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我国农药检验现状及存在问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
我国农药检验现状及存在问题杨大进方从容卫生部食品卫生监督检验所(100021)近年来,在我国登记使用的国内外农药品种已达300多种,常用的农药品种也在150种左右。[1]所使用农药的类型在以往常用杀虫剂、杀菌剂、熏蒸剂的基础上增加了很多除草剂、植物生...  相似文献   

农药残留是农产品质量安全的热点问题,其残留风险关系到我国农产品的健康稳定发展。《农药管理条例》和GB 2763《食品安全国家标准 食品中农药最大残留限量》分别从生产源头和产品终端控制农药使用带来的风险,确保农药残留不会对人体健康造成危害。研究表明,现行有效的GB 2763标准仍然需要进一步完善,问题主要表现为没有与我国农药登记情况良好衔接。文章以柑橘、苹果、梨、葡萄、香蕉等五大水果为研究对象,从农药的登记情况和农药残留标准比对两方面进行系统的梳理,指出了主要存在问题并提出了几点建议,研究结果可为以后GB 2763的修订提供参考。  相似文献   

国内外茶叶农药残留标准法规现状及对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>1我国有关茶叶农药登记相关政策当前我国在茶叶上登记的农药,有效成分57个,其中杀虫剂36个品种,杀菌剂10个,除草剂和植调剂11个。主要有联苯菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯、高效氯氟氰菊酯等拟除虫菊酯类农药;辛硫磷、杀螟硫磷、马拉硫磷、乐果、敌百虫等有机磷类农药;吡虫啉、啶虫脒、噻虫嗪、噻嗪酮、茚虫威等杂环类农药和苏云菌杆菌、苦参碱、印楝素等生物类农药。茶叶中一共登记的农药产品数量为789个(到2014年9月10日止),同质化比较严重,其中联苯菊酯多达  相似文献   

振兴我国大豆产业势在必行   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
丁声俊 《中国油脂》2006,31(10):7-13
中国是大豆的故乡,大豆在中国有着悠久的生产历史。近年来,国外大豆进口量的不断增加对国产大豆产业形成了比较大的威胁。就民族大豆产业的重要性和特点进行了分析,强调了大豆仍然是我国重要的民族产业;同时,从大豆加工业产能、大豆进口、产业发展和科技投入等方面阐述了我国民族大豆产业发展中的隐忧;把加强政府宏观调控,建立我国“大豆安全”保障体系,组建中国油脂企业集团,提高大豆产业的国际市场竞争力,增强自主科技创新能力,作为振兴民族大豆产业的战略基点,建立大豆产业协会,相互协调,步调一致,共兴民族产业等方面,提出了我国民族大豆产业的出路和策略。  相似文献   

大豆及大豆食品关乎国家的粮食安全,关乎大众的营养与健康,理顺和调控好大豆原料生产、食品加工利用和食品制造现代化之间的发展关系对建设中国特色的现代化强国十分重要。我国是重要的大豆生产国,总产量一直位居世界第四,每年有85%以上国产大豆用于食品加工,但是,目前我国大豆食品产业的发展在产业链、供应链和价值链构建方面还面临诸多问题。在原料利用方面,尽管国产大豆在需求量上保障了大豆食品产业的供给,但品质难以达到专用大豆原料的要求;大豆的混种、混收、混用仍是让大豆食品加工企业感到困惑的难题;国产食品专用大豆原料要在未来保持竞争地位,就要在品种选育、种植管理、产销品质控制方面有明确的定位;需建立统一协调的生产、加工、销售制度体系;完善我国大豆原料标准体系以及大豆品种名和加工产品商品名统一的原料标示推广系统。在产业加工方面,大豆食品加工现代化工作在近些年取得了很大的进步,但在传统工艺深度挖掘和新技术、新产品开发方面不足,针对增强营养健康和不同使用功能性诉求的产品市场细分尚需加强。今后,我国的大豆食品加工新技术、新产品、新装备等开发一定要走与数字化技术相结合的道路,不断地提升大豆食品加工的数字化、智能化水平,实现原料、储运、产品生产、制造和流通整个产业链的绿色制造和现代化。  相似文献   

正近几年来,随着社会经济的不断发展,我国瓜果农业取得的飞速进步在很大程度上促进了农业的发展,但在瓜果等农产品农药使用和对农药残留问题的处理过程仍存在着较大的弊端,农药的残留对食品安全的影响不容忽视。在目前的农业生产活动中,喷洒农药是广泛应用的重要技术手段之一。农药在农业中的使用十分普遍,但农  相似文献   

食品中有机磷农药检测方法研究进展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
有机磷农药作为一类高效、广谱的杀虫剂、除草剂等正被广泛地用于农业生产中。但其大量使用后对人、动物和环境产生的危害也日益严重。由于近些年来食品安全问题已经引起了越来越多人的关注,对食品中有机磷农药残留的检测研究已经引起了包括我国在内的世界各国的重视。在总结前人工作的基础上对食品中有机磷农药常用的检测方法做一综述。  相似文献   

蔬菜农药残留和硝酸盐积累问题是广大消费者极为关心的问题。为此,我们对北京及周边地区蔬菜的有机磷农药残留污染和硝酸盐积累问题进行了研究。一、我国农药及化肥生产和使用现状(一)农药生产和使用现状我国是农药生产和使用大国,化学农药产量居世界前列。目前我国农药结构中,杀虫剂占72%,而且有机磷杀虫剂在杀虫剂中占相当大的比例,其次是氨基甲酸酯和拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂。我国农药生产可分为3个发展阶段。20世纪50年代初是我国农药的起步阶段。50年代中期到1980年农药产量呈逐步上升的趋势。但由于70年代末DDT、六六六等有机氯农药的禁…  相似文献   

我国大豆产业的现状与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
马登品 《中国油脂》2002,27(1):90-94
大豆是我国重要油料作物之一 ,我国大豆产业在加入WTO的新形势下如何发展 ,是我国大豆产业界急待解决的问题之一 ,在对全球大豆生产和贸易分析的基础上 ,对近几年我国大豆进口的根本原因和未来我国大豆类产品对外依赖的程度进行了充分地分析 ,并对我国大豆产业的健康发展以及运输等方面存在的问题提出了建议 ,如提高我国大豆单产量 ,突出我国大豆的特色 ,加快流通领域的体制改革 ,设法动员大型油脂加工企业采用国产大豆等  相似文献   

大豆除草剂残毒对甜菜幼苗的严重危害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,由于大豆除草剂的普遍应用,给甜菜生产带来严重的不良影响.目前使用的大豆除草剂其残效期均较长,有的残效期长达60个月.甜菜是对大豆除草剂残毒表现极为敏感的作物,主要是甜菜幼苗极易受大豆除草剂残毒的危害,致使纸筒育苗甜菜幼苗丧失移栽价值,造成直播甜菜苗枯而毁种,给种植甜菜农户造成重大经济损失.兹将2007年依安县甜菜生产遭受大豆除草剂残毒危害的情况予以论述,以便今后甜菜生产避免大豆除草剂残毒的危害.   ……  相似文献   

磺酰脲类除草剂毒性及多残留检测技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
磺酰脲类除草剂是一种高效、广谱、高选择性的除草剂,主要用于防除阔叶杂草和禾本科杂草。磺酰脲类除草剂在现代农业生产中发挥了重要作用,但其农药残留问题也给生态环境和农产品质量安全造成诸多负面影响。本文主要对磺酰脲类除草剂的毒性危害、限量标准、残留检测的前处理以及仪器分析方法进行综述。目前对于磺酰脲类除草剂残留的检测主要涉及到土壤和水,其次还有粮谷、动物源性食品等多种基质,国内对于此类除草剂残留检测常用的前处理方法为固相萃取法,C_(18)为常见填料,在仪器分析方面,液相色谱-质谱联用法以其灵敏度高、能检测痕量水平的残留而成为此类除草剂分析的首选方法。同时,国内外针对此类除草剂的残留检测,已经由过去的单残留检测向多残留检测发展。  相似文献   

大豆精深加工关键技术创新与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大豆是我国重要的经济作物之一,大豆加工业是关系国计民生的重要产业。大豆食品以其全面、独特的营养及保健功能特性深受消费者的青睐,同时大豆精深加工也得到了快速的发展。本文分析了在功能性大豆蛋白、醇法大豆浓缩蛋白、大豆功能肽、大豆油脂酶法精炼与改性、大豆生理活性物质高效提取等方面取得的技术创新及产品,阐述了目前大豆加工领域已解决的科学技术问题和取得的科学成就。  相似文献   

Field trials were initiated to investigate if extrapolation procedures, which were adopted to limit costs of pesticide registration for minor crops, are valid. Three pairs of crops of similar morphology; carrots/swedes, cauliflower/calabrese (broccoli) and French beans/edible-podded peas; were grown in parallel at four different geographical locations within the UK. The crops were treated with both systemic and non-systemic pesticides under maximum registered use conditions, i.e. the maximum permitted application rates and the minimum harvest intervals. Once mature, the crops were harvested and analysed for residues of the applied pesticides. The limits of quantification were in the range 0.005-0.02 mg kg-1. Analysis of variance and bootstrap estimates showed that in general, the mean residue concentrations for the individual pesticides were significantly different between crop pairs grown on each site. Similarly, the mean residue concentrations of most of the pesticides in each crop across sites were significantly different. These findings demonstrate that the extrapolations of residue levels for most of the selected pesticide/crop combinations investigated; chlorfenvinphos and iprodione from carrots to swedes; carbendazim, chlorpyrifos, diflubenzuron and dimethoate from cauliflower to calabrese; and malathion, metalaxyl and pirimicarb from French beans to edible-podded peas; appear invalid.  相似文献   

The interesting characteristics of electrospun nanofibres, such as high surface‐to‐volume ratio, nanoporosity, and high safety, make them suitable candidates for use in a variety of applications. In the recent decade, electrospun nanofibres have been applied to different potential fields such as filtration, wound dressing, drug delivery, etc. and a significant number of review papers have been published in these fields. However, the use of electrospun nanofibres in agriculture is comparatively novel and is still in its infancy. In this paper, the specific applications of electrospun nanofibres in agriculture and food science, including plant protection using pheromone‐loaded nanofibres, plant protection using encapsulation of biocontrol agents, preparation of protective clothes for farm workers, encapsulation of agrochemical materials, deoxyribonucleic acid extraction in agricultural research studies, pre‐concentration and measurement of pesticides in crops and environmental samples, preparation of nanobiosensors for pesticide detection, encapsulation of food materials, fabrication of food packaging materials, and filtration of beverage products are reviewed and discussed. This paper may help researchers develop the use of electrospun nanofibres in agriculture and food science to address some serious problems such as the intensive use of pesticides. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

为检测大豆中除草剂的残留量,建立了RP-HPLC和HPLC-MS选择离子监测(SIR)同时检测大豆中10种磺酰脲类除草剂残留量的方法。试样经乙腈提取,正己烷液-液分配,弗罗里硅土填充柱净化,然后采用RP-HPLC-DAD和HPLC-ESI(+)-MS测定。对HPLC和LC/MS分离条件、试样前处理条件进行了研究和优化。建立的方法简便、快速、灵敏。10种磺酰脲类除草剂HPLC法测定,在0.1-10.01μ/ml范围内线性相关系数为0.9996—0.9997,在0.05—2.00mg/kg浓度范围之间,加标回收率均在69.8%-100.7%,其多次测定的RSD在1.9%-10.4%之间,最低检出限均为20μg/kg。LC-MS法测定在0.025—1.0μg/ml范围内线性相关系数为0.9995—0.9998,在0.02-0.1mg/kg浓度范围之间,加标回收率均在72.1%-98.8%,其多次测定的RSD在0.9%-7.7%之间,最低检出限均低于10μg/kg。本方法可满足进、出口大豆中多种除草剂残留量同时检验的工作需要。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To reduce herbicide use by 75%, integrated use of sorghum and sunflower extracts each at 18 L ha?1 combined with 1/4th (75% less) of label rates of four herbicides (mesosulfuron + idosulfuron, metribuzin, phenoxaprop‐p‐ethyl and isoproturon) were investigated for the management of wild oat and canary grass, the two pernicious weeds in wheat fields worldwide. RESULTS: The results revealed that sorghum + sunflower extracts combined with 1/4th (75% less) of label rates of herbicides inhibited dry matter production of wild oat by up to 89% and canary grass by up to 92%. The wild oat and canary grass persistence index in sorghum + sunflower extracts combined with 1/4th (75% less) of label rates of herbicides was either lower or equal to respective label rates of herbicides, except sorghum + sunflower extract + 1/4th phenoxaprop‐p‐ethyl. Lower herbicide rates + water extracts also produced wheat grain yield statistically equal with label rates of respective herbicides. Two treatments having water extracts + lower herbicides rates were economical and sorghum + sunflower + 1/4th mesosulfuron + idosulfuron produced the highest (4404%) marginal rate of return. CONCLUSION: Herbicides use can be reduced by 75% through integration with sorghum + sunflower extracts without compromising yield and net benefits for cost‐effective and eco‐friendly management of wild oat and canary grass in wheat. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

葡萄是中国向东盟出口量较大的农产品之一。葡萄在生产过程中极易发生病虫害,会使用到多种农药,影响着葡萄质量安全,中国及东盟国家均制定了葡萄上的农药最大残留限量(maximum residue limit,MRL)。本文比较了中国和泰国、越南、印度尼西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、马来西亚和缅甸葡萄上的农药MRL,分析葡萄出口时的农残违规风险。结论显示,代森锰锌、福美双、嘧菌酯和烯酰吗啉这4种国内葡萄上登记使用的杀菌剂和甲氰菊酯、氰戊菊酯、氟虫腈、马拉硫磷、溴氰菊酯、敌百虫这6种国内葡萄上未登记的杀虫剂出口时农残违规风险较高。此外,泰国和马来西亚都制定了默认限量0.01 mg/kg,对于这两个国家法规和国际食品法典委员会(Codex Alimentarius Commission,CAC)都没有制定限量标准且我国在葡萄上有登记的农药,出口时同样应引起关注。  相似文献   

A survey has been made of some of the physical, chemical and biological interactions that influence the persistence and availability of herbicides applied to the soil. The most important physical interaction between herbicides and soil is considered to be sorption of the pesticide to the soil surface. This influences not only the rate of leaching of the herbicide through the soil and its movement in the vapour phase, but also the rate of chemical and microbial decomposition. An attempt has been made to construct a model for the persistence of some hydrolytically sensitive herbicides to enable their persistence in soils to be deduced from hydrolysis rate-constants and adsorption data. The formulation used and the method of application of the herbicide to the soil can also have an important influence on its persistence.  相似文献   

Pesticides are the major technology used in the management of field and postharvest losses due to pests. There is growing demand for effective alternatives that present low health risks and conserve ecosystems and biological diversity. Pesticidal plants are increasingly used as alternatives where synthetic products are unaffordable, have limited availability or are ineffective. Plant materials, however, are often used inefficiently and their effective use requires optimisation. In Africa wide-scale uptake of pesticidal plants remains limited despite the success of pyrethrum in some countries and other pesticidal plant products in China and India. This is mainly due to lack of data on efficacy and safety, inconsistent efficacy of plant products, the prohibitive cost of registration, and an inadequately developed conventional pesticides sector. Globally, the demand for botanicals is poised to grow due to an increasing shift in consumer demand for safe food, increasing organic farming, lobbying by environmentalists and the increasing pressure from new regulations on internationally traded foods in Europe. These demands can only be met by formalising production, marketing and use of pesticidal plants. This has to be supported by friendly registration procedures, sustainable forest management, propagation and cultivation of pesticidal plants. This paper presents a critical review of the enabling environment required for wide-scale adoption and commercialisation of botanical pesticides in sub-Saharan Africa. We conclude that regulations and protocols for production, marketing and trade need to be reviewed to facilitate the development of the botanicals sector in Africa.  相似文献   

This review represents systematic and integrated picture of pesticide exposure to plant and its effect on growth and metabolism. Decades ago, agrochemicals were introduced aiming at enhancing crop yields and protecting crops from pests. Due to adaptation and resistance developed by pests to chemicals, every year higher amounts and new chemical compounds are used to protect crops, causing undesired side effects and raising the costs of food production. Biological chemical free agriculture is gaining also more and more support but it is still not able to respond to the need for producing massive amounts of food. The use of agrochemicals, including pesticides, remains a common practice especially in tropical regions and South countries. Cheap compounds, such as DDT, HCH, and Lindane, that are environmentally persistent, are today banned from agriculture use in developed countries, but remain popular in developing countries. As a consequence, persistent residues of these chemicals contaminate food and disperse in the environment. Therefore, the thrust of this paper was to review the application of pesticides effect early from germination to growth of the plant, leading to alteration in biochemical, physiological and different enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants which ultimately affect the yield and resulted in residues in plant, vegetables, and fruits.  相似文献   

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