白质,并对丝绸精炼废水进行预处理;对酸析上清波利用超滤膜分离技术进一步浓缩丝胶蛋白质及废水处理.结果表明,在最佳条件下酸析CODcr去除率在35%以上,超滤CODcr去除率在70%左右,从最终结果看,经过酸析和超滤处理以后的出水还不能达到排放要求,还需进一步生物处理.  相似文献   

丝绵加工废水中回收提纯丝胶工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
丝绵生产过程中的煮茧及精练废水中含有大量溶解性的丝胶蛋白质,为实现资源循环利用和减少环境污染,利用丝胶等电点,研究了酸析和中空纤维膜方法提纯蛋白质的工艺条件.结果表明:pH值为3.8,温度15℃,放置时间2 h,搅拌速度60 r/min,可以使60%左右的丝胶蛋白沉淀下来;而采用中空纤维膜处理上层清液和下层沉淀,可以实现浓缩和脱盐的效果,丝胶含盐率接近自来水,达到进一步加工提纯的要求.  相似文献   

通过采用酸析法和化学混凝法对滞头废水进行预处理,其中化学混凝法选择聚合氯化铝(PAC)作为混凝剂.试验结果表明:在单独采用酸析法对CODcr去除和蛋白质回收不理想的情况下,采用酸析-离心方法,CODcr去除率为68.2%,蛋白质回收率为64.3%;采用化学混凝法,CODcr去除率为73.7%,蛋白质回收率69.8%.通过对滞头废水进行预处理,不仅能有效回收滞头废水中的蛋白质,而且能大幅降低污染负荷.  相似文献   

膜分离技术是指用高分子膜对混合物进行分离的方法。膜分离装置主要有平板式、管式、中空纤维式和螺旋卷式四种组件,其中以平板式组件处理制浆造纸废水废液的前景最大。目前已实现工业化的有离子交换膜、气体分离膜、反渗透膜、超过滤膜和精细过滤膜等。膜分离技术处理制浆造纸废水废液,可解决传统处理技术所无法克服的难题,同时还可回收利用废液中的木素等副产品。  相似文献   

赵晓晶  张克勤 《印染》2013,39(9):49-54
丝胶位于蚕丝外层,是一种水溶性球状蛋白,具有丝胶Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ层状分布的特点;其二级构象以无规卷曲和β-折叠结构为主,几乎不含α-螺旋结构,其分子质量主要分布在10~100 kDa,且随脱胶方法的不同而异。丝胶具有胶体的性质,等电点为3.8~4.5,在一定湿热条件下会发生变性或变质。丝胶在化妆品、功能材料、食品添加剂等领域均具有良好应用前景,文中介绍了目前制丝废水中丝胶主要的化学和物理回收方法。化学法包括酸析法、有机溶剂法、化学混凝法、离子交换回收法;物理法包括离心法、冰冻法和超滤法,通过综合比较,提出一种新的丝胶回收方法。  相似文献   

采用酸析分离、絮凝沉淀、活性炭吸附物理化学综合处理法处理绢纺脱胶废水.结果表明,先单独采用酸析法,CODCr去除率为35%,丝胶去除率为36%;再经PAC/PAM复配混凝后,CODCr去除率为71%,丝胶去除率为70%;最后采用活性炭吸附,CODCr和丝胶的总去除率可达到98%以上,达到国家排放标准.此方法处理效果明显、工艺简单,大幅降低了脱胶废水中的CODCr,可减少环境污染.  相似文献   

利用膜分离技术从加工制作豆腐产生的废水对大豆低聚糖的提取进行了研究.实验结果表明:用截留分子量为10KDa的中空纤维聚砜膜超滤豆腐废水,对蛋白和低聚糖的分离有较好的效果.经预处理和超滤后大豆低聚糖的含量为5.80g/L,回收率为81.0%.较好的预处理条件为:豆腐废水经真空抽滤后加入CaCl2,使其浓度达到3wt%,用HCl调至pH值4.3~4.6,离心20min.较适宜的超滤条件为:料液体积流量20 L/h,膜两侧平均压力差0.10MPa,室温,pH=6.4~7.较好的清洗条件可使膜通量恢复90%以上,即:浓缩液体积流量20L/h,清水超滤30min(0.03MPa,室温),0.1wt%的NaOH超滤30min(0.10 MPa,45℃);0.3wt%H2O2浸泡16h.  相似文献   

日本采用先进的实验设备,对制丝技术进行了系统的科学研究。研究内容从原料茧质、丝质到新形质生丝的开发;从丝胶蛋白质构造到丝胶理化学的特性分析;从家蚕丝到野、柞蚕丝的研究以及自动化控制的研究等等。日本研究机构的设置遍及各个县。制丝的最早研究机构——农林水产省蚕丝试验场设置制丝部、绢纤维部、化学部及中部支场制丝试验部。  相似文献   

简述了膜分离技术的特征和性能,重点介绍了膜分离技术在制浆造纸工业中的应用情况,并做了经济效益分析.采用超滤、反渗透对经物化生化处理后的制浆造纸废水进行深度处理,可使出水水质达到生产用水标准,反渗透浓水回前端生化系统,实现制浆造纸废水的循环利用.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the free-radical-scavenging activity and antioxidant activity of silk sericin. Silk sericin was prepared from silkworm Bombyx mori and its ability to scavenge hydroxyl, superoxide and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals was determined by Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) and ultraviolet spectrophotometry, respectively. The antioxidant activities of the silk sericin, including lipid peroxidation in the linoleic acid system, reducing power and ferrous-ion-chelating ability, were evaluated. The results showed that silk sericin had a strong scavenging capacity for hydroxyl, superoxide and DPPH radicals. The results also showed that silk sericin had potent antioxidative activity on the peroxidation of linoleic acid. The reducing power and ferrous-ion-chelating ability of silk sericin were significant. These results indicated that silk sericin from silkworm B. mori was a natural antioxidant with potent antioxidative activity.


Most of silk sericin must be removed during raw silk production at the reeling mill and other stages of silk processing. At present, silk sericin is mostly discarded in silk processing waste water. If silk sericin is recovered and recycled, it can represent a significant economic and social benefit. Silk sericin is a natural macromolecular protein derived from the silkworm Bombyx mori . Silk sericin is useful because of its antioxidant activity. Silk sericin can be cross linked, copolymerized and blended with other macromolecular materials, especially artificial polymers, to produce materials with improved properties. The protein is also used as an improving reagent or a coating material for natural and artificial fibers, fabrics and articles. The materials modified with silk sericin and sericin composites are useful as degradable biomaterials, biomedical materials and functional membranes.  相似文献   

Huang J.  Ni D.  Ni X.  Chen W.  Fu Y. 《丝绸》2022,(12):187-196
Silk is a kind of natural fiber with good luster strength elasticity dyeability hygroscopicity and other advantages. Silk products are quite popular to the customers because of their excellent performance such as heat preservation air permeability and so on which make them comfortable to use. Silk floss which is made from pupa lining secondary cocoon etc. can be used as floc and filler materials and is an important part of silk products. According to its production mode silk floss can be divided into manual silk floss and machine-made silk floss and the latter has become the main processing mode of silk floss production due to its high production efficiency. In terms of composition silk flossing generally contains 20% - 30% sericin pupa oil and impurities so in the degumming process in addition to adding sodium carbonate and other degumming agents to remove sericin a large amount of hydrogen peroxide with strong oxidation property is also used to increase the cleanliness and smoothness. Unfortunately hydrogen peroxide is highly flammable and explosive and poses a risk in transportation and storage causing potential safety hazards to the silk processing industry. In order to solve this problem we innovatively propose two hydrogen peroxide-free processing methods of machine-made silk floss by using sodium percarbonate degumming or sodium carbonate-ozone. As an environmentally friendly solid oxidant sodium percarbonate can produce hydrogen peroxide and sodium carbonate after decomposition and is often used to degrade organic harmful substances. Similarly ozone is a common strong oxidant with broad-spectrum antibacterial properties and because ozone can be produced instantly by ozone generators there is no risk of transport and storage. Silk is composed of silk fibroin and sericin. Among them silk fibroin is fibrous protein which will swell in hot water while sericin is globular protein which is easy to dissolve in hot water. As a result in this paper heated sodium percarbonate solution and sodium carbonate-ozone system were used to deglue silk floss. The methods were as follows silk floss was degummed three times in boiling 0. 78 g / L sodium percarbonate solution for 30 minutes each time or was degummed three times in boiled 0. 5 g / L Na2 CO3 solution with ozone continuously flow at a rate of 100 mg / L - h for 30 minutes each time. After cleaning and drying the degummed silk floss can be obtained. After the experiment the apparent morphology sericin residual efficiency impurity rate compression resilience whiteness and other silk floss quality indexes of the two methods were analyzed and compared with superior machine-made silk floss processed by commercial way with hydrogen peroxide. The results show that both two processing methods got uniform degumming effect of silk floss and the surface of the single fiber was smooth and the degumming effect was basically the same as that of commercial products prepared with hydrogen peroxide. The sericin residual rate of silk floss was between 3% - 4% which was in line with the requirements of less than 5% of superior silk floss. There was no significant difference between silk floss obtained and commercial superior products in smoothness and whiteness. In conclusion the performance of silk floss in all aspects has reached the standard of superior products that is the sericin content is not more than 5% the impurity content is not more than 0. 1% the compression rate is not less than 45% and the response rate is not less than 92% . Based on the experimental results and analysis it can be concluded that the machine-made silk floss with good performance can be prepared without hydrogen peroxide showing the feasibility of processing machine-made silk floss without hydrogen peroxide which is of great significance to the research and development of a safe and reliable oxidant system for the removal of impurities in silk floss and to further improve the safety of machine-made silk floss production process. © 2022 China Silk Association. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

为提高丝胶的稳定性,论文采用戊二醛(GA)固胶技术,探讨GA固胶工艺对茧丝性能的影响。论文从固胶茧丝回潮率、白度、茧丝蛋白稳定性、力学性能及茧丝导热系数、红外光谱的测试和分析等方面研究茧丝的性能。结果表明,GA固胶有效地减小了水溶性,提高了茧丝的蛋白稳定性;固胶茧丝的公定回潮率有所下降,下降幅度在1%~4%;断裂强力、断裂伸长率均有所增加,初始模量有所下降;导热系数变化不大,仍能保持良好的保暖性;红外光谱特征吸收峰的一些特征峰的峰形、峰位、峰高稍有改变,某些特征峰的波数发生了位移,说明固胶后茧丝分子结构发生了一定程度的变化。  相似文献   

丝胶蛋白多肽的制备方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丝胶蛋白是茧丝绸工业的副产品,经过降解处理后可制成丝胶蛋白多肽.介绍了酶水解、酸水解和碱水解等降解处理制备丝胶蛋白多肤的方法,并对丝胶蛋白多肽的功能及应用前景作了简要概述.  相似文献   

缫丝厂废水处理与丝胶蛋白质的回收利用   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22  
段亚峰  杨晓瑜 《丝绸》2000,(1):16-17
绢纺制绵,缫丝茧与副产品加工、丝绸印染精练等生产废水中存在大量溶解性丝胶蛋白质,直接排放时有机物含量严重超标。通过对缫 丝厂煮茧和副产品加工废水的净化,使之达到排放要求的同时,提出了回收其中丝胶蛋白质的方法,以及用以制备混合氨基酸合铜,用作农作物种子消毒灭液和植物叶面氮肥新产品的途径。  相似文献   

为提高聚丁二酸丁二醇酯(PBS)纤维的服用舒适性,将PBS与天然高分子丝胶蛋白共混,经熔融纺丝制成PBS/丝胶蛋白共混纤维,研究了丝胶蛋白质量分数对纤维形态结构、化学结构、热性能、力学性能与降解性能的影响。结果表明:共混纤维具有丝胶蛋白为分散相,PBS为连续相的形态结构;丝胶蛋白的存在改善了PBS纤维断裂伸长率过高的问题,当其质量分数达到15%时,共混纤维的断裂伸长率为8.9%;共混纤维的饱和回潮率为3.90%,接近于合成纤维中的锦纶,说明共混纤维亲肤性能优良;此外,土埋降解实验6周后共混纤维的质量损失率可达53.6%,具有快速降解的能力。  相似文献   

Sericin is a natural silk protein which is removed from silk in a process called degumming. Thus, finding a use for the extracted sericin as a biopolymer film will create added value which will benefit both the economy and society. It was found that extracted sericin could not form stand-alone films. Therefore, glucomannan was incorporated with or without glycerol to form a flexible film. Sericin and glucomannan ratio (S:G) affected film properties. Increasing sericin content (S:G = 2:1) slightly reduced film water vapour permeability (WVP) without adding glycerol (Gly). This indicated that sericin provided film flexibility without increasing film WVP. As expected, increasing glycerol content increased film WVP as well as decreased tensile strength and elastic modulus but increased dramatically % elongation. It is interesting that adding beeswax to form a composite film did not improve film water vapour barrier. Thus, sericin-based film properties are dependent on components used to form film and can tailor to form the desired film flexibility and minimise permeability of films for application.  相似文献   

丝胶回收方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对丝绸厂精练废水中所含大量的丝胶蛋白质,研究高效回收丝胶的各种方法,并分别从回收原理、工艺流程以及实际存在的问题和解决方法等方面对其进行了详细的分析研究。  相似文献   

王雪云  邓连霞  朱良均 《丝绸》2011,48(8):19-21
丝绸工业废水中含有大量溶解性丝胶蛋白,直接排放会造成严重的环境污染和资源的极大浪费.为此,根据丝绸废水的处理现状,对传统丝胶蛋白回收方法进行了分析,综述了几种新的回收丝胶蛋白的方法及丝胶蛋白的利用现状.  相似文献   

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