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食源性微生物形成的生物被膜是食品生产加工中不容忽视的安全隐患,针对食品生产加工环境中广泛存在的混合菌种生物被膜的研究仍处于起步阶段。该文在现有的理论和研究结果基础上,总结了食源性混合菌种生物被膜的形成规律,归纳介绍了混合被膜中微生物间以竞争和共生为主的种间相互作用及其调控机制,旨在为食品领域混合菌种生物被膜的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

细菌黏附在食品或食品接触表面并形成生物被膜可能导致设备损坏、食品变质甚至人类疾病。混合菌生物被膜作为细菌在食品工业中的主要存在形式,与单菌生物被膜相比,对消毒剂和抗菌素往往具有更强的抗性。然而,混合菌生物被膜的形成与种间相互作用十分复杂,其在食品工业中的潜在作用仍有待探索。本文总结了混合菌生物被膜的形成和种间相互作用以及近年来的新型控制策略,并对未来食品工业中混合菌生物被膜的污染防控进行了展望,旨在为混合菌生物被膜在食品工业中的深入研究以及制定高效的新型控制策略提供理论依据和参考,以期更好地保障食品安全与公众健康。  相似文献   

单核细胞增生李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes)(以下简称单增李斯特菌)是一种引发李斯特菌病罹患者高住院率和高死亡率的食源性致病菌,其可在冷、热、干燥和消毒剂处理等不利条件下黏附于食品接触表面并进一步形成难以清除的生物被膜。交叉污染是单增李斯特菌传播的主要途径,生物被膜的形成提高了单增李斯特菌在工厂和厨房环境持续传播和污染的可能性,可引发相关食源性疾病暴发和食品召回等,从而造成健康和经济损失。本文首先介绍了单增李斯特菌生物被膜的胞外聚合物组分,并从外部生存环境和内部微生物自身因素两方面总结了影响单增李斯特菌生物被膜交叉污染转移的因素;进一步重点从研究类型和细菌收集两方面阐述了生物被膜交叉污染的相关研究进展;最后,归纳总结了针对单增李斯特菌生物被膜形成早期的防控策略,展望该领域的研究前景,以期为科学评估和早期精准防控单增李斯特菌生物被膜交叉污染的潜在风险提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以食源性病原菌金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌及其混合菌为研究对象,采用单因素分析及BoxBehnken试验,确定混合菌生物被膜形成的最佳条件;通过96微孔板法分别测定胰蛋白胨大豆肉汤培养基(tryptone soybroth,TSB)、葡萄糖和NaCl对单一菌和混合菌在最佳条件下形成生物被膜能力的影响。结果显示,混合菌生物被膜的最佳培养基p H值为7,培养温度36℃,培养时间22 h;采用质量分数为1.6%的TSB培养基时,病原菌在最佳条件下形成的生物被膜黏附率最大;碳源促进了生物被膜的形成;NaCl质量分数大于0.4%时,食源性病原菌生物被膜的形成能力受到一定抑制。综上,培养条件能够影响病原菌生物被膜的形成。  相似文献   

以食源性病原菌(金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌和肠炎沙门氏菌)形成的混合菌生物被膜为研究对象,对其定性和定量检测,通过实时荧光定量PCR方法分别检测单一菌和混合菌生物被膜中金黄色葡萄球菌28种目的毒素基因转录水平的变化。结果表明,结晶紫染色法、银染法和扫描电镜法均表明混合菌在培养24 h时达到最大黏附度;混合菌生物被膜中3种细菌的活菌数均低于单菌生物被膜中的活菌数;28种毒素基因在金黄色葡萄球菌中均被检出,且混合菌相对于单一菌生物被膜,上调量显著的有肠毒素基因sep、ser,显著下降的有溶血素基因hla和脱皮毒素基因etd,肠毒素基因seb表达量相等。  相似文献   

生物膜(Biofilm)是由众多微生物聚集黏附在物体表面形成的多细胞群体结构,多种食源性微生物均能形成相应的生物膜,且该现象的产生对食品加工与安全有着重要影响。群体感应(Quorum sensing,QS)已被证明是调控生物膜形成的重要因素。文章主要介绍了群体感应对几种食源性细菌及真菌生物膜形成的调控作用,旨在为食品加工过程中微生物生物膜的控制与利用提供参考。  相似文献   

该研究以食源性混合病原菌生物被膜(金黄色葡萄球菌-大肠杆菌-沙门氏菌)为研究对象,研究不同质量浓度的乙二胺四乙酸(ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid,EDTA)对混合菌生物被膜的抑制作用。结果表明,当添加0.25 mmol/L的EDTA时即可使混合菌生物被膜黏附率下降16.5%,检测AI-2分子活性和扫描电镜观察形态进一步证实了随着EDTA浓度的增加,黏附度逐渐减少;EDTA仅对处于黏附期(0~28 h)的混合菌生物被膜有抑制作用;添加二价金属离子(Mg~(2+)、Ca~(2+)、Fe~(2+))可增强混合菌生物被膜的稳定性。  相似文献   

开展食源性致病菌的防控研究以保障食品安全,具有显著的实践意义。作为细菌为适应不良环境所表现出的一种自我保护机制,食源性致病菌在食品生产加工过程中,可以黏附在食品原材料表面以及各种食品加工器械表面形成生物被膜,增大了消毒清洗的难度,给食品安全带来了严重的隐患和危害。因此,如何有效地清除细菌生物被膜成为食品安全领域的研究热点。结合细菌生物被膜形成过程和调控机制,本研究系统分析总结了细菌生物被膜的检测与清除方法的现状,为实现细菌生物被膜的有效控制,消除由生物被膜造成的食品安全隐患提供了综合性的认识,可为研究人员解决细菌生物被膜带来的食源性微生物污染提供参考,对保障食品安全有重要意义。  相似文献   

沙门氏菌是重要的食源性致病菌,控制食品中沙门氏菌的污染,特别是防止其形成生物被膜交叉污染食品,对保障食品安全具有重要意义。现阶段传统的物理性、化学性控制措施都存在一定的局限性,难以有效将沙门氏菌生物被膜完全去除,因此,亟待开发针对沙门氏菌生物被膜的新型控制和清除策略。近年来噬菌体作为一种安全、有效、无残留的天然抑菌剂受到了普遍关注,与化学消毒剂相比,其具有特异性强、自我增殖快、安全性高、研发时间短等突出优势,在食源性致病菌生物被膜的控制和清除领域已表现出巨大潜力。该文综述了沙门氏菌生物被膜的结构成分与形成过程,并重点介绍了国内外用噬菌体破解沙门氏菌生物被膜的作用机制与应用现状。针对噬菌体的未来研究方向进行了展望,以期为食品加工过程中沙门氏菌生物被膜的有效控制提供新的技术与策略。  相似文献   

单核细胞增生李斯特菌(以下简称单增李斯特菌)生物膜的生长可导致反复的食物污染。食品加工储藏常用的冷藏、干燥、酸处理以及消毒剂处理等使微生物长期处于胁迫环境下,对生物膜的形成产生影响。本文总结了常见的食品加工胁迫因素对单增李斯特菌生物膜形成的影响,其中重点介绍消毒剂处理对单增李斯特菌生物膜形成的影响,同时从膜流动性相关的适应策略、生物膜形成相关蛋白和基因调控表达的角度阐述胁迫条件下单增李斯特菌生物膜的形成机制。胁迫环境下单增李斯特菌生物膜形成的研究有助于揭示真实环境下其生物膜的形成及变化规律;充分考虑环境因素设定清洁、消毒标准有利于降低食源性致病菌传播的潜在风险。  相似文献   

生物膜是细菌抵御不利环境维持群体稳定性的一种常见的群落形态。生物膜状态增强了食源性致病菌的抗逆性和持久存活力,促进了细菌间的信息传导和物质交换。特别是生物膜状态显著增强了菌株对抗生素的耐受能力,提升了可移动元件在细菌间的转移效率,并且生物膜状态下的细菌具备更强的入侵和感染能力,成为食品安全和人类健康的重要危害。基于此,本文将从生物膜的结构特征与异质性、生物膜对基因突变和基因水平转移的影响、以及群体感应调控等多个角度,简述生物膜状态影响食源性致病菌耐药和毒力的研究进展,以期为深入研究生物膜的生物功能与危害防控提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Biofilms formations of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria on food or food contact surfaces have attracted increasing attention. These events may lead to a higher risk of food spoilage and foodborne disease transmission. While Pseudomonas lundensis is one of the most important bacteria that cause spoilage in chilled meat, its capability for biofilm formation has been seldom reported. Here, we investigated biofilm formation characteristics of P. lundensis mainly by using crystal violet staining, and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The swarming and swimming motility, biofilm formation in different temperatures (30, 10, and 4 °C) and the protease activity of the target strain were also assessed. The results showed that P. lundensis showed a typical surface‐associated motility and was quite capable of forming biofilms in different temperatures (30, 10, and 4 °C). The strain began to adhere to the contact surfaces and form biofilms early in the 4 to 6 h. The biofilms began to be formed in massive amounts after 12 h at 30 °C, and the extracellular polysaccharides increased as the biofilm structure developed. Compared with at 30 °C, more biofilms were formed at 4 and 10 °C even by a low bacterial density. The protease activity in the biofilm was significantly correlated with the biofilm formation. Moreover, the protease activity in biofilm was significantly higher than that of the corresponding planktonic cultures after cultured 12 h at 30 °C.  相似文献   

Microorganisms can colonize and subsequently form biofilms on surfaces, which protect them from adverse conditions and make them more resistant than their planktonic free‐living counterparts. This is a major concern in the food industry because the presence of biofilms has significant implications for microbial food contamination and, therefore, for the transmission of foodborne diseases. Adequate hygienic conditions and various preventive and control strategies have consequently been developed to ensure the provision of safe, good‐quality food with an acceptable shelf‐life. This review focuses on the significance of biofilms in the food industry by describing the factors that favor their formation. The interconnected process among bacteria known as “quorum sensing,” which plays a significant role in biofilm development, is also described. Furthermore, we discuss recent strategic methods to detect, quantify, and remove biofilms formed by pathogenic bacteria associated with food processing environments, focusing on the complexity of these microbial communities.  相似文献   

为了解食源性致病菌蜡样芽孢杆菌在食品加工环境中菌膜形成能力,以玻璃、不锈钢、聚氯乙烯、聚丙烯为接触面,采用超声波平板菌落计数法测定不同环境因素(温度、pH、氯化钠、葡萄糖、苯甲酸钠及山梨酸钾)、不同材料表面蜡样芽孢杆菌(B.cereus)菌膜形成的变化趋势。结果表明:四种材质表面形成B.cereus菌膜能力的大小顺序为:玻璃 > 不锈钢 > 聚氯乙烯 > 聚丙烯。其中,30 ℃,pH7.0时菌膜形成量最大,添加低浓度葡萄糖(4.0%)或氯化钠(0.5%)对B.cereus菌膜形成有显著促进作用(p<0.05),添加0.15%苯甲酸钠、山梨酸钾的菌膜形成量显著高于添加0.10%的菌膜形成量(p<0.05)。本研究为蜡样芽孢杆菌风险评估提供基础数据,为食品工业蜡样芽孢杆菌菌膜的预防和控制奠定基础,为改进蜡样芽孢杆菌的清洗控制措施提供参考。  相似文献   

Most foodborne pathogens have biofilm-forming capacity and prefer to grow in the form of biofilms. Presence of biofilms on food contact surfaces can lead to persistence of pathogens and the recurrent cross-contamination of food products, resulting in serious problems associated with food safety and economic losses. Resistance of biofilm cells to conventional sanitizers urges the development of natural alternatives to effectively inhibit biofilm formation and eradicate preformed biofilms. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) produce bacteriocins which are ribosomally synthesized antimicrobial peptides, providing a great source of nature antimicrobials with the advantages of green and safe properties. Studies on biofilm control by newly identified bacteriocins are increasing, targeting primarily onListeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, and Escherichia coli. This review systematically complies and assesses the antibiofilm property of LAB bacteriocins in controlling foodborne bacterial-biofilms on food contact surfaces. The bacteriocin-producing LAB genera/species, test method (inhibition and eradication), activity spectrum and surfaces are discussed, and the antibiofilm mechanisms are also argued. The findings indicate that bacteriocins can effectively inhibit biofilm formation in a dose-dependent manner, but are difficult to disrupt preformed biofilms. Synergistic combination with other antimicrobials, incorporation in nanoconjugates and implementation of bioengineering can help to strengthen their antibiofilm activity. This review provides an overview of the potential and application of LAB bacteriocins in combating bacterial biofilms in food processing environments, assisting in the development and widespread use of bacteriocin as a promising antibiofilm-agent in food industries.  相似文献   

乳酸菌生物膜是乳酸菌为了应对不良环境而聚集形成的一种状态,在许多情况下乳酸菌都是以生物膜的形式存在,因此有必要加深对乳酸菌生物膜的了解和研究。本文综述了乳酸菌生物膜的形成,碳源、金属离子、pH值、抗生素、有害菌和非生物表面对乳酸菌生物膜的影响,以及多种基因对乳酸菌生物膜的调控作用,并介绍了乳酸菌生物膜在食品抑菌和发酵中的应用情况,以期为乳酸菌生物膜今后的形成调控研究和在食品工业中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Biofilm is an advanced form of protection that allows bacterial cells to withstand adverse environmental conditions. The complex structure of biofilm results from genetic-related mechanisms besides other factors such as bacterial morphology or substratum properties. Inhibition of biofilm formation of harmful bacteria (spoilage and pathogenic bacteria) is a critical task in the food industry because of the enhanced resistance of biofilm bacteria to stress, such as cleaning and disinfection methods traditionally used in food processing plants, and the increased food safety risks threatening consumer health caused by recurrent contamination and rapid deterioration of food by biofilm cells. Therefore, it is urgent to find methods and strategies for effectively combating bacterial biofilm formation and eradicating mature biofilms. Innovative and promising approaches to control bacteria and their biofilms are emerging. These new approaches range from methods based on natural ingredients to the use of nanoparticles. This literature review aims to describe the efficacy of these strategies and provide an overview of recent promising biofilm control technologies in the food processing sector.  相似文献   

Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains are important foodborne pathogens. Among these, E. coli O157:H7 is the most frequently isolated STEC serotype responsible for foodborne diseases. However, the non-O157 serotypes have been associated with serious outbreaks and sporadic diseases as well. It has been shown that various STEC serotypes are capable of forming biofilms on different food or food contact surfaces that, when detached, may lead to cross-contamination. Bacterial cells at biofilm stage also are more tolerant to sanitizers compared with their planktonic counterparts, which makes STEC biofilms a serious food safety concern. In the present study, we evaluated the potency of biofilm formation by a variety of STEC strains from serotypes O157:H7, O26:H11, and O111:H8; we also compared biofilm tolerance with two types of common sanitizers, a quaternary ammonium chloride-based sanitizer and chlorine. Our results demonstrated that biofilm formation by various STEC serotypes on a polystyrene surface was highly strain-dependent, whereas the two non-O157 serotypes showed a higher potency of pellicle formation at air-liquid interfaces on a glass surface compared with serotype O157:H7. Significant reductions of viable biofilm cells were achieved with sanitizer treatments. STEC biofilm tolerance to sanitization was strain-dependent regardless of the serotypes. Curli expression appeared to play a critical role in STEC biofilm formation and tolerance to sanitizers. Our data indicated that multiple factors, including bacterial serotype and strain, surface materials, and other environmental conditions, could significantly affect STEC biofilm formation. The high potential for biofilm formation by various STEC serotypes, especially the strong potency of pellicle formation by the curli-positive non-O157 strains with high sanitization tolerance, might contribute to bacterial colonization on food contact surfaces, which may result in downstream product contamination.  相似文献   

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