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针对DAG调度算法中采取多次执行后的平均值估算任务的EST值问题,通过对DAG调度中常用的调度算法ETF算法进行分析提出基于扩展的随机DAG的调度方法SETF,给出扩展的随机DAG中节点的EST计算方法,以标准方差和平均值之和的数学期望表示,并以ETF算法为例进行实验模拟。实验结果表明,SETF算法相对于ETF算法,减少并行任务执行时间,并能更精确地预测任务调度的平均执行时间。  相似文献   

基于混合粒子群算法的网格任务调度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
减少分布式程序的执行时间是网格调度系统需要解决的重要问题。因分布式程序常建模为DAG图,故该问题又称异构DAG调度问题。在研究网格环境下的任务调度的基础上,提出了一种用于解决DAG任务调度问题的通用混合粒子群优化算法(Common Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization),简称为CHPSO。该算法将问题的解(粒子)表示为任务的调度优先权向量,采用混合粒子群优化算法探索解空间。实验结果表明,在求解不含孤立点的单个DAG调度问题时,该算法所得解的调度长度仅为HEFT的90%~92%,求解质量与PSGA相当;在多张DAG图(含孤立节点)并发执行的网格环境中,该算法的调度性能明显优于PSGA及文中列出的其它演化计算方法。  相似文献   

基于截止时间满意度的网格工作流调度算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
动态网格环境中用户截止时间保障是工作流调度问题的一个挑战.利用随机服务模型来描述网格资源的动态处理能力及其动态负载压力,提出了截止时间满意度的概念和工作流截止时间满意度的计算方法.将以DAG图形式表示的任务执行关系转换为以数值表示的任务执行优先级,并根据最大截止时间满意度优先的思想,确定执行工作流子任务的候选资源;将工作流全局截止时间划分问题描述为一个约束下的非线性规划问题并通过已有方法求解该问题,提出了一种截止时间满意度增强的工作流调度算法(DSESAW).仿真实验采用实际网格应用和系统数据来验证所提出算法的性能表现,实验结果表明新算法在网格环境的自适应性和用户截止时间保障方面优于其他两种实际网格系统中的调度算法.  相似文献   

王宇新  曹仕杰  郭禾  陈征  陈鑫 《计算机应用》2015,35(11):3017-3020
针对云环境下多有向无环图(DAG)工作流的调度算法应考虑执行时间、费用开销、通信开销、公平性等多个指标的问题,在模型带通信开销的DAG(CA-DAG)的基础上结合公平性算法提出一种优化完成时间的后向求异(BD)原则与兼顾费用和公平的多DAG调度策略CAFS.CAFS调度策略分为两个阶段:预调度阶段利用带通信开销的工作流费用优化(CACO)算法在考虑通信开销的同时求解所有任务的最优服务并优化费用,采用fairness算法得到较公平的调度顺序;调度阶段采用BD原则,根据在预调度阶段得出的调度顺序进一步优化整体的完成时间并执行调度.实验结果表明,CAFS调度算法具有较好的公平性,在不提高费用的基础上时间减少19.82%.  相似文献   

云计算环境下基于路径优先级的任务调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了最小化云计算系统的任务调度长度,结合表启发式调度技术和任务复制的思想提出基于路径优先权的任务调度算法.采用一种新方法计算DAG图中任务节点及边的权值,从最高优先权的路径开始依次选择任务进行调度,并通过有选择性地复制任务节点的父任务来减少任务间信息传送的时间花费,最后将任务安排到使其执行完成时间最早的虚拟机上.通过随机产生的DAG图与HEFT算法进行对比分析,实验结果表明了该算法能获得较短的调度长度.  相似文献   

Hadoop已成为研究云计算的基础平台,MapReduce是其大数据分布式处理的计算模型。针对异构集群下MapReduce数据分布、数据本地性、作业执行流程等问题,提出一种基于DAG的MapReduce调度算法。把集群中的节点按计算能力进行划分,将MapReduce作业转换成DAG模型,改进向上排序值计算方法,使其在异构集群中计算更精准、任务的优先级排序更合理。综合节点的计算能力与数据本地性及集群利用情况,选择合理的数据节点分配和执行任务,减少当前任务完成时间。实验表明,该算法能合理分布数据,有效提高数据本地性,减少通信开销,缩短整个作业集的调度长度,从而提高集群的利用率。  相似文献   

王小乐  黄宏斌  邓苏 《自动化学报》2012,38(11):1870-1879
针对异构环境并行计算的静态任务调度问题,以最小化有向无环图 (Directed acyclic graph, DAG)的执行跨度为目标,改变HEFT (Heterogeneous earliest finish time)算法中任务上行权重的计算方法, 获得更加合理的任务顺序排列,提出了一种最早完成时间优先的表调度算法IHEFT (Improvement heterogeneous earliest finish time).该算法在计算任务的上行权重时, 分别计算该任务分配给不同资源的上行权重,取其最小值,比使用所有资源对该任务的平均处理时间进行计算的HEFT算法更为准确. 确定任务的处理顺序后采用最早完成时间越小越优先的策略将任务分配给最优资源,并使得任务的开始执行时间和结束时间满足DAG中有向边的通讯时间约束.通过使用部分文献中的算例数据以及随机生成满足一定结构要求的DAG进行算法测试,将IHEFT与HEFT, CPOP (Critical-path-on-a-processor)和LDCP (Longest dynamic critical path)进行了比较,结果显示IHEFT算法更有效,而且时间复杂度较低.  相似文献   

针对具有截止期的云工作流完成时间与执行成本冲突的问题,提出一种混合自适应粒子群工作流调度优化算法(HAPSO)。首先,基于截止期建立有向无环图(DAG)云工作流调度模型;然后,通过范数理想点与自适应权重的结合,将DAG调度模型转化为权衡DAG完成时间和执行成本的多目标优化问题;最后,在粒子群优化(PSO)算法的基础上引入自适应惯性权重、自适应学习因子、花朵授粉算法的概率切换机制、萤火虫算法(FA)和粒子越界处理方法,从而平衡粒子群的全局搜索与局部搜索能力,进而求解DAG完成时间与执行成本的目标优化问题。实验中对比分析了PSO、惯性权重粒子群算法(WPSO)、蚁群算法(ACO)和HAPSO的优化结果。实验结果表明,HAPSO在权衡工作流(30~300任务数)完成时间与执行成本的多目标函数值上降低了40.9%~81.1%,HAPSO在工作流截止期约束下有效权衡了完成时间与执行成本。此外,HAPSO在减少完成时间或降低执行成本的单目标上也有较好的效果,验证了HAPSO的普适性。  相似文献   

陈曦  毛莺池  接青  朱沥沥 《计算机应用》2014,34(11):3069-3072
针对云计算中对关联任务进行调度时出现任务执行延迟的问题,提出了一种基于任务分层和时间约束的关联任务调度(RTS-THTC)算法。该算法采用构建有向无环图(DAG)的方式表示关联任务的执行次序,通过使用对DAG进行分层的方法提高任务的并行性,计算每一层任务的完成时间约束,将每一层中的任务同时调度至具有最小完成时间的资源上。与基于异构环境的最小完成时间(HEFT)算法的对比实验〖BP(〗原文“试验”〖BP)〗结果表明,RTS-THTC算法在完成时间上比HEFT算法短,并且能够有效地减缓关联任务出现延迟的情况。  相似文献   

任丰玲  于炯  杨兴耀 《计算机工程》2012,38(23):287-290
针对云计算环境下多个有向无环图(DAG)工作流的调度问题,提出一种基于最小化数据传输时间和任务完成时间(LTCT)的算法,用于处理具有相同优先级的多个DAG工作流之间的调度问题。在多个DAG优先级各不相同时的情况下,给出多优先级多DAG的混合调度算法。实验结果表明,LTCT算法较E-Fairness算法在保证多DAG调度公平性的基础上,能避免额外的数据传输开销,有利于缩短整个工作流的执行Makespan,提高资源的利用率。  相似文献   

Both parallel and distributed network environment systems play a vital role in the improvement of high performance computing. Of primary concern when analyzing these systems is multiprocessor task scheduling. Therefore, this paper addresses the challenge of multiprocessor task scheduling parallel programs, represented as directed acyclic task graph (DAG), for execution on multiprocessors with communication costs. Moreover, we investigate an alternative paradigm, where genetic algorithms (GAs) have recently received much attention, which is a class of robust stochastic search algorithms for various combinatorial optimization problems. We design the new encoding mechanism with a multi-functional chromosome that uses the priority representation—the so-called priority-based multi-chromosome (PMC). PMC can efficiently represent a task schedule and assign tasks to processors. The proposed priority-based GA has show effective performance in various parallel environments for scheduling methods.  相似文献   

The paper concerns parallel methods for extremal optimization (EO) applied in processor load balancing in execution of distributed programs. In these methods EO algorithms detect an optimized strategy of tasks migration leading to reduction of program execution time. We use an improved EO algorithm with guided state changes (EO-GS) that provides parallel search for next solution state during solution improvement based on some knowledge of the problem. The search is based on two-step stochastic selection using two fitness functions which account for computation and communication assessment of migration targets. Based on the improved EO-GS approach we propose and evaluate several versions of the parallelization methods of EO algorithms in the context of processor load balancing. Some of them use the crossover operation known in genetic algorithms. The quality of the proposed algorithms is evaluated by experiments with simulated load balancing in execution of distributed programs represented as macro data flow graphs. Load balancing based on so parallelized improved EO provides better convergence of the algorithm, smaller number of task migrations to be done and reduced execution time of applications.  相似文献   

王国仁  于戈  叶峰  郑怀远 《计算机学报》1999,22(10):1032-1041
提出了一个基于分布式共享虚拟存储器技术的并行Hash连接算法,然后设计了一个并行连接算法的测试评价基准,并评价和分析了该算法在均匀情况下3个不同负载的性能比较和Zipf顺斜数据分布情况下两种度策略的算法性能。同时与其它并行连接算法进行性能比较与分析。  相似文献   

Inspired by successful application of evolutionary algorithms to solving difficult optimization problems, we explore in this paper, the applicability of genetic algorithms (GAs) to the cover printing problem, which consists in the grouping of book covers on offset plates in order to minimize the total production cost. We combine GAs with a linear programming solver and we propose some innovative features such as the “unfixed two-point crossover operator” and the “binary stochastic sampling with replacement” for selection. Two approaches are proposed: an adapted genetic algorithm and a multiobjective genetic algorithm using the Pareto fitness genetic algorithm. The resulting solutions are compared. Some computational experiments have also been done to analyze the effects of different genetic operators on both algorithms.  相似文献   

Branch-and-bound algorithms are organized and intelligently structured searches of solutions in a combinatorially large problem space. In this paper, we propose an approximate stochastic model of branch-and-bound algorithms with a best-first search. We have estimated the average memory space required and have predicted the average number of subproblems expanded before the process terminates. Both measures are exponentials of sublinear exponent. In addition, we have also compared the number of subproblems expanded in a best-first search to that expanded in a depth-first search. Depth-first search has been found to have computational complexity comparable to best-first search when the lower-bound function is very accurate or very inaccurate; otherwise, best-fit search is usually better. The results obtained are useful in studying the efficient evaluation of branch-and-bound algorithms in a virtual memory environment. They also confirm that approximations are very effective in reducing the total number of iterations.  相似文献   

We explore novel algorithms for DVS (Dynamic Voltage Scaling) based energy minimization of DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) based applications on parallel and distributed machines in dynamic environments. Static DVS algorithms for DAG execution use the estimated execution time. The estimated time in practice is overestimated or underestimated. Therefore, many tasks may be completed earlier or later than expected during the actual execution. For overestimation, the extra available slack can be added to future tasks so that energy requirements can be reduced. For underestimation, the increased time may cause the application to miss the deadline. Slack can be reduced for future tasks to reduce the possibility of not missing the deadline. In this paper, we present novel dynamic scheduling algorithms for reallocating the slack for future tasks to reduce energy and/or satisfy deadline constraints. Experimental results show that our algorithms are comparable to static algorithms applied at runtime in terms of energy minimization and deadline satisfaction, but require considerably smaller computational overhead.  相似文献   

Algorithms for fast operations on a raster image data structure are described. The data structure and algorithms have been designed to exploit SIMD parallel architectures. Images of lines, discs and circles can be created efficiently. Images can be translated, scaled, and combined. The data structure is closely related to runlength encodement. The algorithms have been implemented on an ICL DAP on which the operations can be done in real time (on non-trivial images).  相似文献   

随着海量大数据的出现,聚类算法需要新型计算模式来提高计算速度与运行效率。本文提出一种基于动态双子种群的差分进化K中心点聚类算法DGP-DE-K-mediods(Dynamic Gemini Population based DE-K-mediods)。DGP-DE-K-mediods利用动态双子种群方法,解决聚类算法在维持种群密度的时候避免陷入局部最优的问题;采用差分进化(Differential Evolution, DE)算法来提高全局最优能力的强健性;基于Hadoop云平台来并行处理DGP-DE-K-mediods,加快算法的运行速度和效率;描述基于MapReduce的并行聚类算法的编程过程;DGP-DE-K-mediods利用UIC的大数据分类的案例数据和网络入侵检测这种大数据应用来仿真算法的效果。实验结果表明,与已有的聚类算法相比,DGP-DE-K-mediods在检测精度、运行时间上有明显的优势。  相似文献   

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