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姜通维        姜勇     《智能系统学报》2021,16(4):683-689
针对力反馈遥操作中传统人工势场法无法适应于机械臂整体的避障以及在作业过程中操作者难以控制机械臂到达所需位姿的问题,提出了一种基于虚拟力引导的人机协同目标抓取方法。力反馈设备向操作者提供力觉交互。通过结合人工势场法和虚拟夹具,构建管道形虚拟力场,生成实时虚拟力引导,实现协助操作者完成从端机器人的整体避障任务并在完成避障后引导机器人返回预定义路径并趋近目标点。当进行抓取任务时,构建锥形虚拟力场,实现协助操作者操作机械臂到达目标位置和姿态。此外,提出了一种机器人运动限制方法以降低操作者的操作失误对抓取任务的影响。实验证明,该方法能有效提高目标抓取操作的成功率和操作效率。  相似文献   

针对配网带电作业遥操作中遥操作人员的不正确操作以及作业空间复杂所导致的潜在安全问题,提出了建立交互式虚拟夹具辅助遥操作的控制策略。该策略在机械臂末端增加了多维力传感器,使得遥操作人员在操作时能获得机械臂和环境接触时的力感觉,便于进行轴孔装配类作业。同时,采用双目立体相机扫描作业场景构成环境三维模型,生成引导机械臂运动的虚拟夹具来产生相应约束力辅助约束/引导遥操作人员完成精细化的作业任务。  相似文献   

针对多变未知的作业环境以及复杂繁多的作业任务,设计一种基于视觉/力觉辅助作业的遥操作系统.首先,利用Kinect摄像头采集作业现场的3D点云数据,结合虚拟现实技术,在计算机上将虚拟机械臂模型叠加到真实环境中,同时显示虚拟模型与现场信息,提高操作人员的现场感知能力;根据获取的障碍物和目标物体位置信息,建立人工势场,增强操作者控制远端机械臂进行避障及接近目标物体操作的能力,完成环绕和避障任务.该方案在7自由度Schunk机械臂上得到了实现.结果表明,此方案可以很好地弥补虚拟环境缺乏现场信息的缺点,提高了遥操作系统的可靠性.  相似文献   

为完成基于Kinect的多臂协调精细操作的任务,搭建了一套双机械臂操作系统,利用Kinect作为视觉传感器对场景进行实时检测,并利用基于工作空间的RRT算法对其中一台七自由度机械臂末端进行路径规划完成目标的自主抓取。根据手眼协调控制技术,利用另外一台六自由度机械臂末端的摄像机采集的图像误差控制机械臂的运动,并利用粒子滤波算法对目标进行实时跟踪。通过设计一套双臂协作完成物体交接的实验系统,完成了多臂协同操作的任务,并验证了实验方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

在遥操作机械臂时,为了能有一个更加友好的人机交互界面,往往需要在控制界面中构建一个虚拟的机械臂以及机械臂工作空间,所以,在虚拟工作空间中标示出目标物体与虚拟机械臂的相对位置,给操作人员一个直观的提示,是虚拟工作空间重构的关键问题.针对机械臂遥操作,提出了一种基于不同视角图像的快速高效的定位方法,该方法根据目标物体在多个不同视角图像中的位置,计算出目标物体在实际工作空间中的位置,从而在虚拟机械臂工作空间中标示出目标物体与虚拟机械臂的相对位置.最后,构建了机械臂遥操作实物系统,验证了该方法的正确性.  相似文献   

针对遥操作机器人系统,在空间与医疗手术中应用时出现的从机械臂柔性问题,为了提高跟踪性能,采用拉格朗日法结合假设模态法,建立了末端有集中质量的单连杆柔性从机械臂的动力学模型。在此基础上,设计了一种基于柔性从机械臂的遥操作机器人系统的新型滑模变结构控制方案。进行实例仿真,结果表明,控制方案能有效地抑制柔性从机械臂的弹性振动,自由运动情况下系统能较好地实现位置跟踪。  相似文献   

非完整移动机械臂的避障运动规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对有空间障碍物避免的移动式操作机器人系统运动规划问题,提出了一种基于特殊的人工势函数,使用局部距离信息实现非完整移动机械臂系统实时避障运动规划方法,并且用Lyapunov定理证明了闲环系统的稳定性。用提出的方法对非完整移动机械臂系统进行仿真.仿真结果表明了它的正确有效性。  相似文献   

针对异构遥操作系统在作业过程中,从端机器人控制灵活性受限的问题,提出了一种基于主从工作空间与速度的双模比例映射控制方法.限定主从端的操作空间,并采用比例度映射的方式实现主端对从端运动控制.采用Phantom Omni力反馈设备与Kinova仿人机械臂分别作为遥操作系统的操作主端和工作从端,构建了双边控制系统及实物抓取实验,结果表明:在映射的工作空间内,主端能够有效完成对从端的运动控制;在实物抓取实验过程中,主端能够有效对从端实现作业控制.所设计的系统满足控制精度需求,操作灵活.  相似文献   

基于遥操作和局部自主的移动机器人越障   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据任务需要,研制了具有翻倒恢复功能的关节履带式移动机器人;构建了基于网络通信的遥操作系统,通过人机交互界面完成终端对移动机器人的遥控操作,鉴于履带式移动机器人开环控制的不足,提出遥操作和局部自主控制的翻倒恢复控制方法;实验表明,提出的方法在移动机器人实际作业中有效可行。  相似文献   

李家霖  杨洋  杨铁  赵亮  于鹏 《机器人》2020,42(6):651-660
为了更好地促进机器人适应复杂的遥操作任务,开发了能够精确获取人体上肢运动信息的外骨骼式遥操作主手,并通过异构映射算法,实现对6自由度协作机械臂的遥操作.首先,基于人体仿生结构,设计了可穿戴式8自由度外骨骼主手(臂部7自由度和手部1自由度);其次,通过改进的D-H(Denavit-Hartenberg)方法建立遥操作系统的运动学模型,基于Matlab的机器人工具箱进行了工作空间仿真,并设计主从异构映射算法;最后,实验验证外骨骼主手在遥操作系统中的可操作性,以及工作空间异构映射算法的可行性.实验表明,外骨骼主手能够控制从端机械手臂,且保证末端位置和姿态一致,可在大范围工作空间内复现人体上肢精细运动,主从跟随误差达2 mm,工作空间类似于直径1.08 m的半球形.因此,可穿戴式的外骨骼主手使操作者能更加直观地参与到遥操作系统当中,辅助操作者更加高效地完成精细复杂任务.  相似文献   

秦留界  宋光明  毛巨正  刘盛松  曾洪  宋爱国 《机器人》2022,44(3):343-351+360
传统的基于手控器单模态人机接口的移动机器人编队控制系统在进行队形变换和局部避障等复杂运动控制时效果较差。本文针对此问题提出了一种基于力反馈手控器和眼动仪双模态人机接口的编队共享控制方法。首先,将操作员的手部输入信号和视线跟踪信号分别映射为编队行进和队形切换命令。然后,设计一个由主端遥操作控制器和从端自主控制器组成的共享控制框架。主端遥操作控制器负责接收分发操作员的控制命令并接管编队行进运动控制和队形切换控制,从端自主控制器负责根据系统状态自主完成队形保持、外部避障和内部避碰等任务。最后,通过避障实验、队形切换实验和单双模态对比实验来证明该控制方法的有效性。实验结果表明,相对于传统的单模态双边遥操作控制,本文提出的控制方法降低了操作负荷,控制效率提升了17.42%。  相似文献   

Crane operation is a challenging task, due to the combined problem of obstacle avoidance and load swing suppression in underactuated conditions. This paper presents a human-machine interface that increases the operator’s perception of a gantry crane’s workspace. With this aim, a virtual environment resembling the workspace is connected with a haptic device. This allows the user to receive not only visual but also tactile feedback, thus increasing maneuvering safety. Additionally, this capability is integrated in a teleoperation setup, adopting a passivity-based control approach that guarantees overall stability. This includes also the design of controllers by means of the IDA-PBC method. Experimental results carried out with a laboratory crane show its feasibility for internet-based teleoperation and demonstrate the improvements on the system performance.  相似文献   

基于速度修正项的机械臂避障路径规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对机械臂运行过程中存在的碰撞问题, 提出一种基于速度修正项的机械臂避障路径规划方法. 利用B 样条曲线进行机械臂关节空间规划, 使机械臂能够在特定时刻运行到指定构型. 在运行过程中, 利用碰撞检测算法实时计算机械臂与障碍物的最小距离, 在碰撞即将发生时引入积分为零的避障速度修正项改变机械臂运行轨迹, 使得机械臂能够在实现障碍回避的同时, 保证其在特定时刻通过指定构型的要求. 仿真实验表明了所提出方法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

李陇南  黄攀峰  马志强 《机器人》2022,44(1):19-34+44
受操作时间窗口和工作空间的限制,空间遥操作任务需要在有限时间内完成,同时确保末端执行器满足物理约束。此外,时延和外部扰动使不确定遥操作系统的稳定性和控制性能受到严重影响。为此,本文提出了一种基于时变输出约束的机器人遥操作有限时间控制方法。首先,利用积分障碍李雅普诺夫函数处理操作空间的时变约束问题,实用有限时间李雅普诺夫稳定定理保证了系统的快速稳定性。然后,利用神经网络估计环境力以及消解模型不确定性带来的影响,利用鲁棒项补偿神经网络的估计偏差和消解未知外部扰动的影响。最后,在Matlab/Simulink环境下同其他算法进行仿真对比,并在地面实验平台上验证了该算法,理论仿真和实验结果表明该方法进一步提高了误差收敛速率和收敛精度,且系统的输出不会超出预先设定的时变边界。  相似文献   

The Center for Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue (CRASAR®) deployed a customized AEOS man-portable unmanned surface vehicle and two commercially available underwater vehicles (the autonomous YSI EcoMapper and the tethered VideoRay) for inspection of the Rollover Pass bridge in the Bolivar peninsula of Texas in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike. A preliminary domain analysis with the vehicles identified key tasks in subsurface bridge inspection (mapping of the debris field and inspecting the bridge footings for scour), control challenges (navigation under loss of GPS, underwater obstacle avoidance, and stable positioning in high currents without GPS), possible improvements to human-robot interaction (having additional display units so that mission specialists can view and operate on imagery independently of the operator control unit, incorporating 2-way audio to allow operator and field personnel to communicate while launching or recovering the vehicle, and increased state sensing for reliability), and discussed the cooperative use of surface, underwater, and aerial vehicles. The article posits seven milestones in the development of a fully functional UMV for bridge inspection: standardize mission payloads, add health monitoring, improve teleoperation through better human-robot interaction, add 3D obstacle avoidance, improve station-keeping, handle large data sets, and support cooperative sensing.  相似文献   

A visual and force feedback-based teleoperation scheme is proposed for cooperative tasks. The bilateral teleoperation system includes a haptic device, an overhead camera and a group of wheeled robots. The commands of formation and average velocities of the multiple robots are generated by the operator through the haptic device. The state of the multiple robots and the working environment is sent to the human operator. The received information contains the feedback force through the haptic device and visual information returned by a depth camera. The feedback force based on the difference between the desired and actual average velocities is presented. The wave variable method is employed in the bilateral teleoperation of multiple mobile robots with time delays. The effectiveness of the bilateral teleoperation system is demonstrated by experiments. The robots in the slave side are able to follow the commands from the master side to interact with the environments, including moving in different formations and pushing a box. The results show that the scheme enables the operator to manipulate a group of robots to complete cooperative tasks freely.  相似文献   

提出一种模糊隶属度函数对动态环境中机器人的运动状况进行建模,该建模方法不会无谓地牺牲机器人的可运动空间,可尽量减少机器人路径规划的约束强度;同时提出通过调整位置加权趋向无约束最优解的算子改进粒子群算法,提高算法的寻优速度。仿真结果表明,通过两者结合,可快速获得动态环境中的优化路径。  相似文献   

To develop secure, natural and effective teleoperation, the perception of the slave plays a key role for the interaction of a human operator with the environment. By sensing slave information, the human operator can choose the correct operation in a process during the human–robot interaction. This paper develops an integrated scheme based on a hybrid control and virtual fixture approach for the telerobot. The human operator can sense the slave interaction condition and adjust the master device via the surface electromyographic signal. This hybrid control method integrates the proportional-derivative control and the variable stiffness control, and involves the muscle activation at the same time. It is proposed to quantitatively analyse the human operator's control demand to enhance the control performance of the teleoperation system. In addition, due to unskilful operation and muscle physiological tremor of the human operator, a virtual fixture method is developed to ensure accuracy of operation and to reduce the operation pressure on the human operator. Experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method for the teleoperated robot.  相似文献   

Robot manipulators are programmable mechanical systems designed to execute a great variety of tasks in a repetitive way. In industrial environment, while productivity increases, cost reduction associated with robotic operation and maintenance can be obtained as a result of decreasing the values of dynamic quantities such as torque and jerk, with respect to a specific task. Furthermore, this procedure allows the execution of various tasks that require maximum system performance. By including obstacle avoidance ability to the robot skills, it is possible to improve the robot versatility, i.e., the robot can be used in a variety of operating conditions. In the present contribution, a study concerning the dynamic characteristics of serial robot manipulators is presented. An optimization strategy that considers the obstacle avoidance ability together with the dynamic performance associated with the movement of the robot is proposed. It results an optimal path planning strategy for a serial manipulator over time varying constraints in the robot workspace. This is achieved by using multicriteria optimization methods and optimal control techniques. Numerical simulation results illustrate the interest of the proposed methodology and the present techniques can be useful for the design of robot controllers. Commemorative contribution.  相似文献   

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