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生鲜肉及肉制品中磷酸盐含量调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解我国生鲜肉及肉制品中磷酸盐的本底及食品添加剂磷酸盐使用的实际情况,为制定肉制品中磷酸盐的合理限量提供科学依据。方法从14个省、市、自治区中选择有代表性的屠宰厂及市场对猪肉、牛肉、鸡肉生鲜肉和肉制品采样,按照食品中磷酸盐的测定方法进行磷酸盐含量分析。结果以磷酸盐(PO4^3-)计,生鲜猪肉、牛肉、鸡肉中磷酸盐本底含量的全国平均值分别为5115.22mg/kg、4614.02mg/kg、4897.23mg/kg,熟肉制品中磷酸盐含量的全国平均值为5086.59mg/kg。生鲜牛肉、鸡肉中磷酸盐平均含量接近《熟肉卫生标准》中磷酸盐5g/kg的限值,生鲜猪肉、熟肉制品中磷酸盐平均含量超过该限值,由于生鲜肉中磷酸盐本底含量较高,肉制品生产企业按照《食品添加剂使用卫生标准》添加磷酸盐也会超过《熟肉卫生标准》中磷酸盐限量。结论《熟肉卫生标准》和《食品添加剂使用卫生标准》之间存在一定的问题,需要对相关标准进行修改,  相似文献   

肉制品磷酸盐含量调查与限量研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
系统调研国内外肉与肉制品磷酸盐限量标准,对8大类1015个肉制品样品的磷酸盐含量进行测定,研究肉制品中磷酸盐残留限量.结果表明:与国际食品法典委员会(CAC)标准相比,我国肉制品中磷酸盐最大使用限量偏高,残留限量缺乏标准;常见肉制品中磷酸盐含量的范围为0.62~16.2g/kg,中位值为6.09g/kg,平均值为6.43g/kg,中位值低于平均值,不同种类的常见肉制品中磷酸盐含量存在显著差异(P<0.05),不同种类的副产物肉制品中磷酸盐含量差异不显著(P>0.05);最大残留限量因产品种类不同各有差别.  相似文献   

通过对市售冷冻鸡肉及其调理制品中磷酸盐水平进行分析,探讨了目前肉制品中磷酸盐残留量高的原因及煮制时间对原料肉中磷酸盐残留变化的影响。结果表明:95%的原料鸡肉样品的磷酸盐含量为5.09-7.95g/kg,且不同部位鸡肉中磷酸盐含量差异显著(P<0.05),其规律为鸡胸>鸡腿>鸡翅;抽查的12种鸡肉调理制品中的腌制类和油炸类产品的磷酸盐残留量均超过5g/kg,而蒸煮类鸡肉丸磷酸盐水平均低于5g/kg,并显著低于其他两类产品;原料肉中游离磷酸盐占总磷含量的平均水平为74.22%;经热处理后原料肉的磷酸盐残留量均呈下降趋势,游离磷溶出居多,且不同部位的溶出率差异显著(P<0.05)。蒸煮可有效降低原料肉中磷酸盐水平。  相似文献   

本试验选取三黄鸡为试验对象,采用钼蓝比色法测定鸡体不同部位的总磷、游离磷酸盐和磷脂类磷含量,并对其分布差异性及部位间磷含量相关性进行分析,为不同部位原料肉在加工过程中磷添加剂的使用提供参考。结果表明,鸡体不同部位的磷含量存在显著差异(P0.05)。肉中总磷含量范围为0.97~7.08 g/kg,胸肉平均含量最高;肉中游离磷酸盐含量范围为300.73~3784.51 mg/kg,磷脂类磷含量范围为361.23~1998.87 mg/kg。内脏总磷含量范围为4.67~7.85 g/kg,脾脏平均含量最高;游离磷酸盐和磷脂类磷含量肝脏最高。全血总磷、血清无机磷和血清磷脂含量分别为222.14 mg/d L、8.41 mg/d L和8.26 mg/d L。胫骨总磷含量为114.5 g/kg,鸡骨无机磷含量较低。鸡体各部位间都存在着一定的相关性,且含磷水平较高,这将限制肉制品加工过程中含磷添加剂的使用。不同部位磷含量存在显著性差异,这决定了加工过程中含磷添加剂的使用空间不尽相同。  相似文献   

气相色谱法测定熟肉制品中挥发性N-亚硝胺类化合物   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
优化样品的前处理及色谱条件后,利用配有氢火焰检测器(FID)的气相色谱仪测定熟肉制品中N-亚硝基二乙胺(NDEA)的含量,结果显示,NDEA质量浓度在1~10μg/mL范围内呈良好的线性(R=0.999),平均回收率85%,RSD 4.3%。该方法检出限为0.8μg/mL。经检测,市售熟肉制品中NDEA含量基本符合国家限量标准(≤5μg/kg)。  相似文献   

为了解临沂市市售熟肉制品中亚硝酸盐残留量、脂类氧化和微生物污染状况,随机采集临沂大学附近超市、农贸市场、学校食堂等地熟肉制品,进行调查研究。结果表明:肉灌肠亚硝酸盐含量在2.2~9.1mg/kg,酱卤肉亚硝酸盐含量在2.4~86.2mg/kg,烧烤肉亚硝酸盐含量在1.9~43mg/kg。对过氧化值的分析表明:过氧化值的检出率为83.3%,含量在0.08~7.23g/100g。30份熟肉制品微生物合格率为63.3%,其中细菌总数与大肠菌群的合格率分别为73.3%,63.3%,不同场所的熟肉制品合格率不同,超市餐饮店农贸市场。定型包装与散装产品的合格率分别为89.47%,18.18%。  相似文献   

樊雯  程喜明  马长伟 《食品科技》2011,(10):305-308
为了解冷冻水产品中磷酸盐的残留情况,给制定磷酸盐残留限量标准提供依据,采用离子色谱法分离并测定了水产品中磷酸钠、焦磷酸钠、三偏磷酸钠、三聚磷酸钠及六偏磷酸钠的含量,并对北京市场上冷冻水产品中磷酸盐的残留量进行调研。结果表明:冷冻水产品中磷酸盐残留总量的平均值青虾仁最高,达6.7746g/kg,其次为红鲷鱼片含3.4593g/kg,贝柱含2.2339g/kg,鱿鱼圈中含量最低为1.3756g/kg。检测到的磷酸盐种类青虾仁1~4种,其次为贝柱含1~3种,红鲷鱼片含1~2种,鱿鱼圈中仅检测出磷酸钠。  相似文献   

建立超声辅助提取离子色谱法测定海产品中硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐和多聚磷酸盐(包括正磷酸盐、焦磷酸盐、三聚磷酸盐和三偏磷酸盐)含量的方法,对样品中硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐和多聚磷酸盐的稳定性进行研究,并采用该法对典型海产品中的硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐和多聚磷酸盐含量进行测定。结果表明:采用亲水性阴离子交换分离柱,KOH溶液为淋洗液作梯度淋洗,硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐和多聚磷酸盐的线性相关系数在0.998 1~0.999 8之间,回收率为79.2%~93.6%,相对标准偏差小于8.2%。经处理后的样品中,焦磷酸盐、三聚磷酸盐和三偏磷酸盐的总量在14 h内保持稳定。利用该法对东海地区典型海产品中的硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐和多聚磷酸盐进行了测定,结果显示不同品种的海产品中硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐和多聚磷酸盐含量分布有较大差异,除其中一份虾制品中多聚磷酸盐含量超过5 g/kg外,其余均符合国家限量标准。  相似文献   

目的优化电感耦合等离子体质谱法(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, ICP-MS)测定食品中硒元素含量的条件,并对河北省食品中硒元素含量情况进行调查分析。方法选取8种不同基质的国家标准物质作为检测样品对实验条件进行优化,同时选择80Se作为检测目标,采用碰撞模式并加入内标和5%异丙醇的优化条件下对样品中硒元素含量进行检测。通过对比结果,分析河北省膳食样品中硒元素含量,对居民通过膳食补充硒元素给予指导。结果通过采用碰撞模式及内标添加法可以有效降低基质干扰,同时加入异丙醇可极大提高硒元素的信号强度;其在5.00~100.00μg/L范围内呈现良好的线性关系(r2=0.999),检出限为0.002mg/kg;坚果及籽类、豆类及豆制品和肉及肉制品含硒较高,坚果及籽类样品中鲍鱼果含量最高为1.472mg/kg,豆类及豆制品中黄豆含量最高为0.123mg/kg,肉及肉制品中鸭肉含量最高为0.169 mg/kg。结论在检测的6类食品中,坚果及籽类、豆类及豆制品和肉及肉制品中硒含量相对较高,缺硒人群可适量增加食用。  相似文献   

李晓玉  王梅  隋涛  李金强  于杰 《食品科学》2011,32(4):193-195
建立肉及肉制品中2,4-D-丁酯的气相色谱-质谱联用仪检测方法。样品采用乙腈提取,弗罗里硅土柱固相萃取柱净化,外标法定量。结果表明:方法添加量为5~100μg/kg时,回收率均大于70%,相对标准偏差为1.0%~3.6%,线性相关系数为0.99996,方法的检出限为5μg/kg。本方法适用于肉及肉制品中2,4- D-丁酯的测定。  相似文献   

目的分析散装熟肉制品中单增李斯特菌污染状况。方法根据GB 4789.30-2016《单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌检验》规定的方法对散装熟肉制品的加工用原料、生产环境、各加工环节中产品以及不同销售环境下产品中的单增李斯特菌进行定性和定量检测。结果原料肉的总体带菌率达到21%;生产环境中第三区(远离食品接触面的区域)检出率为2%,其余区域未检出;各加工环节中产品单增李斯特菌检测结果均小于10CFU/g;不同销售环境下产品中单增李斯特菌检测结果小于10 CFU/g的比例为93%,处于10~50 CFU/g之间的样本占比6%,大于50 CFU/g的占比为1%。结论原料散装熟肉制品中单增李斯特菌污染的主要来源,蒸煮等加工环节能有效地杀灭单增李斯特菌。销售环境也关系到散装熟肉制品单增李斯特菌的污染程度,对于未包装的产品,专卖店优于农产品市场。  相似文献   

A survey was undertaken to determine the incidence and numbers of L. monocytogenes in a variety of meat products (cooked meat products, raw cured meat products (dried or not), mayonnaise based salads and prepared meals). As expected, raw cured meat products were significantly higher contaminated with L. monocytogenes than cooked meat products, 13.71% (113/824) and 4.90% (167/3405), respectively. Also a larger proportion of raw cured meat product samples contained a high initial level of the pathogen ( > 10 cfu/g). Higher incidence rates were obtained for whole cooked meat products (e.g. cooked ham, bacon) after slicing than before slicing, 6.65 and 1.56%, respectively, indicating cross-contamination. Due to multiple handling and processing steps, the incidence rate of the pathogen was higher for cooked minced meat products than for whole cooked meat products, 6.14 and 3.96%, respectively. No significant differences were obtained in the incidence of L. monocytogenes in whole cured meat products (e.g., raw ham) and minced cured meat products (e.g., dry fermented sausage), 14.92 and 11.69%, respectively. Lower incidence rates of L. monocytogenes were obtained for raw, cured meat products using beef or horse meat, 4.65 and 5.88%, respectively, A high incidence rate of L. monocytogenes was noted for the mayonnaise based salads (21.28% (186/874)) as well as for prepared meals (11.70% (92/786)), the latter especially due to contamination of vegetarian meals.  相似文献   

目的 了解吉林省9274份肉及肉制品食源性致病菌污染情况,为防控食源性疾病提供科学依据。方法从吉林省9个地市级行政区采集市售6类肉及肉制品样品共9274份,包括生畜肉、生禽肉、熟肉制品、调理肉制品、冷冻肉糜制品和动物血液及制品。按照国家标准方法检测10种食源性致病菌。结果 全部9274份样本食源性致病菌总阳性检出率为3.9%(366/9274)。检出率最高为调理肉制品 (13.0%,63/483),其次是生禽肉(5.6%,107/1900)和生畜肉(5.0%,71/1428)。检出的主要致病菌为单核细胞增生李斯特菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和沙门菌。生禽肉中弯曲菌检出率(7.5%,31/411)和产气荚膜梭菌检出率(3.9%,7/180)均高于沙门菌检出率(3.5%,8/231)。生禽肉、生畜肉中未检出小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌。动物血液及制品未检出单细胞增生李斯特菌、弯曲菌和小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌。冷冻肉糜制品未检出沙门菌。熟肉制品未检出大肠埃希氏菌O157、志贺菌和蜡样芽胞杆菌。熟肉制品各年度检出率范围为1.3%-4.4%。结论 吉林省市售的肉及肉制品较长时间受到不同程度的食源性致病菌污染,存在食源性疾病发生的风险。  相似文献   

The intake of sodium in diets is of concern in many industrialized countries. Attempts have been made to lower sodium intake via meat products. The keeping quality, taste and water-holding/firmness of meat products have usually been impaired. The water-holding in cooked sausage was determined by a laboratory sausage method. Beef and pork with varying natural post-rigor pH-values (range: pork 5.50-6.12 and beef 5.60-6.48) were used as mixtures, and 0.5-2.5 % NaCl was used with or without added commercial sausage phosphate (2,5 g/kg determined as P(2)O(5)). The pH-values of raw batter increased to a level 0.0-0.7 units higher than the pH-values of the respective meat mixtures. The increase was higher in lower pH-values, with higher salt levels and with added phosphate. The cooking caused an additional increase of about 0.0-0.2 units, and the increase was again higher at lower pH-values. Maximum in water-holding was reached in 2.5% NaCl in all pH-values, both with and without added phosphate. The pH-value of meat raw materials for the maximum water-holding was ca. 6.3. The combined effect of salt and pH is important in high salt contents and low pH-values. By 2.5% NaCl , where the maximum in water-holding was obtained, raw meat pH has the largest effect, but in low NaCl contents, below 1.0%, only a minor effect in pH-values below 5.9, and above that, almost no effect. Approximately the same water-holding as with 2.5% NaCl in pH 5.7 can be reached with 1.5% NaCl in pH 6.1 and above. The effects of the variables were similar with pork and beef. It was concluded that when lowering the salt content in cooked sausages, the pH of the batter should be increased by using high-pH meat mixtures and/or pH-raising phosphates in order to reach a high enough level of water-holding.  相似文献   

原料肉中磷酸盐本底含量状况调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用比色法,先后对5类1353个生肉样品、5类121个副产品样品,共计1474个原料肉样品进行了磷酸盐本底含量的测定。结果表明,原料肉中磷酸盐本底含量范围为1.49~16.5g/kg,多数处于低端水平;不同种类的生肉中磷酸盐含量存在显著差异(P<0.05),其中生猪肉中磷酸盐含量最高,其次为鸭肉,生羊肉中磷酸盐含量最低;不同种类的副产物中磷酸盐含量存在显著差异(P<0.05),其中生猪肝中磷酸盐含量最高,其次为生牛肝,生猪肠、肺中磷酸盐含量最低。  相似文献   

目的了解甘肃省市售熟肉制品中亚硝酸盐的含量,并对造成的人群健康风险进行评估。方法采用非连续3 d 24 h回顾方法入户调查1 466名居民的肉类食物消费状况,并结合363份市售熟肉制品中亚硝酸盐含量检测数据,采用简单分布的方法获得人群熟肉制品亚硝酸盐每日暴露量,并与亚硝酸盐的每日允许摄入量进行比较,评估甘肃省居民熟肉制品亚硝酸盐暴露风险。结果甘肃省市售熟肉制品中亚硝酸盐检出率为85.40%(310/363),超标率为3.31%(12/363),平均含量为7.76 mg/kg。甘肃省居民熟肉制品中亚硝酸盐每日平均暴露量为0.002 3 mg/kg BW,高端消费人群暴露量(P97.5)为0.008 3 mg/kg BW,为每日允许摄入量的11.86%。结论甘肃省居民通过熟肉制品摄入的亚硝酸盐所致的健康风险较低,但仍需对市售熟肉制品中亚硝酸盐的规范使用加强监督。  相似文献   

目的 了解广西壮族自治区市售肉及肉制品中食源性致病菌污染状况,为有效开展食源性疾病防控提供科学依据。方法 2011—2016年从广西壮族自治区14个市采集5类市售肉及肉制品共10 927份,按照国家标准方法进行9种食源性致病菌检验。结果 10 927份样品的食源性致病菌总检出率为5.0%(548/10 927),食源性致病菌检出率按样品种类依次为调理肉制品(33.3%,33/99)、生畜肉(24.5%,73/298)、生禽肉(24.2%,67/277)、冷冻肉糜制品(14.4%,14/97)、熟肉制品(3.6%,361/10 156)。检出的主要致病菌为沙门菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和单核细胞增生李斯特菌。生禽肉中未检出弯曲菌和致泻大肠埃希菌,调理肉制品中未检出致泻大肠埃希菌,熟肉制品中未检出志贺菌。熟肉制品各年度检出率范围为0.9%~4.9%。结论 广西壮族自治区市售肉及肉制品受到不同程度食源性致病菌污染,且污染持续多年存在。  相似文献   

The influence of dietary lipid source [animal fats (AF) and vegetable oils (VO)] on quality characteristics of raw chicken meat (breast, thigh and meat batter) and cooked breaded patties prepared using a conventional technology (CT; forming, battering, breading, frying and convection cooking) or innovative technology (IT; forming, pre-dusting, steam cooking, battering and frying) was evaluated. Overall, dietary lipid source did not influence the chemical composition of raw meat while it modified its colour (L*, a*, b*). With respect to AF, VO produced higher breast and thigh meat cooking losses as well as a lower moisture and higher protein content of cooked breaded patties. VO also determined an increase of polyunsaturated-to-saturated fatty acid ratio of both raw and processed meat. Despite the different fatty acid profiles, the oxidative status of lipids was not affected by dietary lipid source and was acceptable in both raw meat and cooked patties as indicated by peroxide and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance values. As for the processing technology, IT determined a higher moisture and lower lipid content of the cooked breaded patties. Moreover, lipolysis degree was slightly higher in the products coming from IT. Finally, patties from AF group were lighter and more yellow than products belonging to VO group whereas IT led to lighter, less red and more yellow patties in comparison to CT.  相似文献   

Irradiation experiments were carried out with pre-packaged sliced cooked meat products with different initial counts of Enterobacteriaceae and mesophilic aerobic bacteria. In low-sodium meat products Enterobacteriaceae could effectively be inactivated in refrigerated or frozen products by irradiation with a dose of 1 or 2 kGy respectively, provided the number of these bacteria was below 10(3) to 10(4) per g. The low-sodium meat products involved endured above treatment without being seriously affected as to sensory qualities. Shelf-life of salted cooked meat products could be prolonged by irradiating the frozen product. Irradiation with a dose of 2 kGy enabled uncooled storage of the product for a restricted period (5-7 days). Best results were obtained for meat products with a salt content in the brine phase of greater than 4.0% (w/w) and having a good hygienic quality, i.e. an initial bacterial count below 10(4)/g. Packaging in a gas atmosphere (CO2) slightly enhanced protection as compared to vacuum packaging. Off-flavours as a result of irradiation of salted cooked meat products varied from slight to strong and depended on the type of product.  相似文献   

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