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研究茶多酚在油炸过程中对油脂品质的影响。通过测定油脂的理化指标、脂肪酸组成以及挥发性风味成分,评价茶多酚对油脂品质的影响,并进一步测定油脂的总酚含量和油脂热力学性质,分析茶多酚的作用机理。结果表明,与空白对照相比,茶多酚对煎炸油理化品质的下降有显著抑制作用。同时,茶多酚能够抑制煎炸油中不饱和脂肪酸的降解以及反式脂肪酸的生成。此外,茶多酚显著抑制了油脂中挥发性醛类物质的生成。茶多酚的添加增加了油脂中酚类物质的含量,并且增加了油脂的氧化稳定性,进而对油脂在油炸过程中的品质起到保护作用。研究结果表明茶多酚在食品、化工等行业具有应用于保护煎炸油品质的潜在价值。  相似文献   

本文研究了油炸马铃薯片加工过程中切片预干燥时间、油炸温度和不同浸泡处理对油炸马铃薯片品质的影响,通过薯片炸前炸后色泽变化、亮度、丙烯酰胺含量、水分含量、含油量及感官指标等理化指标进行评估。结果表明,油炸马铃薯片的色泽变化和丙烯酰胺含量随油炸温度升高增大,预干燥时间越长切片炸前水分含量越低,油炸时间越短,但随着预干燥时间的增加油炸薯片色泽变化也越大。油炸马铃薯片的最佳生产工艺为:鲜切马铃薯片先在85℃清水中热烫3.5 min,再用0.3%CaCl2溶液中室温浸泡30 min,浸泡后切片在60℃下热风干燥箱干燥15 min,130℃油炸即可得到色泽变化最小、丙烯酰胺含量低的油炸薯片。  相似文献   

研究不同预加工方式对油炸马铃薯片中丙烯酰胺生成的影响,进而探讨一种可有效抑制马铃薯片中丙烯酰胺含量的方法。将马铃薯片在不同温度(120℃ ~200℃)及不同时间(0 ~30 min)下进行油炸处理,通过品质指标及丙烯酰胺含量的变化趋势确定最佳油炸时间及温度,利用高效液相色谱法测定经热烫和添加剂浸泡后马铃薯片中丙烯酰胺的含量,并计算丙烯酰胺抑制率。在未进行预处理条件下,随着油炸时间及油炸温度的增大,质量损失率、色差呈整体上升趋势,水分活度、水分含量及还原糖含量呈整体下降的趋势,丙烯酰胺含量呈先上升后下降的趋势;在油炸前进行不同预处理对马铃薯片中的丙烯酰胺具有显著抑制作用,90℃热烫处理协同5 g/L半胱氨酸溶液浸泡处理10 min对马铃薯片中丙烯酰胺的抑制率达到了100%。因此,热烫协同半胱氨酸溶液浸泡处理是一种可有效抑制马铃薯片中丙烯酰胺含量的方法。  相似文献   

薯片在油炸过程中品质变化及其货架期预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探究薯片在油炸过程中品质变化,以不同油炸时间马铃薯片为研究对象,测定马铃薯片的品质变化,观察其微观结构并对马铃薯片货架期进行预测。结果表明:随油炸时间的延长,马铃薯片的水分含量降低,含油率升高,脆度变化较大;马铃薯片表面淀粉颗粒糊化逐渐形成凸起和空隙,由于外皮壳的保护作用,空隙先在横断面中出现,薯片内部空隙多于其表面;通过比较脱脂前后薯片,表明薯片与煎炸油之间以物理作用为主;随着薯片贮藏时间的延长,薯片中油脂的酸值、过氧化值和羰基值逐渐增大,根据Arrhenius方程预测薯片在20℃的货架期约为102d。  相似文献   

目的探究预处理对云南脆皮薯条中丙烯酰胺形成的抑制效果。方法通过选取油炸温度、油炸时间和淀粉水溶液浓度的3个梯度设计单因素实验,对其品质变化进行测定以及感官综合评分法评定,建立云南脆皮薯条的最佳加工工艺。为有效控制丙烯酰胺,在热加工前,将马铃薯分别进行热烫(85℃下热烫10 min)、半胱氨酸浸泡(常温下于3 g/L的半胱氨酸溶液中浸泡10 min)、热烫+半胱氨酸浸泡(在85℃下浸泡于3g/L半胱氨酸溶液中10min)预处理,以未处理为对照组。热加工后,分别对云南脆皮薯条样品的风味品质指标:水分含量、水分活度、质量、颜色、还原糖含量、天冬酰胺、半胱氨酸等进行测定,分析不同预处理方式对云南脆皮薯条风味品质的影响,并对丙烯酰胺含量进行测定,比较3种预处理方式对云南脆皮薯条中丙烯酰胺的抑制情况。结果用热烫+半胱氨酸浸泡的预处理方式处理马铃薯后制作云南脆皮薯条,水分含量、颜色、还原糖、天冬酰胺与未处理组相比没有统计学差异(P0.05);半胱氨酸含量与其他预处理组对比显著增加;丙烯酰胺含量与单独热烫、未处理组相比明显减少(P0.05)。结论运用半胱氨酸溶液浸泡并联热烫预处理云南脆皮薯条能有效降低食物中的丙烯酰胺同时保留食物风味品质。  相似文献   

为了筛选出适于干片及油炸脆片加工的马铃薯品种,生产高品质的休闲食品,该研究将9个不同马铃薯品种加工成干片和油炸脆片,并进行品质比较。此外,分析了新鲜马铃薯成分和色泽、马铃薯干片品质和油炸脆片品质三者之间的相关性。结果表明,不同品种的马铃薯干片在色泽、硬度、还原糖和蛋白质含量均表现出显著差异,其中新鲜土豆中还原糖含量低,感官评分高,蛋白质含量高,油炸脆片油脂吸附率较低;大西洋和龙薯12号2个品种制备的油炸脆片色泽、酥脆度较好,感官评分也较高,因而这2个品种更适合作为生产马铃薯脆片的原料;新鲜马铃薯淀粉含量与其干片、油炸脆片的硬度均呈正相关性,新鲜马铃薯色泽与其干片和油炸脆片色泽也显著相关。研究表明,马铃薯原料化学成分的组成直接影响马铃薯干片及其油炸脆片的品质。  相似文献   

护色工艺对真空油炸马铃薯片品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用真空油炸前预处理技术研究了护色工艺对真空油炸马铃薯片品质的影响.实验中选择柠檬酸、亚硫酸氢钠、VC 3种褐变抑制剂,通过配取不同浓度,得出真空油炸马铃薯片最佳护色工艺.结果表明:马铃薯片经过第4组护色液配方处理之后,即:柠檬酸1‰,亚硫酸氢钠1‰,VC1.5‰,产品具有最佳的感官品质和色泽值,同时对其水分含量、水分活度和脂肪含量均无显著性影响.  相似文献   

为研究茶多酚对馒头品质特性的影响,在馒头制作过程中添加茶多酚,通过测定馒头的比容、感官品质、水分含量、酸度等特性优化最佳配比。研究结果表明,当茶多酚添加量在0.01%~0.04%时,茶多酚添加量与馒头水分含量呈正相关,与馒头酸度呈负相关,当茶多酚添加量为0.02%时,茶多酚组馒头比容和感官评分值最大,此时馒头有口感好、水分含量高、酸度低等特点;成品馒头贮藏在4℃和25℃条件下,茶多酚组馒头较空白组水分含量保存量高、酸度增长率低。由此可见,适量添加茶多酚有助于改善馒头产品品质和延长货架期。  相似文献   

冯红霞 《中国油脂》2020,45(10):135-140
以玉米油、花生油、大豆油、大豆棕榈调和油、棕榈油5种不同饱和度油脂作为煎炸用油,以马铃薯片为煎炸内容物,于140℃循环煎炸。考察马铃薯片的油脂含量、水分含量、色泽、酥脆性以及感官评分的变化,综合分析油脂饱和度对油炸马铃薯片品质的影响。结果表明:煎炸油脂的饱和度显著影响油炸马铃薯片的品质(p 0.05),随着煎炸油脂饱和度的增加,油炸马铃薯片的油脂含量呈降低的趋势,水分含量呈增加的趋势,L值呈增大的趋势,表明马铃薯片颜色随着煎炸油脂饱和度的增加而越发鲜亮;油炸马铃薯片的酥脆性、感官评分亦随煎炸油脂饱和度的增加呈显著增加的趋势(p 0.05)。由此可知,相对于不饱和度较高的玉米油、花生油、大豆油,饱和度较高的棕榈油更加适合马铃薯片的煎炸。  相似文献   

抗性淀粉对油炸调理鸡排品质特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对油炸过程对调理肉制品质量与安全的影响问题,研究面糊中添加0%~40%的抗性淀粉对油炸调理鸡排品质特性(色泽、脆性、水分和油分含量、丙烯酰胺含量、微观结构及感官评价)的影响,以改善产品质量并实现低脂化。结果表明:添加20%~40%抗性淀粉的鸡排可获得良好的感官可接受性;添加20%抗性淀粉能显著降低油炸调理鸡排的含油量(P<0.05),提高油炸后外壳的黄度值,鸡排外壳表现出更好的金黄色,形成密实、连续的面糊微结构,改善外壳脆性,降低油炸过程中丙烯酰胺的生成量,提高产品安全性。因此,添加20%抗性淀粉能更好地降低油炸调理鸡排的含油量,提升产品质量。  相似文献   

Potato Chip Quality and Frying Oil Stability of High Oleic Acid Soybean Oil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High oleic soybean (HOSBO) and low linolenic acid soybean (LLSBO) oils were evaluated individually and in a 1:1 blend along with cottonseed oil (CSO) to determine frying oil stabilities and the flavor quality and stability of potato chips. Potato chips were fried in the oils for a total of 25 h. Potato chips and oils were sampled periodically for sensory data, gas chromatographic volatile compounds, free fatty acids, and total polar compounds. Total polar compounds levels decreased with increasing amounts of oleic acid. The LLSBO had the highest overall increase (17.3%) in total polar compounds from 0 to 25 h of frying. Flavor evaluations of fresh and aged (0, 1, 3, 5, and 7 wk at 25 °C) potato chips showed differences between potato chips fried in different oil types. Potato chips fried in either LLSBO or in the 1:1 blend had significantly higher intensities of deep fried flavor than the chips fried in HOSBO. Potato chips fried in HOSBO, which had 2% linolenic acid and 1.3% linoleic acid, had significantly higher fishy flavor intensity than chips fried in the other oils. The presence of linoleic acid at a level lower than the amount of linolenic acid probably allowed for the fishy flavors from the degradation of linolenic acid in HOSBO to become more apparent than if the linoleic acid level was higher than linolenic acid. Hexanal was significantly higher in potato chips fried in LLSBO than in the chips fried in the other oils, indicating low oxidative stability during storage. Blending HOSBO with LLSBO in a 1:1 ratio not only improved flavor quality of chips compared with those fried in HOSBO, but also improved oil fry life and oxidative stability of chips compared with LLSBO.  相似文献   

为了探究栀子果油煎炸过程中的品质变化,本文选择薯条和油条两种代表性煎炸食材,将栀子果油在煎炸20h内每隔2h的酸价、羰基价、过氧化值和极性组分与大豆油、棕榈油在同等条件下煎炸的理化指标进行比较,结果表明:棕榈油煎炸后的品质较高,栀子果油和大豆油比较相似,栀子果油可以作为煎炸油。但栀子果油连续煎炸12 h时极性组分超过国家现有煎炸油的卫生标准,因此其连续煎炸时间不能超过12 h。同时对1、10、20h煎炸出来的油条和薯条进行感官评价,结果表明:煎炸食材相同时,三种食用油的感官评分无显著性差异(P>0.05),说明栀子果油对油条和薯条的品质无不良影响,适合作为煎炸油。  相似文献   

对稻米油、稻米调和油、添加0.02%迷迭香提取物的稻米调和油和添加0.06%茶多酚的稻米调和油4种煎炸油进行土豆条连续煎炸试验,对比4种煎炸油在煎炸过程中的极性组分、脂肪酸组成、维生素E、甾醇、谷维素、反式脂肪酸(TFA)、3-氯丙醇酯(3-MCPD酯)和苯并芘含量变化,综合评估其煎炸性能。结果表明:稻米油、稻米调和油、添加迷迭香提取物的稻米调和油和添加茶多酚的稻米调和油的极性组分含量分别在煎炸10、14、16 h和14 h超过国家标准;稻米调和油的谷维素保留率均优于稻米油;添加迷迭香提取物有利于维生素E和谷维素的保留;添加茶多酚有利于甾醇的保留;反式脂肪酸和苯并芘的含量均未超过国家标准限值。  相似文献   

An optimization study on the use of oleoresin rosemary extract, sage extract and citric acid added into refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) palm olein before deep-fat frying of potato chips was performed using a constrained mixture design. Results revealed that the use of these natural antioxidants could improve the sensory acceptability of potato chips during a 5-day repeated deep-fat frying. All three antioxidants significantly (P<0.05) improved the sensory characteristics, including appearance, taste, crispiness, odor and overall acceptability. After day 5 of frying, the most acceptable fried potato chips were those fried in oil containing a combination of 0.059% oleoresin rosemary extract, 0.063% sage extract and 0.028% citric acid. The natural antioxidants significantly (P<0.05) lowered the rate of oxidation of oil during deep-fat frying and contributed to measured sensory acceptability of fried potato chips.  相似文献   

绿茶饮料的风味稳定性一直是制约高品质绿茶饮料货架期的技术瓶颈。为了提高绿茶饮料的风味稳定性,分析比较了绿茶加工过程中不同蔗糖添加量(0,1%,2%,4%和8%)对绿茶饮料灭菌(135℃,15 s)、贮藏(4,25,38℃;0~60 d)过程中感官品质以及理化成分的影响。结果表明,与对照(未加蔗糖处理)相比,添加蔗糖使绿茶饮料滋味更鲜爽甜醇,香气浓度增加;灭菌后,添加蔗糖使得绿茶饮料的香气和滋味品质提高,总儿茶素和表型儿茶素含量增加,非表型儿茶素下降;在不同贮藏条件下,相比对照,添加蔗糖后的绿茶饮料风味品质有明显改善,包括汤色亮度增加,香气和滋味增强,茶多酚、氨基酸、咖啡碱以及儿茶素含量均有所增加,在贮藏42 d内添加蔗糖对绿茶饮料风味品质稳定性的提高更为明显,且2%和4%蔗糖添加量对绿茶饮料的风味品质有更好的改善作用。研究结果表明在一定的贮藏条件下,绿茶加工过程中添加蔗糖可以较好地改善绿茶饮料的风味品质并保持其稳定性。  相似文献   

通过与棕榈油对比180℃下炸制薯片以及评估薯片感官喜好度、质构、口感及粘牙性等差异来评价稻米油调和油的煎炸应用性能。结果表明:采用稻米油调和油煎炸的薯片中多不饱和脂肪酸含量显著高于棕榈油(P<0.05),且其薯片的整体感官喜好度、质构口感、酥脆度、粘牙喜好度,均显著优于棕榈油薯片(P<0.05)。在加速氧化条件下,采用稻米油调和油炸制的薯片的酸价、过氧化值均与棕榈油炸制的薯片无显著性差异(P>0.05),且远低于GB 16565-2003的规定。在加速存储过程中,谷维素却得到了很好的保留。总之,稻米油调和油具有良好的煎炸性能。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The objectives of this study were to determine the frying stability of soybean oil (SBO) treated with a natural citric acid-based antioxidant, EPT-OILShield™ able to withstand high temperatures and to establish the oxidative stability of food fried in the treated oil. Soybean oil with 0.05% and 0.5% EPT-OILShield and an untreated control SBO were used for intermittent batch frying of tortilla chips at 180 °C for up to 65 h. Oil frying stability was measured by free fatty acids (FFA) and total polar compounds (TPC). Chips were aged for up to 4 mo at 25 °C and evaluated for rancid flavor by a 15-member, trained, experienced analytical sensory panel and for hexanal content as an indicator of oxidation. Oil with 0.05% EPT-OILShield had significantly less FFA and TPC than the control. The effect of EPT-OILShield was apparently retained in aged chips because hexanal levels were significantly lower in chips fried in oil with 0.05% EPT-OILShield than in chips fried in the control. Tortilla chips fried in the control were rancid after 2 mo at 25 °C at sampling times evaluated from 25 to 65 h; however, chips fried in oil with 0.05% EPT-OILShield and used for 65 h were described as only slightly rancid after 4 mo. Gamma tocopherol levels were significantly higher in the chips fried in the oil with 0.05% EPT-OILShield than in the control, helping to inhibit oxidation in the tortilla chips during storage.  相似文献   

Demand for safe and nutritionally rich fried products is gaining a momentum among consumers, leading to the increased consumption of vacuum fried products. The impact of vacuum frying (VF)(110 °C, 40 kPa) on chemical composition of food, fatty acid profile, microstructure, oxidative stability and sensory attributes was assessed and differentiated with that of atmospheric frying(AF) (180 °C). The potato slices were fried in mustard and soyabean oil used repetitively for 25 h. The oil content of VF potato chips was lower (15.18%) than AF chips (18.98%), however water loss in AF chips was higher than VF chips by 1.63-fold. VF significantly prevented the PUFA degradation, minimizes transfatty acid (TFA) formation and maintain a low C18:2/C16:0 ratio as compared to AF. VF Chips fried in soyabean oil show an increase in TFA content from 2.15 to 2.63% and a decrease in PUFA from 51.57 to 45.16% as compared to AF chips where TFA content increased from 2.15 to 3.72% and PUFA shows a higher reduction from 51.57 to 37.69% at the end of 25 h of frying. This indicate that in AF, oil is safe for use upto 10 cycles of frying, while as in VF, the same oil can be used for upto 40 cycles of frying without quality deteoriation. Sensorial analysis revealed that VF chips retain a better colour, taste and flavour but were less crispy than that of AF chips. These findings validate the application of vacuum frying technology for the production of high-quality foods with lesser degradation of frying oil.Industrial relevanceFood manufacturers are now impelled by the health-conscious consumer base for the production of healthy food products. The toxic effect of foods fried in degraded oils on human health is now widely known and thus the production of safe fried foods is the need of hour globally. In this context, vacuum frying is the most feasible approach for the production of quality fried products retaining the natural colour, flavour, sensory and nutritional properties better than that of atmospheric frying. Vacuum frying causes the least degradation of fatty acid of the frying oil and the fried potatoes, producing healthy potato chips. Therefore, the oil used for vacuum frying have a greater shelf life and oxidative stability than atmospheric frying. However, the higher installation cost of vacuum fryer still limits its use in the street fried food market, where degradation of oil is more likely. Thus, for its widespread commercialisation in developing countries, steps should be taken both by government and manufacturing companies to reduce the installation costs.  相似文献   

It is well established that high oil temperatures during frying strongly increase acrylamide formation in French fries, but it is less clear, which temperature or rather which part of a temperature profile is relevant and if rules or regulatory measures should be established in respect of frying temperature, on which temperature they should refer. In most fryers, the oil temperature strongly drops on adding the potato sticks and may not fully recover up to the end of the frying process (depending on the amount of potato added in relation to the volume of oil and the heating power of the fryer). Since acrylamide is formed towards the end of frying, the temperature during the second half of the process is more important than that regulated by the thermostat. The profile of the frying temperature was optimized regarding product quality (crispness, flavor) and acrylamide formation. An initial temperature of 170–175 °C dropping to 140–145 °C and a virtually isothermal frying at 160 °C resulted in products of similar quality and acrylamide content. At initial temperatures below 160 °C and with main frying temperatures below 140 °C, crispness and the flavor of the French fries suffered: the sticks dried out and became oily. Isothermal frying at 167–170 °C resulted in approximately doubled acrylamide content compared to conditions that were optimal in respect of culinary quality and low acrylamide formation, showing that rules on the initial temperature alone are inadequate to ensure low acrylamide contents. Optimized fryers should program temperature: allowing an initial temperature drop, but then efficiently heating to prevent the temperature dropping below a given limit; after the end of frying, the initial temperature must be restored before frying the next portion.  相似文献   

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